Mmf Bi Stories

Mmf Bi Stories


Mmf Bi Stories
I kept waiting, expecting it to happen at the exact right moment. In the end, maybe it did happen at the right moment...but it was so different than what I had always imagined.

I expected to be with a guy. I expected to live a heterosexual life because that's what would work. It would work for my family's sake, for my public image, for my religion, for so many things.

Nadine entered my life in an unmiraculous way, but later I would consider this event as life-changing and a miracle by definition. Her name literally means hope. I didn't know this. I didn't know God's plans either, but I knew he was concocting something. I always knew that much.

I can't say her yoga pants, adorable laugh, and kind personality didn't attract me instantly. The thought actually crossed my mind that she might be the most beautiful woman I'd ever met. Not just for her outer appearance - which was beautiful, but flawed like the rest of us - but for her mind and her heart, which she made evidently transparent.

Her humility shocked me. Her intelligence and self-confidence drew me in. When she sat next to me, after my friends introduced us and they sat nearby, I could not stop glancing her way. It was like I was trying to capture a mental picture.

I dreamt about her that night. Dreampt about her long dark hair. Dreampt about her gentleness. The effect she had on me was frightening.

I had a plan. But one night of meeting her had changed everything.

It wasn't that I was never attracted to women. I was, in fact. This wasn't new. What was new was her . I was fine with being with a man. I expected it.

Yet, Nadine saught me out when I ran in the opposite direction. We encountered moments of sheer mystery, where God or the universe shoved us together in the same space. I couldn't ignore her.

In my dream, my brain couldn't conjure her face, like my dream self was refusing to look her in the eye. But in reality, when we grew closer and spent one evening in the back of her parent's van, I saw her face.

I saw her dark eyelashes flutter against her cheeks shyly as I felt her fingers touch my arm. In that moment, nothing mattered. No rules, no doubts, no other people in the world mattered.

She inched closer. I remained as still and silent as a fearful mouse. My heart thudded in my chest and yet, I could hardly breathe.

The hand on my arm moved to my face and she leaned in. It was remarkable - the feeling of her lips on mine. Her hair tumbled over us and tickled my neck. Her hand was hot, overheated. Then she moved on top of me and I was lost to the world. Her university hoodie was in my view - the bold red lettering came closer as I sat up to meet her.

I can't say how long we remained like that. How long we kissed, exploring, lovingly tender with one another, her sitting in my lap with her legs on either side of me.

It doesn't matter how the story ended. What matters is that it happened. She happened. She changed everything.

Inspired by:
Heard this song and was instantly inspired. © 3 years ago , Holly  lesbian • bisexual • love • hope • romance
Like ( 2 ) 1 Nicely written Keep writing Clever write Like ( 2 )
I kept waiting, expecting it to happen at the exact right moment. In the end, maybe it did happen at the right moment...but it was so different than what I had always imagined.

I expected to be with a guy. I expected to live a heterosexual life because that's what would work. It would work for my family's sake, for my public image, for my religion, for so many things.

Nadine entered my life in an unmiraculous way, but later I would consider this event as life-changing and a miracle by definition. Her name literally means hope. I didn't know this. I didn't know God's plans either, but I knew he was concocting something. I always knew that much.

I can't say her yoga pants, adorable laugh, and kind personality didn't attract me instantly. The thought actually crossed my mind that she might be the most beautiful woman I'd ever met. Not just for her outer appearance - which was beautiful, but flawed like the rest of us - but for her mind and her heart, which she made evidently transparent.

Her humility shocked me. Her intelligence and self-confidence drew me in. When she sat next to me, after my friends introduced us and they sat nearby, I could not stop glancing her way. It was like I was trying to capture a mental picture.

I dreamt about her that night. Dreampt about her long dark hair. Dreampt about her gentleness. The effect she had on me was frightening.

I had a plan. But one night of meeting her had changed everything.

It wasn't that I was never attracted to women. I was, in fact. This wasn't new. What was new was her . I was fine with being with a man. I expected it.

Yet, Nadine saught me out when I ran in the opposite direction. We encountered moments of sheer mystery, where God or the universe shoved us together in the same space. I couldn't ignore her.

In my dream, my brain couldn't conjure her face, like my dream self was refusing to look her in the eye. But in reality, when we grew closer and spent one evening in the back of her parent's van, I saw her face.

I saw her dark eyelashes flutter against her cheeks shyly as I felt her fingers touch my arm. In that moment, nothing mattered. No rules, no doubts, no other people in the world mattered.

She inched closer. I remained as still and silent as a fearful mouse. My heart thudded in my chest and yet, I could hardly breathe.

The hand on my arm moved to my face and she leaned in. It was remarkable - the feeling of her lips on mine. Her hair tumbled over us and tickled my neck. Her hand was hot, overheated. Then she moved on top of me and I was lost to the world. Her university hoodie was in my view - the bold red lettering came closer as I sat up to meet her.

I can't say how long we remained like that. How long we kissed, exploring, lovingly tender with one another, her sitting in my lap with her legs on either side of me.

It doesn't matter how the story ended. What matters is that it happened. She happened. She changed everything.

Inspired by:
Heard this song and was instantly inspired. © 3 years ago , Holly  lesbian • bisexual • love • hope • romance
Like ( 2 ) 1 Nicely written Keep writing Clever write Like ( 2 )
She came out from behind her mother’s skirt, that she was grabbing so tightly. Julia was the most beautiful kid I’d ever seen. Black locks falling down her forehead, half hiding her dark piercing eyes on her angel face. I moved closer and she flinched like a scared rabbit. Her black gaze staring at me, franctically trying to figure me out. Her mother smiled.

-Julia was born deaf. She doesn’t trust anybody. If you want to play with her, you gotta kiss her. If you kiss her she will trust you.

I glanced at the group of kids right behind me. Boys and girls, fascinated by the strange creature, adrenaline pumping, mouth watering picturing the hunt. I was charmed. I motioned my arm toward her to touch her and she ran off. That was it. I jumped to the chase, followed by the others. She was fast. She threw herself down the grass hill, crouching and sliding to move faster. I was right behind her. My hand almost gripping her t-shirt and my fingers clawing into the air. My legs were almost giving out for the effort, I shut my mind and kept running. She will get tired, I was thinking, she will have to regain her breath sooner or later. I am going to catch her. The other kids were running too. I heard the sounds of steps and giggles all around me. It was a game to them. Julia dodged every one of them, at one point she started running back uphill. Damnit. I was already exausted, but she should have been too. It was over, all I had to do was covering that final distance, and all for a kiss. Three or four kids followed me up the hill, I paced up, I wasn’t going to lose to any of them. Maybe it was because my desire was stronger. Desire of what, I couldn’t really say. At that point the adrenaline pumping in my brain was the only drug keeping me going. My heart rose up to my throat, it was beating like a freight train. We reached to the top late. She disappeared somewhere.

While the other kids stood there looking around, breathing hard, I got a glimpse of a lock of black hair, flowing with the wind, behind one of the porch post columns. I had to be careful. My thoughts were focused on the challenge. She didn’t see me coming. I grabbed her by the shoulder, slamming her back on the cement wall and pinned her there. She was trapped, shut her eyes hard. Her chest expanding and retreating under my possessive hand, as I leaned over and touched her lips with mine. Light and gentle as the breeze blowing between our bodies drenched in sweat, but strong enough to send a shiver of pleasure running down my back. I won.

I moved back from her. Surprisingly she was smiling. I had her. We laughed. I turned to the other kids that were looking at us.

"I won !" – I cried out so that no one missed it. –"She is mine, y'all got it ?!"

And we were friends. That was the start.

This was when I met her. The girl that would be haunting my dreams in ten years time. © 6 years ago  love • bisexual • first-kiss
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“Should I tell her the truth or just let her believe our MMF threesome would be my first time with a guy?” Plus, dream interpretation.

Dan Savage
June 18th, 2020 July 22nd, 2021
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I’m a 32-year-old straight guy. My wife and I have been married for four years and together for nine. We have a great marriage and all is well. We have been quarantining at home since March. During this time, we have been exploring things sexually, which has been really fun. We have also been talking more about our kinks and fantasies. One thing my wife really wants to try is an MMF threesome. I’ve agreed and she’s been talking about how hot it will be to make this happen once quarantine is over. She is particularly turned on by the fact that this would be my first sexual experience with another guy. The only issue is, in reality, it won’t be. The truth is that when I was in high school, a guy friend and I fooled around a few times. I have no regrets but those experiences only served to reaffirm that I preferred women. I never did anything with another guy and I never felt the need to mention these early experiences to my wife. She just assumed I had never had a same-sex encounter. Now I feel like I’ve misled her or lied to her somehow. Should I tell her the truth or just let her believe our MMF threesome would be my first time with a guy? —Nervously Omitted Homosexual Occurrences, Mostly Oral
If your wife reads my column, NOHOMO, then you’ve just told her the truth, and the advice that follows is moot. So here’s hoping she doesn’t read my column: You don’t have to tell your wife about the handful/mouthful of times you messed around with another guy in high school. If you’re like most straight guys with one or two cocks in your past, NOHOMO, I’m guessing you didn’t tell the wife because you didn’t want her to feel insecure or spend all her free time corresponding with advice columnists about whether her husband is secretly gay.
In fairness to the wife, NOHOMO, not every woman whose straight-identified male partner admits to a little same-sex messing around worries her boyfriend or husband is going to leave her for a dude or all the dudes. But this worry is common enough to be something of cliché. A straight guy doesn’t even have to admit to having sucked one dick one time for his wife or girlfriend to worry he’s secretly gay; I get at least one letter every day from a woman who’s worried her husband is gay because he likes to have his nipples played with or his butt touched or because he has feelings. So while it’s not ideal that straight or mostly straight guys don’t feel they can be honest with their wives about their long ago and far away same-sex experimentation, NOHOMO, it’s understandable that many straight guys err on the side of keeping that shit to themselves.
But your question isn’t, “Why didn’t I tell her then?” but rather, “Should I tell her now?” And I don’t think you have to. She wasn’t harmed by this omission—you didn’t deprive her of information she was entitled to—and disclosing now would only serve to deprive her of something, i.e., the excitement she feels about being there to witness what she thinks is your first same-sex encounter. —Dan Savage
My wife questions my use of the word gay as being potentially offensive and I’d like to get your take. I’m male and my male friends like to flirt and joke about performing sex acts on each other. We’ve never actually carried through with it but I consider myself on the “spectrum” and might be open to gay sex. My male friends and I say we’re being or acting gay (though we’re all practicing heterosexuals) and this is where my wife takes issue. For example, I might say, “We’re so gay!” in our conversations but the word is used in a positive way. My wife makes the point that the word has a history of being used negatively, so may be considered offensive, and should only be used casually by people who are more legit gay. Should I stop using the word gay this way? —Gay Poser
Jesus, just suck off one of your male friends already—just get it over with—and then you have my permission to keep using “gay” as a compliment, GP. —DS
I’m a 35-year-old seemingly straight man, but in the past year—roughly corresponding with the longest sex drought in the history of my adulthood—I have had recurring wet dreams where I suck myself off. Probably a dozen or so of these dreams, all up, and I very much enjoy both sides of the transaction. What do you think it means? Am I witnessing the stirrings of some latent bisexuality or am I just desperate? Should I heed the call? —Originally Unilateral Regarding Oral But Oneiromancy Reveals Opening Sexuality
I usually don’t allow elaborate signoffs, OUROBOROS, but I’m making an exception for yours because it’s brilliant. (To save my other readers the trouble of Googling: “oneiromancy” is the interpretation of dreams to predict the future and an “ouroboros” is an image of a snake swallowing its own tail, often used as an infinity symbol.) That said, I’m not sure there’s really any call to heed here—other than a call to start doing the kind of stretching that would allow you to suck your own cock if you were able to get limber enough and your cock were long enough. But a desire to suck one’s own cock—or even an attempt, successful or not—doesn’t mean a man is latently bisexual or gay. I assume you’ve been masturbating for more than two decades, OUROBOROS, and just as there’s nothing gay about all those handjobs you’ve given yourself, there’s nothing gay about the blowjobs you can only dream about giving yourself. —DS
I’m that rare gay man who doesn’t like sucking dick. It wasn’t hard for my VGL husband to find guys who wanted to blow him before quarantine and for years I didn’t ask about it because I didn’t want to know the details. But I knew he had videos on his phone of some guys blowing him that he sometimes watched and I recently asked to watch one and I was completely shocked. It wasn’t just a blowjob. He spat in the guy’s face, called him homophobic names, and was just generally brutal. The intensity and violence wasn’t something I’ve ever detected in my husband or been on the receiving end from my husband. When I pressed my husband he shrugged and said, “That’s how a lot of guys like it.” I’m not sure what to do. —Gay And Gloomy Guy Extremely Disturbed
I read your letter three times and I still can’t tell whether you’re appalled or jealous. Do you disapprove of your husband treating someone that way or are you disappointed that your husband has never treated you that way? If it’s the former, well, don’t watch any more videos of your husband throat fucking his subby cocksuckers. If it’s the latter (and I suspect it is), GAGGED, then you’re going to need to figure out how to articulate that clearly—something you failed to do in your letter—so you can tell your husband you’d like it like that, too. Not being used for oral like that, of course, since you don’t like performing oral sex. But maybe you’d like anal like that? —DS
Dear readers: This is gonna feel a little weird stuck on the end of this week’s column, I realize, but I wanted to say something about the protests all over the country and the world. While I haven’t been able to personally attend a Black Lives Matters protest over the last two weeks—I have deeply shitty lungs and I’m concerned about contracting coronavirus—I fully support everyone who has taken to the streets to protest the violence of systemic racism and the specific violence inflicted on black people by racist cops. And while I can’t be at the protests, my husband and I made a donation to bail funds across the country to help out people who were arrested. (You can donate at .) Please keep marching, please wear your masks (they work!), and please—please—make sure you and everyone you know is registered to vote. —DS
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Shared her in an MMF, now I'm going crazy

now you guys know what it's like for a woman when a guy wants her to do a threesome with another woman.
Anyway, sorry to hear that it's gone so badly for you.
Congrats on 5 months of sobriety. That's a huge factor to leave out of your story.
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ottavit16, November 13, 2012 in Dating

I've been FWB with my exgf lately. In a many ways, it feels like an open relationship without a title. AFAIK, we've been exclusive for the last 6 weeks. But I suspect that's about to change... her "loyalty" was just tested the other night. Let me give some details.

Her and I "dated" over 6 months ago, started as LDR / FWB situation but she literally begged to be my gf. I had just come out of a really bad breakup (so had she) so I had real reservations, but decided to give it a shot. I thought I'd found "the one" - amazing cook, cleans, closer to my age (23 vs me, 2, and ****ing top notch sexually. Bisexual, anal, threesomes, BDSM, you name it, this girl's a freak. But between distance me going AFC (becoming too comfortable), she broke up with me. I realize that it was only infatuation, and I moved on
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