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How John Stamos Paid Sweet Tribute To Full House Co-Star Bob Saget During A Beach Boy...

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Kayla Herrera

published May 20, 2016

We all know Pokemon to be a pretty clean and kid-oriented game. But one fan has created his own version of Pokemon , called Pokmeon Apex , that’s more suited for adults, including adult themes, swearing and horror.
The developer, Nate, described the project as,
...the game is intended to be somewhat difficult, meaning that you will need to think about your strategies and make conscientious choices about your team in order to progress. Playing through the game haphazardly will get you into trouble.Also, this game is for people who prefer to take their time in games to explore their environment and uncover hidden details. There are lots of small details hidden throughout the game, as well as secret areas and items that reward meticulous players.
So instead of just having some minor adult themes and language, the game will also be a little more difficult. But it’s important to note this “adult” Pokemon game won’t be anything like the “adult-rated” game you’re thinking of; so no there won’t be any pornographic scenes or NSFW images. But the game will be directed at an older audience than what Pokemon games are usually targeting. Post-puberty, to be exact. You can check out some gameplay below to see how it works.
While I think this is a fantastic idea, I also think Nintendo is going to act fast in taking it down, just like they did with the fan-made version of The Legend Of Zelda . Nintendo is very uptight about things like this, just as they are about people streaming their games on YouTube. So while I love this idea of a more adult Pokemon , sadly I don’t think it’s going to last very long, especially with all of the press it’s getting.
So if you’re going to download the Pokemon Apex version, you might want to do it quickly. And you can do so by visiting the official download page .
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The Punisher Star Thomas Jane Says Rob Zombie Almost Directed Punisher 2, And Now We ...
New James Bond Rumors Probably Mean Henry Cavill, Idris Elba And Tom Hardy Are Off Th...
How John Stamos Paid Sweet Tribute To Full House Co-Star Bob Saget During A Beach Boy...

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Kayla Herrera

published May 20, 2016

We all know Pokemon to be a pretty clean and kid-oriented game. But one fan has created his own version of Pokemon , called Pokmeon Apex , that’s more suited for adults, including adult themes, swearing and horror.
The developer, Nate, described the project as,
...the game is intended to be somewhat difficult, meaning that you will need to think about your strategies and make conscientious choices about your team in order to progress. Playing through the game haphazardly will get you into trouble.Also, this game is for people who prefer to take their time in games to explore their environment and uncover hidden details. There are lots of small details hidden throughout the game, as well as secret areas and items that reward meticulous players.
So instead of just having some minor adult themes and language, the game will also be a little more difficult. But it’s important to note this “adult” Pokemon game won’t be anything like the “adult-rated” game you’re thinking of; so no there won’t be any pornographic scenes or NSFW images. But the game will be directed at an older audience than what Pokemon games are usually targeting. Post-puberty, to be exact. You can check out some gameplay below to see how it works.
While I think this is a fantastic idea, I also think Nintendo is going to act fast in taking it down, just like they did with the fan-made version of The Legend Of Zelda . Nintendo is very uptight about things like this, just as they are about people streaming their games on YouTube. So while I love this idea of a more adult Pokemon , sadly I don’t think it’s going to last very long, especially with all of the press it’s getting.
So if you’re going to download the Pokemon Apex version, you might want to do it quickly. And you can do so by visiting the official download page .
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Cinemablend is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab) .
Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street,
New York,
NY 10036.

Rick Moranis played the janitor in “The Breakfast Club” so provocatively that he was fired.
'Yeah, I'm out,' said the shark, whose name was Tipfin.
The history of the minimum wage is bafflingly complicated and disturbingly short.
Besides the fact that the last seasons sucked, that is.
Two of the four who tried out for this role died, two became mega-famous?!
Pokemon fans who have been around since the original games are now old enough to see articles scolding them for not saving more for their retirement . If Detective Pikachu isn't satisfying their need to take their old hobby in strange new directions, there are some some dedicated fans and creators out there eager to help. It turns out there's a vibrant scene of fanmade Pokemon games that allow players to explore new regions, catch clever new monsters, and occasionally do sex crimes.
As a family friendly franchise, Pokemon has long glossed over the fact that any kind of dispute would certainly go awry if one or both parties had immediate access to slavishly obedient dragons. Even the world's criminals resist using the 21-foot-tall serpents they carry around in their pockets to smash open the walls of banks and devour the security guards. But Pokemon Psychic Adventure boldly asks the question that the cowards at Nintendo will not: What if the player was the horrific asshole that Pokemon has long lacked?
Psychic Adventure plays out much like a traditional Pokemon game, except with 1,000% more rapey vibes. You're given a Drowzee, a psychic-type Pokemon that knows the moves Sleep and Hypnosis, and then, well ...
It's still your goal to travel the world and become the greatest trainer in the land. It's just that you can also, upon defeating a gym leader, put them to sleep and molest them, or turn them into a hypnotized sex slave. And there are no consequences. When you're done, the women wake up with no idea of what's happened, at least until they start to put the pieces together and you become the subject of Kanto's most popular true crime podcast.
You can even level up your Pokemon to take your sexual assaults further, in a classic example of a gameplay loop. Incredibly repulsive premise aside, the game's pixelated nude sprites and "Holy shit, you're taking a girl's bra off, dude!" writing have all the raw eroticism of a calculator displaying "BOOBS."And thanks to the terrible magic of the internet, you can express what kind of rape you'd like to see added to the next version on a forum . In a bold attempt to fight stereotypes, though, only a mere 80% of the users have avatars of big-breasted anime characters instead of the expected 100%.
Psychic Adventure was created by an ostensible adult, but the sex scenes read like they were written by a teenager who insists that yes, he's totally had sex, and is in fact so awesome at it that the scene where you pleasure eight women at once was inspired by his real-life exploits. It's both a laughable and a worrying look into the fact that if we had Pokemon in reality, we would also need a whole host of specialized police units.
Most Pokemon fans would scoff at, or run screaming from, Psychic Adventure. The creator of Pokemon Korosu is no exception, because they knew that a truly mature Pokemon game wouldn't merely have endless sex. It would also have crime! And drugs! And a murderous revenge fantasy! You know, adult stuff! It's even, like all great Pokemon games, inspired by Kill Bill. And as a super mature story for smart adults, it starts with gangsters murdering the parents of the teenage heroine, kidnapping her, and selling her into sex slavery.
Within three minutes of the title screen, you're about to be raped, but then a ghost Pokemon comes to your rescue and kills your slaver. Thus begins your quest / murder spree. You travel from town to town and disrupt sex trafficking rings, meth labs, and vague criminal schemes. You execute many of the trainers you defeat, and the game is billed as having a body count "unprecedented in any Pokemon hack," which is apparently supposed to be a plus.
It's difficult, to put it mildly, to get emotionally invested in a story where what's supposed to be a scary biker gang rolls up and threatens to rape you, and to make good on this threat, they send adorable birds and caterpillars to battle the ghost you order around. Any "gritty" Pokemon crime drama should realistically end with a brutal criminal, frustrated over losing a fair and structured monster duel, whipping out a gun and shooting you in the face.
After you get done killing criminals by electrocuting them, setting them on fire, impaling them, cutting them apart, chopping their testicles off, and torturing them, society will magically be fixed! Then other girls hit on you, because you're so hot and cool! And this intense drama is all unfolding in the bright and colorful world of Pokemon, a franchise where you beat the shit out of other people's pets with your own pets and all they can do is tell you how great you are for it.
Zombies have infested nearly every pop culture franchise, from Red Dead Redemption to freaking Archie . And thanks to Snakewood , we now know what the zombie apocalypse would look like if it came to Pokemon. That is, stupid. Very, very stupid.
Loot corpses! Contemplate the horror of a civilization in collapse! Tame adorable raccoons!
It's nice of the zombies to engage you in a Pokemon battle before attempting to gnaw your skull open, but that also goes to show how awkward it is to force zombies into the Pokemon world. It's not inherently weird to make Pokemon scary. The games do have some dark moments and clever urban legends. But in a classic example of "If less is more, think how much more more would be," there isn't just the zombie apocalypse, but also a demon invasion, murder, drunkenness, human sacrifice, an inquisition, suicide, and the literal Four Horsemen. Instead of making a single cohesive Pokemon horror game, they somehow made every Pokemon horror game at once.
By the time you've fought your 500th Pokemon that's a bird, but like, with blood and guts on it, the novelty has long worn off. By the time you're doing battle with Pestilence, the whole affair feels like a bizarre fever dream.
The further you get into Snakewood, the more it reinforces how misguided its premise is, because with every decapitation, you desperately want to catch a cuddly Jigglypuff just to end the monotony.
Every encounter is like if Jason Vorhees busted down your door, threw your best friend's head at your feet, and then politely challenged you to a game of chess.
For some of those original fans I mentioned earlier, the games still serve as escapism, something fun to dabble in as a break from dreary adulthood. But others want to see a serious prestige drama aesthetic applied to the goofy Pokemon world. Which is how you end up with Pokemon Reborn , a game about collecting cartoon monsters that opens with terrorists blowing up a train.
A suspect is immediately arrested, then tortured by the police with the aid of their Pokemon, because this is a serious world where serious things happen. Reborn is ambitious and, to the credit of its creators, an impressive technical achievement. But it would also be an impressive technical achievement to edit Pikachu into the background of Blade Runner, and that wouldn't make it any less stupid to hear a cute yellow rabbit cry "Pika! Pikachu?" as Rutger Hauer monologued about the impermanence of life.
Reborn is set in a city called, uh, Reborn City, described by its creators as a place where "Black smog and acidic water garnish the crumbling structures along the skyline. City streets fest like alleys with disaster and crime. But the metropolis stands, a decaying blemish on the once-vibrant region." And after you get introduced to Taxi Driver: Monster Collecting Edition , you catch Pokemon and use them to battle a gym leader, only to watch that gym leader kill himself because his wife died in childbirth and he regrets how he went on to handle his relationship with their daughter. Then your rival immediately shows up to mock the suicide, which is the logical next step from the old rival catchphrase of "Smell ya later!"
Reborn sports more characters and plot twists than Game Of Thrones. Climate change has devastated the planet, Pokemon are on the verge of extinction, and some have been genetically modified into weapons of mass destruction. There are doomsday cults, child abuse, drugs, prostitution, profanity, brainwashing, terminal illnesses, and evil doctors. Throughout all of this, you have to stop a bunch of evildoers from somehow making the dyspokeia worse with their plan to reshape the Universe by manipulating a PokeGod. That last part has actually been a plot in the series before , but at least in Pokemon Platinum you could save our dimension and then not have to worry about dealing with, like, a dozen hostage situations.
It's all very "serious," but serious in the sense of "True Art must be relentlessly bleak and dour, just like we think reality is literally all the time." You can't use a video game to comment on reality if everyone in your video game is some combination of profane, depressed, evil, destitute, criminal, and insane. We're dealing with climate change and terrorism now, and society continues to march on as people go about their day, doing good things to counteract the bad. Having everyone in a previously lighthearted fantasy world be either miserable or cruel is like writing a story about Dora the Explorer becoming a serial killer.
Yes, you've subverted expectations, but what exactly have you proved? Anyway, here's a an evil Magmortar throwing a Medicham into a volcano:
Moemon is identical to Pokemon FireRed save one subtle difference. Can you spot it?
Yes, this is a game in which all the Pokemon are anime girls. Many of them retain various monstrous traits, but don't worry, they all have tits! Here's a five-year, 249-page forum discussion about its many nuances.
So this is a game about capturing a collection of human women, and maybe occasionally letting them out of their magical prisons for a breath of fresh air. Take every joke you've ever heard about Pokemon being dogfighting, or slavery, or animal cruelty, and apply it to people. People who are all, in a staggering coincidence, petite young women. Hey, you can even buy some human women from Team Rocket, who I guess are just slave traders now.
At least they all keep their clothes on and the player can't do anything inappropriate to them ... aside from, well, playing this game. "But they're not really women, they're animals that happen to look like women, right down to their boobs!" someone is rushing to object. Well, great. Then it's a lighthearted revision of Pokemon for people who want to have sex with quasi-sentient animals but don't want that to be too weird.
The game is billed as cute and innocent and wholesome, and it's not like the people who are playing it actually intend to capture real women, if only because they lack the requisite upper body strength. But the concept is just ... off-putting . And to explain that, go ahead and imagine what the backlash would be like if a woman released a Pokemon game in which all the Pokemon were shirtless dudes with prominent crotch bulges and everyone talked about how cute they were to oppress. Meanwhile, people write things like "While commonly accepted by the fanbase as one of the sexiest Pokemon ..." before going about their day as though that was the most unremarkable statement in the world.
I guess what I'm saying is that this game accidentally has more social commentary than the one with all the torture.
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