Moby Dick Download

Moby Dick Download

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1 Chapter 000: Etymology and Extracts - 29:13
44 Chapter 135 and Epilogue - 35:01
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Librivox recording of Moby Dick, or the Whale, by Herman Melville.

Read by Stewart Wills

Few things, even in literature, can really be said to be unique -- but Moby Dick is truly unlike anything written before or since. The novel is nominally about the obsessive hunt by the crazed Captain Ahab of the book's eponymous white whale. But interspersed in that story are digressions, paradoxes, philosophical riffs on whaling and life, and a display of techniques so advanced for its time that some have referred to the 1851 Moby Dick as the first "modern" novel. (Summary by Stewart Wills)

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2007-03-05 18:34:03
ABBYY FineReader 9.0
Run time
Librivox recording of a public-domain text
Taped by
Wow, I didn't even think to find her here! This is a great piece, read by mine a very long time ago.
I wish we had audiobooks back in High School (1976-1980). I would had ended up reading a ton more books.
The novel Moby Dick somehow came by the reputation of being dull and overrated. Maybe because as a classic it was often assigned reading in literature classes. But I found the chapters of the book to be entertaining stories--often enjoyable in their own right and independent of the main plot.

The reader's narration is mainly in the voice of Melville's narrator Ishmael. But he speaks with other voices when appropriate. It really makes the novel live.
I am listening to this audiobook in the car. I had never known that Moby Dick was so humorous. I could have downloaded a professionally-narrated version from the library but Stewart Wills' version is better. I'd rather listen to him read it. He really brings it to life.
Up until readint it this book has always been described to me as a wandering monstrosity with very little plot. Ha, well, it is a wandering monstrosity, but the depth of knowledge the author had about whaling and the care to which the aspects of whaling life are described, as well as all the strange but wonderful digressions are fantastic. This book takes it's time, it's not rip roaring plot every page, you have to live with it and let yourself sink into the world of fascinating detail. For this reason Stewart Wills has given a great gift to the public by recording such a high quality version of Moby Dick. I particularly like his Stubbs and Ahab voices, they definitely evoke their respective characters for me. Thank you Stewart, your recording of this book allowed me to give this book a chance, and I love that I did!
Many thanks to Mr Wills for his fine reading and interpretation of the book. To listen became an obsession and overcame my initial hesitation of tackling this work. Hermon Melville's way of interweaving story line and information about whales sent me researching for even more knowledge about how the story was conceived.
Stewart Wills did a great job with this book. He gives different characters different intonations and it works out very well.
... for the read. I always wanted to know the book. Thanks to you, I painted a few canvasses and heard the tale.
Excellent reader and the story and vocabulary are brilliant but I truly believe Willis is Jim Parsons from Big Bang Theory.
I downloaded two readings, Wills and Muller. Wills is definitely superior (and it's free). Wills has a slower, more enjoyable pace. Muller is in a rush.
Stewart Wills really brings this alive. I have never read Moby Dick and I have been pleasantly surprised at how engaging it is, this is due in no small part to Stewart's interpretation.
An excellent reading throughout. Good voice and thoughtful expression. Meticulously well done. Thank you for the extra effort on this great work!
Stewart Mills has done a wonderful job reading this classic tale. He reads in a clear, confident, and eminently listenable voice. His delivery is expressive and is enhanced by different voices for each character. The overall listening experience is highly engaging and first-rate. The beauty and power of the author's words really shine if Melville himself were narrating.

Stewart obviously devoted much effort, to what is clearly a "labor of love". Many thanks.

Highly recommend this book; you will not be disappointed.
I'm greatly enjoying listening to your reading of Moby Dick. This is my first time listening to a Librivox audiobook wholly by choice (last time it was the Odyssey, which I had to read for school). I don't think I'd ever have picked up Moby Dick in print form, as it's such a commitment, but oh, my goodness! It's incredible.

People talk all the time about masterpieces, and I can never really get into them so they don't seem much like masterpieces to me. This is totally different, and to whatever extent your reading is contributing to that difference, Mr. Wills, I thank you.
Moby Dick is one of those books I've always meant to read, but somehow never got around to it. Now that I have the opportunity to listen to audio books while driving, it's such a treat to immerse myself in wonderful classics such as this.

My sincere thanks to this excellent reader for taking it upon himself to read for us this exhaustive work. The story drags at times, as many of the 'earlier' works do, but that's certainly not a bad thing. In fact, I feel that it generally adds to the story, rather than detract from it.

Enormous kudos to Librivox and to the reader of this work. I enjoyed it thoroughly, from start to finish.
My most sincere thanks go out to Stewart Wills for taking the time to provide the rest of us with a fantastic reading of a leviathan of a novel. Every sentence's intonation and meaning are perfect and the characters all have individual voices.
To put so many man hours into volunteer work for free is to be commended! Thankyou!
VOICE, TEMPO, INTONATION, ENUNCIATION. PRONUNCIATION. All consistently excellent from start to finish. Read with a sense (and I believe) that the reader has in mind the meaning of every phrase, thus making the experience immediate and direct. A perfect admixture of talent, preparation and effort.

Hey, @hinkinandbinkin, you write in your damning review, "Perhaps I just don't get 20 century literature." This book is 19th century, so maybe you can't get any literature. This is a book for well educated people. Were the allusions and similes too much for you? It's not all about plot, as you would have it. Part of the importance of this book is how it broke the mold from previous American novel writing.
The reader did a great job. I was able to understand much of the author's intent that my prior reading had not revealed, and this was due to the inflections in the reader's voice. I appreciate the reader's "translation" of this book. The way he read the language of the mid 1800s "translated" it for me. Without this particular reader, this book would not have the deep meaning it has to me now. I can't thank Mr. Wills enough for enhancing my life by giving his time and effort to reading this great book.
Thank you, Stewart Wills, for reading Moby Dick to me. Your reading was excellent and made my DC commute seem much quicker. I appreciate very much the tremendous amount of time you put into this volunteer project. Thank you, sir.
Its difficult to do a better job than this.
Today's readers new to Melville ---and those that had to read this book in school--should listen to this version of Moby Dick. Melville's epic is intertwined with American history as it combines pure sea-going adventure, an encyclopedic background of whale trivia, with a questioning of our personal demons. Moby Dick is timeless and has influenced so many writers---there would no Jaws without it!! Enjoy.
First off if you know you like the story Moby Dick you should download this. It is well read and I think captures the story. Also, this review is for the common reader not a literary critic.
However, If you have always heard about how great Moby Dick is but never read it, save yourself the time. Moby Dick is the kind of book that rambles through a massive string of jarring storytelling shifts to the point of being utterly frustrating. As the story progresses you soon discover that about every other chapter does nothing to advance the plot but is rather a complete change of subject to some highly detailed minutia that while loosely tied to the book add nothing to the story. It is like a Kevin Costner movie but worse. After I finished the book, which was a complete let down, I was left wondering how in the world Melville became known as a master. Perhaps I just don't get 20 century literature.
Unfortunately I can't recommend listening to this version of Moby Dick. In the voice of a talking book you hope for either an actor that can invoke the narrator's or author's spirit or simply a good reader who just fades into invisibility, letting the words do their magic. With this recording you just get an artless nagging which distracts endlessly from Melville and Moby Dick. -jrain
Well done Stewart! This must have been a HUGE project... but it's well worth it. Gratefully The BookWorm, Manchester, UK.
A great book, and a fine reader - as good as you could pay for, for free!
Uploaded by librivoxbooks on March 5, 2007

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