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Heroes of the Storm

Using her left hand, Moira expends biotic energy to heal allies in front of her.
70 per second, then lingers to heal 35 over 2 seconds
Hold to heal all allies in front of you. Consumes biotic energy.
Passes through allies and enemies, but not enemy barriers .
Like Projectile , there is travel time for the spray to reach its destination.
Collision against map geometry and enemy barriers is pinpoint, much like Reinhardts Fire Strike .
Causes a heal over time that begins upon the last application of the spray healing. This allows Moira to heal without expending resources.
Regenerates 3.84 biotic energy per second while inactive.
Needs at least 8 biotic energy to activate.
Beam (no target indicator, soft lock-on)
Her right hand fires a long-range beam weapon that saps enemies’ health, healing Moira and replenishing her biotic energy.
Long range beam weapon. Damage dealt heals you and replenishes your biotic energy.
Like Targeted line of sight to an enemies center of mass is required to initiate and maintain the attack.
Like Beam Biotic Grasp is unaffected by Deflect , Defense Matrix , and Kinetic Grasp .
Self-healing and damage are completely separate. Altering the damage does not affect the self heal.
Generates 21.875 biotic energy per second. When combined with the passive regeneration, this becomes 25.715 biotic energy per second (or 16% per second).
Moira launches a rebounding biotic sphere; she can choose between a regeneration effect that heals the allies it passes through, or a decay effect that deals damage to enemies.
20 meters per second 5.5 meters per second while tethered
4 meters (damage orb) 5 meters (healing orb)
Launch a bouncing sphere that either heals nearby allies or damages nearby enemies.
Bounces off walls.
Pierces barriers , but does not target enemies through them.
Damage Orb does not affect enemy objects .
If amplified , only the rate of damage/healing per second is increased, not the total amount.
Moira's movement speed increases while making her invulnerable to damage.
Disappear, move faster, and become invulnerable, but you cannot shoot.
Makes Moira invulnerable and invisible. She can still pick up Health Packs .
Cleanses Moira of status and damage over time effects.
Can be used to escape abilities such as Graviton Surge or Gravitic Flux .
Moira channels a long-range beam that heals allies, damages enemies, and bypasses barriers.
140 per second 50 per second (self)
Fire a beam that heals allies and damages enemies.
Moira passively recharges her biotic energy three times faster while using Coalescence.
Passes through enemy barriers.
Can now jump much higher while using this ability

Biotic Grasp
Healing resource consumption rate lowered from 14 to 12.5

Biotic Orb
Damage radius reduced from 5 to 4 meters
Projectile speed increased from 16 to 20
Projectile duration reduced from 10 to 7 seconds

Biotic Grasp
Healing reduced from 4 to 3.25 (80 HP/s to 65 HP/s)

Biotic Grasp
Self-healing reduced from 30 to 20 health per second

Biotic Grasp
Heal over time duration increased from 3 to 4 seconds
Total healing increased from 50 to 65

Biotic Grasp
Passive energy regeneration rate increased from 2 per second to 2.4 per second

↑ Michael Chu on Twitter ""

↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Moira , Blizzard Entertainment . Accessed on 2017-04-11

↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Code of Violence

↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 2017-11-03, Moira Origin Story | Overwatch . YouTube , accessed on 2017-04-11

↑ 5.0 5.1 2017-11-03, BLIZZCON 2017: NEW DETAILS ON OVERWATCH HERO MOIRA AND BLIZZARD WORLD MAP . IGN , accessed on 2017-11-04

↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 2017-11-12, BlizzCon 2017 Overwatch: What’s Next Panel Transcript . Blizzplanet , accessed on 2017-11-18

↑ Reaper , Blizzard Entertainment . Accessed on 2014-12-15

↑ 2018-04-04, NEW SEASONAL MISSION Retribution Overwatch . YouTube , accessed on 2018-04-08

↑ Overwatch Retribution

↑ Overwatch , Moira Quotes

↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 2017-11-3, Blizzcon 2017 Overwatch: What's New Panel

↑ 2017-11-12, BlizzCon 2017 Overwatch: What’s Next Panel Transcript . Blizzplanet , accessed on 2017-11-19

↑ 2018-12-12, Michael Chu's Twitter . Twitter , accessed on 2018-12-12

↑ Monroe-Cassel, Chelsea. Overwatch: The Official Cookbook . Insight Editions, 2019.

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Déborah Perret (French) Alexandra Lange (German) Li Shirong (Mandarin (China)) Fu Chi-huei Mie Sonozaki (Japanese) Lee Mi-na (Korean) Magdalena Cielecka (Polish) Isis Koschdoski (Brazilian Portuguese) Esther Solans (European Spanish) Marcella Silvestri (Italian)
Moira is a Support hero in Overwatch .

Moira’s biotic abilities enable her to contribute healing or damage in any crisis. While Biotic Grasp gives Moira short-range options, her Biotic Orbs contribute longer-range, hands-off damage and healing; she can also Fade to escape groups or remain close to allies in need of support. Once she’s charged Coalescence, Moira can save multiple allies from elimination at once or finish off weakened enemies.

Moira is a support hero that can easily reposition amongst her allies with her immense mobility. Biotic Grasp can heal multiple allies simultaneously, granting her higher average healing per second when compared to other supports. However, this powerful healing is limited by a resource meter similar to D.Va's Defense Matrix ; this meter refills very slowly over time, but Biotic Grasp's alternate fire refills it much faster, along with healing Moira herself. Fade provides her a very strong movement tool and invulnerability that makes her very hard to lock down. Biotic Orb can allow Moira to apply both damage and healing at the same time, and is very powerful in enclosed spaces where it will not simply fly past its targets. Coalescence can both heal allies and damage enemies, but perhaps most importantly it can pierce barriers , preventing enemy tanks from blocking your ultimate with various shields. Her alternate fire gives her amazing sustain, particularly in 1v1 fights, and her Fade gives her excellent escapes, greatly aiding her survivability against enemy flankers, though she remains weak to large burst damage such as enemy Snipers or Junkrat . Her kit, though very strong, lacks the utility other healers provide, making her focused though not particularly versatile.

It is then very easy to finish her off unless she gets some well placed shots. Try to save Fade for dodging Sleep Dart or Biotic Grenade, though if only dodging one, make sure you move further away so it is easier to dodge Ana's other projectile ability.

For 1v1, you will want to stay in an area where you can reliably bounce your Orb while moving randomly to reduce damage dealt to you & the enemy Moira's healing. Healing orb is favoured over Damage Orb, but this can make the 1v1 last a long time. Once the enemy Moira casts Coalescence, use your Damage Orb & Coalescence to quickly burn her down.

Equal parts brilliant and controversial, scientist Moira O'Deorain is on the cutting edge of genetic engineering, searching for a way to rewrite the fundamental building blocks of life. Though O'Deorain will go to any lengths to make scientific breakthroughs, her work is still unknown to most of the world. But now that she has been freed from all constraints, it is only a matter of time before everything changes. [2]

O'Deorain presents herself as being calm and logical, though in truth, she enjoys her science more when playing with hapless test subjects. [3]

O'Deorain has a negative view of Overwatch , claiming that it was responsible for stifling scientific advancement for decades. [4] She has no interest in global conquest, [5] but is willing to work with those who might have such a goal. [6] Her intellectual pursuits are driven by her interest in humanity. [5] She is a geneticist first and foremost, and that's the scope of her ambition. With very flexible morals, O'Deorain prefers to focus on her research and has no patience for those who urge caution or restraint. [6] She is uncaring of the goals of those she allies with, provided that they continue to fund her research. [3]

Her right hand is heavily scarred; it has been speculated that it is a result of experimentation or a genetic anomaly. [6]

Over a decade ago, O'Deorain made waves when she published a controversial paper detailing a methodology for creating custom genetic programs that could alter DNA at a cellular level. It seemed like a promising step toward overcoming diseases and disorders and maximizing human potential. Dissent among her peers soon followed. Many considered her work to be dangerous because of its perceived ethical shortfalls, and O'Deorain was even accused of having the same unchecked desire for scientific advancement that some believed had caused the Omnic Crisis . In addition, other geneticists were unable to reproduce the results of Moira's research, which further called her discoveries into question. Instead of kickstarting her career, her paper seriously damaged her reputation. [2] Overwatch was among those who condemned her research, and in O'Deorain's own words, tried to silence her. [4]

She received a lifeline in an offer from an unlikely source: Overwatch's covert ops division, Blackwatch . [2] She was personally recruited by Blackwatch's commander, Gabriel Reyes , who wanted someone who could help advise him on matters pertaining to genetics. [6] She continued her work in the shadows while developing new weapons and technologies for the organization. [2] Freed from her shackles, her genetic research greatly accelerated. [4] She had interactions with Blackwatch members Jesse McCree and Genji Shimada , all of whom had their likes and dislikes pertaining to each other. [6] Among her experiments was one done on Reyes himself. [4] Her experiments on Reyes gave him super-human abilities, causing his cells to regenerate and decay at a hyper-accelerated rate. [7] Her employment was a closely kept secret. [2]

Eight years before the present day, O'Deorain took part in a Blackwatch mission to Rialto to apprehend Antonio Bartalotti , an Italian businessman with links to Talon . The team consisted of herself, Reyes, Shimada, and Cassidy. The Blackwatch team arrived in a Venice safehouse and set up survaillance on the manor. They found Talon soldiers patrolling the grounds. When night fell, they infiltrated the manor. [8] They made their way through its interior, killing and/or incapacitating numerous Talon guards. Upon reaching Antonio's office, they found him there, not surprised to see them. Nor was he intimidated, as he pointed out that Overwatch abducting a "respected businessman" would be a public relations nightmare. Furthermore, even if they did take him, his "friends" would have him released within a week. After some thought, Reyes said "you're right" and shot Antonio, the force of the blast sending him through his office window. It was the shot that stirred the hornet's nest, alerting Talon to their presence, leaving them with "Plan B"—fight their way out. In the ensuring battle, O'Deorain told Reyes that he'd done the right thing, and that he shouldn't apologize.

Despite numerous Talon soldiers attacking them, the team successfully exfiltrated the site. However, the events revealed the existence of Blackwatch to the world, resulting in political and public fallout. [9] In the inquiries that followed, O'Deorain's research was uncovered. Many high-ranking Overwatch officials disavowed all knowledge of her affiliation with them. [2]

Overwatch HQ was destroyed in the fight between Reyes and Jack Morrison . Reyes barely survived the ordeal, and was saved by O'Deorain, who injected him with an amplified version of the substance she'd injected him with years ago. She claimed that he'd been close to death, and had no alternative when it came to saving his life. [3] Whatever the truth of the claim, Reyes was alive, albeit in a state of agony. [10]

After Overwatch was disbanded, O'Deorain was forced to turn to unconventional sources of funding. [2] This time, she was invited to join the scientific collective that had founded the city of Oasis , and was selected to be their Minister of Genetics. [11] Yet some whispered that the shadowy Talon organization had already been supporting her for years, aiding her experiments in exchange for utilizing the results for their own purposes. [2] By the time of Doomfist 's return to Talon (or after his return), O'Deorain apparently had a seat on Talon's inner council. [4] O'Deorain's goals of pushing forward human evolution meshed well with Talon's, and she found a patron for her research in Doomfist. [6]

Moira's early ideation began with a combination of both gameplay and story ideas, stemming from strong player demand for a new support healer. Their initial goal was to introduce a shady, morally ambiguous healer to contrast with the existing "benevolent healer" archetypes already in the game. [11] The developers wanted her to have connections with various groups in the Overwatch setting. [6] Initial concepts gravitated towards a set of designs with a mysterious androgynous appeal, with the first iteration being outfitted with a set of four mechanical tentacles. Feeling that the tentacles would be difficult to incorporate into gameplay, they progressed to a more c
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