Modern Transits

Modern Transits

👓 Lois Rodden
Modern Transits

Modern Transits

✅ Astrologically, the daily transit refers to the longitudinal position of each planet in its daily passage. As each planet reaches a one 1️⃣-degree mathematical relationship to a planet in the natal chart 💹, a situation, event or attitude occurs. The influence of the aspect is not ❌️ always subjective; it may be objectively demonstrated in the environment, or in a relationship with another person 👤. For example, with a Mars transit, you ➡️👤 may not ❌️ be energetic, tempestuous, zestful, passionate, constructive 👷‍♂️, or destructive. But you ➡️👤 may see 👀 an accident in the street; ⌚️ 📺️ violence; contact a lusty, robust friend; 🔎 competition ➕ stress in your ⚙️ environment; or observe someone who is 💖 or 🎭️ in haste. In all astrological aspects there is a hierarchy of precedence that tends to be preemptive. The prime determinant is the innate character. The law of precedence states: The aspect that fits best into the character will take precedence over the aspect that is foreign to the street; watch TV violence; contact a lusty, robust friend; find competition and stress in your work environment; or observe someone who is excited or acting in haste. In all astrological aspects there is a hierarchy of precedence that tends to be preemptive. The prime determinant is the innate character. The law of precedence states: The aspect that fits best into the character will take precedence over the aspect that is foreign to the character. This thoroughly researched and ➕ well written 🖋️ volume will answer all your questions ❓️ about what to expect when transits occur.


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