Mlp On Male Human Sex

Mlp On Male Human Sex


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Human in Paradise by PikachuXdigimon
I do not own My Little Pony it is Hasbro's creation
I wake with the sun shining in my face; stirring from my sleep I see I'm in Fluttershy's cottage.
"Ugh, is it morning already," I said groggily I got and found Fluttershy making breakfast.
"Oh, um hi I'm making breakfast do you want some mister," Fluttershy asked at least she has manner's.
"Sure and the name's Chris," I said as Fluttershy nodded putting pancakes in front of me and I began eating rapidly.
"So who in Ponyville can I meet I don't want today to be a damn Frankenstein moment," I told her as receiving a confused look.
"Who's Frankenstein," Fluttershy asked I nearly choked hearing that.
"You've never heard of the Frankenstein story," I asked her as she shook her head. "Dear God what world have I been brought to," I mumbled to myself as we finished eating we decided whom I should meet first. "So who can I meet that will keep my existence a secret until I'm ready to introduce myself to your… unique world," I said not knowing a better term for describing this place.
"Well you could meet my other friends," Fluttershy said quietly.
"Sure I guess that couldn't hurt," I said as Fluttershy lead me to a giant tree. "One of your friends lives here don't they," I asked as she nodded I gave a sigh this world was just weird.
"Who is it," a voice said from inside the tree sounded like a female.
"It's me Fluttershy, I came to introduce a new friend of mine," Fluttershy said quietly but loud enough to be heard.
"Well come on in," the voice said as Fluttershy opened the door and we walked in and I saw a purple fucking unicorn.
"So who's your new friend," A purple unicorn asked as she looked at me.
"Hello miss, my name's Chris," I said with a wave.
"Hello, my name is Twilight Sparkle, but can I please ask what you are," she asked me politely.
"I'm a human from Earth," I told her with shrug as she began to get curious about me.
"Really is it okay if I can interview you later, I've never met a human before," Twilight asked with stars in her eyes as Fluttershy sat on the couch.
"Sure now are you Fluttershy's only buddy or are there more," I asked sitting on her couch with Fluttershy.
"Well there's Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash," Twilight told me as I gave a nod.
"So when can I meet them and say hey," I asked getting comfortable on her couch and letting out a sigh of relaxation.
"Actually the others are coming here in a little bit to hang out you can meet them when they get here at noon," Twilight told me as gave her nod.
"So what do your buddies look like," I asked as someone knocked on the door I got up.
"You'll find out sooner than you thought," Twilight said as she opened the door and four more ponies walked in, one had their mane and tail the color of the rainbow so I assumed she was Rainbow Dash, another was pink and had a poofy looking mane and tail, then their was a white one with a purple mane and tail she looked like she was a fashionista, and finally a orange pony with cowgirl hat.
"Hey guy's," Twilight said with a happy smile as Fluttershy joined her in greeting the ponies I just watched.
"Oh who's this gentlecolt darling," The white one asked as all attention was shifted onto me.
"The name's Chris and I'm a human," I said tipping my imaginary hat to them.
"Howdy I'm Applejack," the orange mare said with a smile.
"Hello darling my name is Rarity it is a pleasure to meet you," the white mare said with a smile.
"Hi I'm Pinkie Pie do you like parties," the pink mare asked me.
"Sure if they have some good AC/DC songs playing I probably could party till the sun came up," I said with a shrug as they gave me a confused look."No AC/DC here either, well shit," I said with a sigh of annoyance.
"I'm the Rainbow Dash the fastest flier in all of Equestria," Rainbow said boasting.
"Sure why the hell not," I told her before hearing a door behind me open I turned and saw a fucking dragon.
"A dragon, yeah, it's official I'm high on something," I said as I bashed my head on the wall repeatedly.
"Um, who and what is this dude and what is he doing," the dragon asked Twilight looking for answers.
"His name is Chris and he is a human and I have no clue what he is doing," Twilight said as I continued banging my head for a minute shook my head and turned to look at the ponies and dragon and they were still there.
"Oh well it looks like I'm not high on crack so this is real," I said without showing any pain.
"Um, darling is your head alright," Rarity asked with concern.
"Yeah I'm fine was just making sure I wasn't hallucinating because I'm looking at fucking dragon," I told them coolly.
"Why would Spike being a dragon make you think you were hallucinating," Twilight asked.
"Because dragons don't exist on Earth," I told them as they gasped at my words, 'Or in the Black Gate,' I thought.
"So w-what about magic and u-us," Fluttershy asked me as I sighed.
"Unicorns and pegasus don't exist, ponies aren't sentient and not as colorful as you guys, and magic is just smoke and mirrors," I told them they were unnerved by my words.
"That sounds like Everfree Forest," AJ said as everyone but me shuddered.
"Please don't tell me this world runs on fucking magic," I asked them as they nodded their heads and I deadpanned.
"Pegasus control weather and we all pitch in during the Winter Wrap-Up," Twilight said as I sighed.
"Well science class has become a worthless experience," I sighed getting Pinkie to smile.
"Turn that frown upside-down it's not to bad once you get used to it," Pinkie said bouncing around grinning as I looked her with dull look.
"No thanks," I said and everyone gasped at my words and took a step back from Pinkie and me.
"What I have the right to be depressed until I figure this shit out don't I," I said as Pinkie began to do pouty face only to receive my confused glance. "Okay what the hell is she doing," I asked not understanding what was happening as Pinkie unleashed a stream of tears into my chest knocking me down. 'Holy shit what was that," I thought as I rolled underneath the stream of water.
"Why did you get Pinkie upset," Rainbow asked with frustration evident in her voice.
"Hey I barely know her I had no clue she would shoot me with a damn tear gun," I said confused and a little angry.
"He's right ya know, he ain't used to Pinkie just yet," AJ said trying to diffuse Rainbow.
"Also I've got a nickname for you Rainbow, it's Skittles," I said as everyone looked at me confused, Pinkie had stopped crying now at least.
"It's a candy from earth they are made with all the colors of the rainbow but I've never had any due to personal reasons," I said as they nodded at me in understanding. "Now it's late and I am pretty tired so if you need me I'll be sleep in a tree or something near Fluttershy's place," I said as Fluttershy intervened.
"I don't mind if you spend the night with me again," Fluttershy said shyly which was honestly pretty cute.
"Nah, I'm good besides sleeping in a tree will be fun," I told her with a smirk.
"How is that fun you'll most likely wake up with back pains," Rarity said obviously concerned and confused.
"Then I'll pop the joints later like this," I said as I popped my knuckles each one giving off small crackly pop.
"Isn't that painful," Twilight asked while Rainbow was staring at my hands.
"Not in the slightest," I told her as opened the door and walked towards Fluttershy's before climbing a pretty sturdy tree and settled on two branches that were close enough to lay down on. "Good night freaky world," I said to no one in particular as I slept on the branch.
"Eh, morning already," I grumbled as sat up. "Ah, fresh air good to wake up to this rather than pollution," I mumbled as I hopped down from the tree and stretched my legs.
"Um, Chris," A voice behind me said and I saw Fluttershy.
"Hey what's up," I asked her as I finished stretching.
"I was wondering if you wanted any breakfast," she said quietly.
"Sure I'm a little hungry," I said following her back into her cottage.
"How'd you sleep," Fluttershy asked me as she made a salad.
"Pretty good actually," I said as she carried the bowls on her wings to the table. "I'm guessing even in this crazy reality that ponies are still vegetarian," I asked as she nodded.
"Perfection no meat on my diet for life," I said sarcastically as I ate the salad with Fluttershy staring at me like a deer in the headlights.
"Y-You eat m-meat," Fluttershy stuttered in fear as I sighed.
"I'm an omnivore of course I eat meat but I don't eat ponies," I told as she gave a sigh of relief.
"Sorry about that I was just a little worried," she muttered quietly as she hung her head as she ate.
"No need to apologize if I were in your shoes I'd have the same reaction," I told her as I put the bowl in sink. "Now I'm going to go on run and then head to Twilights for info on Equestria since I'm here for the for seeable future," I said as I left the cottage and took a deep breath before taking off at top speed.
"Hey your pretty fast for running on two legs," a voice said above me.
"Hello Rainbow enjoying a good flight," I asked her.
"Yeah just chilling for right now," she replied flying beside me.
"So why do you control the weather why not just let everything happen naturally," I asked her as she gave a thoughtful look.
"I don't know I guess I'll just have to ask the Weather Board sometime," Rainbow said with a shrug as I continued my run. "Hey why are you out here running anyway," Rainbow asked.
"Exercise it keeps your body refined," I told her as stopped and began taking deep breaths.
"Damn, you ran a whole mile," Rainbow said as I just shrugged.
"Good that means my stamina is high," I told before I turned towards Twilight's place.
"See ya later dude," Rainbow said flying off as I just continued to walk towards Twilights about halfway there I pulled out that note I got from Celestia.
"Well now maybe I can figure out a little bit more about you my mysterious friend," I said as put the note back in my pocket when I arrived I knocked and Spike opened the door.
"Oh hey your Chris right," Spike asked me as I gave him a nod. "So what do you need," Spike asked letting me in.
"I came to talk with Twilight," I told him as Twilight came into the room.
"Oh hey Chris are you here for that interview," Twilight asked excitedly.
"Sure and after that I was hoping to learn more about where ever this place is," I said using hand gestures.
"Well this is Equestria," Twilight said as I raised an eyebrow. 'The note was right but still who names these places,' I thought as Twilight tapped her hoof.
"Um are you okay," Twilight asked as I looked at her.
"Yeah just thinking so what's your first question," I told as we sat down across from each other.
"Well what are humans like," Twilight asked as I scowled.
"As species we very intelligent but also very stupid," I told her as she raised an eyebrow.
"Can you explain that," she asked as I nodded.
"We are very smart we've built machines to make working easier but we still fight each over small issues like territory or religion," I said as she nodded.
"Okay next question are all humans good and nice," she asked and I burst out laughing. "Um what's so funny," Twilight asked me as I faced her with a smile.
"If all humans were nice then I probably wouldn't say this place is better than that hell hole," I told her with a smile on my face.
"So are they evil," Twilight asked nervously.
"Not all of humanity is but I won't lie to you bad guys have got the good guys out numbered two to one," I told her still smiling.
"Oh, well let's go to my next question, are humans vegetarians," Twilight asked.
"No were omnivores and I don't eat ponies nor do I plan to start," I told her as she only nodded.
"Now this my last question for today, what are some of your species redeeming qualities," Twilight asked me.
"We aren't all bad some of us care for the environment and others help people who struggle," I told her as small smile appeared on my face.
"Okay now what questions do you have," Twilight asked.
"Who's Celestia," I asked her being blunt.
"She's a princess alicorn and co ruler of Equestria her sister Luna is an alicorn too and she's the other ruler she's also my mentor," Twilight told me.
"Cool," I said genuinely impressed.
"Yeah they raise the sun and moon together," Twilight said as I raised an eyebrow.
"Seriously that defies science but everything here seems to do that," I said with a sigh.
"So it's getting late are going back to Fluttershy's," Twilight asked.
"Yeah also send Celestia a letter about me she deserves to know that a human is here," I told her, she nodded and levitated a quill to write her letter as I left her place and went to Fluttershy's.
"Fluttershy I'm back," I said knocking on the door.
"Come in," she replied as I walked in and she Fluttershy making toast.
"Hey can I have piece," I asked as she nodded I grabbed a piece she made and began eating it. "Not to bad," I said as I laid down on her couch and went to sleep.
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