Mmsa Stories

Mmsa Stories


Mmsa Stories



Josh Wilson and Eliot Seetin sat on Rick Morley's bed, they glanced
at each other then Eliot Seetin spoke.

"Last night we were breaking bounds by being out of our dorm, and
taking part in a dare game. Our dare was to bring back an item from
the senior housing area. As we were passing your window we saw a caning
being given to someone. Being curious we crept up to your window to
see who was getting a thrashing so late at night.

What we saw was you two enjoying yourselves, we stayed till you finished
then returned to our dorm forgetting the dare. We each got one whack
of the slipper from the others in our dorm for being chicken and not
binging back a trophy."

"We have the same feelings after being caned, but due to the lack
of privacy of the Junior dorm we cannot continue as you do. So what
we were wondering is can we join you in one of your sessions?"

"No" both juniors replied. Morley was concerned that the full story
might have been leaked to the School and that would have been a disaster
for his remaining time at the school. Satisfied that the two did not
know the complete story he turned to Dutton.

"I think these two have a tremendous nerve coming here and confessing
that they have invaded our privacy, under the guise that they would
like to join us in our hobby."

Roy Dutton nodded agreement. He moved to the window and firmly closed
the drape checking to see that no parts of the window were uncovered.

"We cannot allow a confession of breaking bounds to go unpunished,
and I agree with you that they have indeed placed ourselves in a rather
delicate position. It is best that they are put to a test."

Looking directly at the two juniors, Dutton put on his Head Boy stance
and voice.

"Very well you two, Blazers off, shoes as well, then your trousers.
You are each going to get a caning that you will not soon forget.
Then we shall see if you want to continue with other pleasures."

Josh and Eliot looked at each other, the same thought passed through
each mind, maybe we made a mistake.

"Move." Dutton commanded. Both boys now quickly divested themselves
of their clothing as ordered. They now stood only in socks, shirt,
and their white briefs. Dutton had gone to the closet and taken out
a cane, medium weight, long, it would deliver a scorching sting, a
welt that would be the pride of any dorm in the school, but no long
time bruising.

"Six apiece, the best I can deliver, then we'll see about the rest."
Dutton pointed to Josh.

"Over here." Josh walked over to Dutton who was standing by the table,
laying the cane on the table he reached over and slid the boys briefs
down to his ankles. The boy's penis was exposed, begining to swell
while nestled in a dark tuft of pubic hair.

"Over the table, grip the far side, tightly, now your legs wide apart,
come on wider."

Josh was now bent over the table the effect of his wide spread legs
was to raise his heels well off the floor, and push his upper body
down on the table forcing his head to turn sideways. Dutton took the
boys shirt and pushed it up his body. The next move was to order Seetin
to stand at the end of the table, and place his hands on his head.
This had the effect of raising his shirt and expose the bulge in his
briefs. It was moving in an upward direction as he stared down at
his friend spead acoss the table. From his position he would be able
to see everey stroke as it lashed his friends buttocks. Rick Morley
stood directly behind Seetin. The view over the shoulder of the smaller
boy was also unobstructed. His eyes were fastened on the firm white
globes of Josh's buttocks, and his erection was complete.

Dutton took two steps backward, raised the cane and stepping quickly
forward brought it lashing down across the firm white flesh.

From his position on the table Josh was looking directly at the crotch
of his friend, and he could see that Eliot was already enjoying an
erection, and it was starting to affect him likewise. Then he heard
two quick steps, a swoosh of moving air. A heartbeat later he felt
the pressure of the cane as it creased his exposed buttocks, in that
same heartbeat his bottom seemed to explode into a ball of fire. He
jerked forward grinding his erection into the edge of the table causing
it to harden even further. He screwed his eyes closed as the vicious
sting coursed through his nerve ends.

Eliot and Rick from their vantage point at the end of the table had
watched as Dutton brought the cane lashing down onto the buttocks
of the other. They watched as the instrument creased the flesh then
as it rebounded the fierce red of the welt was exposed. It appeared
to be a line of fire across the white buttocks. Josh jerked forward
screwing his eyes in pain. The erections of the two watchers strained
at their respective clothing.

The second stroke seemed even more powerful as it had the same marking
effect on Josh's bottom. The third was lower and landed where the
tender flesh formed the crease between leg, and buttock. Josh let
out a yelp, and started to raise up.

"Down, and be quiet" Dutton growled then delivered the scorching fourth
stroke to the youth bent over the table, Roy Dutton was also sporting
an erection of immense proportion. The penultimate stroke caused the
penis of the boy being caned to again grind against the table, and
try as he might he could not stop the begining of an orgasm, the sting
of the final stroke was not the reason that Josh pulled himself against
the table sending a stream of his sperm splashing onto the floor beneth
the table. This was not unoticed by the other three in the room. Jopsh
pulled himself twice more against the table before relaxing with a
groan against the table top.

"Get up you are finished for now" Dutton spoke.

Josh stood and the action of his moving the spread legs, and contracting
the muscles of his bottom brought a sharp intake of breath to his
body. His buttocks were crossed by six very plain bright red stripes.

The scene was repeated as Dutton lowered the briefs of Eliot, this
time he had to pull them outward to allow the engorged penis of the
boy to free itself from the cloth. He bent him over the table and
went through the ritual of spreading the boys legs wide apart. Again
the shirt was pushed up to completely expose buttocks soon to be lashed.
The caning began as before, this time Josh and Rick watched the stripes
explode into view on Eliot's bottom. The third stroke had just burst
into view on the white buttocks when . . .

A series of sharp knocks on the study door, as Rick reached for the
door, it opened and a head poked into the room. It was Eliots older
brother Sam, a senior and Prefect in charge of the dorm the two juniors
lived in.

"Oh excuse me, I was just on the way to the shower, got any shampoo?
I did not know you two worked on Saturdays" he joked at the two seniors.
Looking at the boy on the table he shook his head.

"My baby brother . . . now what have you done?"

"Breaking bounds" Dutton spoke directly to Sam.

Looking at the the table again he said to his brother, " Will you
never learn?, you and your constant partner in crime Mr. Wilson. Well
this time I will make you both very sore. I have errands to run, I
expect you both in my study right after supper."

Taking the offered shampoo he turned to the door, stopping a moment
he looked back.

"Be sure to wear something that will slip off your bottoms easily,
don't be late" then to Dutton, "Lay it on well Roy he needs it." Then
he left the room closing the door behind him. This time Rick locked
it, further interuptions could be awkward.

Dutton returned to the matter in hand, and continued the caning with
renewed vigour after the short breather.

On the table Eliot had heard the exchange with his brother, and initially
was dismayed to be told that further punishment was to be given to
Josh and himself, but then it would be several hours, and youth has
a way of renewing its hurts in a very short time.
He had seen that Josh's position on the table had caused his friend
to be rubbed against the table and consequently erupt. As he bent
over the table, he made sure that he was far enough away to avoid
any contact with the table and his penis. This resulted in his bottom
being pushed up and out, making Dutton's task easier as he flogged
the supine youth.

The last three strokes of Eliots punishment were indeed scorchers
and tears streamed down from his eyes, and sobs were evident.

"Get up" Eliot stood slowly his erection was pulsing, the head of
his penis shone in its hardness, he moved his arms as if to touch
his throbbing part.

"Hands on your head now" Morley ordered. Eliot obeyed.

Now both boys stood their bottoms red and welt covered, hands on head.
Josh was showing the beginning of another erection, he was not very
happy about the interruption of Eliot's brother and the resulting
promise of further painful caning.

Rick had placed a jar of cream on the table, and motioning Josh to
bend over the table again took some cream on the hot welts of the
boys bottom, a liberal amount was applied to the tight sphincter as
his finger entered Josh. The boy moved backward at the feel of the
entry to his bottom. Taking Eliot by the arm Dutton placed him behind
his friend, putting his fingers into the jar of cream he put cooling
covering on the still throbbing penis of Eliot. No further prompting
was necessary, Eliot guided himself to enter the waiting relaxed anus
of Josh.

Gripping his friend by the shoulders he began to thrust right up to
the still hot buttocks then withdraw to the tender head of his manhood
before thrusting forward again. It was more than he could stand and
he had to release his juices into the warm tightness of Josh's body
the final thrusting brough gasps from the lips of both boys as Josh
was now in a state of arousal again.

Rick Morley and Roy Dutton watched as Eliot spent himself. Then as
if on a silent command they both quickly undressed. Rick took Eliot
and bending him the end of his bed slapped the junior across his red
bottom with one hand as he used the other to lubricate himself before
thrusting into the body of Eliot.

At the other end of the table Roy Dutton was bent in front of Josh,
and was guiding the now red hardness of the boys penis to his own
waiting sphincter.

Later as all were relaxed and dressed again, Dutton admonished the
two Juniors.

"Let that be a lesson to you both, you cannot just violate the rules
as you wish, now off with you and don't forget your appointment with
Mr. Seetin. When he is through with you both you had better report
here again, and Rick and I can perhaps soothe what I am sure will
be some sore buttocks."

This follows on from "Robbie is sent to Borstal", which in turn is
a sequel to "A Voyage Back in Time".
Robbie cried himself to sleep
that night. It was not just the pain of the spanking, but the humiliation
which upset him so much. A public over-the-knee bare-bottom spanking
with a plimsoll is a very humiliating experience for a 17-year-old.
Derek, one of the other newbies, had come up to him when they were
all showering. He was a powerful stocky lad from somewhere near Bradford
and, like most Yorkshiremen, he didn't mince his words. "That's not
t'way to survive around 'ere, lad. My big broothers in ere and e says
if tha gets ont' wrong side of Barker, tha'll wish tha wer dead."
said Geoff, one of Robbie's mates. "Jes make sure from now on it's
yes sir, no sir, three bags full sir. Oos four Durham lads are all
lumped together in their eyes and we don't want you queering our pitch
like. I'm not reet fond of plimsolls connec'ing wi' anywhere but feet."
realised it was often his mouth that got him into trouble. He was
a bright, independent-minded youngster, but he was naturally rebellious
and was fast developing a contempt for authority. The whole point
of Borstals was to steer lads into a certain mould. Without realising
it he was on a collision course with the Borstal authorities.
was fascinated by Robbie, with whom he felt a spiritual bond, and
wanted to see if he managed to complete his sentence without further
damage to his rear end. Given Robbie's form up till this point, Jamie
had a strong suspicion that was highly unlikely! An encounter with
the cane and maybe even the birch seemed a dead cert. He decided to
do an audio-search with his state-of-the-art time-reader. He trained
the machine on Robbie's end of the dormitory and programmed it to
show any scene in which the word cane or birch was mentioned. Sure
enough, a couple of weeks after Robbie had arrived at the Borstal,
the word "cane" was picked up by the time-reader. Robbie was ruefully
rubbing his bottom and recounting his tale to the others in the dorm.
his encounter with the plimsoll, Robbie had been careful to submit
to the system, at least for the first few weeks. But underneath, his
rebelliousness was simmering, chafing at all the petty rules and restrictions.
His _c_o_c_k_y defiant attitude was noted and he was warned to watch
his step several times. The daily routine at Haslar was demanding
with lots of physical exercise. The one good thing about Borstal was
that they all got three square meals a day, not exactly haute cuisine,
but a good quantity of food - much more, in fact, than they had been
getting at home. All four Durham lads felt their bodies filling out
and putting on muscles. The Borstal officers were good men - even
sour-faced old Barker - and generally speaking discipline, though
tough, was perfectly fair and not particularly resented. Boys simply
accepted that so-and-so deserved a good whacking. No one ever got
whacked just for the fun of it.
So how had Robbie ended up with
a well-striped bottom? Well, he had been queueing up for lunch as
usual when Barker told him to get in line.
"Don't answer back, boy, do as you're told".
Robbie stepped
back a bit with a sneer on his face, while Barker gave him a "don't
try your luck, boy" look and started marching off towards the other
side of the dining-hall. As he turned his back, Robbie gave him a
V sign and some of the other boys sniggered. Barker swung round, glaring
at them.
"This one stuck 'is fingers
up at ya" said one of the dinner ladies, pointing to Robbie.
you. Leave your meal and come with me" said Barker.
Robbie left his lunch and followed Barker out of the dining-hall door.
They went down the corridor and Barker opened a door at the end.
Robbie went in. In the centre of the room was a
vaulting-horse with straps on each of the legs.
Reluctantly Robbie obeyed. He knew he was in for a thrashing
and did not want to make things any worse.
duly bent over and Barker fastened his hands and feet tightly so that
he could hardly move. Barker then strode over to the wall on the left
where three canes rested, each on a pair of nails. Barker selected
the heaviest cane, a wicked dark brown dragon and practised swishing
it through the air.
"Obviously you haven't learnt your lesson, boy.
Im sick and tired of your attitude. Insolence does not pay in this
establishment. You have to learn to respect your elders and betters."
"You will take eight strokes of the senior reformatory
cane. Youve been asking for it for weeks."
Robbie felt his buttocks
twitching with anticipation. He flushed as he realised that he had
a growing erection. Jamie too was excited. He had set his simulator
to give him an identical caning. This time he had put it on a timer,
so that he could not turn the simulator off for five minutes. He wanted
to identify with Robbie and, like him, have no way of escaping the
Barker gently tapped his creamy white buttocks a couple of
times with the cane both to take aim and to increase the tension.
Suddenly he pulled his arm back and brought the cane swishing down
in the middle of Robbie's buttocks, deftly adding a flick of the wrist
just as the cane made contact.
"Aargh! Aargh! Yeeeoooow!!" yelled
Robbie as a livid red weal appeared in the centre of both buttocks.
too was roaring in agony and his eyes started to water as his brain
experienced a simulated cane stroke of equal intensity.
boy! If you yell like that again, I'll start your punishment again
from the beginning! I want complete silence – not a word, not a peep
out of you. Do you understand?"
Robbie felt tears
already welling in his eyes. He had been caned once or twice at the
grammar school for minor offences, but each time it had only been
two or three strokes with a thin cane over trousers. This was going
to be eight on bare with a dragon cane, thick but horribly flexible
and swishy. The sting of the first stroke was incredible and Robbie
was already sorry for his _c_o_c_k_y insolence.
Swish, thwack! The
second stroke landed half an inch below the first. Robbie suppressed
a yell and just a choked gasp came through his lips. The pain was
so bad he thought he was being branded with a red-hot iron.
there was a good twenty-second gap before Barker delivered the third
stroke. He certainly knew how to cane! It landed exactly half an inch
below the second stroke. Only the fear of additional strokes kept
Robbie from raising the roof. Robbie knew the next one would be even
worse, hitting the agonising spot where buttock meets thigh. He wasn't
mistaken. The merciless brown dragon came down with a terrific thwack
right on the crease of his bottom. The pain was almost unbearable
and tears streamed down his face.
"I'm really sorry, sir! I'll never
be disrespectful to you again, sir! Please don't beat me any more,
sir! Pleease!"
"Silence! You'll take another two strokes for disobeying
my order not to speak!"
Another two?! Oh no! Eight was bad enough!
After six, Barker ran out of virgin white flesh to hit and the last
four strokes landed on already existing weals, opening a couple of
them and causing blood to trickle down Robbie's thighs. The four minutes
or so it took to administer ten strokes seemed to Robbie like an eternity.
Barker undid the straps and ordered him to get up from the horse.
Robbie found it difficult to obey. His bottom was stiff with the weals
left by the cane and even the slightest movement was agony.
held out his hand and Robbie realised he had to shake it. With a trembling
voice he said, "Th-thank you, s-sir".
"No hard feelings, Galloway.
I have a reputation for strictness, but I'm a fair man. You deserved
that beating."
"Turn round and let me wipe that blood
off you". Barker wiped Robbie's wounds with surgical spirit, momentarily
rekindling the agony. He noted that the boy still had a rock-hard
erection. "Better deal with that, lad" he said, not unkindly.
got dressed and moved slowly and painfully out of the room. He edged
down the corridor and entered the toilets, where he quickly "dealt
with" his erection (as did Jamie, who watched him do it!) before returning
to the dining-hall. That evening he showed his weals to the dormitory.
The boys whistled at the state of his bottom. "Don't do fings by 'alves,
do ya, Robbie?" said 'Smiffy', a _c_o_c_k_ney lad from Poplar in London's
East End. "Blimey mate, yer gonna 'ave some permanent souvenirs from
this place the rate you're goin'!"
Robbie vowed never to get the
wrong side of Barker ever again. That caning was the worst experience
he'd ever had in his life - worse than his Dad's belt, worse even
than the plimsolling he'd had from Watkins on his first day
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