Modern Taboo

Modern Taboo


Modern Taboo

Chris Drew (PhD)

/ July 5, 2022
Drew, C. (May 25, 2021). 65 Examples of Taboos (Cultural, Religious & Food) . Helpful Professor.
A taboo is an action that is frowned upon and considered inappropriate to practice or even talk about within a cultural group. A synonym of taboo is prohibition.
The word taboo stems from the Tongan word tabu or tapu , which roughly translates to ‘forbidden’. Captain James Cook learned about taboos on his 18th Century exploratory trips through the pacific and brought the term back to England.
While some taboos are legally enforceable, others are simply considered to be poor taste. In fact, most taboos are enforced not by governments but by subtle social signals that demonstrate disapproval of taboo behaviors.
This makes taboo very difficult for new immigrants to a society. They have to learn taboos that are often not explicitly taught or discussed, making it difficult to know what is and is not considered appropriate within their new society.
There are 3 Types of Taboos: cultural, religious, and food.
Cultural, religious and food taboos are not mutually exclusive. Some cultural taboos get their cues from religions that are dominant within a cultural group. Similarly, food taboos are enforced in many religious texts.
Below, I’ll provide examples of each type of taboo.
A cultural taboo is something that is considered inappropriate within a cultural group. While this overlaps with religious taboos, some cultures are governed more by social norms than religious norms. For example, western culture has a diversity of religions, but a unified set of cultural taboos.
In sociology, you’ll learn that taboos are just one of four types of norm (you might come across these if you’re studying AP Sociology). The other three are mores , laws, and folkways .
A religious taboo is something that is banned by a religion. They usually stem from the religion’s founding documents (such as the Bible, Torah, or Quran) and include rules designed to protect civil behavior and hygiene.
In Islam, things that are banned are called ‘Haram’. Similarly, in Judaism, ‘Kosher’ guidelines dictate how food should be prepared.
A food taboo is something forbidden or considered inappropriate in relation to food, drink and eating. They are often dictated by religious or cultural beliefs about what is okay and what is not okay.
Unfortunately, cultural, religious and food taboos are different around the world. While some are almost universal (like moral taboos like cheating and stealing), others are very specific to countries or regional cultural groups.
Regularly, taboos rely on appeal to tradition for them to carry on. In other words, there’s no reason that the taboos still exist except that it’s traditional in those societies.
The best thing to do is to research in advance before you go somewhere so you know what the cultural etiquette rules will be before you arrive.
Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education.
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Chris Drew (aka the Helpful Professor) is a university educator and former school teacher. Twitter: @helpfulprof

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"You have no idea how my mind has been working.." -Obi

You and I are locked in a loving limbo

The light peering through the glass 

Only to softly illuminate your smiling face

                         Locked in loving embrace

                          So right

                   My mast through rocky seas

Lend me your ear to wash the fear away

Lend me your hand to lift you up and away

Through the night heart felt word's 

By morning's light your joy will soar like birds

Tear down your wall, no fears, no pain

Hand in hand we made the fight, we have grown.

Releasing your soul I hold it close to mine

Our love has never ended from once it began.

Music so soft so quite
It can quickly be lost
And becomes a ghostly melody
Playing amongst my dreams


As it leads my dreams through
The tunnels of my very conscience
Showing me things that are
Showing me things that will be


Touching your soft face
In the very fabric of reality
 and dream

I wish not to wake from this world
But none the less I remember
When lovely dreams end
And eyes open in dawns glory

It is you who will be waiting
And although awake
I have begain yet another fantastic dream..

However there is no end..
For our love is infinite ...

I am sick of all this ignorant trash talking belligerence

Punishing for lies it's ridiculous

Why don't you come at me for something relevant

You don't know anything but what's layed in front of you

You pick up where I left off with all the video games and bull shit.

I'm beyond this

I have no personal gain from you being a shut in

But all your trash talking is giving me somewhere to put my foot in

Someday you'll wake up "What happened to Obi, that fool was a homie"

How dare you say I was a friend

When it was all for pretend

You said you had my back

But now I see it was for the fat sack

In closing your nothing but a bum and a fagot

Begging god to take your life because you can't handle it.

Awesome Inc. theme. Theme images by hdoddema . Powered by Blogger .

I have wanted for sometime now to compile some of my "poems" and random snips of writing together to hopefully one day publish them and further share them with the world. But for now I have decided to share many of them with YOU, the world wide web. Enjoy and don't forget to leave a comment or two on them.

Different countries and cultures find different practices intolerable and unethical. These practices are referred to as taboos in accordance with that particular culture, region, country or society. Taboos vary from region to region, though there are some practices that are considered taboos in nearly every society.
The list of taboos in American society is particularly long, though a lot of these practices are slowly gaining public support and thus becoming acceptable. Taboos are neither created nor fade in a short time and therefore it is safe to assume that in the long course, the only taboo remaining in America and the rest of the world would be to regard something as taboo.
Drugs are a big no in the American society. If a person is found to be in possession of illegal drugs, he will find himself spending a significant portion of his life in jail.

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