Mistress T Website

Mistress T Website


Mistress T Website

Kyle Conrad on June 13, 2011 at 9:50 am said:

John Watterson on June 20, 2011 at 1:40 pm said:

lapperguy on March 19, 2012 at 7:48 pm said:

Mistress T on August 20, 2013 at 7:54 am said:

Mistress T on October 3, 2013 at 6:39 am said:

Michael Wilson on January 10, 2019 at 3:03 am said:

Mistress T on March 30, 2014 at 5:13 pm said:

Kerry COX on May 19, 2014 at 8:36 am said:

Mistress T on October 4, 2014 at 8:31 am said:

Dante Magniafuoco on January 23, 2019 at 1:20 am said:

Mistress T on May 4, 2015 at 3:05 am said:

Mister M on June 7, 2015 at 8:14 am said:

Mitchell on May 16, 2016 at 11:35 pm said:

Luciano Couto Teixeira on October 2, 2016 at 9:08 pm said:

Luciano Couto Teixeira on October 2, 2016 at 9:10 pm said:

Mistress T on April 19, 2017 at 7:58 pm said:

Roshan on May 8, 2017 at 2:01 am said:

Mistress T on May 10, 2017 at 9:44 pm said:

Jordan Auclair on May 15, 2017 at 9:51 pm said:

Martin Frias on June 9, 2017 at 5:03 pm said:

Mistress T on June 16, 2017 at 3:23 am said:

Mistress T on August 3, 2017 at 4:26 pm said:

Leathercuck on July 30, 2017 at 11:36 pm said:

Mistress T on August 3, 2017 at 5:08 pm said:

Neil ( first time I have ever used my real name.) on August 4, 2017 at 7:36 pm said:

Rocket Kirchner on August 16, 2017 at 10:14 pm said:

Maurice dean on October 23, 2017 at 4:33 pm said:

Mistress T on July 19, 2018 at 5:20 am said:

Russian Man on December 7, 2018 at 7:01 pm said:

Alfonso Lopez on February 7, 2019 at 6:46 pm said:

Eric Houston on May 22, 2020 at 9:19 pm said:

Please check to prove YOU ARE human. Thank you.
My blog started as a way to tell the story of how I became Mistress T, the Dominatrix/Fetish Porn Star. So if you read from the beginning you’ll learn about my journey. Now I blog about my current life.
As of summer 2017 I’m 41. My birthday is the end of April, which makes me a Taurus & Fire Dragon (1976) if you’re into that stuff.
I live in Vancouver, Canada. I’ve been here for 20 years. Originally from Nova Scotia. I used to travel a lot to internationally but recently have been more of a home-body.
I create and star in fetish vids covering a variety of themes where the female is always in control: FemDom, humiliation of men, cuckolding, MILF fetish, sensual Domination, fetish hand jobs/milking/orgasm control, ass worship, Goddess worship, foot/boot/pantyhose/glove fetish and much more.
I run things pretty much on my own. I have a web designer/webmaster who helps with the technical side of things for my members site. The slaves/stunt cocks you see in MY vids are volunteers, real fans & occasionally personal friends or lovers. I rarely use professional paid male porn stars (less than a half dozen times in a decade). I film my own content, usually without a camera operator (tripod or the cam is held by myself or the slave). I come up with the ideas, unless it’s a paid custom vid, I figure out what to say & do, I edit the vids and I do my best with marketing.
I’ve appeared on several other well-known fetish sites:
I have also collaborated with several other ladies in the industry including Ceara Lynch, Lexi Sindel, Mina Thorne, Princess Meggerz, Samantha Mack, Princess Rene, Domina Snow and Sarah Blake.
My business is my passion and takes up most of my life. When I’m not working I enjoy connecting with friends over a cup of tea, a drink or meal. When I want to let loose I go to fetish parties, gay bars or upscale lounges. I also practice yoga frequently & live a very healthy lifestyle. I pride myself on having a healthy, balanced (almost vegan) diet. I also walk a lot. It’s good for the body & the mind.
I enjoy reading. Some of my favorite authors are: Margaret Atwood, Chuck Palahniuk, Kurt Vonnegut and Tom Robbins.
Some of my favorite movies are: Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, Wild Orchid, The Princess Bride and Forest Gump.
I’m VERY petite: 5 feet tall, 115 pounds, size 4 feet.
I hope my work and this blog serves as an inspiration to other women. I hope that it helps men to be less objectifying to women. I hope that it educates and entertains.
Feel free to contact me personally: MsT@MistressT.net
I loved the story about why you moved to Vancouver. I have seen your clips online and love you work.
I never thought of you as so 3 dimensional and as a real person with a real life so it was great.
Thanks Kyle,
Yup, I’m a real 3 dimensional person with an interesting history. I didn’t come out of the womb a fetish porn star…although I may have been hard wired that way many things had to happen for me to get to where I am. That’s what this blog is about and I hope others will find it interesting.
Mistress T
You are a very fascinating woman, very desirable, you’re a very interesting and you’re the only one I ever watch, I just love your Superior, confident and articulate ways. It’d be a dream come true to meet you some day and have coffee.
Very good writing…yes, I know the hurt very well, unfortunately, of a breakup with a loved one…nothing hurts more I think. Been to Seattle but didn’t get up to Vancouver….its absolutely gorgeous up there!!! Visited Mt St Helens and marvelled at how one could smell the slightly sweet scent of the forest…
I’m thrilled that you started a blog. I love the creativity of your work – its always interesting and artistic and – of course – highly erotic. Its very cool to know more about you and your background.
I’m looking forward to escaping this Texas heat and visiting your city of Vancouver later this summer.
I just wanted to say how happy I am to discover this blog. Discovering your videos recently has been fascinating. At the same time, you yourself remain a larger than life woman, so close to knowing what goes on in my head yet so far away. Then I saw you went to the playa. I have been nine times myself and have participated in various ways by building theme camps, art projects and cars and so much more. You immediately became so much more real to me. I wonder if you made it to our big photo camp (I’m deliberately not mentioning the specific name) in center camp this year. If I spot you in the photos, I’ll let you know. I’d love to communicate more, about BM, the Valley or lif in general. -Jeff
Hi Mistress T, love your blog and I would love to interview you for a podcast that I am putting together about interesting people. The interview would be a one on one. I am based in London so we could do it in skype for wait until you are in town next. Would you be interested in doing this?
I’m glad to discover someone who combines the psychology of sex, with great looks, and the hottest part is your seeming desire to undermine your men, and also an appreciation for foot fetish. Hope to see much more of you. Thanks!
I love yr work and you got pretty face i really like i get mots of data i love wanking and smell socks
I must admit to wondering if understanding more about you as a rounded individual was a good thing from an admirers pov. After all, they say it is not always a good thing to meet your idols. In your case I have found your entries truly fascinating and it has only served to increase my admiration for you and the work that you undertake. Things are barely black and white in life and as complex as many of your subjects psyches are it is also reassuring to know that you also think deeply about the situations you are presented with. Your visit to Nova Scotia was very enlightening.
I have asked myself the same question: is this blog too personal? Does it kill the fantasy for some? Maybe. I think the good outweighs the potential detractors though. I’m glad you are enjoying it, and it seems that many others are as well.
Mistress T
I imagine most public figures realise that you can’t please all of the people all of the time. As for killing the fantasy, if a few of your fans struggle with the concept that you have a ‘normal’ life outside of your profession then ignorance must be bliss. I don’t for a moment consider that reading your entries gives me an encyclopedic knowledge of your personality but from my point of view it only seems to increase this notion that you are an intelligent, confident, successful woman who truly enjoys being exceptional at what she does and takes satisfaction in providing a service to her followers. It is reassuring to know that you are a decent person who appears to be able to flick a switch and through a combination of your strength of personality and accomplished acting skills is able to make fantasies feel a tangible reality x.
This private things about you and your life makes you and this blog very friendoy, you’re normal woman with normal life, heart and questions and answers…
So let write here what you want and about you want! Your life day by day, normal non fetish but normal life photos (me too have Nexus S:-) your thoughts, problems plan etc.
P.S. “Nova Scotia” – it seems like Czech or Polish language?
You wrote that you are a woman with her life story that many of you had to be found here where you are. It’s your personal blog so write us something about yourself about your life once your decisions and events in your life. I am very interested in you as a woman and not fetish porn star …
Greetings. Salam. Hola.
I just wanted to ask you if you are truly afraid of God. Your creator did not put you in earth so that you can worship the devil. This whole life is an illusion and your body is your temple. If you want to continue doing this please remember the after life. Please remember the scale of good deeds and bad deeds that will be presented. Not just you. Mankind.
What you are doing is a whisper of the devil telling you to do this.
Please stop what you are doing and do something far away from this satanic worship you have put yourself through.
The devil is laughing at you because he has deceived you sister! Wake up !
Please think about what you are doing. It’s evil. It’s dirty. It’s dark.
Find the light. Listen and feel God in your heart. Don’t let the devil tempt you into this world full of deception. If you get mad or upset, that’s the devil whispering in your heart.
You’re a lady. Don’t behave like this. Respect your body. Everything you do is for $???
Is $$$ going to be there for you in the afterlife sister?its paper money.
It’s printed. The real value is in natural resources such as gold.
Please think about this. Forget about the evil whispers and listen to God.
Listen.You have potential and you’re selling your body ? Say Bismillah. Realise you should listen to that voice that tells you what you are doing is dirty.
May God give you guidance.
I am vey pleased to hear this, you cement my belief that you are not only an amazing woman, but a very smart and rational creature. You are my number one sexual idol, and if I had the opportunity I would love to share a tea with you. As I am a foot fetishist, AND a coffee drinker, that says very much about my admiration for you. Please keep up the good work.
Me neither.
I believe in a godess MISTRESS t.
Good for you Mistress T.
However, in the event that you were in fact the devil incarnate, i wonder if you could kindly let me know where i sign up?
In your blog I read about your travel to India. Being from India am just curious to know more about it. For us in India, there isnt anything like Mistress, professional dominatrix etc and we look upto the internet for satisfying our femdom thoughts.Am a sub and I found your blog a few months before. I have been a fan and follower ever since. It was great to know and hear about the common things of a dominatrix woman.
Would love to read about your trip to India. Was it a personal one or a bussinees trip.Pl write about it in detail if/when you feel like.
Also hope that the problems you had with your neighbours is over now. Somehow I felt bad after reading about that. Hope its all settled and you are in peace.
So far so good with the neighbors. Nothing new.
India: I went twice, two months each time, only for personal travel, not business. I’m not sure how many other people are really interested in hearing details of my personal travels in this blog so I doubt I’ll be writing a detailed blog entry about it.
Yes! I am. Even though i am an Indian by birth. I am from UK. So i am into Munches, Fetishes, Kinky Devils etc. But yea! As kiran says. It is hard for people with fetish thoughts to explore it their. May be because of shy. Or some religious beliefs too. Anyways its good to hear that you went their for a visit. I use to see your videos too. Lol Xxx
Mistress T, First let me say that I am a huge fan. I want to respond to your blog post I am ok, Your okay. I feel exactly like you do on fetishes. You said it, and expressed it so much better then I ever could have. I have said very similiar thoughts on Divine Bitches before, If it doesn’t push your kink button, then just don’t watch. Don’t hate or denounce the posting. Just wait till what does push your kink button does come up and enjoy it ! I am very much into chastity and cuckolding, not everyone is. That’s cool, I am not into ball busting, but I do not judge those that are. Your video on Divine Bitches was SUPER hot, having the stud cum on the key and the chastised slave lick it up was amazing. Just like when you did that request for me on clips 4 sale. To each his own is my thoughts. Don’t be haters, just enjoy your kink when you find it. Let the clips that you don’t like stay in the not purchased list ?? It is really simple, Life is too short ! Enjoy people !
Mistress T, I was shocked to read you are from Nova Scotia as I myself do live here and find there are not nearly enough Dominant women around like yourself. I love your photos and videos. Just saying Hi from NS
I might be visiting family in the fall (as I usually do) so keep checking my blog & maybe you’ll even have a chance to meet me there!
Well I definitely just bookmarked your page after reading that lol. Are you on fetlife by any chance?
Dearest MT,
Apologies for replying rather late to one of your posts.
Some men certainly do ‘hate’ women, no doubt about it. I have heard men speak about women they know well and some they have never met in shockingly derogatory terms. Perhaps their bile has festered because of their experiences with women in their past and in their present? Some misogynistic men look down on women with contempt as an inferior species. I would be suprised if they even recognised or admitted this trait as it will be so ingrained in their psyche. Apart from my mother who bluntly I can take or leave after only a satisfactory upbringing, I had no close female role models in my formative years. No sisters with which to form any lasting impressions. I had to get out into the wide world so to speak and draw my own conclusions. At forty years of age I am finally ready to publish my findings. Are you ready lol?
Women! What an amazing bunch you are. My wife raised two wonderful children while I sort of fumbled hopelessly at it. How on earth did she find the energy to devote herself so fully to the role while fulfilling all the other requirements that society demands? I have seen hundreds of other women doing exactly the same thing. You seem to be able to juggle a dozen things at once and make it look effortless. Women are more capable than men – fact. Intellectually, most women I know are at least our equal. Women come in all kinds of sizes, colours and shapes and beauty seems to find a way to exude from nearly all of them. Some women are of course unspeakably beautiful. So although there is the exception to every rule when I meet a women she always starts on a high rating until she decides to prove me wrong. This is happily a rare event. Believe it or not I try not to judge women. I am more preoccupied with how they judge me. If a woman shows me attention it always makes my day.
Others, including your neighbours may not think it but you have a huge following because to your devotees you truly represent the potential of womankind. I can’t imagine any man taking an interest in you because they view you as inferior, almost certainly it will be the opposite. In respect of you, personally I would be happy to go straight to source, pucker up and suck your farts out, however crude. It is called devotion. You’re a woman, a wonderful one and you deserve it!
Hello Miss T. wow is all i can say. you are a stunner,and do fetish scenarios so well,everything kinky catered for. 10 out of 10 all day long. keep up the good work. Made an English man happy.:)x perfect body head to toe. x
did u ever guess star in a Trailer Park Boys Episode as a Judge?
Did u ever guest star in a Trailer Park Boys episode as a judge but with another name in credits?
Hi, did you have another name before Mistress T?
My mom used to call me twinkle toes.
Why do you ask?
Because I just was looking for more videos, and I thought, maybe you have another nickname before Mistress T.
Assuming you’re looking to support my work by paying for my vids you can scenes with me on a few other sites in addition to mine:
Members site: http://www.MistressT.net
PPV: http://www.clips4sale.com/23869
You can also find me in hundreds of scenes on Club Stiletto:
2 scenes for Kink.com’s Divine Bitches FemDom site:
A scene for Mean Dungeon:
I’m sure I’m missing a few more but that will keep you busy for awhile.
Hi Mistress T!
I’m writing this from my desk wit My flatmate and I love your blog. I think most of your readers are men, but I want you to know we are two NYC women who really enjoy it. Whenever possible we use our male friends as desk chairs to sit on while enjoying your latest entry. We love your hand job videos because you say such filthy things all the while flashing a beautiful smile that has a warmth not seen in other fetish videos. I told my flatmate that were I a man, I’d want you to give me a hand job. We would love to take you out for a vegetarian meal or coffee if you ever have time when you’re in town. And if you would be kind enough to share a few hand job pointers with us it would be so cool! Thanks. Keep up the great work.
Thank you! Wow. Well, if I’m coming to NYC I’ll announce it on my blog so you’ll know…& I’d love to hang out with y’all.
Hand job pointers:
-most guys love lube or spit, grease that fucker up.
-up swirl, down swirl/up twist, down twist
-experiment with playing with his balls or doing things to his bum (lightly touching with a lubed up finger or actually sticking your finger IN his butt. A condom on the finger is good for insertion.)
-each guy is different so either watch how he jacks himself off or ask for guidance about how he likes it.
Mistress T, I love your work and I’ve noticed you’ve said the men in your vids are fans (in some cases) my question is what would it take to be in your video? I would love to roleplay with you, I being your son and you my mom, let me know I live in California.
Those serious about being in my vids should email a proper application including pics, a
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