How to choose Door Entrance Panels

How to choose Door Entrance Panels

The best protection against intruders is the outdoor panels installed at the entrance to the premises. This detail allows you to look at an object standing near the door, before the process of opening and letting into the house. Today - the best solution for home security when the owner is at home. There are models of different types, some of which have the function of video viewing, others - only the function of calling the owner of the premises and communicating by analogy with a telephone. An indispensable element in devices is a built-in speaker, and the quality of sound transmission is important. Thus, it is more likely that the rule of the tale of the seven kids will not work. But for people who are overly worried about the integrity and safety of things and homes, built-in video cameras are foreseen, which help to look at the one who knocks on the house, or to see each other mutually.

Opportunities of outdoor panels of video intercoms

There are color and black and white versions of the displays on the invention with a surveillance camera. The first type of models came into use, the second practically went out of production, but still remains the leader in the budget segment. This option will not upset the user if the goal is an uncomplicated function, and the sound quality is developed at a sufficient level. In contrast, the color camera is equipped with a clear image function and is able to indicate the color of the attacker's clothing.

BAS-IP Entrance Panels

A situation is possible when it is dark outside, the doorbell rings, and the street light is not provided in this area. The solution is a camera and IR illumination, which is gaining momentum among buyers. That is, the devices are equipped with an additional night vision function. Infrared rays illuminate the recognition area, thereby making it possible to identify a person even in complete darkness. Models with white backlighting - white LEDs are gaining popularity.

Push-button models and variants with a special key imprint allow you to increase security, often when entering an entrance or a large private house. This is an option for an intercom built right in front of an entrance, often mounted in a door, or near an opening lever. The outdoor panel is the most important part of the entire structure, because if it fails, the whole system loses its meaning. High requirements have been expressed to it, because it is this part of the intercom system that is located on the street, and must perform its functions in severe cold and incredible heat.

The question of choosing and installing panels

When wondering how to choose, you should pay attention to the material of intercom system manufacture. Available in plastic and metal versions. The second example is more reliable, because following the logic of criminals, if the material is not too strong, it needs to be broken. It is not so easy to subject a metal model to some kind of vandalism. The price is much more expensive, but safety comes first. But the reviews say the opposite, and many users prefer to choose a calling panel precisely at the behest of a design solution, so that there is harmony in the general appearance of the device and what surrounds it. But don't go overboard. If the selected device smells bad of low-quality plastic, it will crumble in your hands, the casting boundaries will not lie firmly and evenly to each other, you should not choose it.

BAS-IP Intercom System

Product quality depends directly on the manufacturer. If it is popular in the market, it will be tested and in demand, the material from which the product is made will not play much importance. When it comes to a quality manufacturer, it is worth considering the presence of a visor over the camera, given the lack of the possibility of installing the device under a canopy. Additional cover will be protection from excess rainfall and weather conditions. The visor should be chosen according to the breadth of manufacture - the larger it is, the better, the larger the area of ​​expensive goods it will protect.

Experts use in practice two types of device installation - cut-in and overhead. In the first variant, the device is located flush with the wall. In this case, it is more difficult to dismantle the element from the front door. The second type of outdoor panel is installed at an angle of 30 degrees from the wall surface. It is easier to remove it, so it is more exposed to hacking, theft and decentralization of the entire "security" system.

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