Mistress Tasks

Mistress Tasks


Mistress Tasks
I’m the Task-Mistress, and I provide no-bullshit solutions for Getting Shit Done. My Task Toolkits will take your project’s to-do lists to HAVE DONE .
When you set up a project, you often break it down into a few easy steps, only too discover when you are deep in the weeds that the are a lot more steps than you expected, and many of them are not easy. My toolkits walk you through the process by giving you concrete steps to follow, one after another, until you are DONE.
My systems are based on a combination of my experience both as a technical documentation writer (“how to” guides) and a project manager to create simple, actionable resources that will get you over the finish line!
Project Management has been shrouded in mystery for decades, considered the proprietary method of high-end manufacturing, information technology, and construction. But did you know that project management consists of just FIVE steps? That’s it! It’s very simple to implement (even if sometimes it isn’t easy!) and I can teach you how to use the basic principles of Personal Project Managment (PPM) to improve your life!

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