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behati prinsloo

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Texas native Sumner Stroh, 23, shook the entertainment world on Monday after posting a video of alleged screenshots from the Maroon 5 heartthrob , 43. Levine, who is married to and has two kids with currently pregnant Victoria’s Secret model Behati Prinsloo, 34, allegedly indicated that he wanted to name his soon-to-be born child Sumner.
“Ok serious question,” Levine allegedly wrote in an Instagram message on June 1. “I’m having another baby and if it’s w [sic] boy I really wanna name it Sumner. You ok with that? DEAD serious.”
Stroh told Page Six that their alleged affair occurred “last year.” She commented it was “physical, yes, but I’m not saying anything further.”
Levine’s rep declined to comment beyond the singer’s Instagram post in which he denied the affair.
The Post also reached out to Stroh’s rep for comment.
Stroh, a 23-year-old Texas native turned LA transplant, first began modeling — mainly steamy bikini shots — on Instagram, where she currently has 382,000 followers and counting. She “caved” to start an OnlyFans in July 2021.
“I caved hahah,” she wrote on Instagram at the time . “What you’ve all been asking for is finally here!!!!!!!!”
The currently free OnlyFans account by Stroh — a University of Texas alum who recently posed in a Longhorns jersey — has 257 posts, mainly photos. She advertises that a $100 “tip” will get users “VIP” access with spicy, interactive perks.
A year ago, Stroh was also active on YouTube — with more than 6,000 followers — with beauty, fashion, and travel vlogs to beach paradise destinations like Mexico and Antigua.
Both her X- and G-rated content alike is repped by Verge Agency .
Stroh has also been highly active on TikTok , with almost 400,000 followers. It’s the platform where she made the Levine allegations.
Aside from the recent scandalous clips, much of her TikTok is nonnarrated modeling and fashion content set to music, though she previously griped on the platform that Disneyland doesn’t serve alcohol and is filled with “screaming kids.”
Since the alleged revelations, TikTokers have ripped Stroh to shreds over the role she claims to have played in Levine’s love life — especially on clips that aren’t helping her case.
Last August, Stroh captioned a video where she’s got her finger on her mouth “*a little toxic* or I don’t want it.”
“**A little married with kids or I don’t want it,**” one user replied.
Other sleuths found a video on her page from May 27 that they believe is in reference to Levine as he allegedly reached out to her about the baby name just days later.
“Don’t mess w a Leo. We always 3 steps ahead,” Stroh captioned the video , one which had the words “game on” appear on her face.
“Well, now we know what this was in reference to,” one user commented Monday.
Though that’s not the only clip fans are finding fishy now.
Stroh previously referenced her astrological sign in a Sept. 29, 2021 video within the timeframe of the alleged affair.
That video is captioned “when you’re their first leo.”
“GOD,” one user commented Monday. It was liked 48 times.
Follow the New York Post’s coverage of Adam Levine:
On Instagram, Stroh wrote that she’s “aware people are going to try to fill in the gaps with many false assumptions.”
“I don’t feel like I’m doing any favors considering the manner this had to go about,” Stroh stated. “It’s a lot to digest but hopefully, at the very least, the truth being out can do some good.”
In response to the allegations , Levine also took to Instagram on Tuesday , admitting he “crossed the line” with Stroh.
“I used poor judgment in speaking with anyone other than my wife in ANY kind of flirtatious manner,” Levine wrote. “I did not have an affair, nevertheless, I crossed the line during a regrettable period of my life. In certain instances it became inappropriate. I have addressed that and taken proactive steps to remedy this with my family.”
Stroh said she came forward with her allegations after a friend she confided in brought the messages to an unnamed tabloid.
Levine married to Prinsloo in July of 2014 and they currently have two daughters, Dusty Rose, 5, and Gio Grace, 4.
The couple confirmed last week that they are having a third baby . 

Being A Slave Before Being A Master
The Language of Consensual Enslavement
Types Of Relationships In Slave Training
With Great Power Comes Greater Responsibility
This tool has three parts. The first is First Bite or feeding the slave the first bite of any meal they have with their Master at the Master's discretion and timing. The second is Hand Feeding the slave their entire meal. The third is where the slave feeds their Master. The First Bite can be a type of Ritual as well as a tool. All three types can be a lot of fun for Master and slave.
The First Bite tool comes in two variants. In almost all cases, the Master normally eats the first bite of food before the slave is given food or allowed to eat. In the first variant, the Master gives the slave the first bite of food at the beginning of the meal or puts the food directly into the slave’s mouth. The slave does not get to use hands or utensils for the first bite if fed. After either version is done the slave can eat normally. The second variant is that after the Master has eaten the first bite the Master commands the slave to start eating. This makes a good, ongoing Ritual of Enforcement of the slave’s Status . Their food comes when the Master wishes the slave to eat. This is usually done only when Master and slave are eating together. Doing this when they are not together is difficult at best and unworkable at the worst.
Hand Feeding is exactly that. The Master feeds the slave every bit of their meal by hand. The slave is not allowed to touch food or drink during the meal except as it is fed to them. When combined with a blindfold and Restraints , especially with their hands restrained behind the back, you add in the tools of Vulnerability , Restraints and Sensory Deprivation . Since the slave does not know what food or drink is coming next or when it will come, they also have to wait for the Master’s timing and react to it when they feel it touch their lips.
This can also be done in the reverse. The Master can have the slave feed the Master at their command and direction. It could be part or all of their meal and only afterward is the slave allowed to eat. At that point, the Master can feed the slave the First Bite or even fully restrain them and Hand Feed them their entire meal. Also, think about the old image of ancient Rome and the slave feeding grapes to the Master while he reclines on the couch. It’s great fun especially when the slave is not allowed to touch the grape with their hands.
When Hand Feeding a meal, my practice is to require my slave to wait with her mouth open to let me know that she has finished the last food and is awaiting the next. I usually have her sitting at my feet with her back against my leg but other arrangements are possible as long as it is easy for the Master to reach their slave.
I believe it is best to mix up food or types of food and drink so that there is no fixed pattern of food and drink. This increases both the Master’s Control and the uncertainty of what will come next. The intention is that the slave learns to just accept whatever the Master chooses to feed them and thus the slave accepts the Master's control over them. The problems are the obvious ones of potential spillage so if the slave is also Nude it makes cleanup much easier.
Hand feeding this way can be a lot of fun for both Master and slave. I don’t suggest doing this for every meal but using it for the first meal a new slave has with her Master makes for another part of the Transition between free and slave much more clear and meaningful. It can be used at any time the Master wishes or for any reason. Be creative.
All material written and © Copyright 2018 by Malkinius unless otherwise noted. 
For permission to quote or repost contact Malkinius at malkinius@consensualenslavement.com.
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After publicly sharing how she became a professional dome Sherry Lever, 68, from Swindon was inundated with over a hundred requests from women keen to ‘learn the ropes’.  
Following three divorces Sherry revealed how she reinvented herself first as a phone-sex worker, then as a mistress that charges up to £120 an hour for a session.  The mother-of three, who goes by her alter ego Mistress Sophia, maintains her children are completely understanding of her unconventional career path.  Sherry told Barcroft TV: “ After giving it some thought I appeared on television where I told my story, afterwards it was a revelation, I got lots of emails from women.  “It was women who were in a similar situation to me, older women who had been left and were in the depths of despair as I was.  “I think I had easily a hundred emails from women, I answered them all. It really touched me, and it actually made me feel I was helping somebody who had been in my situation.  “There’s quite a few now who are working the phones that didn’t before. And I have quite a few that come to me to be trained. I don’t charge but they have to have a dominant streak.”
One of the women who reached out to Sherry was a 50-year-old office worker who now goes by her alter ego Mistress Chloe.  After sitting in on some of Sherry’s session she is now considering giving up her office job to become a full-time dominatrix.  Mistress Chloe told BTV: “Mistress Sofia [Sherry] has changed my life for the better. I’m a lot happier, confident. Got a spark in my life and I just really enjoy life now.  “She’s trained me well in all sorts. I originally came into this just wanting to do foot worship but I‘ve come a long way since. She’s brought the confidence out of me and guided me along.  “Before I was just nine-to-five, office job, now I have men that come over and clean, hoover, clean my kitchen for me. If they don’t do it good, they get a caning, I paddle them and whip them.”
Mistress Sofia offers a range of specialist services, from flogging and humiliation to ice play and sissy training to her submissives.  She wants to dismiss the misconception that what she does is sex work and insists she does not have sex with any of her clients.  She said: “ So we are labelled under sex workers, sex business, sex industry and I want to dispel that fact. “I want people to understand we are not escorts; I don’t have sex with my subs or slaves.  “They are only allowed to worship my feet, nothing above the ankles.”
Her daughter, Amy, 30, explains she isn’t embarrassed about it and hasn’t shied away from telling friends what her mum does for a living.  Although initially concerned for her safety, after she met some of her mother’s slaves, she realised there were no real security concerns.  She told BTV: “None of [my friends] have a problem with it, in fact it tends to be a general giggle when the subject is brought up.  “I was apprehensive to begin with. She would never be in the house on her home. And then as time went on, we realised there wasn’t really anything to be worried about.”  Sherry said about her children: “They’ve always been supportive right from when I first started doing the phone calls.  “I did speak to them first and asked them how they felt about it. If they hadn’t of like it – I wouldn’t have done it.”
Sherry was 59 when her third husband left her for another woman and feeling worthless on her sofa.  After an intervention from her daughter Amy she found strength
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