Mom Helped Masturbate

Mom Helped Masturbate


Mom Helped Masturbate
I'm a guy whose mom had to teach him how to masturbate properly.
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I'm just going to get this out of the way: No, I've never broken my arms, no she's never touched my penis, and no I don't want to fuck her.
I started masturbating when I was pretty young (quite a while before I could ejaculate), but I didn't masturbate 'normally'. Instead of 'jerking', I basically just batted my head with the tips of my fingers.
This was all fine and dandy, except I had phimosis (foreskin didn't retract), and one treatment for it is to just masturbate normally. So the doctor told me how I should be doing it, but of course I didn't listen and just kept doing my thing.
To make a long story short, my mom (she's a single parent) had to tell me multiple times how I should be jerking off and would knock on my door whenever I was in my room to see if I'm masturbating and would stand in the doorway or just outside my doorway whenever I was to yell at me to do it properly.
What's your favorite cereal and why is it capn crunch?
Cap'n Crunch because why would you need to explain why?
Easting a bowl of Cap'n Crunch is like a bowl of delicious razor blades.
So how exactly did she teach you and why did she have to teach you?
Copying something I was typing while you asked this:
I started masturbating when I was pretty young (quite a while before I could ejaculate), but I didn't masturbate 'normally'. Instead of 'jerking', I basically just batted my head with the tips of my fingers.
This was all fine and dandy, except I had phimosis (foreskin didn't retract), and one treatment for it is to just masturbate normally. So the doctor told me how I should be doing it, but of course I didn't listen and just kept doing my thing.
To make a long story short, my mom (she's a single parent) had to tell me multiple times how I should be jerking off and would knock on my door whenever I was in my room to see if I'm masturbating and would stand in the doorway or just outside my doorway whenever I was to yell at me to do it properly.
So when your mom would be shouting instructions through the door would you just be like, "Okay mom", and continue? Or would you be like, "Mom, what the fuck!", and stop untill she left?
She'd always knock and say stuff like "If you're masturbating you'd better be doing it like the doctor told you to".
Sometimes she'd just open the door and look in (my door didn't have a lock). That was pretty effective since with the way I masturbated previously I can't really do it while being covered up (I had to lay on my back on my bed and it wouldn't really work if I had a blanket over me), so with the prospect of having my mom walk in at any moment was incentive to jerk off under my blanket.
Generally if she just knocked, I'd always just yell that I wasn't even masturbating, even though 95% of the time I was. I'm not sure if she had some fucked up spidey sense or if I just masturbated way too much.
The main reason I was so reluctant to just switch my technique is (at least at the time) my old technique just felt waaay better. So whenever she'd knock or look in, I'd just stop until she left, then just continue my normal way. She figured that out pretty quick so she started to dawdle outside my door or stand in the door way and told me she wasn't leaving until I started doing it how I was supposed to.
So your mom would stand in the doorway and watch you masturbate?
Not just like stand there and stare at me... just nag me whenever I was in my room alone for periods of time.
you should talk to the other guy on here who has a 7 year old daughter who won't stop masturbating. I feel like there would be some stories to share or something
I'm not sure how that's related exactly.... am I missing something?
I just looked for that AMA. Doesn't exist.

I saw my mom watching me then I masturbated. What should I tell her?
Author at Self-Employment ( 2010 – present ) · Author has 2.9K answers and 5.6M answer views · 9 mo ·
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What do I do? I think my mom has caught me masturbating at 11.
I watched my mom masturbating. What should I do?
Author has 73 answers and 155.9K answer views · Updated 4 y ·
How many moms let their teenage sons watch them masturbate?
Do moms get turned on when their son masturbates looking at pictures of her?
My mom halfway caught me masturbating and said, “What are you doing?” She wasn't mad but curious. What should I do?
What do I do? I think my mom has caught me masturbating at 11.
I watched my mom masturbating. What should I do?
I have seen my mom masturbating. Whenever she is beside me I get turned on. What should I do?
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My mom found out that I masturbate and she walked in on me once. She keeps telling that it's dirty and that I shouldn't be doing it. What should I do?
My mom caught me jerking off and made me finish in front of her as a punishment. Is this normal?
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How many moms let their teenage sons watch them masturbate?
Do moms get turned on when their son masturbates looking at pictures of her?
My mom halfway caught me masturbating and said, “What are you doing?” She wasn't mad but curious. What should I do?
What do I do? I think my mom has caught me masturbating at 11.
I watched my mom masturbating. What should I do?
I have seen my mom masturbating. Whenever she is beside me I get turned on. What should I do?
I'm 14 and a few days ago, my mom caught me masturbating and now she hates me. What should I do?
My mom found out that I masturbate and she walked in on me once. She keeps telling that it's dirty and that I shouldn't be doing it. What should I do?
My mom caught me jerking off and made me finish in front of her as a punishment. Is this normal?
My teenage son masturbates to pictures of his mom. What should I do?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
Ask her if she has any tips. Just be sure to understand she is critiquing the performance not you as a person.
Hopefully she will put a positive spin on it. Like, “You did very well considering how little you had to work with.” and “It was one of the nicest shows I’ve seen that finished in under a minute.”
As with all creative works learning to take criticism is important part of improving. Much like when when an artist saw an art critic looking over his newest painting.
His said, “I’d like to hear your opinion on this work.”
The critic said, “It absolutely worthless.”
Ask her if she has any tips. Just be sure to understand she is critiquing the performance not you as a person.
Hopefully she will put a positive spin on it. Like, “You did very well considering how little you had to work with.” and “It was one of the nicest shows I’ve seen that finished in under a minute.”
As with all creative works learning to take criticism is important part of improving. Much like when when an artist saw an art critic looking over his newest painting.
His said, “I’d like to hear your opinion on this work.”
The critic said, “It absolutely worthless.”
The artist said, “Yes I know, but I’d like to hear it any way.”
My dad has this weird spiritual sixth sense. He’s told me so many times how things he wants or voices aloud, even if he doesn’t really mean what he says, come true.
So I was sitting in the home office one night. This was one of the times where sitting the office wasn’t terrifying (which, as any upper middle class kid can testify, it usually is and means you’re about to get in an insane amount of trouble). My dad and I talk a lot, or at least we do when I’m in Texas.
I don’t remember what brought it down to this, but he asked me, jokingly,
“What, do you want to be a boy or something?”
My dad has this weird spiritual sixth sense. He’s told me so many times how things he wants or voices aloud, even if he doesn’t really mean what he says, come true.
So I was sitting in the home office one night. This was one of the times where sitting the office wasn’t terrifying (which, as any upper middle class kid can testify, it usually is and means you’re about to get in an insane amount of trouble). My dad and I talk a lot, or at least we do when I’m in Texas.
I don’t remember what brought it down to this, but he asked me, jokingly,
“What, do you want to be a boy or something?”
As he laughed, time slowed to a crawl. It felt like the longest three seconds of my entire life as I watched him slowly crack his laughing eyes open. As his laughter quieted, his eyes went wide, infinitely wide, like a deer’s when they realize a semi truck is barreling at them. His face fell to mirror the kind of stunned look that I had.
I had not been laughing. I hadn’t denied it. I was just as shocked as he was. My body was frozen, and I couldn’t move anything; I couldn’t even blink.
All I could think was, “How did he know?”
And as time picked up, his face changed. Slow, then fast, and by the time I realized and stumbled to deny it, it was too late. He was yelling over me, a tirade being born before me.
They say you can’t remember pain. I don’t remember a good chunk of what was said.
The whole thing is cut down into bits and phrases and locations in my mind now. The office, then the sitting room, with my step mom there, and my younger siblings looking in, then my room, my mom on the phone.
The phrases consist of “No you aren’t” being echoed, “Calm down” being said to my dad, and “I didn’t raise a boy” being shouted at me. I feel like he said something that stung the worst, but I can’t be bothered to remember it now.
I can’t remember really anything from my mom’s conversation, but I realize now that she was shocked too.
My dad apologized. I responded, “I think a lot of things when I’m angry. But I don’t say them.” He was quiet, and nodded his head.
I’m in the kitchen with my dad. We’re having one of our usual talks. He’s ranting about some old classmate on Facebook.
“He’s saying conservatives are intolerant. But I have a kid who thinks she’s a boy. How am I not tolerant?”
The night I came out, his refusal to use my preferred pronouns, and him mocking my name slam into me like a sack of bricks. It feels like the metaphorical semi I mentioned earlier has finally careened its way into me. I turn to him.
“Dad, you don’t use my preferred name. You let me dress how I like, and you let me cut my hair, but you don’t see me as a guy. You can’t use me as an example of how tolerant you are.”
He looks at me, and I see the realization settling. He is not sad, not angry. He has one look in his eyes.
He moves on. I talk to him. I’m older now, I’m looking closer to a guy than I did when I was fifteen. But if you looked in through the kitchen window, at this moment, all you would see was a kid and their dad, talking animatedly, with dead faces and sad realization in their eyes.
(Not that I think anyone would, but please do not repost my answer to other websites. It’s not for commercial use. Thank you!)

Hi - this is going to be a strange topic - but I am in my 40s and have just walked in on my mum (who is in her late 70s) masterbating at her house in the middle of the day.


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