Mobile App Backend Development: Time to Strengthen Your Mobile App

Mobile App Backend Development: Time to Strengthen Your Mobile App

Shibi Satheesh

What is a smartphone app's backend? Does my mobile app need a backend? What are the numerous backend types? How to pick the best backend for the creation of my mobile app?You may have related concerns and reservations regarding the development of a mobile app if you want a personalized mobile app. We addressed the most critical questions regarding this issue in this post. This is an exhaustive guide to the creation of backend smartphone applications for app owners.

Backend for Mobile Application

You will see the rear end as an additional smartphone app – although the rear end normally functions on the rear end, the rear end portion are somewhat different. It's a tech piece running on so-called servers on remote computers. It is accessible via the API via the Internet (application public interface). The backend is not designed for immediate human use but for other purposes (frontend apps). It helps to carry out remote activities that cannot be carried out via the front end applications for some purposes.

Importance of Backend for Mobile Application

Developing and design mobile applications takes substantial time, critical thought and analysis before development.

So let’s first go through process of the development:

1. Planning

2. Functions and features

3. UI/UX Design -

4. Frontend Development

5. Backend Development

6. Testing

7. Deployment

8. Maintenance & Support

So let’s get into Backend

Backend applications are intended for use by frontend applications, not explicitly by humans. An interface app communicates via the Internet with the bottom via protocols optimized for communication between machines and not so intuitable for people (like buttons, tables, or lists). Users of the frontend app are hardly aware of backend apps on their tablets, browsers and other computers behind applications.

On remote servers the backend applications are hosted. It is against the frontend, which generally operates on computers owned by its customers. The backend servers may be a physical computer, virtual cloud servers or any network capable of carrying out remote tasks. As mentioned above, device applications connect with backend servers over the internet and share the data in JSON-like formats. There are many front programmes managed on one computer, as well as several users concurrently.

Please be mindful that the backend is not a single programme or server as seen in the above table, in several instances. It can be a complete network of cooperation applications and computers. Backend is responsible for activities not carried out on a smartphone device front.

Why does your mobile app need a backend?

Now let’s go into why do you need backend?  It may be a small service or an application that is very complex. But it is definitely not easy for you to guess if you are a non-technical guy. The only thing you can do is contact a mobile app professional such as iOS/Android or the creation of backend applications. They can quickly answer the question on the basis of your app summary and a simple survey.

The backend is the programme reached through the internet by the frontend application. Any software will function entirely offline. You probably have to download the internet, of course, but even your app can not fit with the Internet connection? If yes, the app will definitely function without a backend. However, if the internet is needed, it still requires a backend.

What are backend development features for mobile applications?

Before you decide to add a backend to your smartphone app, you have some items to ensure. When designing mobile applications, the most popular features to use are:

Cloud Server: Both cloud servers will now be made available in a protected environment, in various sizes. Google App Engine and Amazon AWS are the most prominent Cloud servers. They are common to big businesses and are reliable.

Custom Server: For your mobile app, you will still build your own server. Or inquire for SaaS from a software developer such as Syndicode. The IP address is available and some information is processed. In this way, the control over a custom server is often complete, but more time for monitoring is needed. Please read our IT Infrastructure Architecture content if you are interested.

MBaaS: "Mobile Backend as a Service" You will do this if you don't want to write your own backend servers or invest in a cloud-based server. Many independent MBaaS vendors already have fantastic functionalities and can track the applications with an analytics system.

Think of your goals and time management skills as you pick the right form. Select the right experts from the mobile app production team and don't care about mobile backend. Recall that a responsible judgement is accessibility.

When does your app need backend?

Your mobile app needs a backend if the software includes a back office, an administration panel, or a website where you can handle the app's content or the app presents regularly modified data (every day, every week). If the user devices can sync each other's data, you need a backend. Also, when the app needs orders and payments then there is a need for a backend and when the users interact among themselves. When the app is involved in gathering consumer statistical data and you would like the users to get alerts or news about promotions.

How to choose the right backend for your mobile application?

Backends can be classified in many ways. The way they interact with frontend software, their architecture and a wide range of other considerations can be categorized according to technology. The easiest way to categorize for you as an App User is the commitment you need to generate it.

The best choice is to build a customized backend. This can be achieved by assembling a production team that creates an interface from scratch for you. This is the most versatile choice, which helps you to build practically all your application requires. However, it's not the only way. It takes time and resources to create your own backend. Often a cheaper alternative is available. Perhaps the SaaS or MBaaS solution would be enough for you.


Any current platforms will already deliver the functionalities you need. They have history strategies ready for frontline applications. You only have to download, pay for a monthly charge, and in a few clicks/seconds you have a ready and functional backend.


These are Firebase or Parse services. Certain backend features are popular for many applications, such as the storing of data, approval, authentication, push alerts and many others. MBaaS offers you the ability to connect your history to ready components that provide the requisite functionality. If the built-in features are not enough, you also have the ability to enter a custom code.

Such services are typically quick to use and in many cases frontend developers have no issues with their own use and customization. For the usage of services you pay a monthly fee (such as the number of push notifications sent, number of users, etc.). If you really expect high traffic in your service, it will become expensive and could surpass consumer backend costs in a short time, but this almost never happens. This alternative is usually more versatile than SaaS, but needs to be tailored for some growth.

Custom Backend Development

This is the safest and most versatile choice. All that SaaS or MBaaS cannot do can be done with a personalized backend. The apparent inconvenience of course is the set-up and execution costs. A dedicated back-end programmer or an entire team is required. Depending on the device needs, the custom backend may be a basic app or a sophisticated distributed framework. It's the more expensive solution, but you are not as constrained as the previous one.


What is a mobile apps backend? It is a smartphone application, as we have mentioned. It is a software component that does not go directly to humans but instead to interfaces running on the mobile devices of end-users such as the smartphones. The backend is accessible on remote computers or servers where programmes run on the computer of the user in an opposition frontend.

Will you need a backend for your app? This question is difficult to respond, however in most situations. The easiest approach is to find professionals on smartphone applications. Of course, you should try to answer this question by asking yourself if your app can work without internet connectivity. If possible, its intent is realised and practical for end-users, so the application does not require a back-end.

You should start to worry about the kind of software that is ideally fit for your use. Any platforms that provide a ready-made backdrop with an administrative panel may be sufficient to use. You will have to use a mobile app development company that can glue an easy backend from modules that are ready to use. But you need to create your own backend program if those choices are not appropriate. The mobile app development method looks just the same as every other program. You should contact professionals who will advise you on the best choice and ensure you are sure what is right for you.

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