Mistress Viola

Mistress Viola


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BDSM Coach | Dominatrix | Fetish Events | Portland, OR
My thoughts, events, and inspiration.
Can you feel all this sprung sexual energy in the air? It’s hard not to get excited as vaccinations are rolling out and lockdown restrictions are beginning to release their grip. You’re tired of being house-bound and looking to get leather-bound. I have been hearing from you, emails are sprouting and blooming in my inbox like all the multicolored tulips in Portland. But I gotta tell ya, we are not gonna be back to the races without some renewed considerations.
You may have been out of the game for a while or you are just starting to get into it. You watched that Netflix show with a dominatrix and now you want a taste. You're seeking adventure and new experiences and the low-light seduction of a dungeon and the calculated skills of an experienced domme. Here’s my advice on how to best approach pro-dommes after this intense pandemic year:
When people write to me without even acknowledging Covid it is a red flag. They want to spend time with me in an enclosed space and they should acknowledge this elephant in the room. If you are vaccinated let us know. If you are high risk or live with someone high risk I would want to know that also. Be prepared to share your safety practices and get a test prior to the meeting if needed.
Chances are if you are approaching a domme right now for live sessions, they have had a really tough year. We had to shut down our in-person business almost entirely for nearly a year and shift our focus to online sessions and content, which has been exhausting in a way that is hard to fully convey. You’ve also had a tough year so you understand this. Approach people professionally and with gratitude and you will have success in booking their time and building a lasting connection.
Read our websites fully, don’t ask questions that are clearly answered on the website. I can’t tell you how many folks I have just plain ignored because it is clear to me they haven’t taken the time to look over the basics on my site. We spend a lot of time writing out the process for visiting us, so look it over and follow our lead. You want to submit and be submissive, yes? The first step is doing as we say on our websites, demonstrating that you can comply with our wishes and value our time and energy. This goes a long way to getting our attention and moving toward meeting.
For your own safety, be wary of dommes without websites or a strong verifiable internet presence. Over the last year, I get multiple emails WEEKLY with people pointing out profiles that have stolen my images and are using them to scam folks online. I will be writing an entire blog about this soon. Unfortunately, this is very common and there is very little I can do about it. The main thing I will say about this now is: if it seems too good to be true it likely is. Pro-dommes are not cold messaging clients like this. These scammers will show up in your inbox on dating and social sites and start asking if you want to lick their shoes and it is bullshit so please, do your research. Be sure you are not falling prey to one of these assholes making me look like I have bad grammar and a murky understanding of consent.
This is a quick way to be ignored entirely. If you don’t understand why hourly rates are so high for this specialized luxury service, consider for a moment the amount of time and energy we put into every session, the prep and clean-up, interviewing and negotiation, years of skills building, gear acquisition, building a play space with high-quality fetish equipment, and most importantly: risk (both legal and personal). Recognize that it takes a lot for a domme to stand before you in her leather boots, essentially caretaking your fantasies and desires. Don’t balk at her rates. If seeing a professional is cost-prohibitive, take the time to meet someone online on Fetlife that you can play with, network, go to munches and events. Some good advice on how to do that is covered here in a webinar that Natasha Strange and I created: Come Correct.
The best way to make a good impression, beyond composing a respectful email, is to show up for sessions on time (not early, not late), clean and put together. Bring a gift, even something small. Her favorite tea (you noticed this on her Twitter feed - swoon), a bottle of bubbles, a handwritten card. This kind of attention endears us to you immediately. The more you treat this like the beginning of a connection, the more your domme will as well. We are so often treated like fetish dispensers. If you are looking for a longer dynamic, you should approach it as such. Make some effort. She most definitely has. This is power exchange but it is also energy exchange, provide value and energy and you will receive it in return.
Rushing to a session right after work or before another obligation is not a great idea. You are more likely to be late and unable to transition into the headspace needed. Take the day off or be sure you have time to relax before needing to code-switch. This kind of play can be intense, you should prepare to be sleepy and a little wobbly after. Think of seeing a dominatrix like therapy or a deep tissue massage, make space in your day for it. Your domme will provide some aftercare and check-ins, but you also have to take care of yourself and ensure you are not rushing.
After a year of this intensity and the limits we’ve all had on physical touch, we need to be hyper-aware of the after-effects of a BDSM session. Both parties might be feeling sub drop and top drop more intensely than prior to all this. Check-in after session, that evening or the day after. Make a self-care plan in case you’ll need it. I ask all my submissives to send me an email after the session so that I know they are ok and also, for me! I want to hear them speak well of the session so that I don’t spiral out into top drop, ie: “Was that a good experience? Are they okay?“ For folks that I have seen frequently and for years, this kind of check-in is built into our dynamic. You also have to realize that for professional sessions, aftercare is limited by time constraints, so you do have to be prepared to do some of this yourself and reach out if you need more support. Your domme may or may not be able to provide that support depending on her own constraints.
This blogpost is part of the
FemDom Society Bloghop!
We are a group of FemDoms and ThemDoms who write, led by my beautiful business partner Princessa Natasha Strange. Every few months we will have a group theme to inspire our blogs…
HB3088 is a pending bill repealing crimes of prostitution, commercial sexual solicitation and promoting prostitution. We believe that those in our state who are directly impacted and endangered by the current status and definitions of "prostitution" have a right to speak directly to legislators and testify at a hearing. Regardless of personal viewpoints on s$x work, the judiciary committee represents the people and the people need to be given the opportunity to testify. The citizens of Oregon are asking the committee to break the pattern of systemic oppression towards those directly involved with s$x work. 
This bill is currently sitting in the Oregon House Judiciary Committee with a deadline of March 19th, 2021 for the members to move it to a hearing. We are asking our legislators to take action by the deadline and not allow this bill to die in committee.
Link for HB3088.
Recent Willamette Week Article on HB3088.
Video about why decriminalization is the way to go (TED talk by Juno Mac).
Sign and share our change.org petition. 
Send an email to the members of the House Committee On Judiciary. Feel free to use the below template and add your personal connection and voice to the letter.
** It's important to email each member individually and not in a group email and use their last name, you can also remove my coded word for “s$x work” when you send, I am being careful due here on my site with language.**
I am writing today to strongly encourage you to take action in favor of a hearing for HB3088 before the March 19th deadline.
S$x workers are historically marginalized, regularly represented in culture as negatively portrayed stereotypes, and, most importantly, rarely if ever given opportunities to speak their own truths inside the legislative process on matters that they clearly have the most knowledge to share.
The s$x industry in many forms is alive and well in Oregon and there is an opportunity on many levels for you to learn, rather than ignore or avoid, what HB3088 is advocating by letting it proceed with a hearing. As a citizen of Oregon, I am asking you to break this pattern of systemic oppression and give those directly impacted by the current status of s$x work in the state opportunity to testify at a hearing.
Regardless of your personal viewpoints on s$x work, the judiciary committee represents the people and the people need to be given the opportunity to testify.
Emails for the Members of the House Committee on Judiciary
Thank you for taking the time to support and give additional voices to the long-overdue need to decriminalize s$x work in the state of Oregon and also the world
S$x work is real work and advocacy is an act of love.
Thanks to Beloved Coaching for this blogpost content.
Me with one of my longtime submissives, recently collared.
As a kink & FemDom event organizer, I get this question a lot. You want a lifestyle domme to own you, you want a 24/7 relationship, you want a female-led relationship, or perhaps you want a FemDom play partner for events or private play. You want it to be ‘REAL’.
Folded into this desire “to be real” is an implication that offends me, implying that professional domination isn’t real. My connections with my submissives are very real. However, they are contained in a safe space for both parties. A space where the value of my time and energy and my experience is being compensated and the boundaries (for both parties) are clear. This is not a ‘lifestyle’ relationship but it is a real relationship nonetheless. Many of my submissives have served me for many years, and the connection has evolved and deepened over time.
Professional domination offers a container for BDSM experiences, there isn’t much grey area. Relationships outside of professional appointments and scheduled sessions are full of grey areas. Often people need their experiences to be contained in these ways, to fit into their busy lives, and to more easily compartmentalize them.
Seeing a professional is a healthy option for pursuing new experiences safely and for learning who you are as a submissive or fetishist. Many of my submissives start with me — and through my coaching, input, and their personal evolution — they move on to find lifestyle relationships that incorporate kink. Sometimes they still come to see me and sometimes they move on.
All that said, I certainly understand the desire for more than a pro-domme relationship. And I have some helpful advice for how you can meet a domme or fellow kinkster or fetishist. Still, you’ll need to invest in this pursuit, it will not just fall in your lap because you want it badly.
If you are emailing me to ask me how to meet a domme, stop wasting my time and energy and asking me for free labor. Start by paying for this webinar that myself and Princessa Natasha Strange spent a lot of time putting together, it is only $25 - Come Correct: How to Approach, Serve, and Dazzle Dominant Femmes. I recommend new FemDoms watch it also for advice on how to better set boundaries. Once you’ve watched that, I hope you will be a lot more clear in what you are seeking the next time you email me.
Like any kind of dating, you need to learn to present yourself online honestly and authentically. You may or may not be surprised, but femmes with any kind of generally appealing presence online get hundreds of messages from folks demanding our attention. These approaches are often rude and half-assed. We cover examples in the webinar, both of bad approaches, and good ones.
You need to effectively present yourself and you need to show up. People will often come to my events and not meet anyone, and then give up. Do you believe you are entitled to attention and playtime just because you paid $20 to show up to an event? Just because you made the effort? You need to show up often, and this is true for online as well. Fetlife, online events, networking — all of this takes time, effort, and consistency. People start to see you, notice you, and trust you this way.
The FemDom you are pining after online, she likely has a lot of photos and writing about herself, videos and information and things that have drawn you to her. Her profile and those photos took time. She is presenting herself well. Are you? Do you have a profile picture? More than one? Do you write about yourself and express who you are? Or do you just jump into her inbox and tell her what you want to happen to you?
You need to bring more to the table other than your desires packaged as “service” or your need for attention. You need to be someone trustworthy and REAL.
I do coaching for submissives on how to better network in the kink world and build their online presence. If you want support on this, you need to compensate me for my time and energy. I have a lot of experience with this area of coaching. It is something I LOVE to do.
Princess Natasha Strange and I with my collared submissive at DomConLA.
I will discuss with you your goals and desires. We will work on defining (and dialing back) your expectations. We will work on clearly representing you and your interests (even if you don’t show your face online). We will work on getting you comfortable with the process. Finding what you want is not only possible, but it is an opportunity for personal growth.
It may be that you start with coaching and sessions with me or another professional to better define your interests and submissive style, and then through this work, you can better approach others.
The most important thing is to approach this with patience. Please reach out via my Contact Page to start a conversation about coaching.
What’s the superpower of a good Dominant?
The myth of the dominatrix conjures a figure who is cruel, cold, endlessly demanding, without compassion. We certainly dance around this mythology in sessions, we enact these ice queen fantasies, we energize and feed our sadism in order to access the delicious adrenaline high that comes from power exchange. But if you have been in the world of BDSM for any measure of time, you’ll soon learn: the superpower of an experienced and intuitive Dominant is her empathy.
This isn’t compassion, folks, this is understanding. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another human. We understand your pain, your desire, your torment, your pleasure. We know exactly how to use that to achieve our desired outcome.
We monitor your breathing, your facial cues, the sounds you make. We manipulate you within your limits, to reach just beyond them, to push you. We bring you up, we bring you down, we coax you out of it, we ensure you are safe, and we send you back out into the world renewed, refreshed, bruised, and aching in all the right places…
When I am in a really connected play session, there are moments of transference, where my empathic self is living through my submissive. I am feeling what they feel and getting off on their experience, getting off on how sexy I am, on the sound of the whip or the flogger on their skin, on how fucking hot the whole situation is. It really is a superpower. Topspace for me is electric, heady, controlled, and powerful. It doesn’t always happen, but when it does — it’s a kind of kinky magic.
A good domme will work on her submissive, will make them a better human over time. We use our influence to create awareness about the issues that are important to us, to our industry, to their sexual health and wellness as well as ours. We help our submissives learn how to express themselves better. Many of my longtime submissives and I have deep conversations that go far beyond kink or BDSM. I have been told countless times: “I have never spoken to anyone about this before.” Or, “this is therapy for me.”
It is an honor for me to hold space for the fetishes, desires, and stories that our culture keeps in the dark, to hold a candle up to examine their sharp edges. I love this work.
The other thing you will learn, as you interact with professional dommes, is that most of us are deeply community-minded. We are leaders and influencers. We protect our sisters and colleagues in the industry, we are activists, we tend to be individuals who make money and GIVE money. We support each other when the chips are down.
During this pandemic, I have been deeply impressed by sex workers and the way we truly support each other, as well as our communities as a whole. I have seen and participated in a lot of mutual aid, volunteering, letter writing, activism, and fundraising. While this time has been devastating and challenging for all of us, I am endlessly inspired by sex workers.
This isn’t the first time our livelihoods have been threatened. We are hustlers. We pivot and we evolve. Demand won’t go away, but our access to this demand is constantly being threatened. We are always under the threat of being de-platformed, censored, or worse.
Nevertheless, we persist. You consume our content, our images, our writing. Do you pay for this content? Do you tribute these individuals for their labor?
As usual, the most marginalized, Black and POC sex workers, have been hit hardest. If you are a white person, it is imperative that YOU PERSONALLY are ensuring that money, resources, and opportunities flow into Black, Indigenous, and communities of color. Ask yourself: what can I do to help these communities RIGHT NOW? If it isn’t money or tribute or buying content, you can offer your time, your talents, or your privilege and access to resources.
In a FemDom Bootcamp Panel we recently hosted at Sub Rosa, we tackled the topic of Service Submission. Natasha Strange, Dia Dynasty, Justine Cross, and I answered questions from the attendees. Someone asked: “how can I be of service during the pandemic when I am solo and without a Mistress.”
I certainly have compassion for those who are solitary and seeking right now, this pandemic has struck a really hard social blow, especially to marginal
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