Mommy Apologizes

Mommy Apologizes


Mommy Apologizes
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I think my kid was about 10 months old when I dished out the first (of many) apologies to my mother. My daughter had grabbed something small and was about to push it towards her lips and internal panic (on my part) ensued. I opened my mouth, and my mother’s voice came out. As moms, we all take this silent oath not to become our mothers, but it's almost an inevitable conclusion when we realize that our mothers were, without a doubt, actually right. So, of course, along with this realization are things every new mom apologizes to her mother for , because sometimes it really does take you experiencing motherhood for yourself to appreciate all the ways your mother was amazing, and all the ways you were kind of the worst.
I had grand designs of raising my children to have a charmed life. I have few qualms with my parents' childrearing philosophies, since my brother and I turned out to be fairly evolved, functional adults. I didn't have a toxic mother or an abusive mother or an unstable mother (like many individuals do) but I did have plans of doing things differently . Maybe more, “Let me explain why cleaning up is important,” and less, “Because I said so.” I wanted to constantly make my kids feel heard and understood when they voiced their displeasure about a particular parenting choice, instead of telling them they'd be in trouble if they didn't just listen to mom. I wanted more patience and less exasperation for my kids.
Has your mom ever teased: “One day, when you’re older, you’ll understand ?” I used to scoff at that. But now I’m older. With children. And I totally understand. My mother was so right about so many things and, sadly but not surprisingly, it took having a baby for me to realize that she was right and I was a pain. I am not sure if any seasoned parent knows, “best,” but they sure as hell know more than a brand new mom does. All of this, plus all the hormones and emotions that a new mother experiences that give her all the feels, are why new moms end up apologizing to their mothers for these 13 things. I mean, better late than never, right?
It seems the tinier they are, the louder they wail. Sorry about that.
How did you survive years of this, mom? I hit my limit at my daughter’s 18-month mark and you handled it like a champ for 18 years. Tell me your secrets, because pretty soon I am going to be dangerously close to ripping my ears off of my head.
In my room, at the table and literally whenever I encountered ice cream or sand, I made a ridiculous mess that you, inevitably, had to clean up by yourself because I had already moved on to the next mess I wanted to make. I wasn’t trying to be a slob, mind you, but my own kids are now showing me it’s just something they can’t help.
I couldn’t understand why you wouldn’t buy sugar cereal like everybody else (or so it seemed) or let us eat out at some fast food restaurant multiple times a day, if not week, but you were right, because I can’t feed that stuff to my kids. Ok, except maybe on Christmas. And on some weekends. And on the days when I just cannot bring myself to cook anything.
Now that I have a kid who doesn’t listen sometimes, because they’re a kid, I get how frustrating this is.
I used to think it was all your fault, but I realize now it’s because you were my world. My kids scream, “I hate you, Mom!” for reminding them it’s bath time, and it hurts. At least they’re not bottling up their emotions though, right?
I have a daughter who fights with her brother and it feels terrible to see the two most precious people in my life want to tear each other apart. I should have show my little brother more kindness, because I know how exhausting it is to referee the endless sibling squabbling.
And you didn’t even have a microwave to reheat it when I was a toddler, in full demand of your attention, so you just downed that cold coffee like the champ you are and never once complained. Seriously mom, you're the real MVP.
Your child-raising tactics seemed so out of touch (“Put the baby on her stomach, that’s what I did with you."), that’s only because you weren’t following the guidelines of some parenting app or newly written article or the vast opinions on some message board. You had human relatives passing along their tried and true childrearing techniques, and obviously those worked because I grew up to be a pretty amazing individual, if I do say so myself. I should have relied less on technology and more on family.
I am really paying for that now. #stomachbug
It seemed impossible to follow one of your many mantras (like sleeping when the baby sleeps) but wow, how nice it would have been to have just listened to you instead of learning the hard way. I spent the majority of my first kid's infancy absolutely sleep deprived, because I didn't sleep when my baby slept. Talk about unnecessary agony.
Now that I've been through labor and delivery myself, I'm just so sorry. I mean, I am so, so sorry. I know that nothing I say can take away the pain that you felt and yes, I know you will continue to say over and over again that it was worth it (and I know it was, because I feel the same way about my kids) but, still. I am so freakin' sorry I did that to you. So sorry. All the sorries. So. Much. Sorry.
Now that I’m a mom, I know that your intentions were always pure, and that even when you made a decision I didn't appreciate or agree with, you did it because it was what was best for me. Our kids may think we’re mean, and we have to ride that out, but until they become parents themselves and it clicks, they'll never know just how much we're willing to do to keep them safe. Love is setting limits. Love is doing the hard things. Love is putting your foot down. Love is what is behind every interaction a mom has with her kids. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize it.
Here’s hoping my kids have this same revelation in 20 to 30 years!

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Growing up, mom would pretend I wasn't disabled. She'd get real angry when I wouldn't do chores and I said it was because it hurt. She knew I had fatigue, but took me on long walks/shopping trips/etc. and would yell at me for sitting. On the other hand, sometimes she would flip out because my pain looked "valid" enough that she'd force me to the ER. It wasn't something they could help with, which I told her, but she took me and afterwards got angry for "having to waste the trip." So basically she flip flopped on whether I was disabled or not, and punished me either way.
Recently, she had a bad accident with spine damage. She says that just standing is exhausting and her arms are on fire. She apologized for dismissing my pain back then.
I don't know how to feel about this.
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She apologized because now (at this moment) pain and inabilities exist in her world so she can understand them. She'll heal and that will go away again. She'll be right back where she before, where pain and inabilities can't be that bad, because she's fine, so everyone must be fine.
"It's pretty disgusting that you couldn't empathise with your own child until the same thing happened to you. You should reflect on that. Every time your back hurts I want you to think of how you reacted every time I felt the same pain."
Well you can either let it go or you can put her through what she put you through. I say let it go
Empathy is feeling and suffering with a person without experiencing the others pain. Now she hurts also, she suddenly empathizes with late! The pain of her early actions cannot so easily be dismissed. Her lack of empathy hurts emotionally...that is a wound that heals slow.
It isn't the same but I have undiagnosed mental shit (depression and anxiety) which I have had since before I was 10 caused by a lot of things, but pertinent to the point i want to make is bullying at school. It was abhorrent. It made me sick. I would have anxiety induced pains which would go if I could stay hone. My mother was less than helpful. It's not the worst thing she has done by a long shot but forcing me to go to school, belittling me, saying she should just run over my bullies, saying "if you stay home sick, the least you could do is stay sick all day." My sickness abated when I no longer had to be afraid of further abuse. Having time away from my mother, my after-hours abuser, also helped.
And then. Ten years later. She got workplace bullied so bad she had to take total permanent disability for it and could never work in that environment again. She asked me how I felt when I went to school and I answered honestly:
"Terrified. Confused because I didn't understand why I was terrified." And then I started to cry because she really couldn't comprehend my suffering until it happened to her. I said I couldnt talk about it and went away.
I think she has apologised. Maybe. I don't forgive her. I dont hold on but I don't forgive her. She is sorry but the damage was so immense. She's the type who thinks if she had it worse you're fine. Maybe she realises I had it worse for once.
If you accept the apology or not, up to you. Either way is fine.
"I'm sorry you're hurt, but in a way I'm glad you can finally see what I've been going through all these years. It won't erase the pain of being yelled at and treated badly, but at least now you finally understand."
If she pushes for forgiveness, you can take it to the next level: "I can forgive you but I will never forget what you've done. A large part of my memories from my childhood are how you treated me and reacted to my health issues. I'm sorry, but that's just how it is."
My family still doesn’t get it and I’m almost 30. I have to be very straight forward and remind them that HEY I’m not okay, I’m in pain, and they still try to brush it off because deep down they know they are being insensitive but are too stubborn to admit it.
I feel like that usually comes from a sense a guilt. They don’t know how to actually deal with it, so instead of being emotionally intelligent and asking what you need, the guilt turns directly into control. If they control the situation they won’t have to feel your pain and feel like it’s their fault because they can’t fix you.
You can forgive her if you’re ready. Just make sure to stand your ground if you’re ever being pushed with regard to your disability again. It’s tough but it’s your responsibility to stand up for yourself.
The “bigger person” thing to do is show her the compassion she never showed you, and hopefully you can heal together in those moments.
Give it some time, about how you feel about her feeling the same thing. I hope YOU are finding relief/pain management etc? And doing better!
You can forgive her, but that doesn't erase what she has done. It doesn't put the past in the past considering
She knew I had fatigue, but took me on long walks/shopping trips/etc.
Could be considered abuse depending on how much pain that type of thing would put you in.
Just because an abuser apologizes doesn't mean they get to pretend they were never assholes.
Don't let this apology on her part whittle away at whatever protections you have in place between you. Those protections are necessary for whatever healing you've achieved in the mean time.
It isn't in some people to be able to empathise with another's struggle or difficulty until they have been put into a similar situation themselves. The fact that she has apologised off her own back says good things, but that does not erase the treatment of you - an ill, dependent child.
You can accept the apology, but that does not mean you forget or let go what she did to you because she didn't want to understand.
I just...she saw me almost die. With an emergency surgery and doctors panicking and everything. And for a hot minute, she cared. While I was in the hospital. Once I was out, I was back to being a nuisance. I don't...get that.
You can certainly accept the apology if you feel so inclined. But it was shitty of her to not believe you for years and years and then to only change her mind about your experiences when she went through something similar. My guess is that she's only apologized for her behavior, not for disrespecting your experiences and voice, which is why it doesn't really feel complete (not that you'd be obligated to accept her apology in either case).
Thank you. She's been less...pressuring, lately. She calls more. SO thinks she's lonely.

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