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Published: 13:21 BST, 4 March 2020 | Updated: 09:16 BST, 5 March 2020
Mothers who work in the adult film industry are the subjects of a photographer's powerful new series that explores the balance between motherhood and their work in pornography. 
Mary Beth Koeth, 37, from Florida , traveled across the country to photograph these women at home with their children for her latest project, ' Porn Moms .' The photographer also conducted video interviews with the moms about their individual experiences. 
Writer Laura Lee Huttenbach transcribed the interviews and wrote captions to accompany each of the women's photos as part of the project, revealing the women's career aspirations and their hopes for their children. 
Koeth explained on her website that her series got its start when she attended the Exxxotica Expo in Edison, New Jersey, in November 2017 and met Emily Mena, a 25-year-old adult film star and mom.
She came up with the idea for 'Porn Moms' four years ago, but it took some time before she pursued the project. 
'I was scared of this project for a while because I didn't know how I would find subjects or if these women would be open to sharing their stories,' she wrote.  
'I wanted to know how their worlds were different from the world I had grown up in, with strict Catholic parents,' she said. 'I wanted to know how they balanced motherhood with work, and how other mothers who didn't work in porn treated them at gatherings like PTA meetings.'
When Koeth met Mena at the adult-themed expo, she learned that the actress had a four-year-old daughter, Sophia, and a baby on the way. She traveled to Phoenix, Arizona, to photograph Mena when she was seven months pregnant with her son. 
'I’m grateful to these women for trusting me with a piece of their lives that, professionally, they prefer to keep secret,' Koeth said. 
Emily Mena | 25 | Phoenix, Arizona | Four-year-old daughter and son on the way
'I'm a chauffeur,' says Mena, when asked to describe her day-to-day life as a mom. 
Her daughter's after-school schedule is filled with soccer, gymnastics, swimming, and sometimes dance. So when Mena picks her daughter up from school, it's straight to an activity, then home to cook dinner, then help with homework. 
'And I like to read to her before she goes to bed,' Mena says. 'My life revolves around her. It's a lot, but I love it. It's expensive, but I look at it as a long-term investment. Keep your kids active doing something so they're involved in their community or school or whatever, versus the streets.' 
She beams when she talks about her daughter, describing her as sassy, energetic, outgoing, loving, talkative, and smart. 'And,' Mena adds, 'she has a sweet tooth.' 
At the time of the photoshoot, Mena was seven months pregnant with her son, shortly after friends and family had thrown her a baby shower. 'My husband and I are really excited,' she says. 'And my daughter's excited to be a big sister.' 
Mena's dream job would be acting in mainstream film and TV, but she's also considering getting her nursing degree. 'Being in the adult industry kind of hurts you a little bit, so who knows,' she says. 'I don't care what people say about me. I just don't want it to affect my children. That's all I care about.' 
Her hope for her children is that 'they're genuinely happy, successful, healthy, and that they know the world is theirs. They can do anything they set their minds to. And that they're safe. There's so much bad stuff out there.'
Tiffany Brookes | 31 | Dallas, Texas | One-year-old son
Brookes wasn't planning on returning to work in the adult entertainment industry after becoming a mom. 'But you do what you gotta do,' she says. 
'After having my son [I realized], I'm a single mom and oh shit, what can I do that's going to bring in income now?' She hated the idea of putting her son in daycare to take a 9-to-5 job. Though she admits working in porn can be difficult and pays less than it used to, the schedule allows her to spend more time at home with her son. 
'It enables me to be a hands-on, stay-at-home mom,' she says. 'He literally is my everything. Everything you do is completely thought out around them.' Coming back to the film set with a postpartum body was challenging emotionally and physically. 'Everything that you're self-conscious about is amplified,' Brookes says. 
She thought people would be able to tell right away that she'd had a baby. 'I'm constantly concerned about every time I get undressed in front of a camera. I look for people's reactions.' 
When her son gets a little older, she hopes to find a new career outside adult entertainment. In the meantime, she says, 'The minute the camera is off and I'm off set, it's back to being a mom.'
Makayla Cox | 35 | Las Vegas, Nevada | Seven-year-old daughter
Cox says her seven-year-old daughter is very popular at school. 
'She's everyone's best friend,' Cox observes. 'She's full of energy.' 
So their schedule is filled with birthday parties for her daughter's classmates. 
With the other mothers, she finds her connection with them depends on the person. Some women don't want to know anything about her work, while others are more open. 
Cox doesn't want to lie to her daughter about her job. 
'She's going to grow up knowing,' she says. 'It's going to be common knowledge, [like] Oh, okay, mommy does porn for a living .' 
But she finds nothing easy about being a single mom. 
Her dream is to move with her daughter to Los Angeles and buy a house close to the beach, where they can live like hippies.
Look of love: While in Las Vegas, Koeth also photographed adult entertainer Cameron Canela, 24, and her newborn son
Cameron Canela | 24 | Las Vegas, Nevada | Newborn son
'All my friends and family knew I was adamant about not wanting children,' Canela recalls. 'I didn't want to be a mom. I actually didn't like kids at all.' 
But when she found out she was pregnant, her initial reaction surprised her. 'I thought it was going to be like, What is this leech in my body? I don't want it. But I immediately felt connected.' 
The birth of her son coaxed out a new version of Canela. 'I just felt like I became a whole new person in the coolest way. As cliché as it sounds, your heart just grows immediately.' 
She feels the experience of being a mother has matured her and changed her relationship to working in porn. 
'Before, I definitely embraced who I was in the adult industry and didn't really care how people thought about it. I was like, This is what I am, this is who I am, this is what I like to do. Now I like having more of a conservative image and being a mom. That's been the biggest transition for me, just realizing that there's still a whole other side of me.' 
She's unsure about her future career plans. In school, growing up, Canela was always good with numbers and wanted to be an accountant. 
She laughs when she thinks about an accountant's image as being boring, because she believes there's real potential for the work to be exciting. 'Even a therapist only knows what you tell them,' she says. 'But your accountant knows where you spend all your money. They know all your deep, dark secrets.'
Nickey Hunstman | 26 | Colorado Springs, Colorado | Nine-year-old daughter
Huntsman's daughter came into the world early and stayed in the neonatal intensive care unit for her first weeks of life. When they were discharged, her daughter went home with an oxygen tank, which she used for another month. 
'I was very clingy and protective of her for the longest time when she was itty bitty,' recalls Huntsman. 'Now that she's older, she has more space.' 
When Huntsman was a little girl, she participated in Girl Scouts, drama club, and talent shows. 'I was very active in the arts community,' she says. 
'My daughter is kind of following in my footsteps in a lot of those areas, so that's pretty cool.' Her daughter loves to draw and paint and recently started taking karate lessons. Personally, 
Huntsman took up mixed martial arts fighting last year. 'I'm not a pro or anything, but I can protect myself, which is the important thing,' she says. Becoming a mother came naturally to Huntsman. She found it easy to interpret the needs of her daughter. 'When I had her, it came automatically with mothering skills,' she says. 'Sometimes you just know that you're made to do something.'
Not seeing a lot of dads on the scene....
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Published by Associated Newspapers Ltd
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Posted on December 11, 2014
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Here we go again. When a picture of a mom and son in the bathtub with her son made its way around social media, the internet went crazy. Words like inappropriate, child pornography, and abuse infiltrated the comment sections of Facebook posts and forced everyone to hit the share button and call this mom out on her actions. And those who did not have as much of a problem with her in the bathtub with her son had a problem with someone taking the photo and posting. Let the judgment begin.
So the first question a lot of people probably asked was the age of the boy. He looked to be at least four or five, but it’s hard to say what his exact age is. Now, unfortunately for “tubmom,” in order for this behavior to have been acceptable by internet mafia standards, said boy should have been no older than two for her not to be condemned for her actions. Not to mention, from the looks of the photos, they both looked cramped and there wasn’t enough room for them to properly bathe. So not only were they inappropriate to everyone, there was a chance they were both not even fully washed. But I digress.
Seriously though, we can’t continue to think we can tell other parents how to raise their kids, or decide the decency line for everyone else. To each his own.
As long as there is no harm done to the child, there shouldn’t be any real issue. Like many others, I saw more harm done by posting the photo.
We know the type of backlash something like this could get so this was a bad decision by tubmom or the anonymous photographer (maybe dad?). Truthfully, I highly doubt there was anything inappropriate going on, and it really did just look like she was taking a bath with her child. The exposed boob that was covered was probably a bit much. But hasn’t this woman learned that social media is the devil?
Admittedly, I have taken a bath with all of my kids at some point up until they were about two. Not because I wanted them to infiltrate the only time that I had alone, but because it just seemed like the only way I could preserve time back then. I know a lot of moms who do this. As the kids become more aware of things and get curious about body parts, it makes things uncomfortable. So it eventually stops. For some, it stops a little later. For me, two was the age where it felt as if they could start remembering these things. Therefore, since society (and my husband) deemed it inappropriate, I made sure to stop. By three years old, I actually started locking the bathroom door. They bang on the door until I get out of the tub and unlock it so they can ask me something that could have waited. My seven-year-old has now figured out how to take a penny and turn the bathroom lock to make her way in. I say all this to say that no matter how hard I have tried to cover up or shield them from my own nakedness, they have caught a glimpse here and there. They usually don’t even think twice about it. I yell at them to shut the door. They don’t. Instead, I’m left exposed in the tub with a cold draft. It’s inevitable.
No one wants to scar their kids with visions of naked adults, but it’s not as uncommon as the comments on tubmom’s photos would have you believe. What is uncommon is posting a photo like that. Now that the photo has made its way onto everyone’s timelines, there’s a smh type feeling. Judgment awaits.
Is it a little weird? Kinda. Inappropriate? Maybe. Should she have posted it on the internet for the world to see? Absolutely not.
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SHEIN FLOP I bought bralettes from Shein but the last item was NOTHING like what I ordered
NSFW FASHION I’m a size 14 and tried Kim Kardashian’s Skims bikinis - the XL top was tiny
TOP SECRET I have small boobs but make them look bigger using a Victoria’s Secret hack
CUP RUNNETH OVER I’m a 28i-cup & tried Skims swim – my boobs were hanging over the edges
A MUM and daughter have revealed that they both sleep with the same man - and they don’t see anything wrong with it.
Madi Brooks lives with her husband in the US, but as she explains in her TikTok videos, if she’s not in the mood, she’s quite happy for her mum to sleep with him.
This is because both Madi, her mum and her husband are swingers, meaning they are in open relationships, swapping sexual partners at swinging parties and events.
Speaking in a video, she says: “Me and my mom are both swingers and it’s great, you know why? Because when I’m not in the mood I can just let my husband have her.
“I let my husband have her a couple of times a week.”
But it isn’t just her mum that Madi shares her husband with, admitting that her sister sometimes ‘plays’ with her husband.
She says: “You wanna know how I keep my man happy? I let him play with my little sister.”
Her videos have since gone viral receiving up to seven million views each, with many left baffled by the family’s unusual dynamic.
Commenting, one said: “That’s enough TikTok for one year, I’m out!”
“How did that conversation ever initiate?” asked another, while a third wrote, “I don’t know how anybody could share but it’s your life.”
In other relationship news, we told you how millions of Brits are racking up huge debts to pay for their weddings.
And women are posing for kinky festive £300 photoshoots to make their other halves blush this Christmas.
We also revealed how a Tory MP, 26, starred in a TV show with lover who is 35 years her senior.
I bought bralettes from Shein but the last item was NOTHING like what I ordered
I’m a size 14 and tried Kim Kardashian’s Skims bikinis - the XL top was tiny
I have small boobs but make them look bigger using a Victoria’s Secret hack
I’m a 28i-cup & tried Skims swim – my boobs were hanging over the edges

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This mom is taking the birds and the bees talk to a whole new level.
Chloe Macintosh has created a guide called “First Time Sex Starter Kit” for her two teenage sons in a bid to help them — and other teens — properly prepare to lose their virginities.
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