Mobile Suit Royal Gundam Pt. 04

Mobile Suit Royal Gundam Pt. 04

March 2098

Earth Republic Military Headquarters: Bernkastel was running twenty laps. "You're doing great, Bern, keep it up!"

Once the twenty laps was done she and stops breaths heavily.

"Alright we'll take a twenty minute break and then it's pushups and situps. We got a lot to do!"

Bernkastel had been doing the same routine since January, getting up at 6am running drills by herself or with 2nd Lieutenant Rin, even on the days where she had college classes and her off days.

"Ok, we're going to the Neutral Buoyancy Lab," 2nd Lieutenant Rin announces.

They enter the room and Bernkastel gazes at the huge pool. She notices equipment under the water. "So what's all that junk?"

"Those are pods and different equipment that you will see in space. The purpose of this is to simulate space walking," the diving specialist answers upon meeting them. "Hello I'm Harold Stark."

"Spaceman First Class Bernkastel Wheat." They shake hands.

"Before you get up into space you got to get a feel for it. There will be certain jobs you will do while you're upon space. Now let's get you into your normal suit."

A few minutes later she was in one. "We will do the simulation for four hours. Let's get to it."

Bernkastel was in the water and around her were two divers to assist. The diving specialist Harold Stark, 2nd Lieutenant Rin and the camera diver were in the pool as well. "This is...this is it!"


A few days later: "Ok today we're going to do a training exercise nicknamed Vomit Comet," 2nd Lieutenant Rin announces.

"Vomit Comet? Sounds like an amusement ride," Bernkastel laughs.

"You'll find out."

Soon they were up in the air going incredibly fast. "Oh god what is this?!" She cries out in agony. And she feels her stomach acting weird. "Oh god where's the toilet!"

"Told you. Now the particular ship we're in allows to archive weightlessness. That's right zero gravity."

"Whoa, whoa, I'm actually off the floor! I'm floating and so is my vomit!"

"Hurry and get to the floor, this will only last 33 seconds."

"Oh god I'm going to throw up again!"

"It will take time but you will get used to it. If you want to go into outer space."

She groans.


It was a nice Sunday morning, three Templar mobile suits were making their way through the wasteland that was the Earth.

On the top of a ruined building a lone mobile suit watches them pass. It pulls out its gun.

The three turn towards the building and instantly two of them took off while the middle one fires.

The lone mobile suit fires back and fires up its backpack booster.

"Its flying towards the both of you," 2nd Lieutenant Rin radios.

"Roger." The two pilots Sean and Galen reply in union.

2nd Lieutenant Rin takes off in her gray Templar with blue cross visor in pursuit of the lone mobile suit.

The lone mobile suit approaches the two gray Templars with red cross visors and opens fire but it wasn't bullets that were fired, they were paint ball rounds and the one firing wasn't no ordinary mobile suit, it was the Royal Gundam. She scores hits on both of them.

"Not bad but you won't get me so easily!" 2nd Lieutenant Rin declares. She fires the paint ball rounds but the Gundam dodges.

Royal counter attacks but 2nd Lieutenant Rin easily dodges the paint ball rounds. She flees with Royal in pursuit. "You won't get away!"

The commander Templar leaps across the ruined buildings and veers to the left. "She's getting better, I can't shake her."

Royal fires more paint ball rounds. The commander Templar leaps off the the ruined building and Royal lands on the building but the roof of the building collapses. "Bernkastel!" 2nd Lieutenant Rin screams and flies back to the building. She leaps in the hole and grabs Royal's hand. "Thanks but I can fly too, remember?"

"Well in that case." She takes the opportunity to shoot her.

"Hey no fair!"

"You think Zoya will play fair?"

"Maybe if they're honorable."

"Not likely. Now let's get back to the ship."


Bernkastel was back at her apartment, she had a 5 page essay due tomorrow afternoon at 3 so she would be burning the midnight oil. She looks at the material and begins typing. She sighs and begins thinking.

"Bernkastel, you wanna have dinner tonight?" Alexander asks.

"Sorry I can't I have parachute jump training tomorrow."

"Bernkastel, why are you doing this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Mobile suit training, you're barely around, we haven't made love since Valentine's Day and that was a quickie."

"I'm sorry but I must prepare for Zoya, surely you can understand that."

"Does it have to be you, can't you let someone else take over?"

"I can't do that, it's too late for that. I'm tired of being the useless one, I have to prove to everyone especially myself and Marius that I'm not a bimbo!"

"There you go again about him, I still don't understand how you could even think about being in the same visitation room with him. Am I not good enough for you!?"

"Alex, you're still going on about that?! You know I only have eyes for you. You tried."

"I didn't try hard enough for you. I'm supposed to be the man, I'm supposed to be the one protecting you!"

She groans angrily. "I'm no damsel in distress! I'm a hero now with a metal to prove it! You think I asked for it? Well no I didn't but somebody has to do it! Someone has to bare the weight. If you were a real man you would stand by me and support me. I've been supporting you but it seems all you care about is your ego." Then she remembers what Marius said, "You're just a pimped up doll!" "No I'm not just looks, I'm a person too! I wasn't made just to make you look good, Alexander and if you can't understand that then perhaps....perhaps we should take a break from us."

"Perhaps we should," he agrees grimly.

Bernkastel looks at what she has on paper so far, it was her name, date and title of the paper. She gives herself a facepalm. "Great!"


Earth Republic Military HQ: Bernkastel arrives at the briefing.

"If you're going to be late then don't bother showing up!" The MS Chief Engineer snaps.

"Sorry Sir!" She says sadly, salutes and sits down.

"Now that our main star is here, we can begin."

"Star?" She thought.

"We're going to the Atlantic Ocean where the Gundam will conduct deep sea diving in preparations for potential space combat which also includes walking on Luna."

She gulps but it wasn't the ocean that terrified her, it was the endless stream of space. She raises her hand.

"Yes Wheat."

"How long we'll be gone?"

"A few hours give or take. Anyone else has any questions?"

The room was silent.

"Alright then, we leave in a hour, dismiss!"

She puts on her normal suit. "Are you ready for this, Wheat?" 2nd Lieutenant Rin questions. She nods. "No but I have to, I'm won't be a bimbo. Concentrate on the mission nothing else," she thought.

Everyone was soon on board and the transport ship takes off. Bernkastel and the others grab a bite to eat. The pilot Sean looks out the window. There was nothing but ruins and a barren wasteland. "It would be a nice view if it was the same no matter where we went."

"A grim reminder of the war," Galen says.

"Damn you Zoya!"

Bernkastel leaves the cafeteria and makes her way to the hanger bay. She sits down next to Royal and studies. 2nd Lieutenant Rin was on her way to the cafeteria when she notices her and smiles. "You're finally growing up, Bern."

A few hours later the transport ship reaches the Atlantic Ocean. "All mobile suits get ready to launch," a woman on the intercom orders.

Bernkastel activates a cable which lowers down and she puts her right foot in the pedal and grabs the cable and begins ascending to the cockpit. "Ok this is it!" She walks towards ramp catapult behind the Templars and waits as the hanger door opens up. The red light becomes green, they were clear to launch.

"2nd Lieutenant Rin, Templar Leader launching!"

"Ensign Sean, Templar 2 launching!"

"Ensign Galen, Templar 3 launching!"

"Spaceman First Class Bernkastel Wheat, Royal Gundam launching!"

"All mobile suits have launched with no problems," a communications officer reports.

"Good," MS Chief Engineer Vulcan says and watches the monitor.

The four mobile suits were now hovering over the ocean. "Ok, Wheat, just do what I tell you and everything will be fine. We'll be down here no longer than two hours."

Bernkastel nods. "Let us dive."

They slowly enter the water. Bernkastel takes a deep breath, "You got this!" She says to herself. She had to or she'll be a sinking rock. She slowly lands into the water.

"How far are they?" MS Chief Engineer Vulcan asks.

"10 fathoms."

The four continued through the sea. "Wheat, how are you?"

"So far so good."

"Good, we're going deeper, switch on the deep sea lights." As they went deeper, her radar picks up movement. "Wheat, two bogies at your 3:00!"

"Huh?!" She turns toward. "Should I fire?"

"We'll try to make contact first."

They try contacting but the two bogies refuse to respond, they only get closer.

"Issue a warning shot." Bernkastel pulls out her underwater rifle and fire flechette rounds but they were getting closer.

"They're not backing off." Suddenly one bogies fire at her. "They just opened fire! I've been hit!"

"It's a threat engage!"

She fires at the bogie and destroys it but it was more like a pop then a combustion of fire. "Strange!" She goes after the other one.

"Don't pursue too far!"

"Roger, I have it in range."

"Watch for friendlies and friendly fire."

"Yes, Ma'am!" She fires and once again the sub pops rather than explode. "Huh, again? Lieutenant, I think these were dummies." She thinks for a second. "Was this us?"

"Of course, it was a test to see how well you could perform in underwater combat. Those dummies were firing blanks. How did she do, Chief Engineer?"

"Good, she remained calm and did what she was expected to do. Don't think it will remain easy," he radios in response.

"Yes Sir, thank you, Sir!" Bernkastel radios back."

"Oh and 2nd Lieutenant that's MS Chief Engineer not Chief Engineer, you should know that by now," he corrects her sternly.

She rolls her eyes "Alright we're heading to the bottom."

"Roger," the three pilots radio in union.

It wasn't long before they reach the bottom.

"Sean you take the right, Galen left, Wheat the rear, I'll be in the center."

"Roger," the three pilots radio in union.

They begin walking across the seabed.

"It's beautiful down here," Bernkastel observers.

"Unless it's something important, radio silence, Wheat."

"Roger that, Ma'am," she radios flatly.

"Lieutenant, radiation levels increasing," Sean reports.

"There's something up ahead," Galen radios.

As they get closer they see what remains of a battleship.

"I got movement," Bernkastel reports. A minute later she could see it. It was a fish with three eyes. "Shall I shoot it?"


no sense in wasting flechette rounds," 2nd Lieutenant Rin radios.

"Never seen a three eyed fish before."

"The radiation has mutated the fish," Sean explains.

Bernkastel was shocked. She heard her fair share of stories about the radioactivity but to see the results up close was really something. "Damn, I understand."

They start investigating the battleship. "It was one of ours from back in the day, ECF (Earth Coalition Force)," Galen radios.

"A moment of silence for our comrades of old," 2nd Lieutenant Rin radios.

Once the moment has passed they set out again.

2nd Lieutenant Rin looks at the time. "Not too much longer," she thought.

Bernkastel was walking but then notices something shiny on the sea floor. "Oh what do I spy with my little eyes?" She looks at her squad moving ahead but she takes the opportunity to dig.

"Wheat you're falling behind!"

"Sorry Ma'am." She continues digging only to find a piece of metal. She sighs sadly. "I'm coming to you." Suddenly something speeds past her. "What was that?" She looks to her right and then her left. She turns around and comes face to face with gigantic electric eel. "Oh so you thought you could scare me, huh? Well you have to do better than that! But I have to admit for dummy it looks almost real."

The eel knock her down and begins wrapping it's body around her. It begins electrocuting the Gundam. "Oh shit power is failing, power is failing! Adriana help!"

The Templars appear and fire well placed flechette rounds. The eel howls in pain and lets go of the Gundam and flees. "Bernkastel are you alright!"

"Yeah but Royal is losing power, I won't have enough to get to the surface."

"I think the eel is coming back," Sean radios.

2nd Lieutenant Rin puts up her underwater rifle and pulls out her underwater bazooka. "I got you!" She grabs Royal. "We're surfacing! Transport this is Rin, we need you to rendezvous on my position right now! We have a giant electric eel coming after us and the Gundam has lost power!"

"We're on our way."

The Templars begin their ascension with the eel following. 2nd Lieutenant Rin fires a torpedo round. "It's still coming!" Galen radios and he Sean fire flechette rounds.

"Damn it! This wouldn't have happened if I didn't get distracted." She tries to activate the Vulcan gun rounds that had been equipped with flechette for the mission but nothing comes out. "Damn it!"

"2nd Lieutenant, we're here but we need your squad to scatter so we can deploy depth charges.

"Roger that! Everyone scatter!"

The mobile suits move and depth charges are quickly dropped in. The eel groans in pain and 2nd Lieutenant Rin fires another torpedo round. The eel retreats.

The four mobile suits are loaded into the transport ship.

"Bernkastel are you alright?!" 2nd Lieutenant Rin asks worriedly.

"Yeah but I'm sorry, this wouldn't have happened if I wasn't distracted."

"The eel might have attacked anyway but still if you get distracted, if you hesitate you and others will die."

"I understand," Bernkastel answers sadly.

MS Chief Engineer Vulcan and his secretary run into the hanger. "How is the Gundam, is it ok?!" He asks worriedly.

"Yeah it's fine, save a loss on power but it can be restored," Bernkastel answers happily. "And I'm fine too."

"Yes I'm sure you are," he says unenthusiastically.

"Sir, the data is ready," Secretary Blanch says.

He nods and they both leave.

2nd Lieutenant Rin was angry. "I really don't like him!"

Bernkastel has her head down in shame, "I'm still a bimbo," she thought.


May 2098

Bernkastel was at Adriana's place studying. "Do you think I should call Alex? It's been nearly two months since we've been on break."

"No, if he truly cared he would call you first. It's the man's job!"

"I do agree, and it's the man's job to protect, to provide. But I do want to contribute!"

"His idea is you staying at home looking pretty and popping out babies."

"I don't mind popping out babies and raising them but I absolutely refuse to be a housewife."

"Yeah, you have to let him know that. You know I heard before the Fall of Man that women were meant to equal, you know founder and cofounder. But the reason men dominate over women is because the whole sin thing."

"Sigh, you are a soldier and my grandpa was a war journalist and even he learned how to survive so why not me? I can't just let others do all the work for me. If I do that than people will only know me for just good looks. I don't want that, my classmates actually want to be around me, I've even earned Professor Kirstein's respect! He doesn't scold me as much as he used to, sometimes I do fall asleep in his class but it's rare, he knows I'm training hard. I've been listening real well and I've turned in all my work on time. I want to earn what I have not have it given to me, I want to be remembered for my brains as well as my looks. I don't want our people accusing me of getting with Alex just because of my looks. I don't want to be a bimbo!"

"Bern, you really have grown."

"I try."

"You know he's graduating."

"Yeah but I haven't received an invitation yet. So I don't know if I should go."

"If he gives you one you go, if he doesn't give you one you don't go, simple as that."


One week later: "Bernkastel, you've finally reached 20, your parents would be proud," Lorenzo cries.

"Oh grandpa," she says and hugs him. "Guess what, grandpa." She hands him her report card. History 2 B+, Fencing B, Oral Communications B-, Gender Studies B.

"Awesome job, Bernkastel!"

"Yeah and just wait till next year, I'll get all As!"

"Ok I'll hold you to that."

"I wanna see that too, Bern."

There was a knock at the door and Lorenzo goes to open it. It was Chief Bonaparte and Alexander. He wasn't exactly thrilled about seeing them but he lets them in anyway.

Bernkastel couldn't believe it. "Alex?"

"I wasn't going to forget your birthday," he explains.

"Yes I couldn't forget my future daughter in law's birthday," Chief Bonaparte adds.

Bernkastel couldn't help but blush in embarrassment. Alex gives her some presents and a invitation to his graduation.

After some time had passed the two head outside. "I didn't mean to intrude on your birthday, I mother decided this. She wants us to go ahead and tie the knot."

"Before we decide on the future we need to focus on the now," she sighs. "Alex I have to do this."

"You don't have to, you're being forced to carry this burden. I don't like it at all, I don't want you to get hurt!"

"Marius came after me because he wanted to hurt my grandpa. We both couldn't do anything to stop it. You know I love you but what good is love when I'm not alive to express it?"

"It's seems like you're doing that by piloting the Gundam."

"What about Adriana, huh? She was to pilot Royal before me! Was she throwing her life away then or you just didn't care until it was me?!" Alex struggles to find the right words. "I've witnessed first hand on how ruthless the Zoyanese are."

"Zoyanese? Since when do we refer to them as that?"

"It's an earlier name besides its kinda weird referring them as just Zoya," she explains.

"They are the Zoya people."

"Yeah I'm sure the Americans of the old era were referred as the America people, the Germans were the Germany people, the Chinese were the China people, see how weird that sounds and the latter sounds vaguely racist."

"Ok I get it. But still...."

"If we're going to be together you're just going to have to accept this part of my life. I'm a soldier of the Earth Republic Military Space Force. Sigh, thank you for the gifts and the invitation but I think you should leave."

"Does that mean you're not going to my graduation ceremony?"

"Of course I'm going, but I need to be alone for a while. I have to prepare for space travel. I will be going to Luna in June for two weeks. I expect your answer by time I get back.

He sighs and nods and then leaves.


Adriana drives Bernkastel to her apartment. Adriana tries to get her to talk but Bernkastel was silent. Once Bernkastel gets inside she takes a shower. She sits on the shower floor and cries. "Everything was going so well but then this. No birthday sex!" She says angrily.

She exits the bathroom and dries herself off. With no one around she decides not to put on clothes. She was going to do what Adriana does when nobody was at her place, she would go to bed naked.

An hour later it was getting hot, she knew that this meant that another very hot summer would come, she hopes that rain would be constant. She remembers back in 91 it didn't rain at all for the entire summer months. She didn't think she would make it but managed to pull it off.

She turns down the AC and watches TV. A commercial about couples going to the Luna starts playing and she shakes her head and changes the channel. "Damn you Alex and no birthday sex!" Last year around this time they were fucking. She could remember it clearly, him licking the icing off her tits, the remaining cake itself was covered with his and her cum. A second later she opens her eyes and notices her nipples were erect. "Was it just the cold or was it my birthday fantasy?"

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