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Posted in RANDOMย ย ย ย ย 27 Feb 2018ย ย ย ย ย 73625ย ย ย ย ย 8

I seduced my son by at first wearing nylon leggings and short skirts, then i asked him to rub my feet and eventually for him to โ€œseeโ€ how they smell and yes, later taste, and it didnt stop there. I started to leave the bathroom door opened when i showered so he could see or leave the door to my bedroom open (yes, im a single mother) so he could see me masterbate and i would make somewhat loud moans that he couldnt possible ignore, eventually i got the nerve to ask him to sleep with me in my bed because โ€œthere was a scary guy from work following meโ€ (there was not so i lied). I would wear only a see through teddy or just pantyhose to bed with him like im dressed enough for bed like it was routine for me to sleep like that. I would at the same time cook great meals for him, buy him his little electronic gadgets, and support his progress in school like no other mother and i always told him his my man and he is number one in my life. Then one night after he was giving me a foot rub i noticed he was kind of rubbing himself but trying to not make it obvious so i just took over like a stern mother and was very educational and matter of fact about it, i didnt shame him but i did something which i dont know if it is wrong because now our relations is better to the point my friends and his aunt even ask how we do it and admire our connection, we are like friends. Right then that night, as he was rubbing and kissing my feet, i found myself with my hand down his pants and he had a full erection. I gave him oral, let him touch and taste me, i gave him the forbidden fruit and now i feel like i want it again really really bad but i should not. Last night i let him please himself while he played with mommies feet. It was cute and Im glad i could help him relieve stress and focus on school. But i cant help feeling like im doing something bad, even though he totally listens to EVERYTHING i say now and he even takes out the trash now without me asking, not to mention all the compliments i get. Seduction led to us being closer and to both of us being better people but i think other people may not understand that.
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