Mistress Of Souls (2007)

Mistress Of Souls (2007)


Mistress Of Souls (2007)
The valuable secret contained in a lost formula pits a beautiful woman against a seemingly unconquerable force. But can she save herself or lose her very soul?
"Wherever life takes you, let love guide you."
"filthy animal unfit for human company and a...DOG"
"Feel the need... The need for speed."
"The Man. The Legend. The King of Rock & Roll."
"5000 people, 17 countries, 1 miracle that united the world."
"You have just woken up stuck in a pipe full of deadly traps. How far will you go?"
โ€˜Samaritanโ€™ delivers a surprisingly compelling original superhero...
Fall is an Edge-of-Your-Seat thriller filled with gravity. Grace...
โ€˜Secret Headquartersโ€™ borrows too much from other superhero...
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