Moist Vagina

Moist Vagina


Moist Vagina
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What Causes Vagina to be Wet & Moist?

Treatment for Excessive Vaginal Secretion or Wet & Moist Vagina

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Wet and moist vagina is normally seen in women during intimacy, which provides lubrication and eases intercourse. Normal vaginal secretion is also a part of normal monthly cycle in women. It is necessary to know about wet vagina and causes of wet, moist vagina under normal conditions. However, certain infections or other causes too, can sometimes cause excessive vaginal secretion. One must also need to know, what causes vagina to be wet and moist as well as it’s effects on the surrounding tissue. The topic also discusses the treatment.
Vaginal discharge is normal in women. The amount of daily vaginal secretion varies from normal, less than normal or higher in quantity. Normal vaginal secretion is a white or off-white colored fluid that is normal in texture. Normal wet vagina is odorless and does not signify any problem or infection in the vagina. The amount less or more depends on symptoms of dry or wet vagina.
It is a condition in which the vaginal secretion increases above normal. The color of the fluid can change to yellow, green or grey. Change in odor, change in texture such as foamy or sticky can also be seen. Apart from this the vaginal area may become red, sore with itching . Excessive vaginal discharge can cause a problem, which may need medical consultation. One must consult primary care physician or specialist for any abnormal symptoms like dry or severely wet vaginal area. Knowing some of the causes of excessive vaginal secretion can help.
Causes of normal wet vagina are usually physiological that do not result in any problem. Some of the common causes of vagina to be wet and moist include:
Normal vaginal secretion can be cleaned by washing the vagina daily or when secretion starts as it does not accompany any infection to the vagina. Here are few solutions that will surely help you in this situation.
A Comprehensive Review of the Clitoris and Its Role in Female Sexual Function.
The diagnosis and treatment of infectious vaginitis.
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Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Pramod Kerkar , M.D., FFARCSI, DA Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer Last Modified On: April 2, 2019

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