Mom Mum

Mom Mum


Tip: See my list of the Most Com­mon Mis­takes in Eng­lish. It will teach you how to avoid mis­takes with com­mas, pre­pos­i­tions, ir­reg­u­lar verbs, and much more.
The dif­fer­ence be­tween “mum” and “mom” is the same as the one be­tween “colour” and “color”—the for­mer is used pre­dom­i­nantly in British Eng­lish (and in other Com­mon­wealth na­tions) and the lat­ter in Amer­i­can Eng­lish.
How­ever, just like with “colour”, there is not only a dif­fer­ence in spelling but also a dif­fer­ence in pro­nun­ci­a­tion. Amer­i­cans pro­nounce “mom” as /mɑːm/ (with the same vowel as in “fa­ther”), while the British pro­nounce “mum” as /mʌm/ (with the same vowel as in the word “but”).
There are also a hand­ful of British di­alects in which the word “mom” (not “mum”) is used, pro­nounced /mɒm/ (with a short “o” sound). It is worth not­ing that “mom” has started to ap­pear more reg­u­larly in British lit­er­a­ture, at least if the Google Ngram Viewer for British Eng­lish is to be be­lieved (the fol­low­ing di­a­gram shows the rel­a­tive fre­quency of the words “mum” and “mom” in British lit­er­a­ture):
Prevalence of “mum” and “mom” in British literature.
By the way, if you haven’t read my guide on how to avoid the most com­mon mis­takes in Eng­lish, make sure to check it out; it deals with sim­i­lar top­ics.
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Перевести · Since mum and United Kingdom both contain the letter U, you can use that letter as a reminder the mum is the British version of this word. Summary. Is it mom or mum? Mom and mum are two spelling variants of a noun that means a female parent. Mum also has a few other meanings. Mom is the American English version. Mum is the British English version.
Перевести · Tip: See my list of the Most Common Mistakes in English.It will teach you how to avoid mis­takes with com­mas, pre­pos­i­tions, ir­reg­u­lar verbs, and much more. The difference between “mum” and “mom” is the same as the one between “colour” and “color” — the former is used predominantly in British English (and in other Commonwealth nations) and the latter in American ...
Перевести · 07.04.2011 · Mom and mum appear to only date back to the 19th Century in written form. I’m curious if perhaps mam is the earliest of these, and mom and mum were just different ways of rendering …
Перевести · 08.01.2016 · Here’s a comparison of three different dialects, and their “mom” pronunciations (don’t worry if you aren’t proficient in IPA — I’ll explain after): London: “mum” — [mɐm] General American: “mom” — [mɑm] Manchester, UK: “mam” …
Both spellings are correct and derive from mommy and mummy . According to Ngram , Mom/mom is the more common spelling in AmE, while Mum/mu...
Mum(my) is the most common spelling in the UK; Ngram : Mom dominates in the US (although only since about 1970 ??); Ngram :
Mom is an intimate, personal word, a nickname, though a common one. Such words have no standard spellings, because they are not standards; they ar...
Warning: Strong text I quote the well-respected English poet, Philip Larkin, from This Be The Verse : They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They m...
Today 'mum' is certainly the correct spelling of the word in the UK. Oxford dictionaries confirm that 'mom' is a spelling pertaining to North A...
I have always spelled it mom, but depending where you live, it will be totally different. To me either way is right because a lot of words have mul...
My comments are from my own experience. Both my husband and I served in the British Army, so between us we met a lot of people over the last forty...
The correct way to spell Mom is Mom. The correct way to spell Mum is Mum. But if you really want to be correct use Mother
"I Feel Like A Single Mum!" | Teen Mom UK 6
Meet the WORST Mom on YouTube - Morgz Mum
Перевести · 17.12.2012 · Family Guy - Stewie Mom Mum Mommy
Перевести · Mum Mommy Mom is a blog for all moms and their thoughts, questions, and concerns while going through pregnancy, delivery, and post pregnancy life. This uplifting and informative mom blog creates a safe place for moms to come to learn and enjoy all things that come with being a mama! Mom …
American audiences almost never use mum in this context. British audiences use both terms, but prefer mum. Since mum and United Kingdom both contain the letter U, you can use that letter as a reminder the mum is the British version of this word. Is it mom or mum? Mom and mum are two spelling variants of a noun that means a female parent.
What is the etymology of the name Mom?
What is the etymology of the name Mom?
However, the British English speakers of the Midlands also use "mom" and not "mum." "Mum," according to Online Etymology Dictionary, is a "pet name" for "mummy" and dates back to the 1820s. In 1957, sociologists in Great Britain used "mum" as "the working class mother as an influence in the lives of her children."…
"Mom" was brought to America in the 1860s and is usually considered an American word. However, the British English speakers of the Midlands also use "mom" and not "mum.".…
There are also a hand­ful of British di­alects in which the word “mom” (not “mum”) is used, pro­nounced / mɒm / (with a short “o” sound). …
Перевести · "Mom" was brought to America in the 1860s and is usually considered an American word. However, the British English speakers of the Midlands also use "mom" and not "mum." "Mum," according to …
"Mom" was brought to America in the 1860s and is usually considered an American word. However, the British English speakers of the Midlands also us...
Nothing, It’s the same as saying mother. Mum is a UK spelling and pronounciation while Mom is a U.S. spelling and pronounciation.. The “U’ in Mum...
Both the words represents ‘mother’ and ‘mum’ also represents the action of’enjoying silence or secrecy’
I recently realized, though it now seems obvious, that “er” is just the British spelling of “uh”. That actually might not be quite true: because A...
According to Matt Soniak of the website “Mental Floss [ ] ” Where Do the Words “Mom” and “Dad” Come From? [ http://mentalfl...
You asked me this question before and I rejected it because you have an excess of answers already. There is absolutely no need to seek more or to r...
The spelling of son is actually a result of Norman scribal practice; you can see the same in love and come, where %3Co%3E again represents a sound...
There are many different words for ‘mother’ - we tend to use ‘mum’ most in the UK but we do also use ‘mom’ although predominantly in the West Midla...
It is all to do with pronunciation and accent: both 'mum' and 'mom' (and indeed a third form, 'mam') all come from the same original word, 'mother....
I am from Sandwell not Birmingham we have always used mom maybe parts of Birmingham have adopted it? Or ot has always been said in parts but we def...
Перевести · 24.08.2011 · There is a great deal of regionalism in Canada with writing of some words and pronounciation of such. However, I find most Canadians spell the word "Mom" but the pronounciation is less of a strong "o" sound than Americans (where it tends to sound like "Mahm") would have it and it sounds much more like the British "Mum".
「お母さん」を表す “Mum/Mum” と “Mom/Mom” の違い
小文字の “Mum/Mom” と大文字の “Mum/Mom” の違い
“Mom” Or “Mum”?練習問題に挑戦!
ところで “Mum/Mom” って大人も使うの?
この違いについては、以前にコラムで紹介しましたが、もう一度復習しておきましょう! “u” を使った “mum/Mum” はイギリス英語の綴りです。意味は言うまでもなく「お母さん」です。 これがアメリカ英語では “u” ではなく “o” を使って “mom/Mom” となりますが、もちろん意味は同じです。 では次に、小文字の “mum/mom” と 大文字の “Mum/Mom” の違いを見てみましょう。大文字で始まると何が変わってくるのでしょうか?
Перевести · Popularly, she became the "Queen Mother" or the "Queen Mum". She was devastated by her husband's death and retired to Scotland. However, after a meeting with the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, …
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Mom, Mum, Mam: Different words? | Dialect Blog
Mom Blogger | Mum Mommy Mom
Mom or Mum | Canada - Lonely Planet Forum - Thorn Tree
“mum”、”mom”、”Mum”、 “Mom” 違いは何? | 日刊英語ライフ
Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother - Wikipedia
Mom Mum

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