Mommy Belly

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Do you have a “mommy tummy” and you want to know how to get rid of it?
In this post, you are going to learn the top 5 things you need to do to get rid of your hanging apron belly and get a flatter stomach.
The answer is not abdominal exercises!
Although I am a doctor, I am not your doctor. This information is for informational purposes only and should not substitute the advice from your healthcare professional. All kinds of exercise and dietary changes are potentially dangerous, and those who do not seek counsel from the appropriate health care authority assume the liability of any injury which may occur. Please read my full Disclaimer for more information. Also, this post may contain affiliate links : meaning I may receive a commission if you use them.
The mommy tummy overhang refers to the subcutaneous fat located in your abdomen that drapes over your waistline.
Because of the way it looks, mommy tummy has a few other names such as:
The next thing you need to do is to differentiate whether you have a mommy tummy overhang or a mommy “pooch.”
Instead, the mom pooch is often caused by a separation of your rectus abdominal muscles, leading to a condition known as diastasis recti.
While diastasis recti is beyond the scope of this article, we need to talk about it briefly.
But we’ll get to that in just a moment.
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You can get this entire post with pictures in one convenient PDF for just $1. That way, you can print it out and have it with you as you go start your journey!
So the next question is, can you get rid of the overhang belly without surgery?
The answer is yes… but it’s not easy.
You cannot expect to tighten your mommy tummy by doing hundreds of sit-ups. You have to take a multi-channel approach to be successful.
At the end of the day, the belly overhang is due to excess body fat and weight gain. It just so happens that these fat cells are concentrated in your belly.
The only guaranteed way to lose extra fat anywhere in your body is to burn extra calories.
Similarly, you can choose to consume fewer calories – which is known as a calorie deficit.
So how do you lose the apron belly fat?
Unfortunately, there are no special stomach exercises you can do to get rid of your mommy tummy / apron belly.
Studies have confirmed that you cannot spot reduce fat in the abdominal area. This means that doing hundreds of sit-ups, crunches, or other abdominal exercises won’t help you get a flat belly.
As I said before, the only way to get rid of mommy tummy is to lose fat from your entire body, overall.
Also, you may or may not lose fat from your belly first. For the majority of people, the lower belly tends to be one of the last places to lose fat.
I’m telling you this because I want to set your expectations.
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s go over specific strategies on how to get rid of mommy belly.
The first thing you need to do is determine if you have diastasis recti (DR). Research has shown that up to 60% of women will have it postpartum . You could also get diastasis recti after a c-section.
Finding out if you have DR is important because if you do certain types of abdominal exercises, you can actually weaken the connective tissue there and worsen your abdominal separation.
If you would like to learn more, check out: How To Tell If You Have Diastasis Recti .
It goes over one simple test you can do to see if you have a gap in your rectus abdominis. It also goes over why you need to take care of it from a medical standpoint.
If you determine that you have DR, you should focus on closing your abdominal gap and strengthening your core muscles as soon as possible.
But in the meantime, you can also work on Steps 2 and 3 below .
Remember when I mentioned that losing belly fat requires you to burn more calories than you are currently burning?
Well, you may think that exercise is the only way to burn additional calories. But what if I told you that there is an easier way?
The absolute best way to burn extra calories is by decreasing sedentary time while increasing your daily activity.
Let me explain why this is better than traditional exercise:
If you think about it, most of us can only exercise for one hour a day (at best). Even if you exercised for 1 hour a day, 7 days a week, that would still leave 23 hours a day without exercise.
You can only burn so many calories in that one hour of exercise.
If you sit around doing nothing for the remaining 23 hours, you are missing a great opportunity. (Not counting the 6-8 hours of sleep you should be getting of course.)
That’s why you should focus on just increasing your daily moving first if you live a sedentary lifestyle.
Don’t underestimate the power of everyday movement.
This type of movement is known as NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis. This is just a fancy way of saying that your body burns calories doing normal everyday activities.
So even if you don’t exercise regularly, the best thing for you to do is to take advantage of NEAT!
The third thing you need to do to lose body fat is to address your nutrition . While movement and exercise are important, that’s only the icing on the cake.
The number of calories you eat will always be the prime target.
The good news is, there are two nutrients that you can consume regularly to help improve your nutrition and burn fat.
Protein is one of the three major macronutrients you get from your diet. It is composed of amino acids that serve to build almost all of the tissues in your body.
So, which foods are high in protein?
Here are some healthy foods consisting of the best protein sources you can find.
And if you want to learn about Protein powder supplements, check out my post on Protein in Pregnancy.
Okay, now let’s move on to the next nutrient you should focus on, which is…
Fiber needs no introduction. It is well known as a major nutrient for health and fat loss.
Fiber is an insoluble carbohydrate. This means that your body cannot digest it, so it actually passes through you and comes out the other end.
Even though you don’t absorb it, fiber has been shown to:
As such, consuming fiber-rich foods can play a major role in helping you eat fewer calories and lose fat.
So, which foods are highest in fiber?
With that, let’s move on to step #4.
Excess calorie consumption can and will erase all of your hard-earned efforts from steps 1-3.
It is important to identify where you might be consuming any extra unnecessary calories on a daily basis.
Once you identify them, then you can work on minimizing them.
Here are a few common examples of where you might be adding unnecessary calories.
All of these little caloric additions will add up throughout the day.
If you could cut all of these in half, you would be well on your way to dropping body fat!
The last thing step in the battle against a sagging lower belly is resistance training exercises.
Not just any type of exercise – I am referring to exercising with the purpose of building strength and lean muscle.
In order to do that, you need to perform exercises that challenge you physically and mentally.
That is the only way to build lean muscle tissue, which is SUPER IMPORTANT for health, fat loss, and overall postpartum recovery!
Lean muscle tissue is your body’s secret weapon to fat loss!
All you have to do is learn the basic compound exercises. Compound exercises are movements that train multiple muscle groups at the same time . That way, you will develop more muscle and strength while burning more calories.
These are the only exercises you really need to focus on.
The only abdominal exercises you should do are the movements described in my diastasis recti article.
If you would like to get started on resistance training, check out my article on postpartum strength training for new moms.
It will guide you with a week-to-week program you could follow.
I want to finish this section by talking about why you need to take mommy tummy seriously.
First of all, there are two types of belly fat.
If you have a lot of lower belly fat, you may also have a lot of visceral belly fat as well.
Visceral fat is associated with a host of serious medical co-morbidities. These include:
This is why getting a panniculectomy (aka an abdominoplasty or tummy tuck surgery) or liposuction won’t help you decrease your risk.
So getting a flat stomach is not just aesthetic, it will improve your overall health dramatically!
Mommy tummy does not go away on its own. You must actively work to get rid of any excess weight gain through a combination of diet and exercise.
This isn’t only for aesthetic reasons. Excess abdominal fat (especially visceral fat) has been linked to major illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.
With that said, it may never go away completely if you have a lot of weight to lose.
The mommy pooch is different from the tummy overhang. The pooch is caused by an abdominal wall separation, known as diastasis recti. But similar to the mommy tummy, the mommy pooch does not go away on its own.
You will need to follow a dedicated diastasis recti training program to strengthen your stomach muscles.
It depends on how severe your separation is, but you may start to see noticeable improvements in your mommy pooch in as little as 6 weeks.
Others might take 12+ weeks to see noticeable changes.
Whether you had a vaginal delivery or a c-section, there is nothing different in the approach you need to take to lose belly fat.
It is still important for you to eat fewer calories than your body burns, and for you to burn more calories than usual on a daily basis.
It’s not uncommon to develop loose skin, along with stretch marks when dealing with significant weight loss.
Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of great conservative / non-surgical options for extra skin.
If you ultimately decide to pursue any surgical procedures, remember that this isn’t a substitute for healthy eating!
So those are my best tips on how to get a flat stomach after pregnancy.
It takes a combination of a healthy diet, a decrease in your calorie intake, and regular physical activity.
If you work hard and are patient, you can see improvements in your postpartum belly.
What have you tried to get rid of your sagging lower belly? Have you seen any success?
Get Four Free Workouts To Help Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor & Heal Your Mommy Tummy!
Brittany Robles is a full-time OBGYN, a NASM certified personal trainer, and health & fitness, expert. She holds a Masters of Public Health degree in maternal health with a special interest in exercise and nutrition. She is also the co-author of The White Coat Trainer. Learn more about her here .
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Hi Brittany ,thank you for such an insightful article .it’s one of those few articles that covers both the topics so well ..well I woke up 6 years post partum enrolled in a fat loss pgm.and I’ve seen a diff in the overhang ..I just wanted to know can an overhang exist without DR too in a post partum case ? I have no separation in my muscles .. I do weight training ,stay on a calorie deficit and try and get my 10k steps each day ,take my protein ,vitamins etc too ..hope I am on the right track…
Hi Mohita!
Thank you so much for the comment! You have made some amazing changes! Incorporating weight training, consuming a healthy varied diet, and getting in your 10,000 steps are keys to success. You are definitely on the right track! The most important thing to do is to stay consistent. It is perfectly okay if things go perfect 100% of the time, just pick right back up where you left off. Regarding the overhang- it definitely can exist without diastasis recti!
Hope this helps, good luck with everything!
Thank you for this helpful article 💗
Hi Brittany. Wonderful article which cleared a lot of misconceptions about post partum belly for me. I had a question- can I do pilates after a C-section (more than 6 months back) and will it help lose my belly ?
Thank you so much for the comment! Yes, you should be able to do pilates 6 months after your c-section as long as you were given clearance by your doctor. Pilates can certainly help build a strong core in addition to consuming a healthy, nutrient dense diet!
Your article explained so much that I did not know. I’ve had three c-sections. The last one being almost five years ago. I’m concerned that the overhang is permanent lol. Any advice? Would I ever be able to get a flat tommy?
Thanks so much for your comment. I am glad you found the article helpful!
The overhang does not have to be permanent and you can certainly get a flat tummy! It will be hard work but you can do it! The most important thing is to decrease your caloric intake and burn more calories through physical activity. Resistance training can also be a great addition which will help to build lean muscle tissue, and increase your metabolism. Check out my article on How To Get Rid of Baby Fat for more information!
Amazing article!!!! Thank you so much. Is there any meal plan you recommend – I am 5’5
165 – I’m happy with everything except my mommy overhang belly which is basically the last to go but I have hit a plateau. Very active used to be 205 pounds but lost the weight after c section on child number 2.
Thank you so much for your comment and congratulations on losing all 40 pounds!!! That is amazing!
The meal plan I personally recommend is the nutrition guide I created for postpartum women which could be found here: .
I think of it more as a nutrition guide rather than a diet as it focuses on foods and nutrients you should add to your current meal plan rather than foods and nutrients you should avoid.
Hi…Finally I found something that made sense after searching the internet for 3 yrs. I tried bridge n few exercises for DR, but after my c section 3 yrs back, I have been facing rib pain n shortness of breath. And any kind of exercise that involves the abdomen, makes it difficult. So I gave up. I have both DR n tummy overhang. Will follow the active lifestyle guidelines u have mentioned. Thank you
Thank you so much for your comment.
I am so glad you are finding the site helpful!
The most helpful article i ever read in my postpartum diastasis journey. Hats off 🙌
Thank you so much for your comment!
I am so glad you have found this article helpful 🙂
Such helpful articles! Thank you so much!!
I wanted to ask – I’m 2yrs post partum and I have a mommy overhang; I’m 5’1 and 110lbs – I’m having trouble getting rid of my mommy overhang but I don’t really want to do a calorie deficit since I don’t want to lose too much weight (I was close to underweight my whole life). I started exercising again – mostly running and focusing on ab workout. Is there anything else I can do to get rid of this?
Thank you so much for your comment!
Getting rid of the mommy overhang can be quite difficult as it can largely be a genetic factor.
With that said, sometimes the only way to continue lowering belly fat is to continue dropping your body fat percentage. However, it seems like you are at a healthy BMI, so losing additional weight at this point isn’t ideal.
I would recommend continuing to make small improvements in your diet and keeping up with your exercise routine in an effort to increase your lean muscle mass percentage.
This is definitely a long journey and patience is key!
Thanks for this article! I had my 2nd (and final) C-section 6 years ago now and my mother’s apron hasn’t budged. Is it too late for me? Just harder? I’ve tried a few times (losing 5-10lbs) and then I quit because it seems like a lost cause 🙁
It is never too late to improve your appearance.
The mommy tummy can be difficult to lose as your genetics will determine the location where you gain and lose fat from first.
With that said it seems that you have had success with weight loss before. The most important thing is that you find a plan that you can be consistent with day in day out. Consistency is everything in fitness :). It helps to start small and slowly build one healthy habit after another.
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