Mom Seduced Son

Mom Seduced Son


Mom Seduced Son
The penultimate episode opens with shots of New York City and voiceover of Jonathan's TV interview,...

Posted on December 11, 2014
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Here we go again. When a picture of a mom and son in the bathtub with her son made its way around social media, the internet went crazy. Words like inappropriate, child pornography, and abuse infiltrated the comment sections of Facebook posts and forced everyone to hit the share button and call this mom out on her actions. And those who did not have as much of a problem with her in the bathtub with her son had a problem with someone taking the photo and posting. Let the judgment begin.
So the first question a lot of people probably asked was the age of the boy. He looked to be at least four or five, but it’s hard to say what his exact age is. Now, unfortunately for “tubmom,” in order for this behavior to have been acceptable by internet mafia standards, said boy should have been no older than two for her not to be condemned for her actions. Not to mention, from the looks of the photos, they both looked cramped and there wasn’t enough room for them to properly bathe. So not only were they inappropriate to everyone, there was a chance they were both not even fully washed. But I digress.
Seriously though, we can’t continue to think we can tell other parents how to raise their kids, or decide the decency line for everyone else. To each his own.
As long as there is no harm done to the child, there shouldn’t be any real issue. Like many others, I saw more harm done by posting the photo.
We know the type of backlash something like this could get so this was a bad decision by tubmom or the anonymous photographer (maybe dad?). Truthfully, I highly doubt there was anything inappropriate going on, and it really did just look like she was taking a bath with her child. The exposed boob that was covered was probably a bit much. But hasn’t this woman learned that social media is the devil?
Admittedly, I have taken a bath with all of my kids at some point up until they were about two. Not because I wanted them to infiltrate the only time that I had alone, but because it just seemed like the only way I could preserve time back then. I know a lot of moms who do this. As the kids become more aware of things and get curious about body parts, it makes things uncomfortable. So it eventually stops. For some, it stops a little later. For me, two was the age where it felt as if they could start remembering these things. Therefore, since society (and my husband) deemed it inappropriate, I made sure to stop. By three years old, I actually started locking the bathroom door. They bang on the door until I get out of the tub and unlock it so they can ask me something that could have waited. My seven-year-old has now figured out how to take a penny and turn the bathroom lock to make her way in. I say all this to say that no matter how hard I have tried to cover up or shield them from my own nakedness, they have caught a glimpse here and there. They usually don’t even think twice about it. I yell at them to shut the door. They don’t. Instead, I’m left exposed in the tub with a cold draft. It’s inevitable.
No one wants to scar their kids with visions of naked adults, but it’s not as uncommon as the comments on tubmom’s photos would have you believe. What is uncommon is posting a photo like that. Now that the photo has made its way onto everyone’s timelines, there’s a smh type feeling. Judgment awaits.
Is it a little weird? Kinda. Inappropriate? Maybe. Should she have posted it on the internet for the world to see? Absolutely not.
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Mum who had sexual relations with 'persistent' son, 15, is spared jail
Image: Getty Images/Lonely Planet Image)
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WARNING - DISTRESSING CONTENT: The 50-year-old who cannot be named was told at Gloucester Crown Court she had 'breached her obligation as a mother'
A mum who claimed she had sexual relations with her 15-year-old son because he seduced her has avoided jail.
The 50-year-old woman, who cannot be named, was told by a judge she had "clearly breached her obligation as a mother" as she was handed the suspended sentence.
Gloucester Crown Court heard how the woman went along with the teenager's demands out of motherly love as she pleaded guilty to three charges of sexual activity with the boy.
Her sentencing hearing was told the sordid details of the crime, in which she spanked the boy with a paddle and dressed up in knickers, bra and boots as he wanted.
"He would wear a t-shirt, nothing else," prosecutor Stephen Dent said. "This happened more than once, but less than six times."
The boy later told police he 'got pleasure from those activities'.
Simon Burch, representing the woman, said her child has 'instigated' the sexual offending.
"She had no enthusiasm for the conduct and was ashamed and contrite," he added.
"She is vulnerable for a number of reasons. She is easily manipulated.
"In her previous, abusive, relationship, she was subject to physical violence and made to engage in sexual acts she did not want to."
Referring to 'plaguing persevering messages' from her son, Mr Burch said: "Not once had any of the ideas come from her. Not once did she encourage him."
Mr Burch added that the woman had 'not one iota of enthusiasm,' for the sexual relationship with her son.
There was merely 'reluctant acquiescence,' on her part, he said.
"This was a mother struggling to bring up her son in an appropriate way and control him," he added.
She was someone who was 'bedevilled and plagued' by the boy's demands and she capitulated, he said.
"She should not be regarded as predatory," Mr Burch argued.
Imposing a sixteen month jail term suspended for two years, Judge Ian Lawrie QC told the woman: "You've pleaded guilty to three offences of sexual activity with a child family member, that is your son.
"You spanked the naked buttocks of your son with a paddle.                       
"Whatever the prompt or dynamic, it is ultimately that you had a responsibility to your son.
"He was vulnerable. At age of 16 he was difficult. Threatening in his behaviour.
"There was persistence by him, and on one view pressure from him, to indulge in those sexual acts.
"That does not excuse, and can never excuse, that you failed as a mother to observe as a mother the appropriate boundaries.
"There is a greater need for you to exercise discipline and restraint. Not to acquiesce," the judge told the woman.
"You have breached the obligation of a mother. Not just on one occasion, but a variety of occasions.
"But there is no prior sexual deviancy and a significant level of remorse."
The court heard the woman had no previous convictions or cautions recorded against her.
The judge added "Your appearance here will be hugely humiliating and embarrassing for you. On one level so be it, on another it is a harm that should be acknowledged."
Alongside the suspended jail term, the judge ordered the woman to sign the sex offenders' register for ten years, and required her to attend 40 rehabilitation sessions.
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