Mistress Maya

Mistress Maya


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This site contains both images and text that are adult in nature referencing consensual BDSM. Upon entering you certify and agree that you are an adult over the age of 18, that you have viewed this warning, that you understand the nature of this site, that this material is legal for you to view in your location, and that you are not offended by such material. All information and stories on this website are related to consensual fantasy.With reference to California Penal Code section 647(b) and CALJIC No. 16.420, the services discussed herein do not in any way include or relate to either (1) engagement in any lewd act for money or other consideration, or (2) solicitation, offer, or agreement to engage in any lewd act for money or other consideration.

You are not old enough to view this content
This site contains both images and text that are adult in nature referencing consensual BDSM. Upon entering you certify and agree that you are an adult over the age of 18, that you have viewed this warning, that you understand the nature of this site, that this material is legal for you to view in your location, and that you are not offended by such material. All information and stories on this website are related to consensual fantasy.With reference to California Penal Code section 647(b) and CALJIC No. 16.420, the services discussed herein do not in any way include or relate to either (1) engagement in any lewd act for money or other consideration, or (2) solicitation, offer, or agreement to engage in any lewd act for money or other consideration.

As a scholar of the dark arts, I pride myself on being a purveyor of tender cruelties calculated to set you reeling. I am sensuality combined with creativity, intuition, and sadism. My followers understand that the deeper levels of ecstasy and purpose may be accessed only through a door marked: SUBMISSION. It is my passion to guide them through that door. I take my craft seriously and offer the highest quality experience to those who lend themselves to my capable hands.
Perhaps you have felt the need for a sadist's caress. For those reckless enough to expose themselves to my whims I offer this: an experience you will never forget, the first chapter of a story that will likely have many, a side of yourself you may fear to know exists. If you are ready to begin the process of uncovering your unique definition of fulfillment, if you suspect that definition in the sunlight would bring you shame, I invite you to my lair. Who knows? I may even let you leave.
Thank you for your inquiry. I am currently on HIATUS and not available for meetings in-person or online. I hope to return to my practice come Summer 2021. 
Meanwhile, I'm sure my absence will be felt, but take care of yourself, stay safe and look out for others.
Let's all do what is within our power to take care of this Earth and our broken world.
Meeting me is a privilege, and my protocol is your first opportunity to show me that you have sufficient intelligence and attentiveness to follow simple directions. Respectful and direct communication are very important to me. Begin by filling out my Session Request form and let the journey begin!
3 Proposed Dates, Times, and Lengths
From 2 professional providers you've played with. Include name and email/website. If you're unable to provide professional references, ask about other acceptable forms of verification.

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Перевести · I am Maya Onyx— a lioness who occasionally assumes human form. Yes, I purr when I'm content, but do not think in my presence you are ever out of danger. My claws are cruel, …
Перевести · Последние твиты @MxMayaOdelle
Перевести · Последние твиты @xxxMistressMaya
ВКонтакте – универсальное средство для общения и поиска друзей и одноклассников, которым ежедневно пользуются десятки миллионов человек. Мы хотим, чтобы …
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РекламаДистанционное обучение, IT курсы, оригинальный контент.
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Mistress Maya

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