Mmo With Sex

Mmo With Sex


Mmo With Sex
Adult Sex MMOs - Kiddies please DO NOT read this thread

ADULT Sex MMOs The Future of On-Line Gaming MMO fantasy, sci-fi and historical genres will soon be supplemented by Adult 18+ rated erotic MMOs. (Regulating the 18+ will of course be almost impossible) These new Adult MMOs are intended to be mature only gamers, intended for mature and sassy audiences. Sure, maturity varies from person to person, regardless of age. Minors are typically more immature than adults as it comes with the territory of adolescence. And, yes, adults can be very immature. What is certain is that erotic adult MMOs are the future of on-line gaming. How long will it be before Sony latch on to this new and emerging phenemenon? The 3D sex in the MMO environment will be graphic and common place within the next five years. Increasingly there will be many options for engaging in different types of sexual activity. These MMOs will provide both heterosexual and homosexual hook-ups for guy-guy, girl-girl, and guy-girl action. It is likely that these are split by the code, so participants can turn off options to see any types of such activity they dislike. People who cannot handle bareback riding can turn off dude-to-dude settings for example, whilst inversely; others can turn off everything except dude-to-dude action. Inevitably there will be dudes who only turn on gal-to-gal settings. This allows everyone to have the perfect world for their point of view. “Republik’s” Spend the Night was hailed as the next best thing in Adult MMOs. As developer Coshland said about “Spend the Night” "There will be virtual sex in the game, but it can be played without the sex," said Coshland. "The scoring model works whether you engage in sex or not." Spend the Night is like a virtual dating game where real people use avatars to engage in virtual adventures in a variety of game world settings. As gamers score points for dates, players win upgrades and unlock new levels and characters. This will keep players coming back for more and more and more. Here is Coshland’s overview: "A game in which adults are encouraged to indulge their sexual fantasies is bound to attract the media's attention but, so far, Republik's Spend the Night has been keeping a low profile. Come the middle of next year, when it launches online, that'll all change. Details are scant at present, and Coshland doesn't want to give too much away, but the basics are simple. Players go online, choose a graphical identity, mooch around with other players, find someone they like, and find a room. Graphics claimed to be 'cinematic' are promised, and a simple interface allows the action to proceed. 'This is a fantasy multiplayer dating game,' says Coshland. 'It's not like the dating games that we've seen coming out of Japan where you try to win the favor of someone of the opposite sex. We're providing more of a game where two people can go on a date and interact in a 3D space.'" And then just a few months back US developer Republik Games announced that work on its "erotically charged" flagship title, Spend the Night, has been suspended after the company failed to secure extra financing. Republik had already completed two successful rounds of funding for the game, which was "well into production", according to an official statement. "The past few weeks have been a rollercoaster for the company," said CEO Robert Coshland - observing that Republik's website once received 1.8 million hits in a single day, and that more than 100 people sign up for the company's mailing list on a daily basis. "Unfortunately, game development is expensive and attention doesn't translate into operational funds," Coshland said. What a shame eh .... still the Red Light Centre is open for business if you want to trawl the virtual back streets of Amsterdam. A more pedestrian offering comes from EGirl v.1.5 described as the world's most advanced interactive 3D sex game for your PC. “With your PC and EGirl software, you'll be talking and interacting with extremely realistic and life-like, sexy 3D girls, and soon men - they're so real, you won't believe your eyes!” Mmmmm bet you can't wait eh .... So folks stop worrying about leveling up through your “grind fest” the next generation of games will literally be a pure grind, and as the girl from Femmes Fatales implied in a recent post “the power of the sexual” will come to predominate the MMO scene. Forget your narrow moralities, your small-minded fantasy indulgences, your shiny amour, your latest thrusting weapon or your pole arm and get virtual on your sexuality !


Member Uncommon Posts: 1,310


Member Uncommon Posts: 1,310

oh yeah, its GRIND FEST! not GRIND FEAST! sounds like some buffet at sizzlers

Originally posted by DanielleSube Forget your narrow moralities, your small-minded fantasy indulgences, your shiny amour, your latest weapon, and get virtual on your sexuality !
Personally I'm a strong believer in 'if you can do it in real-life, do it in real-life', which is pretty much why I hate SL/Sims/There. Give me a call when you can group up in a fantasy world and clear an instance in real life - then I will stop feeding my 'small minded indulgences'.

Originally posted by nakuma oh yeah, its GRIND FEST! not GRIND FEAST! sounds like some buffet at sizzlers
according to the op, it would be more like grind fist...


Member Uncommon Posts: 1,310

Originally posted by Anageth Originally posted by DanielleSube Forget your narrow moralities, your small-minded fantasy indulgences, your shiny amour, your latest weapon, and get virtual on your sexuality !
Personally I'm a strong believer in 'if you can do it in real-life, do it in real-life', which is pretty much why I hate SL/Sims/There. Give me a call when you can group up in a fantasy world and clear an instance in real life - then I will stop feeding my 'small minded indulgences'. hahahaha good one anageth lol Great minds think alike.


Member Uncommon Posts: 14,182

I think its about time for a "Mothers against MMORPG's" cult.

Originally posted by phatpanda Originally posted by nakuma oh yeah, its GRIND FEST! not GRIND FEAST! sounds like some buffet at sizzlers
according to the op, it would be more like grind fist... . Thats about all I have to say to that.


Member Common Posts: 3,586

Well, that was a pointless ego trip..... On the other hand, you bring up something really interesting. Why is it okay to make games that graphically depict murder in all it's grisly detail, but making an almost unreachable R rated minigame gets front page bold type and reprisals from public officials? Is having sex with someone so much worse than killing them? It's fine and dandy for 10 year olds to rip out someone's spine, but show some TnA in a Volleyball game and it might traumatize them for life? WTF? BTW, they already have adult oriented MMOs, but they're niche and rightly so. Why should I waste time playing Sociolotron or lurking in the adult only areas of Second Life when I could be getting real pussy by posting ads on swinger sites like Adult Friend Finder and Cybering will happen in any game, you don't need to make a game around it.

what's the adult only section like in second life? Is it like the Hot Coffee mod of GTA?


Member Uncommon Posts: 14,182

Originally posted by phatpanda what's the adult only section like in second life? Is it like the Hot Coffee mod of GTA? No, hot coffee mod in GTA is a small part of the game. the adult section in second life is like 3/4th of the game.

Let's be fair here.. the Adult MMO exists. Just stroll around a WoW RP server at the wee hours of the morning.. you'll find some Nelfs gettin' ugly. *shiver and goes to purify his mind with bleach after that thought*

They've already got alot of cyber activity in games such as sims online and second life. Heck, a company called naughty america are making a game that evolves around hitching up with somebody in a pixelated nightclub and then going back to his/her apartment to fuck.

Here is a nice tasty little poll to test the veracity of the claim that SEX SELLS

I think there will be an increasingly large gap between people's expectations of sex and the reality of sex after these games become commonplace. For this reason, I doubt that games will affect how people really act in real life a whole lot. Someone can go pretend that he or she can have multiple partners, last for two hours, and then care of the kids, house, and job, but it's really not possible. Even if there were no moral problems with this sort of behavior, monogamous relationships serve an important emotional purpose in modern humans despite what the media wants to believe, and despite what our personal fantasies are. If people want to experiment online, good for them.

Male MMO Gamers Exploring their sexuality before an important Castle Seige One can hear the mantra like chants from afar, as the boys groan in gibberish baby-talk "Mommy Please Change Our Nappies".


Member Uncommon Posts: 550


Member Uncommon Posts: 1,043

I won't frown upon the people who play these games. Let's be honest; there are some pretty strange people in this world, some awkward folks, even the unfortunate fugly breed. These people are not ever gonna end up with your 10/10's in real life, so if they wanna use their imaginations to help them out, more power to them. I for one will stay far away from these games, as I have much more fun committing adultery in real life


Member Uncommon Posts: 1,043

It would appear as though Femmes Fatales has launched a recruitment campaign here at
It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
Psychoanalysis appears to show that pain plays no part in the formation of the purposive aspect of the instinct drives.
uh....errrrriighhttttt..... one does one pleasure him or herself whilst pleasuring his or her avatar in game??
call me old fashioned, i like to watch my porn so that i have both hands free to as i wish given the ...uh....urge to express myself openly lol.
 as far as my armor and my weapons yeah i like them and lavish them as i lavish on my girlfriend who is in the same room with me who i can actually touch, taste and do naughty things with. dare u to tell me any MMO can beat that.
tsk tsk, you kids with your insane ideas. knowing this post and its elaborate conveyed thought, could only mean a adult who has too much time on his hands. dude go out get a girl drunk and get laid, make all those sporatic thoughts go away. do ya some good.
go take these 2 girls and call me in the morning. doctors orders lol.
3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.
3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.
This is where the korean style control truely shines... your palmala will be controlling mouse movements and actions for your avatar, and ur fistina will be focused on you.
Now, why would you play this game instead of playing with your gf/bf/wife/husband is truely beyond me.
3.4ghz Phenom II X4 965, 8GB PC12800 DDR3 GSKILL, EVGA 560GTX 2GB OC, 640GB HD SATA II, BFG 1000WATT PSU. MSI NF980-G65 TRI-SLI MOBO.
Ironic. If people got over their narrow moralities they would be out there really having the sex and the lifestyle in such a game making the game rather pointless. Then we could have "adult" and "mature" games that aren't labeled for purely showing excessive amounts of blood or jiggling body parts.
Sex orientated games are not by definition adult in nature.
lol and like... three times raunchier.
If anyone ever wanted to psycho-analyze the sexual behavior of the modern human being, Second Life would give them a life time of work .
This brings up a good point though. In just about every single MMO that exists, you'll find a certain amount of adult/sexual behavior.
SWG, in it's hay day, coms to mind quickly. Back it had a huge community of "role players" and player association built around things like S&M and slavery, all very adult type situtions. If I remember correctly, it was so prevolent that SOE actually had to release a policy against the behavior to cover their own ases.
Thinking back on it, I've seen it in most MMO's that I've played over the years.
Psychoanalysis appears to show that pain plays no part in the formation of the purposive aspect of the instinct drives.
There is way too much uproar when it comes to nudity or sex in PC games - while it's actually one of the most natural things in life.
When blood and gore can exist in a game, then there can't be anything wrong with some naked skin.
It is possible, just not for you apparently. Not everyone wants to breed and having three adults cuts down on house work tremendiously. There are no moral problems with those behaviours. Try to hide your agenda better next time. 
Psychoanalysis appears to show that pain plays no part in the formation of the purposive aspect of the instinct drives.
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...
Originally posted by DanielleSube Male MMO Gamers Exploring their sexuality before an important Castle Seige One can hear the mantra like chants from afar, as the boys groan in gibberish baby-talk "Mommy Please Change Our Nappies".
lol ,,, very neat Danielle, and just to reverse one of the lame comments made in a recent thread "I bet they are only girls after all" if you know what I mean? Perfect.
Femmes Fatales - The Power of the Feminine in the Art of MMO
Waiting for something fresh to arrive on the MMO scene...

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Is there a true fantasy mmorpg with adult elements?
Comment deleted by user · 3 yr. ago
Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) is a genre of role-playing video games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world. We discuss them and games like them here!
Is there any mmorpg which has actual standard fantasy elements (classes, fighting mechanic, skills, etc) but also has hanky panky as well? It seems like an obvious combination which should already exist, but all I can find and know of are either fantasy mmorpgs with no adult content, or adult mmos with no real content besides knocking boots. I want something where I can level up a character, do some quests, raid some dungeons, fight some monsters, get cool armor and train up some skills, and then have some hot and steamy intercourse. I can only imagine something like this already exists, I just don't know where or how to find it. If I search adult fantasy mmorpg, all I get are the standard ones like red light center, half life, etc.
If you think Half life is an MMORPG, I think you're looking for Witcher.
WoW MoonGuard(realm name) is your best bet..
Conan Exiles has a mod called "Sexiles" where sex is involved.
How the hell is a game with a max player count of 70 per server an MMORPG?
Project Gorgon has a horny gay elf NPC you can have intercourse with if that floats your boat. Other than that, I don't know if any MMOs with blatant sexual content that are still around. Maybe the Conan survival game at the start where you have no clothes on.. zzz
I've probably had more offers than I could remember.
i think there are some adult themes in Age of Conan, but P2W is strong in that one.
You're literally wanting Second Life
Well I guess you could find a Vanilla WoW private server and roll a Paladin .
The darkest of it being monetisation?
Oh man, the virginity is strong with you.
Worse, my fiance is away for a month due to family reasons. I both need a game to keep me occupied, and fap material, so might as well bundle it. Also, it's because porn has gotten dull thanks to living together.

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G2A.COM G2A News Features 10 Best Games with Nudity
Nudity in video games is one of the things that can be easily overused and ruin the overall experience by distracting players and grabbing their attention that should be focused on the story or gameplay – unless we’re talking about a particular genre of games for adults, where nudity plays a major role.
Adding a little bit of nudity in normal titles can also be beneficial, as it can make everything more realistic and exciting, but it’s easy to cross the line of good taste. With that being said, let us show you some of the best games with nudity you can play right now.
The Grand Theft Auto series was always known for its unrestricted gameplay, where players can do almost anything they want, so it’s not surprising that nudity found its way inside the game.
Nudity in GTA V is usually justified and its presence can be explained in a reasonable way. The most obvious places where you can find partial nudity are, of course, strip clubs, where women in skimpy outfits will gladly keep the guests company.
However, there are also some other, less obvious places, where you can find nudity in GTA V. This includes a weird bunch of people known as the altruists who are hidden in their secluded camp, as well as some scenes with one of the game’s protagonists, Trevor, who’s apparently not afraid of showing off his body.
There’s not much nudity in The Witcher 3, but it’s there, and it’s very realistic – the game clearly isn’t afraid of showing the beauty of a human body.
The Witcher 3 is a game about a mutant who helps the common folk with all kinds of monster-related problems. Killing deadly creatures and undoing harmful hexes is the witcher’s way of making a living, but the ability to tackle such dangerous matters makes the ordinary people question his own origins, resulting in them fearing witchers no less than they fear the monsters they are fighting with.
Although The Witcher series takes place in a fantasy medieval-inspired world, it is quite realistic and the subtle presence of nudity only reinforces that feeling.
Fahrenheit doesn’t have too much nudity, but it has a few scenes that probably caught most people off-guard.
Fahrenheit is an action-adventure game that tells the story of Lucas Kane – a man possessed into committing murder and who looks for answers related to the crime. During the play the protagonist will meet Carla Valenti, a detective tasked with solving his case.
As we know, love doesn’t choose, so the hunter unexpectedly ends up in bed with his prey on several occasions, and we can watch some detailed action going on. Fahrenheit was later renamed to Indigo Prophecy in North America to avoid confusion with a movie of a similar title. This new version has cut the mentioned scenes, but they returned with Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered that was released in 2015 if you’re interested.
Classic adventures of Larry Laffer from 1987 are coming back with style in this enhanced remake version of the original game.
Leisure Suit Larry is a humorous point-and-click series that focuses on the adventures of the titular Larry, a middle-aged virgin male who suddenly became obsessed with sex and now desperately tries to impress women but usually fails mise
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