Mobile app

Mobile app

Mobile app

Mobile app

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A mobile app is a software application developed specifically for use on small, wireless computing devices, such as smartphones and tablets , rather than desktop or laptop computers. Mobile apps are designed with consideration for the demands and constraints of the devices and also to take advantage of any specialized capabilities they have. Mobile apps are sometimes categorized according to whether they are web-based or native apps , which are created specifically for a given platform. A third category, hybrid apps , combines elements of both native and Web apps. Which tools are best for cross-platform app development. Discover more about Adobe PhoneGap Build. Learn everything you can about the Telerik platform. By submitting you agree to receive email from TechTarget and its partners. If you reside outside of the United States, you consent to having your personal data transferred to and processed in the United States. An internal audit IA is an organizational initiative to monitor and analyze its own business operations in order to determine Pure risk, also called absolute risk, is a category of threat that is beyond human control and has only one possible outcome if The principle of least privilege POLP , an important concept in computer security, is the practice of limiting access rights for Identity management ID management is the organizational process for identifying, authenticating and authorizing individuals or A zero-day vulnerability, also known as a computer zero day, is a flaw in software, hardware or firmware that is unknown to the A business continuity plan BCP is a document that consists of the critical information an organization needs to continue A call tree -- sometimes referred to as a phone tree -- is a telecommunications chain for notifying specific individuals of an MTTR mean time to repair is the average time required to fix a failed component or device and return it to production status. OpenStack Swift, also known as OpenStack Object Storage, is an open source object storage system that is licensed under the A hybrid hard disk drive is an electromechanical spinning hard disk that contains some amount of NAND Flash memory. This was last updated in December Related Terms Google Clips Google Clips is an AI-driven camera that learns to recognize familiar faces over time and automatically and autonomously take Add My Comment Register. Login Forgot your password? Submit your e-mail address below. Your password has been sent to: Please create a username to comment. MTTR mean time to repair MTTR mean time to repair is the average time required to fix a failed component or device and return it to production status.

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