Mistress Slave Torrent

Mistress Slave Torrent


Mistress Slave Torrent
For my entertainment and your enslavement
Keep up to date with what Mistress April is doing
Only 2 tickets left! Discount promo ends soon on 31 May! Secure your cell before its too late! 5th – 7th May 2022 – Germany.
Want to chat to me, have video contact? Show me how much it is worth to you by buying a ticket
I am travelling to Europe between 20 June and 31 August. Make sure you dont miss an opportunity to meet me. Send me a request via my contact form.
My latest poop movie is now live on my Kaviar Gallery! Hot of the pot, my slave assist me with taking a shit by putting his cock in my ass. It does the trick for sure!
He couldn’t believe it was finally here. He truly felt that months of planning had paid off as the wheels of his plane made that familiar sound as they touched down. He had never been to Berlin before, and he looked out the window at the sun shining down, for some reason, he always saw Berlin as cloudy and overcast, but the brightness outside was the exact opposite. He instinctively reached in his pocket and took his phone out of airplane mode and messages filled the screen one after another. As the alerts stacked on top each other, his eyes tried hard to read them all, but he had no success, finally the last ding “Welcome to Hell.”
He was impressed by Mistress’ thoroughness, and commitment to the role. He had originally signed up for her prison camp, but three months out, realized the dates just couldn’t work – if he had gone the scheduled days, he would miss the work payout for which he’d been working the past four years – $3M as his company was acquired by a large conglomerate. He had thought for sure when he told her about the situation, her response would be to simply point to the no-refund policy on the contract he’d signed to attend, but that was not the case. It was instead, a counteroffer, completely catering to his schedule. She even called to explain that the cost of for her to procure the facility for a week was equal to the payment from one guest, and if he wanted to still have the prison experience, he would just need to pay that, in addition to what he’d already put forth.
With the knowledge that his newly found wealth was guaranteed, and he had already planned to relax for at least six months after the acquisition, he agreed to the deal, but asked if two full weeks were a possibility if he doubled both payments. Mistress agreed to the offer verbally, and explained that it would be easier if he dealt with the facility directly in order to make payment for the two-week rental. He Venmoed her the agreed-upon amount of $1,700USD for her fee, and then dialed the number for the facility. This transaction was much more difficult, but then a familiar voice was on the other end of the phone. “Just let me have your banking details dear, for the wire transfer, you know,” it was Mistress April on the other end of the phone. He didn’t even hesitate in providing what she requested as he’d dealt with European companies for years, and knew every financial transaction for business was done this way. Within just a few minutes, he received confirmation that $3,400USD had been debited from his account by a company called M&A Rentals and Events based in Berlin, Germany.
The next few months were filled with very little contact until just over two weeks ago. He received a Docusign alert on his phones. The subject of Full Rights Waiver and Transfer of Ownership Statement really fit it well with the role play. He even loved how the message took on a very serious tone, ‘Slave, Once you sign the attached electronic forms, there is absolutely no way out. You will be fully owned property of The Mistress April with absolutely no rights or freedoms outside those granted at her discretion. Your period of enslavement begins on the date listed on the document and ends when/if I decide it will terminate. Once signed, this document is legally binding, and failure to comply will result in forfeiture on any documented wealth acquired in the calendar year commencing January 1, 2022. Failure to sign the agreement will result in loss of monies previously transacted, but carries no future penalties outside of being shunned by Mistress April permanently.”
He clicked the link, looked at the dates of May 1, 2022 as the start and TBD as the end date, and scrolled down to sign. With just four clicks, it was done. In his mind, he had just signed up for the ultimate fantasy getaway. The phone rang within seconds, “hello slave, that is all you are known as from here on out. Thanks for returning our legal agreement so quickly – I absolutely hate when selfish slaves try to get attorneys involved,” he was too intoxicated by the situation to focus on anything except the sound of her voice. “Listen to me good slave. Over the next few weeks, I will be sending you messages with instructions. After today, you will not hear my voice again until we meet in person. The messages you receive will be expected to be followed implicitly – mistakes will not be tolerated. Your first message will arrive in the next 10 minutes, and I expect it to be completed immediately. Good bye slave.”
He never even got to say a word. He only refreshed his browser once before there was a message in his inbox. It was from someone named Ms. Kitten, and she immediately let him know that she would be in charge from that point forward. ‘Slave, My name is Ms Kitten, and you will never refer to me as anything else – I would actually prefer it if you don’t speak to me at all. I am looking up some services in your area for things you need done before you get here – just some basic maintenance. I am also going to set your diet starting now. You will get used to eating exactly what you’ll eat here – I will send that in another message. I would like you to dispose of all of your underwear immediately, these will no longer be a part of your wardrobe. If you don’t regularly remove all of your body hair, you do now. Send me a picture of proof when it is done. I will make you a waxing appointment near your house this week. Do not worry about shopping for your trip. You will only bring the basics – pills, toothbrush, a pillow, a blanket; other than that, just wear what we tell you that day. Lastly, we ask that you set any recurring bills to autopay with a secondary contact number of 555-5555. This is to make sure that nothing gets missed in your time away. I will message you tomorrow with a daily list of tasks you will be expected to execute each day. Reply with the word ‘yes’ to verify you understand.’
He replied immediately, and it all began. Over the next few weeks, he executed many activities that led to this moment. As he unlocked his phone, he felt his chest tighten – he opened the messages. ‘Parking Lot D6 – 3rd Floor – Space 3468 – White Mercedes Metris – License plate MU-9876432 – The back door is unlocked – take off your clothes, and put them in the container you’ll find there – knock on the window and pass it through – sit naked on the cold floor and wait – you may want to try and get some sleep, you’ll need it – Welcome to Hell.”
He looked them over again. Each of them was an individual message from the same number Ms Kitten had used when they spoke previously. He deboarded the plane and made his way through customs, it was very quick to get through. With just a carry on bag, there was nothing to wait for at the gate, so he quickly found parking lot D6 and took the elevator to the third floor. The lot was empty, but he saw a plain white van all alone. As he approached, he noticed the license plate was a match, and the back door was unlocked. He couldn’t believe it, but without thinking, he climbed inside and started to strip. He opened the bin and filled it with his clothes, and wallet, and bag, and passport – his whole life was now inside this storage container. He stood up and walked to the front of the van, he knocked on the window. As he did, the rear door opened – a man and a woman came inside. The man picked up the container, and the woman approached him. “Stand slave. I’m Ms Kitten. Give me your wrists,” she cuffed his hands in front of him. She them bent down and cuffed his ankles – attaching everything together with a large, heavy chain. “Put. That. Away!” She kneed him three times in the balls, each progressively harder. “You will learn to control this thing, or you’ll fucking lose it.” She slapped his hard cock downward and knocked him to his knees. She followed him to the ground, and in one motion stabbed him in the neck with a syringe. He hit the cold metal floor like a ton of bricks.
The very next he remembered was being on the floor in a large room, it was very dark, and as his eyes adjusted a bit more, he realized it was dark outside too. He tried to stand to walk over to the closest window, but realized the heavy chains that were restraining him, were also attached to the concrete floor. He could hear some faint sounds from nearby. It sounded like a dinner party. He heard some chatter and it sounded like it was getting closely. When the door opened, and the light came in, he instantly recognized his surroundings from the videos he’d seen, and he recognized the preheated Women in the room as well. There was no conversation, it was all very businesslike. Ms. Kitten walked over and unlocked the chain from the floor, “over there,” she said as she pushed him towards the wall with the markings for height. “Face me,” she said as she snapped a picture with her phone. “Turn to your right and stay there,” she said firmly. He heard her phone click and then footsteps behind him – everything went completely black. “Forty-five,” the Woman clearly in charge said in a matter-of-fact way. “Let’s not send him there with an empty bucket ladies,” she said very close to his hooded head – she intended for him to hear it.
The group of Women took turns relieving themselves in the bucket. They then helped to get their prisoner dressed in what seemed like a very official, orange prison jumpsuit. They handed him the bucket, and he felt a tug on the chain and he blindly followed his leader. It was a long walk, and she made sure it was not an easy one. Along the way, he fell several time, both up and down small flights of stairs. When they reached the cell, they stopped. She opened the heavy door, from there, she led him to a mattress and pushed him down – it was just high enough to clip his ankles and trip him up. She came closer and pushed him on his back. She unzipped the mouth part of the hood, and rubbed her still piss covered cunt on his face. His mouth filled with her taste, and his cock instantly grew hard. She raised herself off his face, reached down and zipped the hood and then lowered herself right on to his hard cock. She fucked his cock hard as he’d ever been fucked before. With each push, he felt her black strap on bounce off his legs. He was getting close to the edge and she knew it, she stopped, squeezed his balls a bit and started again. She repeated that five more times before abruptly standing up and walking away. She picked up the bucket and threw what seemed like a half gallon of piss on him and the mattress. It soaked his clothes and the mattress completely. She took the bucket, threw it at him and bounced it off his face. “Touch yourself, and you’ll find out what real punishment is, slave,” she slapped his face and walked away, slamming the heavy door behind her.
He hadn’t known how long it had been since he’d been isolated as he had simply accepted the daily routine as his new life. He had started out thinking that his feeding routine was three times per day, but then thought maybe it was only twice, but eventually his mind stopped trying to figure it out. He had learned that when he heard the tapping on the metal slot, followed by her voice, he had about 30 seconds to get there before she tossed the metal tray onto the floor. When he made it on time, she would hand the tray through the slot and reach through to unzip the mouth on the thick leather over his head. She knew that today marked the fifth day of this routine of twice per day visits to his cell, and knew at this point, he would be thoroughly broken – nothing breaks a new prisoner faster than complete isolation. After handing him the tray of two pieces of, the prison staple, nutraloaf and a glass of water, he lowered his face to the slot and she unzipped the hood – he had executed the routine perfectly.
As he returned to his bed, he heard a key turn and the door open; it had felt like years since he’d heard that sound. “Tray on the floor, stand up slave,” he knew by the voice he was in the presence of the person who had fed him everyday. She unfastened the collar keeping the leather hood snug, and gave it one pull from the top. As the light blinded him for a moment, there were a few things he’d never forget. The first thing was the sight of his captor, it was Mistress April, the same Mistress April he had admired from a world away for such a long time. She was wearing a short, black leather dress that fit her just perfectly, giving the perfect amount of coverage to be a complete tease to anyone who would look at her in it. It was everything he had imagined, and would do anything for her. The second thing was the terrible smell of his surroundings and himself, he had not showered or changed since that first day when a bucket of piss was dumped on him and his bed, the hood must have kept the full impact at bay for the time since he’d been there. “This smell is disgusting slave,” she purposefully kicked over the bucket he’d learned to use as a toilet on her way out the door – leaving it wide open behind her. She returned a minute later holding what appeared to be a mini fire hose. Without saying a word, she opened the hose fully – the water pressure was so hard, it felt like it was cutting through his clothing as it soaked in. All of a sudden, it stopped. “Strip – NOW,” she said, leaving no room for interpretation on what was expected. His soaked clothes laid in a ball on the floor as she turned the hose back on, immediately at full strength on his naked body. She hosed him thoroughly before commanding him to put his clothes back on. And while those first two memories will live forever, it was what happened next that changed him forever.
She left the room again and returned with two chairs, she set them facing each other in the meddle of the room. It was at that point he noticed her knee-height, Hunter-brand rubber boots letting him know that everything she did was planned out meticulously. She knew not to wear leather boots when she came to his cell as she would be in waste water as she sat near the drain in the center of the cell. “Slave, come sit,” she pointed to the chair across from her. “Come quick while I am still okay with you sitting in chairs, I am honestly not sure how long that will last.” He came and sat down, the metal folding chair was extremely cold against his soaked jumpsuit- it actually seemed to make it colder. “Slave, you signed something without fully reading it, so I want to make sure you fully understand your current, and future situation,” he sat stoic as she spoke directly at him. “This agreement is five pages long, but you signed it only four seconds after opening it – that means you completely agreed, and only read a maximum of twenty words or so. I want you to thoroughly comprehend what is going on.” She paused only for effect, never once asking for input from her captive. “Here are the highlights, ‘I am fully aware in signing this, legally binding document, that upon execution, I, and all of my worldly belongings including, but not limited to, accumulated wealth, real estate, physical possessions, etc become the property of the divine Mistress April of South Africa, and by entering into this agreement of sound mind, I hereby turnover all power of attorney for myself and my estate to the divine Mistress April of South Africa,’” she continued to read. ‘At the completion of the fourteen days at the prison facility in Berlin, Germany that the divine Mistress April of South Africa whether to transfer said slave to South Africa, put it up for auction, or have it remain a prisoner at the Berlin facility thus transferring ownership to the prison’s owners. With these being the only three options, thus therefore, upon execution of this agreement anything that existed previously is effectively terminated.’ “Those are the highlights slave, there are some other gems in there, failure to comply is punishable up to including death by execution in a way of my choosing blah, blah, blah,” she intentionally perished over the last part for effect as she saw his head was spinning.
“The last thing I should mention is that your also my newest star,” she held up her phone to show him. “Your entire life is now live-streamed on my website, and traffic is up nearly 300% – people seem to really enjoy following your situation.” Just then, the phone rang. “Ahh, talk about perfect timing,” she held up the phone to show him again and he saw the name ‘Kitten’ and remembered the stunning Woman from his intake and the van at the airport. “I’m here,” she said as soon as the FaceTime sound ended. “He’s very organized, and it’s a pretty nice home. It probably makes sense to keep as a vacation property right outside New York City.” When she turned the phone towards him, he could clearly tell that Kitten was at his Jersey City brownstone- rummaging through everything. “I think I have everything we need now, cashiers check was used to pay the balance on the mortgage, the escrow account is set to handle utilities for up to 24 months, and surprisingly, not one person has called or texted his phone – it’s like he disappeared and no one even cares.”
“Do hear that slave,” Mistress April taunted him. “Kitten was able to make all arrangements on your behalf, and no one even gives a shit – you are quite pathetic.” As she laughed at him, another Woman approached in the doorway. “We’re all set for the procedure,” the Woman said matter of factly. “Thank you Mistress Horn,” replied Mistress April. “Oh eat up boy, you’ll need your strength for surgery.” She stood up from her chair and reached for his tray before stopping. She had both an urge and an idea at the same time. She squatted over the cut loaf of mixed ingredients and let her bladder go. She pissed all over the tray, with the majority quickly soaking into the already dense concoction on the plate. She finished, tugged in her dress with two hands and stood up. She picked up the piss-covered tray and dropped it on his lap, splashing piss everywhere. “I added a little salt slave, eat up,” she said with a grin. “I promise you’ll want all the strength possible for what’s up next.”
He managed to choke down nearly the entire loaf without so much as a gag – there was something about the taste of the Mistress that actually made it more palatable. As he thought he had finished, he sat back a bit and pushed away the tray. “What are you doing slave,” the question sounded so polite with Mistress’ accent. “You are not done with that yet.” She walked outside the door and returned with a clear funnel, aggressively shoving it in his mouth and pushing his head backwards. She picked up the silver, metal tray and forced everything on it to a corner before dripping it into the funnel. It filled it up about halfway and he instinctively swallowed. “Good slave,” she mockingly praised him, “now keep it in and lie back for a moment.” He followed her orders and before he knew it, he was staring under Mistress’s black leather dress at the metal rings piercing her clit. As his cock started to once again betray him by swelling at the details of his situation, he saw a stream of piss headed his way, instantaneously starting to hit the back of his throat at the same time. She finished, pulling the funnel from his lips. She stood up and said, “I understand the importance o
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