Mom Is Used

Mom Is Used


Tip: See my list of the Most Com­mon Mis­takes in Eng­lish. It will teach you how to avoid mis­takes with com­mas, pre­pos­i­tions, ir­reg­u­lar verbs, and much more.
The dif­fer­ence be­tween “mum” and “mom” is the same as the one be­tween “colour” and “color”—the for­mer is used pre­dom­i­nantly in British Eng­lish (and in other Com­mon­wealth na­tions) and the lat­ter in Amer­i­can Eng­lish.
How­ever, just like with “colour”, there is not only a dif­fer­ence in spelling but also a dif­fer­ence in pro­nun­ci­a­tion. Amer­i­cans pro­nounce “mom” as /mɑːm/ (with the same vowel as in “fa­ther”), while the British pro­nounce “mum” as /mʌm/ (with the same vowel as in the word “but”).
There are also a hand­ful of British di­alects in which the word “mom” (not “mum”) is used, pro­nounced /mɒm/ (with a short “o” sound). It is worth not­ing that “mom” has started to ap­pear more reg­u­larly in British lit­er­a­ture, at least if the Google Ngram Viewer for British Eng­lish is to be be­lieved (the fol­low­ing di­a­gram shows the rel­a­tive fre­quency of the words “mum” and “mom” in British lit­er­a­ture):
Prevalence of “mum” and “mom” in British literature.
By the way, if you haven’t read my guide on how to avoid the most com­mon mis­takes in Eng­lish, make sure to check it out; it deals with sim­i­lar top­ics.
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Home » Mom or Mum – What’s the Difference?
Our mothers have made many sacrifices for us, so it is important that we always speak to them with respect. The words you use to do so might be different in American and British English, though.
Depending on where you live in the world, you might call your mother mom or mum for short. Continue reading to learn more about the differences between these words.
In this post, I will compare mom vs. mum and outline which language community uses which word. These examples will allow you to see each word in context. Plus, I will show you a helpful memory tool that you can use to choose either mum or mom next time you need one of these words.
What does mom mean? Mom is a noun. It is a shortened form of mother, which means a female parent or matriarch. Mom is very common in spoken American English, but in most written contexts, mother is more likely to appear.
What does mum mean? Mum can be a noun or an adjective.
As an adjective, mum is a synonym of silent, like in the phrase mum’s the word.
As a noun, mum has two meanings. A mum is a type of flower often grown for decorative purposes. It is also an alternative spelling of mom, where it means mother.
Mom is more common in American English, while mum is more common in British English. The charts below show the relative usage of mum vs. mom in both language communities. I have isolated the mother sense of mum by charting the phrases my mom and my mum.
These charts aren’t scientifically accurate or completely exhaustive, however, since they only graph these words in books published in English since 1800, to the exclusion of spoken English and even other print sources. Still, they are a useful proxy for long-term usage trends that involve these words.
Here are some example sentences for mum.
Since these words have the same meanings, it can be difficult to remember when to use mum or mom. Only mum is an adjective, so that is an easy choice.
Since mum and United Kingdom both contain the letter U, you can use that letter as a reminder the mum is the British version of this word.
Is it mom or mum? Mom and mum are two spelling variants of a noun that means a female parent.
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