Modelmayhem Indian

Modelmayhem Indian


Modelmayhem Indian

I have always been fascinated by the glamour world and I feel this is a good way to get started. I feel that by stepping my foot into modeling, it will help me carry my self better and give me a lot of inner self confidence. My goal is to make it big in this world and be a successful person in my personal and professional life. As am new to this field, I am looking forward to expand my portfolio. I have walked the ramp for famous Indian fashion designers like Dinesh Ramsay, Shelley Chabbra and Alia Khan. Miss India New York 2007 Miss India USA 1st Runner Up Miss Beautiful Skin at Miss India USA

The Soft Movement
· Clothing Designer

The Soft Movement
· Clothing Designer
Love your portfolio! If you're ever looking for a retoucher, I'd be happy to work with you! Keep up the good work!
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hi! are you interested in modeling for a charity gala event in NYC? we are trying to raise money to build schools for underprivileged children in pakistan.
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Nice Port, wanted to invite you to me and my partner networking and much more event. You can invite some of your friends if you like thanks.Hope you can make it. Click on my Avatar for more info.
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East Indian Models...

I've seen threads on curvy girls, white girls, asian girls, black girls...
any love out there for east indian girls??? (or at least the few of us on MM?)  
I'm not, but here is one. I think she is very beautiful.
Without a doubt, East Indian women are gorgeous. I have not met nor seen to many in the DC area, that are modeling. Along with you, I welcome the opportunity to work with them.
Janice Kakish-------------------HANDS DOWN!!!!!!! MM #72003
The ONLY ONE, if I were a man, I would be on her like white on rice!
Wait, I can be a woman and still have the "hubba hubba" for her.
Have to go, Italian's home, but here's a couple pics of the Goddess Kakish

I think that there is obviously a relationship between ethnicity and beauty. Each ethnic group is beautiful in a unique way. I work primarily with "women of color" so this relationship is particularly important to me. I just wish there were more east indian models available to work with.
I've seen some very pretty East-Indian far is Maryland again??
Just did a session yesterday with East Indian wedding apparel.....was lots of fun!
I think women of any race are beautiful..But I've gotta love indian girls too because I'm part Indian Guyanese. I think East Indian women are gorgeous, My boyfriend is East Indian and his Sisters are BEAUTIFUL..
I think women of any race are beautiful..But I've gotta love indian girls too because I'm part Indian Guyanese. I think East Indian women are gorgeous, My boyfriend is East Indian and his Sisters are BEAUTIFUL..
That's pretty lame. I checked all these links provided within this thread so far and not a SINGLE ONE nude photo. What's wrong with East Indian models. From what I have just seen I would never want to work with any of you.
Wow, that was a pretty disgusting comment to hear...Probably one of the reasons could be thier culture and the way they were raised..Alot of East Indian women are not completely americanized. Either way, east indian women are gorgeous...and the indian in me would really like to drop kick your ass for that last comment...that just wasn't right...Also, hearing a comment like that makes me think that you're using the label "Photographer" to see naked women, I think thats disgusting and I really don't want to see any more comments like that dissing another race...You should really learn to be more open to other people's cultures and not say hurtful things like that...I'm VERY intolerant for people like you...thats horrible and you should be ashamed...
Veena girl, I COMPLETELY agree with you...
I'm not interested in doing nudes at all either...I was raised mostly east indian and I grew up with the foods, traditions and everything else. I don't know if thats why I'm not interested in doing nudes, but I believe it could be part of it. It could also just be part of who I am, But that is one very shallow photographer who's using his status for things that he shouldn't be. But whatever, at least I know what to watch out for when looking for a photographer...
Aww thank you, personally I think having a mixed race is great as well because you get to know a lot more about different cultures and it's had a big impact on who I am today and who I'm going to be in the future...You're amazingly beautiful yourself..Honestly I think you're one of the most gorgeous models I've seen on MM. You should add me to msn, I think we'd get along great, and I'd love to network with some other models on here, not only because we share expiriences, but also because you and I share some of the same veiws and I feel that we could learn some things from eachother...I'll send you a message and give you my e-mail. You can add me to msn if you'd like and if you have it. Carina
I'm sure that since this 'photographer' is so obsessed with nudes that he has a subscription to playboy...I bet he can find at least one east indian model in his piles and piles of nudie
Not only lame, but also no sense of humor. Definitely not models I would like to get involved with. Just lame...
Wow...You really do disgust me.
To be 100% honest, You pretty much make me ashamed to live in Canada..Maybe I'll move to India just for
Honestly, you need to start reading the dictionary..I'm much younger than you, but my vocabulary doesn't only stem from the word 'lame'. So, next time you want to want to try to insult a 16 year old, at least use words above the toddler level of language. Thanks.
Sorry, but I don't go crazy over peoples insults. I'm not a SAP and whatever you say to me wouldn't at all bother me, nor make me cry. So thanks again for using the word 'lame' to describe me. You're bitter, hostile, and shallow additude isn't going to get you anywhere nor make you any friends.
East Indian Women could quite possibly be the most beautiful women as a whole I've ever seen!!!
I agree completely. The eyes, lips, bone structure, skin tone...everything about them is beautiful.

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Veena J wrote: I've seen threads on curvy girls, white girls, asian girls, black girls...
any love out there for east indian girls??? (or at least the few of us on MM?)  
I love shooting with all ethnicities...just haven't come across an East Indian girl to shoot yet.
Jay Dezelic wrote: I'm not, but here is one. I think she is very beautiful.
She is wonderful! I have shot her.
Kevlar Gal wrote: Janice Kakish-------------------HANDS DOWN!!!!!!! MM #72003
The ONLY ONE, if I were a man, I would be on her like white on rice!
Wait, I can be a woman and still have the "hubba hubba" for her.
Have to go, Italian's home.

She is definitely gorgeous...and she's not stick thin or super tall either, which gives me hope! I think all women have at least one other woman they have the "hubba hubba" for! It's healthy! 
Veena J wrote: She is definitely gorgeous...and she's not stick thin or super tall either, which gives me hope! I think all women have at least one other woman they have the "hubba hubba" for! It's healthy! 
Thanks. But I've got two here on MM lmao.... you are beautiful too, with a little Halle Berry going on... very exotic.
Mars Photography wrote: I think that there is obviously a relationship between ethnicity and beauty. Each ethnic group is beautiful in a unique way. I work primarily with "women of color" so this relationship is particularly important to me. I just wish there were more east indian models available to work with.
I totally agree with you. I think modeling here is a pretty new thing for east indian women...part of it could be cultural, in the sense that the typical traditional family (first generation) probably wouldn't approve...however, these days, it seems like more and more young women are getting involved...
You do have quite the diversity of ethnicities in your MM portfolio...and each model is absolutely beautiful...(an east indian woman would be a great addition, of course!) 
Kevlar Gal wrote: Thanks. But I've got two here on MM lmao.... you are beautiful too, with a little Halle Berry going on... very exotic.
Oooh...Halle Berry...I love her...I'll definitely take that as a compliment...thanks! 
Alan from Aavian Prod wrote: She is wonderful! I have shot her.
She seems to be a very nice person too. I hope to have her model my yogawear line sometime.
I just shot with an East Indian photog last week. He had great energy and lots of creative ideas.
Eli Anthony wrote: I've seen some very pretty East-Indian far is Maryland again??
lol! From the short time I've been on MM, I love the following east indian models:
Sheryl K: Raakhee: Jayni: I'm sure there are more out there, but I've been checking out their work since I joined...
Ken Doo Photo wrote: Just did a session yesterday with East Indian wedding apparel.....was lots of fun!
Yeah, I did an East Indian fashion show (formal wear) today...the clothing is always so colorful, delicate, intricately beaded/jeweled/etc....a lot of fun to wear! 
Steven Eldridge wrote: I love shooting with all ethnicities...just haven't come across an East Indian girl to shoot yet.
Seems to me that there are east indians pretty much everywhere I've ever lived/traveled in the world... (remember, about 1.2 billion just in India alone!)
It could just be that east indian girls are new to modeling in FL...I wonder...
MarkMarek wrote: That's pretty lame. I checked all these links provided within this thread so far and not a SINGLE ONE nude photo. What's wrong with East Indian models. Are you really this lame? From what I have just seen I would never want to work with any of you.
I think each person has their own reasons for choosing not to do nudes...and as I'm sure you know, there have been multiple threads dedicated to discussing just that...
With regards to east indians, it could be due to cultural reasons (but I'm not speaking for anyone)...personally, I'm not interested in nudes -- I think there are many other creative ways of capturing beauty. I don't have anything against nudes or people who pose/shoot nudes.
Plus, it's a two-way street -- I wouldn't want to work with a photographer who ws only interested in shooting me nude.
carinacomeau wrote: I think women of any race are beautiful..But I've gotta love indian girls too because I'm part Indian Guyanese. I think East Indian women are gorgeous, My boyfriend is East Indian and his Sisters are BEAUTIFUL..
Girl, you are absolutely adorable...  I always think that people of mixed race are so exotic -- you get the best features of each ethnicity! And with regards to your other message -- there will always be people who are biased against models and photographers who deal with nudity AND people who are biased against models and photographers who DON'T deal with nudity. I guess that's just the way it is.
As far as I can tell, I don't feel like I'm missing out.
MarkMarek wrote: That's pretty lame. I checked all these links provided within this thread so far and not a SINGLE ONE nude photo. What's wrong with East Indian models. From what I have just seen I would never want to work with any of you.
Hmm... I know of some that have done nudes. Pretty small sampling to base such a broad generalization.
MarkMarek wrote: That's pretty lame. I checked all these links provided within this thread so far and not a SINGLE ONE nude photo. What's wrong with East Indian models. From what I have just seen I would never want to work with any of you.
Oh and by the way, just because the few models I listed don't have nudes DOESN'T mean that nude east indian models DON'T exist -- do a little research first before you make such generalizations. *A simple search for east indian models under the browse function could find you some of those nude images you seek...just some advice.*
carinacomeau wrote: Wow...You really do disgust me.
To be 100% honest, You pretty much make me ashamed to live in Canada..Maybe I'll move to India just for
carinacomeau wrote: Honestly, you need to start reading the dictionary..I'm much younger than you, but my vocabulary doesn't only stem from the word 'lame'. So, next time you want to want to try to insult a 16 year old, at least use words above the toddler level of language. Thanks.
Veena J wrote: Seems to me that there are east indians pretty much everywhere I've ever lived/traveled in the world... (remember, about 1.2 billion just in India alone!)
It could just be that east indian girls are new to modeling in FL...I wonder...
Not sure...I'll keep an eye out though : )
Kevlar Gal wrote: Janice Kakish-------------------HANDS DOWN!!!!!!! MM #72003
The ONLY ONE, if I were a man, I would be on her like white on rice!
Wait, I can be a woman and still have the "hubba hubba" for her.
Have to go, Italian's home, but here's a couple pics of the Goddess Kakish

OMG you are so out of control....
do I need to point you in the direction of the cold showers?
kidding here...
I was just talking to my good friend and fellow shooter last Thursday between photo shoots that I would love to find some felame east indian models....
Are there any in Washington?
hello? is this thing working....tap tap tap
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New scam from India?

Hi, Great to get you reply , here are the details you requested at MM. You just have to manage your flight to Goa - check charters for cheap deals. ALL expenses , i.e. your stay , meals , sightseeing , clubbing are taken care of here from the moment you arrive at the airport.
Consider your flight ticket money as an investment as you would recover that amount in a day's work.
Shoots are fashion and related. If you have any query , leave your number so i can call you or else iam @ skype *****
Another thing , you will be introduced to leading modelling agencies who only deal in international models and all models are living a queens life here . I can provide their web links too but sadly many contact them directly which is very unprofessional. These agencies offer a minimum 3 months contract also with stay and work on a 30 % commission basis IF you decide to work with them , else you are free to work as you like.
Just google and see how well foreign models are doing here , you will get your answer !
Add to that you get to work with the best in the industry , network and add to your folio. Whatever you earn is yours , we keep just 10 % as mother scout.
Any query just ask.
So... I'll buy my own ticket to Goa, but my clubbing needs are taken care of as soon as I hit the runway there? Strange.
Me thinks if anyone would do this, they would end up in the sex slave business...IMO.
LOL - I've seen this guy before - he drove this van
before he fled to Goa.

Oh boy, I just got contacted by a photog who knows a model who went to India, he said something about Bollywood and the three months stay was alarming. I hope the girl knows what she's doing, or she got a legit gig elsewhere.

more Model Mayhem on:


Eurocat wrote: Hi, Great to get you reply , here are the details you requested at MM. You just have to manage your flight to Goa - check charters for cheap deals. ALL expenses , i.e. your stay , meals , sightseeing , clubbing are taken care of here from the moment you arrive at the airport.
Consider your flight ticket money as an investment as you would recover that amount in a day's work.
Shoots are fashion and related. If you have any query , leave your number so i can call you or else iam @ skype *****
Another thing , you will be introduced to leading modelling agencies who only deal in international models and all models are living a queens life here . I can provide their web links too but sadly many contact them directly which is very unprofessional. These agencies offer a minimum 3 months contract also with stay and work on a 30 % commission basis IF you decide to work with them , else you are free to work as you like.
Just google and see how well foreign models are doing here , you will get your answer !
Add to that you get to work with the best in the industry , network and add to your folio. Whatever you earn is yours , we keep just 10 % as mother scout.
Any query just ask.
So... I'll buy my own ticket to Goa, but my clubbing needs are taken care of as soon as I hit the runway there? Strange.
You thought that was strange? You missed the tease .. you're only supposed to read "free clubbing in Goa" This one concerned me a little more " Another thing , you will be introduced to leading modelling agencies who only deal in international models and all models are living a queens life here . I can provide their web links too but sadly many contact them directly which is very unprofessional. " Now why wouldn't he want you to contact his leading modelling agencies to check his legitimacy?
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