Mom Spank Daughter

Mom Spank Daughter


Mom Spank Daughter

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Preview — Grandma in Charge
by Peter Martin

Following her daughter Emily's divorce, Sarah allows both Emily and her granddaughter, Katie, to come and live with her. Sarah cynically recalls how Emily used to behave when she lived at home before she got married, and she soon realises that nothing has changed. In fact, Katie is almost as bad as her mother, judging by the state of her untidy bedroom and coming home late
Following her daughter Emily's divorce, Sarah allows both Emily and her granddaughter, Katie, to come and live with her. Sarah cynically recalls how Emily used to behave when she lived at home before she got married, and she soon realises that nothing has changed. In fact, Katie is almost as bad as her mother, judging by the state of her untidy bedroom and coming home late. With a huge workload of additional household chores and Emily's bedroom resembling a pigsty, Sarah decides to take action... it's time for some well-deserved bare bottom spankings. House rules are outlined, and Grandma gives her daughter and granddaughter a stern talking to, explaining the consequences when house rules are broken. She refuses to tolerate Emily's rudeness and temper tantrums, and spanks her 38-year-old daughter like a naughty little girl. Katie doesn't escape discipline either. It seems that Grandma knows exactly how to take charge and keep her unruly family in line, with the help of her heavy-duty spanking arm and a paddle hairbrush!

March 11th 2019
by LSF Publications

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Jan 16, 2020

Rebekah Farrow

rated it
it was amazing

Wow Well written and detailed book on how punishment and daily lives were under the roof of grandma who was very hard on both daughter and granddaughter


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Apr 29, 2019

Jamie Greene

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Jul 29, 2019


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Apr 09, 2019

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Jul 14, 2022


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it was amazing

May 06, 2022

John Wallace

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it was amazing

Feb 27, 2020

Loyd Lavender

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it was amazing

Dec 19, 2021


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it was amazing

Apr 24, 2022

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Jan 21, 2022

Robert T Ericson

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Jun 13, 2020

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A viral video of a mother disciplining her teenage daughter is being met with mixed reactions online.
In the video, first streamed during a Facebook live session, Georgia resident Shanavia Miller is seen beating and screaming at her 16-year-old daughter Nia Green while accusing her of having sex with her boyfriend in their home. During the five minute long clip, Miller makes it clear that her intent is to embarrass the teen. 
“I’m this way,” she tells the person filming while she hits Green with an unidentified object. “You wanna embarrass me on TV? You wanna embarrass me on f—-n’ social media?” Miller slapped her daughter in the face and punched her on her body. “You wanna be a lil THOT, huh? You think that sh-t cute, huh? Being a THOT?”
Green can be heard in the background expressing denial before her mother starts in again. “You’re only sixteen and you want to be a THOT. Get your grades up in school before you think about opening up your legs and trying to stunt on f—ing Facebook. Keep your f—–g room clean.” 
After turning the camera on herself briefly, Miller goes back to attacking Green, suggesting that the girl’s actions reflect badly on her as a parent. “You got me looking bad out here like I ain’t no good m—-f—-n parent. I do my best! And look how you out here looking like I don’t give a f–k.” Here, she directly addresses viewers. “Now, I’mma need y’all to send this viral, please,” she says. “Share this.”
Public reaction to the video has been mixed. Some feel Miller went too far, while others said they understand her outrage and sympathize with her intentions. Other people simply disagree with Miller’s decision to broadcast the confrontation on social media.
Miller took to Facebook again after the video went viral and responded to the backlash. “I love my daughter with all my heart,” she said in a message posted on what is believed to be Green’s Facebook page. “Whatever happens after this, oh well, my daughter is not going to disrespect me or herself for nobody…lesson learned.”
You can watch the full video at your discretion here .
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Police are investigating a Florida principal who was recorded paddling a 6-year-old student in front of the child's mother.
CLEWISTON, Fla. -- Disturbing video shows a school principal in Florida hitting a 6-year-old student with a wooden paddle.
The student's mother recorded the incident on her cell phone last month. The child's mother said she did not give consent for the child to be hit and now the police are involved.
In the video, Central Elementary School Principal Melissa Carter uses a paddle to the student while Cecilia Self, a clerk at the school, holds the girl's hands down.
Afterward, Carter berated the child.
"If your mom wants to come up to the school and spank you, and we can watch, that's going to happen," she told the girl.
The mother said before the beating she was brought into Carter's office. She said she noticed there were no surveillance cameras so she secretly recorded what happened next with her phone.
The mother spoke to CBS Fort Myers affiliate WINK News but did not want to be identified.
"The hatred with which she hit my daughter, I mean, it was a hatred that, really, I've never hit my daughter like she hit her. I had never hit her. I sacrificed my daughter, so all the parents can realize what's happening in this school," she said.
The mother says she felt she couldn't intervene and stop the beating because she is undocumented.
"At no time did the mom give permission for anyone, including the principal, to paddle their child," said attorney Brent Probinsky, who is representing the mother.
As to why the mother didn't step in and say "stop doing this to my daughter," Probinsky said she told him she was frozen in fear.
"I think the mom was intimidated. The mom didn't expect this to happen. It happened very quickly and the mom said, 'I was so astounded, I was so shocked, I was just frozen for a few moments when she was paddling my child,'" said Probinsky.
Corporal punishment in schools is legal in 19 states in the U.S. including Florida. According to Probinsky, 20 of the state's 67 counties allow corporal punishment, but it is not allowed in Hendry County where this happened.
"This is child abuse. She should be charged with a crime and suffer those consequences," said Probinsky.
He not only wants Carter to be arrested, but he also wants to make sure she never works at another school. He added that she is now on administrative leave from the school and the State Attorney is investigating.
The-CNN-Wire & 2021 Cable News Network, Inc., a WarnerMedia Company. All rights reserved.
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