Modeling Asstr

Modeling Asstr


Modeling Asstr
This work is copyrighted to the author 2008.
 Please don't remove the author information or make any
changes to this story. You may not repost this without the
expressed permission of the author.
story was inspired by another story by Daddy Warbucks titled
Year Old Model .
14-year-old daughter gets a modeling opportunity. She's so
excited about it that I encourage and support her. Then when
I go to the photo-shoot, I'm dismayed by what I see, but how can I

When Nicole was
three years old, her mother died in a car accident. It was a
very sad time in my life, but I did my best to bring up my daughter
with good values and morals. We got along well, and I was very
proud of what a beautiful young girl she became over the years. I
rarely had any problems with her, and she demonstrated the
conservative views her mother had when I married her. Nicole
wore nice conservative clothes to school while all her classmates
seemed to be dressing more provocatively. She never showed any
interest in getting a bikini, even though her friends would
frequently swim in our pool wearing tiny thongs. Nicole seemed
perfectly satisfied in her one-piece even though I could tell she had
a killer body under her clothes.

By the time
Nicole was thirteen, I could see that she was filling out nicely.
 Even though her clothes hid all of her charms, it was clear
that her breasts were well developed under her blouses, her waist was
firm and trim, and her hips flared out just right. I mostly
knew this from seeing here in the pool with her friends.

My social life
was close to nil. I only went on lunch dates with co-workers
and an occasional dinner when Nicole was at a friend’s for a
sleep-over. My needs were met in private while taking a shower.
 This usually became necessary after watching my daughter’s
friends romping around in the back yard in their skimpy bathing
suits. It amazed me that these young girls were so open with
their bodies, especially at such a young age. It was often
difficult when one or two of these young nubile bodies would come
bounding into the kitchen to get a drink or snack, flaunting their
practically naked bodies around me without a molecule of modesty at
all. Often their young nipples were fully erect, and many of
the girls exhibited clear camel-toes in their flimsy bikini bottoms.
 I couldn’t believe that they didn’t know that they
were showing it all to me, but they expressed no indication of

On Nicole’s
fourteenth birthday, she came home from school extremely excited.
 "Daddy,” she announced as she bounded into the study
where I worked, "I’ve been selected! They had a
contest at school, and I was the winner!”

great, honey!” I replied. "What did you win?”

"I didn’t
win anything,” she said, still jumping up and down. "I
got picked to be a model for a magazine spread. There were
twenty of us that submitted our profiles, and I was the only one

 That’s fantastic!” I enthused. "What
magazine is it?”

called Eighteen!"
she said
excitedly. "Can you believe it? And I’m only
fourteen, but they picked me anyway!”

 Do they know how old you are?”

course, Daddy! I had to put it on the form, but they said I was
perfect for the story. They wanted to do an article on young
girls growing up. You know, ‘Blossoming into
eighteen-year-olds,’ they said.”

"What all
do you have to do?” I asked.

"Well, I
have an interview with the writers of the story this weekend. Then,
next weekend, we have the photo shoot for the story. Isn’t
that cool!”

" It sure
is, honey!” I could tell she was just jumping out of her
skin with excitement. I was a bit concerned with how this might
change her personality, but I felt confident that Nicole would handle
the new popularity and celebrity status well.

On the next
Saturday, I drove Nicole to the studio for her interview. She
didn’t want me following her in; she wanted to be treated like
a mature woman. She thought having her dad walking in would
give the wrong impression, so I agreed to return in a few hours to
take her home.

After her
interview, she was even more excited than before. "Daddy!
 It is just so exciting. They told me all about the photo
shoot. We choreographed the whole thing. It’s going
to be a kind of picture story, and we’re going to shoot it at
the duck pond out at Heritage Park. All the kids at school are
invited, and I hope you’ll be there. They’re going
to have a wardrobe for me and a makeup artist and everything! It’s
so cool! It’s like I’m a movie star or something!”

It did sound
like fun, and I was just thrilled that my daughter was enjoying it so
much. Of course I would be there, and I was sure this was a
safe environment for her considering it was outdoors, in public and
sponsored by the school.

The following
Saturday, I drove my little girl to the park. We arrived at
10AM, and the Eighteen!
crew was
already there. I couldn’t believe how many people they
required. Lights had been set up, and cameras on tripods were
scattered around the area where the pictures were to be taken.
 Lighting umbrellas were strategically placed around a central
"staging area” where the subject of the pictures would be.
 A brand new ATV tricycle was in the center of the area, and I
presumed this was a prop for the picture story. A number of
expensive looking video cameras were there, too, as well as a small,
growing crowd of onlookers.

Nicole was
beside herself with excitement. She was dressed in jeans and a
loose-fitting tee-shirt. She explained that her wardrobe was
here, so she was to dress casually. My daughter had washed and
brushed out her long, wavy, blond hair, but it wasn’t styled.
 Again it was supposed to be done by the makeup artist.

After parking
the car, Nicole ran to the director and presented herself. He
sent her to a small tent that had been set up off to the side. She
dashed over to it and disappeared. The director then came over,
shook my hand, and introduced himself as Berry somebody. He
told me that my daughter was beautiful and an excellent candidate for
professional modeling in the future because of her enthusiasm,
openness, and style. He had to keep working and set up for the
big moment, so he pointed me to a row of chairs for VIPs. I
chose the chair next to the one with the name "Nicole”
written on it, presuming that chair was for my daughter when she had
her breaks.

As I looked
around, I noticed five large men dressed in only small, fire-engine
red bikini-style bathing suits. The guys were obviously
body-builders and appeared to have had all their body hair shaved
off. Their bright red suits were extremely small and tight,
showing off their tight muscular glutes and masculine "package.”
 I wondered about the theory that highly developed men had small
genitals as these guys clearly displayed the contrary. A young
woman was rubbing them down with oil to make their bodies glisten in
the bright sun. I couldn’t help but stare at their highly
developed bodies, their overly built muscles and thick veins showing

After about an
hour, Nicole finally came out of the tent. She was absolutely
beautiful. Her hair was well combed and looked full and
lustrous as it billowed out around her face and hung down over her
shoulders. The makeup artist had only applied a small amount of
makeup to accent her already beautiful features.

What caught me
by surprise, though, was that she was dressed in the tiniest bikini
I’d ever seen. My little fourteen-year-old daughter was
practically naked. I hadn’t seen her this exposed since
the last time I gave her a bath when she was five. I had to
admit that her body was definitely fully developed, and she had
nothing to be ashamed of, but this just didn’t look like my
conservative little girl who preferred a one-piece over a bikini. In
spite of her very conservative lifestyle up until that point, she
didn’t seem at all uncomfortable with her current exposure.

Nicole dashed
over to me to model the suit and show me how they had "fixed her
up.” She stood with her arms outstretched to let me have
the full effect of her essentially naked body, and I suddenly
realized that I was having feelings for my daughter that were not
appropriate for her father to have. She was amazing looking,
and her body was surprisingly well sculpted, firm and showing signs
of muscles through her velvety smooth skin. The conservative
little girl I’d always known was showing no signs of modesty as
she stood in front of me practically naked, asking me, her father, to
inspect and admire her body.

I was also
surprised to see a mild, golden tan all over her body, especially
since I knew she always was well covered when outside. It
didn’t look like makeup, and there weren’t any tan lines
that I could see, so I wondered how her body got to be such a nice,
even color.

Nicole was
fortunate in that she got all of the good genes from her mother. It
looked to me like her breasts were fully developed at her young age.
 They looked to be a good C-cup with pert little nipples pushing
against the bright blue satin material that barely covered her
areolas. She was obviously proud of her body, and she seemed
unaware of how her young breasts jiggled delightfully as she bounced
with excitement.

After a good
two minutes of letting me view her body, she spun around to let me
see her from behind. That’s when I noticed that the
bikini bottoms were a thong. Her butt was completely bare with
only a hint of the string that was the bikini. Again I was
surprised at her sudden lack of modest, but I was also quite
impressed when I saw that her butt cheeks were nicely toned, rounded
and firm.

I look great, Daddy?” she asked with excitement. I was
stunned and unable to speak, and before I could answer, she said, "I
gotta go. Wish me luck.”

"Break a
leg,” was all I could come up with, and it sounded so lame. I
wanted to ask her about the lack of clothes, what happened to her
conservative morals, her modesty and how she got to be so beautiful.

I struggled
with what I was seeing. My sweet little girl was running away
from me into a crowd of people, and she was as good as naked. She
didn’t seem to be at all shy or modest, which baffled me
because she’d never even wandered the house in less than a
full-length, thick terry-cloth bathrobe. As I watched her naked
ass dash into the crowd of cameramen and crew, she waved at her
friends on the sidelines and did a little pirouette for them.
 Apparently she wasn't modest in front of them, either.

A few minutes
later, the director had her doing various poses on the ATV. They
were surprisingly sexy, but I was impressed with my little girl being
so good in front of the camera. I certainly didn’t want
to be the prude father, so I watched and held my tongue.

One thing that
I noticed in the bright sunlight and with the lights focused on her
was that the bikini bottoms she was wearing were even smaller than I
thought. It caught my eye during one pose where her feet were
on the large rubber wheels at the back of the ATV and she sat
backwards and leaned back over the handlebars. With her knees
slightly spread, I noticed a good two inches of dark blond pubic fur
rising above the tiny blue triangle of material between her thighs.
 It was clearly trimmed into a neat two-inch-wide patch that lay
flat against her tight abdomen. It almost looked like a tattoo,
but it left no doubt that the bottom of her bikini did not cover her
privates completely. I couldn’t believe that she wasn’t
aware of this as she moved from one pose to the next.

On a few of the
poses, the director had to adjust the light shades or the camera
positions, and Nicole had a few seconds to relax. She didn’t
leave her position or move out of her pose, but she would grin and
wave to me or her friends, depending on which direction she was

A little later
I realized that she was quite aware of her bikini and how it fit. On
one occasion, she adjusted the tiny triangles covering her areolas to
make sure they hadn't shifted. I guess it's a girl thing, but I
felt my heart thump as I watched her hold her breast with one hand
while adjusting the blue triangle with the other. Then, a
little later on, I saw her make similar adjustments to the bottom of
her bikini. There's no way she didn't see her pubic strip of
hair as she looked at herself down there.

After a number
of pictures were taken, two of the big, muscular men joined her. The
director had them stand around the ATV, and Nicole would pose with
them. Most of the pictures showed her hanging from their broad
shoulders or leaning against their huge pecks while they just stood
like statues. She seemed to be really enjoying these shots as
she would often pause to stare or stroke her palm across their oiled,
lean muscles. This was yet another side of my daughter that I'd
never seen.

The director
had the men move into different positions and act like statues while
my little girl placed herself against them or in front of them for
the camera. This continued for a good twenty minutes.

Things started
to change right about this time. The director had one of the
big guys squat down in front of the ATV with his knees straddling the
fat front tire. Nicole was seated on the handlebars facing him
with her bare feet on his thighs. A fluffer was called in to do
something to my daughter, but I couldn’t see what it was.
 Whatever she was doing, Nicole and the big guy were looking
down between her legs to watch.

Some pictures
were taken, and then there was her first break.

"So, what
did you think?” my daughter asked me as she plopped into her
chair next to me.

a lot more work than I thought it would be, but it is so exciting!”

you think you should put a robe on?” I asked.

okay, I’m a little hot. It’s really hot under all
those lights.”

bathing suit is awfully small,” I said gently, hoping not to
give her a sense of disapproval.

"I know!”
she said enthusiastically. "Isn’t it cool! I’ve
always wanted to try one of these on. They said I could keep it
after the shoot today.”

Nicole stood up and turned to face me. "Don't go away,
Daddy! The next part is going to be the best, and I don't want
you to miss it. I’ve got to go say hi to a few of my
friends. Okay?”

uh, okay. Sure, honey,” I said reluctantly, "but
don’t you think you should cover up a little?”

 Heck, no!
 I want them all to see this fantastic bikini! Also,
Britney wanted to see what the fluffer did, so I want to show her.”

"What was
fluffer doing?” I asked before she turned to run off.

"She was
just brushing my pubic hair so it was fluffed out,” she
answered over her shoulder.

I was so
shocked that I didn’t respond. My conservative little
girl just admitted that she knew that her pubic hair was showing, and
she didn’t care. She wasn’t even uncomfortable with
it, and she was just so blasé when the young woman brushed it
for the cameramen right in front of the male model. Wow!

What made me
really uncomfortable was how stimulated I was. This was my
pure, sweet, beautiful daughter! I was feeling erotic urges
toward her. I could only justify it with the fact that it had
been years since I enjoyed the company of a woman, and my daughter
was the epitome of perfection in a young female.

As I said, the
last set of poses before the break was the beginning of a change in
the flavor of the pictures. After the break, things got even
more sensual. I was concerned for my daughter, but she seemed
to be handling it all in stride. As a matter of fact, she was
so excited and enthusiastic, I was afraid of crushing her dreams and

The first set
of poses after the break had two of the men standing on either side
of the ATV with Nicole sitting as if riding it. The men were
facing each other, and with Nicole sitting between them, her face was
exactly at their crotch level. Considering how close they stood
to her, she could turn her face in either direction and brush her
nose against the bulging genitalia of one of the men if she wanted.
 From where I sat, I could see clear definition in both men’s
suits, and I was sure from her even closer proximity that Nicole
could, too. Although she turned her head from side to side for
various shots, which made her look straight at one or the other guy’s
bulge, she didn’t act at all like she noticed. The pose
was obviously supposed to show her looking at each of the men’s
clearly defined package, and she gave appropriate shocked, impressed
and aroused facial expressions for the clicking cameras.

The director
went in to give Nicole and the guys some instructions for the next
shoot. One of the guys stepped out of the area, and the other
guy took my daughter's place on the ATV. Nicole stood on a
little step behind him and looked over one of his broad shoulders.
 She didn’t look straight ahead as I would have expected,
she looked over his shoulder and down toward the gas tank of the
tricycle. A couple of pictures were taken.

Then Nicole
climbed around the guy and sat on the gas tank facing him. She
straddled her legs around the guy’s slender waist and over his
thick thighs as her hands roamed all over his thick, powerful chest.
 A few more pictures were taken.

The next thing
I knew, Nicole was reaching down in front of the guy and using her
index finger to pull the top of his bikini briefs toward her about
three inches. She leaned in toward him and looked straight down
into the gap she had made. Clearly, she was looking into his
tight little briefs right at his exposed genitalia. Again she
made faces of shock, excitement, amazement and desire for the cameras
as they clicked around her.

The camera crew
then adjusted a few of the light shades and umbrellas while my
daughter held the man's briefs open, apparently to provide better
light for what Nicole had exposed. Cameras moved in closer to
take more shots. I could only imagine that some of the pictures
showed her finger holding the suit open and the exposed genitalia

The next set of
pictures required two men again. This one had both guys
standing on either side of the ATV facing toward the front with their
arms crossed as if they were guards. Nicole sat on the
handlebars facing toward the back; the opposite direction as the men.
 The director had the guys move up until they were on either
side of my daughter where she could reach out and place her hands on
their muscular abs. Pictures were taken.

With a nod from
the director, Nicole lowered her hands and placed them over the
bulges in front of the two men. She closed her hands over their
genitalia, and more pictures were taken. Neither of the men
moved as they held their strict pose.

Another nod
from the director, and my daughter reached her hands inside the
waistband of the tight suits and maneuvered her fingers over their
genitals. The suits were so thin, I could see her digits fairly
clearly as they wiggled and slid down until they cupped the contents.
 More pictures were taken. This time, though, the video
camera was brought around, and Nicole was told something that I
couldn’t hear. Her fingers started moving with more
purpose, and it could be seen that the men were getting aroused. The
video camera caught all the action as the two erections grew toward

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