Mistress Torture Male Slave

Mistress Torture Male Slave


Mistress Torture Male Slave

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Sitting or straddling a slave's face is an excellent example of humiliation.
The Mistress is on top where she belongs and the male is helpless with no choice but to pleasure her for as long as she wishes. The Mistress should take care to afford the slave the proper amount of air he needs to breath. A well trained slave will lick without command when his Mistress straddles his face.
The Mistress should maintain proper hygiene for the wellbeing of her slave particularly if she requires the whole area of her crotch to be licked.
Enemas involve both humiliation and punishment. A suitable position is that for anal penetration or the slave can be suitably bound with the orifice conveniently presented. A thin plastic tube and a funnel is all that is required. Once again this is one of those practices where the slave is humiliated and subjected to extended discomfort with little effort on the part of the Mistress. To hold an enema for a long time is exceedingly uncomfortable. There is no let up in the discomfort and it is an excellent punishment and humiliation technique which has no risks attached to it whatsoever. I have had my slave hold an enema for an hour as punishment for not setting out my clothes correctly in the morning. He got this wrong only once!
Use of strap-on phalluses has been covered in an earlier section so will simply be mentioned as an extremely humiliating experience for the slave.
Often referred to as Golden Showers, this practice seems to appeal to many slaves as the ultimate in degradation. It may be so but if the slave gets pleasure from this activity it has no place in a true Mistress/ slave relationship. Some couples do engage in golden showers but for me it is far too messy even though I know my slave would hate it.
Cuckolding can be one of the most powerful ways of humiliating a slave, especially a slave husband.
The husband who is being cuckolded must bear the physical and emotional pain of being constantly sexually frustrated and must also bear the shame and humiliation of his wife taking other lovers.
Obviously the married Mistress of a non consensual slave husband can behave in any way she likes. This is an essential part of the slave's agreement to submit to non consensual slavery but few Wife/Mistresses will wish to engage in this activity. I know of only a very few married Mistresses who have gone this far. Indeed I would countenance against it. I would suggest that this activity would, more than any other, destroy the bond between a married Mistress and her slave in contrast with the imposition of non consensual slavery which strengthens it.
For an unmarried Mistress there are degrees of humiliation that can be inflicted. At one level a Mistress may chain her slave in the home and then go out to socialise as a single woman. She may recount stories of the men she has met. At the other end of the scale she may invite other men to her house, entertain and have sex with them whilst in full view of the chained slave or even have the slave serve them both whilst they male love. What could be more humiliating than that? Very little I would proffer to suggest.
Even so this is serious humiliation and any Mistress would be well advised to consider it very carefully.
Making the slave serve his Mistress in the presence of others who are aware of the Mistress/slave relationship is not in the least humiliating for the slave.
It is very little different from serving in private. It would be very humiliating if the 'public' were not aware of the relationship and also embarrassing, not least for the public. Therefore humiliation in public must be subtle where only the Mistress and the slave are aware of what is going on. A favourite technique of mine is to make the slave do all the walking and carrying when we are shopping at the supermarket. I sit with the trolley near the entrance and the slave is sent off round the shop to collect one item from my shopping list at a time. It takes a bit longer this way but the slave is left in no doubt that he is the work horse. Only a very observant stranger would notice what was going on and even then would probably not guess the reason why.
The only kind of cross dressing which is humiliating is forced feminisation.
The dominant woman forces her slave to dress as a woman against his will.
Thus some Mistresses will have their slave serve them in stocking and a maid's outfit.
Personally I would never permit a slave of mine to put on any item of female attire. Females are superior and male slaves totally unworthy of wearing their clothes. So the nearest my slave gets to my underwear is when he hand washes it and puts it away and when he collects it from the bedroom floor where it is dropped, picks it up with his teeth and crawls with it to the linen basket.
When it comes to humiliation each Mistress must find what works for her. It is a combination of what turns her on and what the slave really does not like.
Most Mistresses will from time to time wish to torture their slaves. It is then that their sadistic nature comes to the fore. Torture, unlike punishment, is inflicting pain and suffering for pleasure and I have yet to meet a lifestyle Mistress who would deny getting pleasure from this activity.
There are basically two methods of inflicting torture; active and passive. The first way involves continued action on the part of the Mistress such as an extended whipping. A thorough whipping can take up to an hour as she applies various instruments of pain to different parts of the slave's body.
In the second method the Mistress sets up a situation which will apply the torture with very little further effort on her part. Such examples include, electro torture, use of astringents, nettles, itching power etc.
Much has been written about safe and 'no go' areas of a slave's body when it comes to whipping but provided common sense and a few simple rules are observed it is possible to produce a slave well striped from head to toe safely.
It is a common misconception to think that heavy whips must be used to mark the skin. It is invariably the case that a light multi-stranded whip will mark the slave just as well as a heavier whip in places where there is less fleshy protection whilst producing intense stinging pain and this kind of implement can be used for much longer than a heavier one as no damage is being caused. One of my favourite whips consists of many strand of thin rigid plastic. I can be very accurate with this and it marks beautifully. It is safe to use on all parts of the slave's body as it has very little weight.
1. Heavy solid implements should only be used on buttocks and fleshy areas of the thighs above the knees.
2. The lower back between rib cage and buttocks is an absolute 'no go' area.
There are vital organs here and no protection.
3. The remainder of the slave's back, shoulders and arms are suitable targets but if a knotted whip is used it is best to avoid the spine.
5. All areas of the slave's front are safe for whipping but care should be exercised when applying the whip on the belly between the waist and genitals. Again the light whip will mark very well, produce intense stinging pain and no damage.
For an extended whipping it is best to secure the slave firmly with ropes or chains. My favourite position is spread-eagled with leg spreader and wrists tied to hooks in the ceiling and the slave on his toes. There are then no parts of the body which are inaccessible.
The torment of the slave undergoing a whipping can be increased by blindfolding or hooding him as he cannot tell when or where the next blow will land.
The genital area can safely be included in a full body whipping provided a suitable instrument is used. The best is a short multi-stranded whip (10 to 15 cm) made from thin leather shoelace or similar. The lighter the better as it will cause no damage but the pain is intense. For a complete body whipping I remove the slave's chastity device and secure his PA ring to his waist chain. This exposes the underside of his cock and his balls for treatment with the tiny whip.
A full whipping can take an hour or more. There is no need to rush and the Mistress can take breaks in the proceedings should she feel the need for refreshment. After all - the slave is not going anywhere! When the Mistress is satisfied with her handiwork or she judges the slave has had enough it is best not to release him straight away unless, of course she wants an immediate service from him. A period of reflection for the slave whilst he is still restrained after a whipping is good for his psychological conditioning. I usually make my slave hang for up to 30 minutes after an extended whipping whilst I relax with a drink on my bed.
The slave should have been trained so that when he is released he drops immediately to his belly, crawls to his Mistress's feet and kisses them.
If the Mistress wishes to give her slave a thorough caning as apposed to a quick instant punishment it is a good idea to warm him up first with a paddle say or relatively light instrument before using the heavier stuff. The slave can be on his belly, bent over the edge of a table or bed, or bent double with his wrists attached to his ankles. A caning of tightly stretched buttocks is considerably more painful then on more relaxed ones so the really sadistic Mistress will have her slave bent double for this torture.
As the slave's pain threshold increases with 'warming' heavier implements can be used but the Mistress should be aware that these will cause deep seated bruising so their use should be restricted to the fleshy well padded areas of buttocks and thighs. The area where thighs and buttocks meet is particularly sensitive and will be painful for many days.
It is important to keep well away from the base of the slave's spine and to avoid wrapping around the hips where there is little protection and many nerves.
Accurate caning of a slave in this way requires practice and the novice Mistress would be advised to carry this out on a couple of pillows before tackling the real thing.
If the Mistress wishes to torture her slave with the minimum of effort then one of the following techniques can be employed.
My favourite position of bondage is to have the slave straddle a stool on which can be placed a variety of objects designed to make life very uncomfortable. The slave's hands are bound tightly behind his back and his head harness is tied to a hook in the ceiling. Thus he is unable to move off the stool.
Objects placed on the top of the stool include:
• Triangular wooden block with a narrow flat edge at the top
• Cylinder about 10 to 15 cm in diameter
With the triangle in place different items can be placed on the top edge.
• Double strip of carpet gripper, side by side
• Soft cushioned pad impregnated with itching powder
The top edge of the triangular block is just a little too high so that having both feet flat on the floor is just too painful. In this position his perineum cock and balls are exposed to whatever rests on the top of the block. So to ease the discomfort the slave has to raise himself up on his toes. Time is the big enemy, since eventually his muscles tire and he must adjust his position to relieve the stress. But that causes new stresses and pressures so there needs to be another shift and so on.
It creates a downward spiral where shifting position becomes more and frequent whilst his crotch is being assaulted by top of the block. When he gets to the point where he is shifting continuously he is properly 'riding the block'. It usually requires about 30 minutes torment to reach that point and during the build up time it is possible to have some very productive discussion with the slave regarding unsatisfactory elements of his servitude.
Once he is fully riding it is virtually impossible to have a coherent conversation since the slave's mind is pretty much occupied in easing his distress. The time I make him ride depends on the infraction being corrected but it is never less than one hour.
The use of carpet gripper, nettles, or itching powder is painful torture indeed.
But it is very satisfying watching him struggle, legs spread wide, up on his toes. Sooner or later his feet tire and he drops only to find increased torture of the sensitive flesh between his legs. An hour like this is really severe punishment and is reserved for the most serious infractions of my rules or when I am feeling particularly sadistic. But it does no permanent harm and a session makes the slave very penitent. The punishment is made even more severe for the slave if the CBs are removed as there is then no protection for his balls and cock. The great thing about these punishments is that they require very little effort from me. In fact the only effort it requires from me is to make it stop. I can read a book, watch TV, and if the slave is gagged I do not even need to listen to his please for mercy.
Another passive torture I set it up with the slave seated on the stool. His bound arms are chained to the ceiling hook and his scrotum to a heavy weight just resting on the floor. If no weight is available then a leg spreader with a chain from his balls to a central attachment point can be used to prevent him from rising. After about 15 minutes I take the stool away. The anguish in my slave's face is clear to see so I replace it five minutes later but with a couple of nettle leaves, itching powder or the drawing pins resting on the top. I then lie back on my bed to 'watch the show'.
The slave is faced with two choices:
• Raise himself up from the stool to ease the pain in his buttocks and put strain on his thighs and scrotum
• Lower himself to the stool, and let the nettles etc. torture his buttocks
I first set this up as a punishment because I was dissatisfied with the effort the slave was making when he pleasured me. As I spoke to him quietly explaining exactly what I required from him he became more and more distressed and when I let him down after 60 minutes there were tears streaming down his face. But he dropped to his belly and kissed my feet as I had trained him to do and the fervent desire to please me was like never before. I had the best tongue job ever and that aspect of his servitude improved from then on. He now knows exactly what will happen if I get less than maximum effort from his tongue.
This kind of passive torture has now become one of my favourite techniques.
It satisfies my sadistic side to watch the slave endure what is extreme discomfort. There is no effort needed on my part, no risk of damage to the slave and I can relax with a long cool drink. I can ring the changes by putting different items of discomfort on the stool and if he is blindfolded he will only discover what they are when his legs tire. A dental gag which forces the mouth wide open is very effective preventing the slave from making any recognisable sound. For the imaginative Mistress the possibilities are endless.




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