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18 Top Mom Blogs That Keep It Real About Motherhood

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Chaunie Brusie is a registered nurse with experience in long-term, critical care, and obstetrical and pediatric nursing.

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Parenting can feel like a lonely journey sometimes, even when you know so many others have been in the same shoes before. Beyond your own friends and family (who may often be the toughest critics), there are other resources that can help moms feel less alone along the way. These real-life moms are sharing their own parenting journeys publicly—from the difficult challenges to the joyful moments that make up modern-day motherhood.

Sure, "mommy blogging" saw its heyday back in the early 2000s, but thanks to microblogging via Instagram, the rise of social media influencers, and a shift back to authenticity, there's been a resurgence of traditional blogs as more moms are looking to connect and find community.

No matter your interests or personal parenting style, there's something for everyone in this list (in alphabetical order) of real, really honest, and honestly funny mom blogs to start following this year.

Dermatology resident Laura Scott, M.D., the mother behind A Little Bit of Lacquer , has three daughters and somehow makes the impossible look not only achievable but totally fun. Her tagline is "everyday inspiration from a mother and a doctor" and that's exactly what you will find. Scott and her husband are both doctors and their entire family was recently featured on the cover of Parents magazine. Scott shares family fun from sunny Miami, tips on getting through medical school with kids, and more.

"Remember, the only people who tell you it can’t be done are the ones who couldn't do it (or never tried)." — Laura Scott, @lauralacquer

Also a mother of five, Natalie Lesnefsky (better known as At Home With Natalie ) is a lifestyle and DIY blogger and YouTuber who specializes in epic-yet-simple party planning. She has the gift of being able to take store-bought goodies, like cakes and snacks, and transform them into centerpieces that kids love. With her help, it almost seems like pulling off the perfect party is actually possible.

"I hope you join me in being patient with yourself as you fail and keep trying... just never stop trying." — Natalie Lesnefsky, @athomewithnatalie

Eight months after Jacqui Saldana and her husband were married, they lost their 3-year-old son, Ryan, in a tragic accident. And although her blog, Baby Boy Bakery , may have started out as the typical mom blog, full of smiles and fun crafts, it soon evolved into something so much more. Saldana chose to keep writing—about learning to live and love after such great loss and grief. She has kept smiling through it all while sharing revelations about her grief in her own words.

"Life is so twisted and has such a weird way of working sometimes. Again I’m floored by the way I’m able to feel immense sadness and pain laced together with extreme happiness and pride." — Jacqui Saldana, @babyboybakery

She's a country gal with a whole lot of fashion-forward flair. Brittany Robertson is a mom of three and a foster-to-adoption advocate who shares plenty of real-life from her adorable family, along with beauty tips and tricks, affordable fashion advice (think discount stores like Walmart), and honest insights about motherhood.

"When you are knee deep in messy homes, sibling fights, picky eaters, and sleepless nights, remember you are doing the most important work." — Brittany Robertson, @brittanyrobertson

With a combined seven kids between them, Cat and Nat (also known as Catherine Belknap and Natalie Telfer) are a hilarious duo who break down #MOMTRUTHS in a podcast, videos, and in-person tours. The Toronto-based pair believes in talking about the things that other moms are afraid to admit, and time after time again, they are completely spot-on. They tackle everything from that first day of school drop-off to the difficulty of making mom friends to the ever-present vow that moms make every night to be more patient in the morning (only to be yelling again by breakfast).

"If you are a mom who is three steps behind in everything at the current moment, you are not alone." — Catherine Belknap and Natalie Telfer, @catandnat

Tiffany Jenkins makes videos on Juggling the Jenkins that will make you LOL with their dead-on accuracy about everything from parent-teacher conferences to marriage to being the type of mom who is definitely not a morning person. But Jenkins isn't just about laughs. Her blog also shares mental health insights and her journey as a recovered drug addict.

“Honestly, I give every new mom the same advice. Don't listen to anybody's advice. There are so many different opinions and there is no one way to do something. Find someone you trust to bounce ideas and questions off of, but ultimately do what feels right in your heart." — Tiffany Jenkins, @jugglingthejenkins

What do you get when you combine one NYC apartment, two parents, and five adorable children (including twins)? You get Love, Taza , a quirky and adventurous blog created by Naomi Taza and her husband. Most of us can't imagine raising kids in the Big Apple, but Taza gives us an inside glimpse into their adventures as a family in the city. And if city living wasn't exciting enough, the family also travels around the world, proving that adventures don't have to end when you have kids.

"The laugh attack turned into full blown tears earlier tonight because while I am finding absolutely no joy in the sleepless nights of parenthood right now, maybe someday I’ll look back and miss this... hahaha just kidding I won’t miss this part at all." — Naomi Taza, @taza

One of the most overwhelming parts of new motherhood is sorting through all of the products that your little one needs. Swings, strollers, baby monitors, diaper rash creams—the list goes on and on! Luckily, Meg Collins started Lucie's List to sort through the overwhelming choices among parenting products and help moms make more confident decisions. Explore baby registry options, along with postpartum, twins, toddler, and other gear guides to help you get through parenthood with the products that will set you up for success.

"We don't have time to read books on every parenting topic, so learning from those that have been in the trenches is essential to our sanity and success." — Meg Collins, @lucieslist

Danielle Jones is an OB/GYN and a mother of four young kids and she's unapologetic about her decision to share her life so publicly online on Mama Doctor Jones . To this medical mama, sharing her experience as a working mom, educating other women about reproductive and female health, and being open surrounding all the challenges of parenting is just another extension of her oath as a doctor to help others—just in a digital way. Dr. Jones' refreshing approach makes having a large family look chaotically perfect.

"This life is stressful and crazy and chaotic. There are chores left unfinished and to-do list items left unchecked. But, I choose this crazy chaos and I have decided I will love it, too." — Danielle Jones, @mamadoctorjones

Starting life on an adventure as a family in Kuwait, Jen Kossowan's blog Mama.Papa.Bubba. has evolved to a celebration of the little joys of life at home with little ones. The mother of two is a pro at seasonal fun and DIY projects that kids will love, from unicorn play dough to healthy muffin recipes and bucket lists for the whole family.

"Never underestimate the power of roll paper and smelly markers." — Jen Kossowan, @mamapapabubba

Author of The Mommy Shorts Guide to Remarkably Average Parenting , Ilana Wiles (or Mommy Shorts ) is anything but average. One day, she's interviewing celebrities in her home for her popular and hilarious "Mommy Show" and the next she's highlighting her family's not-so-average travel around the world. The family of four lives in downtown Manhattan, with no plans of heading to the suburbs anytime soon.

"I got a morning with two perfectly behaved kids and that is really all I want in life— to start the day off with no screaming." — Ilana Wiles, @mommyshorts

If you're experiencing pregnancy after loss, you know how difficult the journey can be. You want to be happy, but you're scared and fearful; you want to be joyful, but you know that right now, protecting your heart is all you can do. You want to be excited, but the trauma you've been through makes that difficult.

Pregnancy After Loss Support (PALS) provides a place for all of those difficult and all-encompassing emotions to live, with personal stories of loss and celebrations of rainbow babies. Pregnancy after loss can be a lonely and isolating place to be, but PALS helps you know that you're not alone.

"We support all loss moms, and we don’t compare those losses, nor do we judge each other." — Pregnancy After Loss Support, @pregnancyafterloss

From baby shower games that don't suck to real talk about postpartum healing and sex after baby, Pregnant Chicken is one mom blog that keeps the pregnancy and new parenthood sunny-side up. You'll find plenty of laughs and enough truths to keep you nodding in solidarity about parenting.

"Oh, sure 40 weeks of growing your mini me. That’s cool." — Pregnant Chicken, @pregnantchicken

At one point or another, most moms consider if they are going to enter the world of #TeamMinivan or #TeamNever. Kristen Howerton, the creator of Rage Against the Minivan , is one of those moms who despite her fight, gave into the glory of the messy minivan.

Howerton is the mom of four kids in four years, both from birth and adoption, and she's open about the fact that her blog is not one you go to if you're looking for recipes or Pinterest-worthy decor or party ideas. Instead, Howerton tackles tough topics, like raising teens, race and religion, and life as a newly divorced mom.

"A few changes in the last 10 years: went from 2 to 4 kids, switched my hair to a middle part, and, of course, a divorce and a new relationship." — Kristen Howerton, @kristenhowerton

If you're a mom who has an interest in running a new or current online business, then Redefining Mom can help. Monica Froese, the creator of the site, spent time working in corporate America before launching her blog that also tackles important topics like family budgeting. She helps moms turn their passions into profitable businesses in the digital space with tips like how to plan your own blog's content calendar and how to become more profitable on Pinterest.

"It's so important to support each other as mothers and women. You never know someone's personal circumstances. Your support could mean a world of difference to a struggling mother. Together we can raise the tide for all moms." — Monica Froese, @redefiningmom

Leticia Barr is the founder of Tech Savvy Mama and a DC Metro area mom of two middle schoolers. With a background in classroom technology integration and school administration, she uses her expert knowledge to educate parents and educators on integrating technology safely at home and school. Barr offers advice on topics including giving your child their first cell phone, setting digital boundaries, and supporting girls in STEM.

"I’m a mom of a daughter loves STEM subjects. Even though I had some STEM subjects that weren’t my favorites when I was in school, I’ve put my personal biases aside to help foster her interests and while empowering her to pursue her dreams." — Leticia Barr, @techsavvymama

If you're looking for raw, honest, and heart-wrenching insights and posts on motherhood and marriage, then Tiffany Gray is your girl. A mother of five young children from Portland, OR, Gray lives by the motto that "now is now" and that saying yes during childhood is one of the most important things you can do as a mom. Her popular posts remind you why motherhood is so beautiful, even in the most trying times.

"The complication of raising children is something you can never prepare for. But it’s changed me. I'm softer—both in soul & body. Gentler with myself and the rest of the world." — Tiffany Gray, @thegraygang

Another medical mom who is slaying at the hospital and at home is Dr. Jasmine Johnson, a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Fellow, and mother of two, who has been blogging since 2010 as The Mrs. The Mommy. The M.D. She's shared so many parts of her inspiring story—from finding out she was pregnant in college, to overcoming 14 rejections to medical school, to finally earning a scholarship and rocking motherhood while becoming a doctor. Her blog is a favorite for stay-at-home and working moms alike.

"I use the quality time I do have with my kids to instill values that I think make them kind, strong, and confident little humans." — Jasmine Johnson, @mrsmommymd
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*First Published: May 26, 2022, 5:03 pm CDT
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Posted on May 26, 2022   Updated on May 30, 2022, 11:15 am CDT
A popular Utah-based Mormon MomToker says her “entire life is falling apart” in a now-viral TikTok, later alleging on a TikTok live stream that her whole friend group was intimate with each other.
In the video posted by TikToker Taylor Paul ( @taylorfrankiepaul ) on Monday, she shows herself packing moving boxes. Text overlay on the video reads, “My entire life is falling apart. And I can’t even speak on why… without bringing them all down with me.”
The video is captioned, “This trend has impeccable timing,” and is set to the trending TikTok sound, “Brujeria,” in which users share stories of their unexpected misfortunes. The video has garnered over 4.2 million views as of Monday.
In the comments, viewers speculated that Paul had a falling out with her friend group with other popular Mormon MomTokers, Camille Munday and Miranda McWhorter, referencing a thread in the r/TikTokgossip sub-Reddit that alleged that the group participated in “swinging,” or intimacy with each other’s partners in front of their primary partner.
“Taylor cheated on Tate with a mutual friend of the group,” one Redditor alleged in the thread. “Camille and Miranda obviously chose sides being they was ALL friends as couples. Don’t blame them. Cheating is uncalled especially when the wife that was cheated on was also supposed to be Taylor’s friend.”
Paul later went live on TikTok to explain the rumors, alleging that “the whole group was intimate with each other.”
She continued to allege that her husband, Tate, “made out with several girls” and that she made out with all of the husbands.
Paul also says that she and her husband are moving forward with a divorce after she “messed up” and “went all the way” with one person in their mutual friend group at a party without her husband or the other spouse’s knowledge, despite an agreement to only get intimate when everyone’s primary partner was there. She also alleged that there are “three divorces in the friend group,” with two being a result of the group’s falling out.
“No one is innocent. Everyone has hooked up with everyone in this situation,” Paul claimed in the live.
In a segment of the live posted by TikToker @violetangelsx , commenters slammed the group’s decision to be intimate with each other.
“This is why you spend your early twenties having fun partying experimenting and not getting married and having families to ruin,” one user said.
“Didn’t realize how toxic MomTok was,” another wrote.
“I’m not clear on how this would work to be in friendships with everyone and all hooking up,” a third added.
Others believe that Paul’s claims are part of the group’s attempt at gaining views.
“There’s TikToks talking about how their whole account is scripted and staged none of its real,” one commenter wrote.
“This is a reality show, Truman show style. None of this is real,” another said.
A third commenter said, “I feel like this is all lies and she’s going to say they are just moving.”
A few others referenced past videos in which Paul has “lied” for views, like when she claimed to be 50 with two twin daughters.
The Daily Dot reached out to Paul via Instagram.
Rebekah Harding is a freelance reporter for the Daily Dot. She has digital and print bylines in Men’s Health, Cosmopolitan, SheKnows, and more.
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*First Published: May 26, 2022, 5:03 pm CDT
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Posted on May 26, 2022   Updated on May 30, 2022, 11:15 am CDT
A popular Utah-based Mormon MomToker says her “entire life is falling apart” in a now-viral TikTok, later alleging on a TikTok live stream that her whole friend group was intimate with each other.
In the video posted
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