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After discovering the porn star by the name of ‘Mommy Molly’ in Vernon’s porn collection Harry quickly grows addicted to her videos, and the content within them, and when he meets her by chance on platform 9 ¾ things escalate from there, and Harry’s life is changed forever, and in the good way. [Harry x Molly x Ginny]

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Dumbledore gets his timing right for once... The Wizarding World is a darkfic Pornotopia. Innuendo or implied threat in the canon are exaggerated and pursued to logical conclusions, particularly when logic is lampshaded by the films. The dialogue leans on British TV character based comedy.
Harry Potter has a gift. He's able to sweet talk his way into the panties of the magical world's many married women. Will he use this power for good? Probably not. SMUT Lemons Harry/Multi
A Harry Potter raised by his mother, aunties and grandmother grows knowing about magic and his inheritance
The fact "that the one shall not be named" killed his father and grandfather drives it to become the greatest wizard alive. With objetive to protect the ones he most love.
After Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys are reunited at the Leaky Cauldron, Molly sees her chance to get some "alone time" with Harry. At the stroke of midnight, Molly walks into Harry's room, wearing black lingerie. Angered at his disinterest, she proceeds to rape him. But before the sun comes up, Harry will get his revenge.
Chapter 1 - Molly rapes Harry Chapter 2 - Harry tortures Molly
This is essentially the books rewritten to include sex and violence. The world itself is much more accepting of sex and violence amongst people. The Muggle world, however, is a bit more conservative in that it's not accepted publicly while it does happen behind closed doors. The wizarding world is happy to flaunt their acts of sex or violence no matter how depraved.
The story follows pretty closely to the actual story considering it's the book, but with additions and small rewrites. There will be rather graphic depictions of violence and sex as the story progresses.
After his betrayal, Harry Potter disappears. Years later the massively wealthy Count of Montefeltro arrives to shake things up.
After being attacked, the Weasley men find themselves impotent and unable to satisfy the requirements of their marriage bonds. As their marriages fall apart, Hermione creates a way for the men to satisfy them by using a Harry Potter as a host. Lemons SMUT Harry/Multi
some smut stories with the boy who lived with Milfs and young girls. and maybe some futa. inglish version. (this is not my primal lenguage, so don't be rude with me. If there's a misspelling or a verb is not well conjugated tell me, is kinda weird for me write in another lenguage I don't use english so often.)
After discovering the porn star by the name of ‘Mommy Molly’ in Vernon’s porn collection Harry quickly grows addicted to her videos, and the content within them, and when he meets her by chance on platform 9 ¾ things escalate from there, and Harry’s life is changed forever, and in the good way. [Harry x Molly x Ginny]
some smut stories with the boy who lived with Milfs and young girls. and maybe some futa.
First Four Chapters Commissioned by Hentaimaniacogil
Harry Potter is touched by destiny. After dying and attaining the Deathly Hallows, something changed. A few years in the ministry shows him what is needed to stop the rise of a new dark wizard. No one is better suited to lead this change than him.
Through different situations, the men of the Weasley family find themselves getting cucked by Harry Potter. SMUT
Hogwarts is filled with teenagers and teachers, there's bound to be sex all around the castle
What if Harry, James, and Lily all suffered from mental illness? What if it was all in their head? What if the Dursleys were good? What if Molly was the only Weasley alive? What if Molly moved in with the Dursleys? What if Ginny was adopted? What if Hogwarts was an Institution for the Clinically Insane? What if everything magic was all in their head? What if it was all in their head? What if?
Harry Potter has married to Ginny. He loves her completely and meets her every needs. But what happens when she shares her secret desire on their honeymoon? Cuckquean Ginny!
Harry is sick, the only cure: Litrally getting fucked
Taking place in the canon HP universe, this story chronicles the many sexual adventures of the Potter family, and only examples of inbreeding are chronicled here. For any suggestions, please leave a comment!
Harry saved Amelia's life from Voldemort, and now she's going to pay that debt, the only way she knows how!
When Bellatrix goes with Voldemort to Godric’s Hollow and sees Harry vanquish him she comes to realize he is more than a human. He is a God, and she takes it upon herself to have others bask in his glory. ['God' Harry x Harem] [Batshit Crazy Women]
Harry had always wanted to be normal. But time after time fates transpired to bring him in the limelight. After a fateful night in the leaky cauldron Harry decided to stop giving a fuck about little things and just enjoy the finer things in life.

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Story Index 1. Molly Weasley 2. Lily Evans Potter 3. Amelia Bones ❯
The Weasleys are a Really Loving Family

This is a new series of Harry Potter lemons. You may notice that the first three stories are pretty much the same as some from the Different Strokes series, and I'll tell you that essentially they are the exact same stories, only with different endings to replace Harry getting caught masturbating.

Thank JK, authors. It is because she completely botched the last two books that we have such motivation to write. Had it been done how we wanted, then we'd be severely bored.

This story is for Mayfair Void, and dedicated to my friend Stephen; whose mom helped this story get written. The woman is a fox of Kyuubi proportions people. Also what started out as a oneshot has developed into something sinisterly fun that I’ll likely keep going. Ironically enough, this was supposed to be the first chapter of Different Strokes, but Pansy got finished first.

Since I know everyone’s definition of plump is different, I figured I’d give you an example. Just for the record, I consider plump to be Toccara from Next Top Model, and that is who I‘ve modeled Molly Weasley after. Also, since most of these are a PWP with a ridiculous concept, I plan to use liberal amounts of ridiculousness in the stories.


The inside of the Burrow was quiet and calm, with only the occasional sound from the ghoul in the attic. This was disturbed by the sound of green flames flaring up, and the crash landing of a young man of sixteen being tossed out of the fireplace.

“Oof!” He grunted, as he landed face first. Groaning as he climbed to his feet, the young man said. “Damn it, I hate the floo. The only thing worse is a portkey.” Waving a hand over himself, the soot from his travel disappeared. Harry smiled at the small trick he’d picked up over the summer. Although it was still only useful for small things, it was still nice to have. Who’d have thought that a movie could have such a profound effect on him. After seeing a movie called Star Wars, he’d been in his room, pretending to be a Jedi to pass time. A combination of heat and boredom had had an interesting effect on him. When he’d been using his powers of The Force to toss his desk at his Sith enemy Darth Voldemort, he’d discovered an innate ability in wandless magic, tossing his owl‘s cage across the room.

He was just glad that Hedwig was out hunting at the time, and not in said cage. He was shit scared of pissing his owl off; she had sharp claws, bit hard, and was too damn smart for his health. Coming back to himself, he glanced around the empty room. He also noticed that the house seemed to be awfully quiet for mid-afternoon. He heard some clamoring in the kitchen, and immediately went on alert, drawing his wand. Moving quietly, he inched towards the kitchen door, before hearing the banging of pots, and a familiar voice curse.

“No way,” Harry whispered. “As much as she rags on Ron about his language.” As Harry slipped through the kitchen door, his breath caught, and his pants began to tighten at the sight before him. There in all their large, round glory, were the globes that made up the most beautifully rotund ass Harry had ever seen. At that moment, Harry desperately wanted to walk over, and caress the bulbous backside. To spank the soft flesh, and feel it jiggle beneath his hands. To squeeze it and feel his fingers sink into the plush ass meat. His breathing became heavy, and his cock was almost painfully hard, but he knew he had to calm himself. The chance that Mrs. Weasley would turn around, and find him like that was too embarrassing to risk.

Harry managed to school his features, but the massive bulge in his pants made his desires glaringly obvious. Harry swiftly shifted his pants to make the bulge less obvious. It was just in time too, as Mrs. Weasley turned, and squealed in shock. Her face then broke into a huge smile. Wiping her hands on her apron, she called to him, and she descended upon him with arms wide.

“Harry dear, so wonderful to see you.” Pulling him into one of her patented hugs, she asked. “When did you get in?” Harry had to bite back the moan, and the urge to kiss, suck, and lick every bit of flesh he could reach, as his face was smothered into Mrs. Weasley’s bosom. Wrapping his arms around her torso to return the hug, he also had to quell the urge to pull her closer; to slide his hands down to her rump, and pull her hips flush against his own, and rub his erection into her thighs and crotch. While he probably held on longer than he should have, it did give him enough time to again compose himself. Giving her his famous lopsided grin, he answered.

“I just got in.” He then added. “And it’s good to see you again, as well.” Molly smiled back, and ushered him to the table.

“I’m sorry I don’t have anything ready, but I wasn’t expecting you till dinner.” She spoke. “There’s some leftover roast in the fridge, if you want to make a couple sandwiches.” Harry thanked her, and did just that. While he ate, he watched as she began dinner preparations. Watching her bustle about the kitchen, he began imagining what it would be like to take her against each of the surfaces she stopped at for more than a few seconds. Deciding to get his mind off of the very vivid image of her naked body propped upon the kitchen counter, or bent over her own kitchen table, he tried to make small talk.

“Are we the only ones here?” He purred. He then gasped in horror, hoping to all that was holy that hadn’t come out the way it sounded. The fact that the Weasley Matriarch visibly stiffened told him that it unfortunately had. He was almost grateful when she spoke normally.

“Arthur is at work, and the other four are at the Twins’ joke shop. Fred and George are preparing for their grand opening, and Ron and Ginny have volunteered to help.” The thought of Gred and Forge opening the shop could only be summed up in one word.

“Wicked.” Molly turned, and gave him a playful frown.

“They don’t need any more encouragement.” She said, before gifting him with a genuinely loving smile. “But I do want to say thank you for helping them finance their dream.” Harry swallowed his bite of sandwich with some difficulty.

“W-what are you talking about?” He asked.

“Really Harry, did you think I wouldn’t figure it out?” She asked. “They mysteriously acquire a large amount of galleons, right around the same time that you did. You‘re the only one they know who has that kind of money to just give away, or even who would.” Harry blushed. “Thank you again, Harry.” Looking around, she asked. “Where’s your trunk?”

“In my pocket,” He said. “I learned a new trick over the summer.” He waved his hand, and one of the kitchen chairs began floating off the ground. “It’s almost useless in a fight, but for small things, I can go without my wand. I‘ve gotten through about half of my first year Charms book.”

“I always knew you’d be special.” She said with a mother’s smile. “Why don’t you go on up and get settled, dear. You can take Percy’s old room.”

“Thanks Mrs. Weasley.” Harry said. “I’m going to go get settled, then take a nap. All that floo travel is exhausting, especially after having to cut the grass before I left the Dursleys.”

“You go on right ahead, dear.” She said. “I’ll come get you when dinner’s ready.” Harry nodded, then headed upstairs for a quick kip.


A restless thirty minutes later, Harry decided to help himself along. A good tug always made him drowsy, so why not. Fishing himself out of his pants, Harry tried several different fantasies before he found one that had him stiff as a board, and set to work. So engrossed was he, that he missed the knock on the door.

“Mrs. Weasley.” Harry moaned. “Mmm, Molly, your mouth feels so good.” The gasp that followed his statement made him freeze mid-stroke. He sat up to find a frozen Mother Weasley standing in the doorway. At least, that was the case, before she took a swift step backwards, and walked briskly away.

With some difficulty, Harry quickly stuffed his still erect member back into his pants, and went down to the kitchen. Almost as soon as he passed the last stair, he was wrapped up in a hug from Mrs. Weasley.

“I’m so sorry Harry, I didn’t mean to barge in on you.” She said remorsefully. “I had just knocked, and thought when you called out my name, that you knew I was there.” Harry hugged her back.

“It’s okay, Mrs. Weasley.” He answered, a little shocked that she‘d made no mention of the fact that he‘d been masturbating while fantasizing about her. “I really should have locked the door before starting. Um, what were you going to tell me earlier?” Harry asked, not intending to end the hug until she did.

“Oh, just that it’ll be just the two of us tonight. Ron and Ginny have worked themselves to exhaustion, and decided to stay with the twins for the night, and Arthur floo’d saying that the Ministry was doing Department Evaluations again. They tend to last well into the night, and tended to get ugly when certain people had things to hide.”

For some reason the news only made Harry pull her tighter. He knew she’d worry about her husband, and decided to comfort her. On instinct, she pulled him tighter against her as well, mashing her breasts into him more. Unlike when he‘d first arrived, he couldn‘t stop himself from pressing into her this time. Molly stiffened as she felt the huge bulge press into her thigh, and almost blushed as she felt more of it trailing down her leg.

“Harry dear, is that what I think it is?” Molly gasped, stepping away. Panicking, Harry said.

“I’m sorry Mrs. Weasley, but I’m sixteen, and hormonal.” She smiled at his small joke.

“It’s alright Harry, really; I‘m actually flattered. Besides, Arthur and I have discussed this, and I think it’s about time to bring you into the family proper anyway.” Harry adopted a confused look. “Harry, in our family we have a tradition called the Mother‘s Gift. When a Prewitt man reaches sixteen, it is the mother’s duty to teach them about women.”

“But Ron said he’d had the talk when he was thirteen.”

“This is different than The Talk, Harry.” She explained. “Arthur gives them the talk about sex, and all of it’s responsibilities when they’re thirteen. This talk teaches them about women, how to treat them...and how to please them as well.” Harry blushed. “Since we consider you just as much our son as our other boys, Arthur felt that we should include you in the tradition.”

Harry blushed at the idea of learning to please a woman f
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