Mistress Chastity Belt

Mistress Chastity Belt


Mistress Chastity Belt

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Parents, please share your experience here.
Just let me introduce myself! My name is Ivana. I am a 43 years old and proud mother of three girls, currently in the age of 20, 18 and 15. Some years ago, I accidentally found some information about the existence of chastity belts and the protection they provide. After some more search I was intrigued by the idea and wanted to try that for me and my girls. It gives so much protection, prevents mistakes like premarital sex and keeps the wearers thoughts on the right way, since it prevents masturbation and thereby any kind of pornography becomes uninteresting for the wearer.
I first bought a chastity belt for myself. My husband was very enthusiastic about my idea to protect me and our girls. After figuring out for me, that it is wearable for daily use and that it is pretty secure, I wore it frequently and made sure that my oldest daughter eventually recognized it. I started conversations with her and enthused about the protection it gives to me. She was not really interested at the beginning, but with the time, she more and more recognized that I keep with my belt and step by step I could convince her to give it at least a try. I agreed with her that we make our acclimatization together, since I wore it only occasionally at that time. Base of our agreement is that we both wear permanently, we both keep our keys mutual (which is very important for her trust!) and as an additional trade-off, I grant her lots of additional freedom. I keep her key and she keeps mine (my husband keeps the second keys of our belts). After fitting her, too, we increased fitting times in parallel - she wore it when I wore it, we always locked and unlocked each other. Since we reached 24/7, we kept with that. About a year later, I convinced my second daughter in the same way.
You cannot believe how I appreciate the extra protection for my daughters and me! We are into it since 3 years now, my second daughter since 2 years. We are very consequent with each other! We permanently wear our belts! For cleaning or shaving, we do it always together in the bathroom, including unlocking and locking each other. That is about 1-3 times a week, depending on occasions. It became to a common procedure which we don't want to miss anymore. It gives us trust, we talk and laugh a lot then.
Laura I found this a really nice guide and plus my wife and 2 girls also use these belts now
Thanks for the story it really helped my family.
As you know, I am trying to convince my youngest daughter to start wearing a cb since quite some time. Since my last post here, I am proud to share that I made some efforts with her! Hard to explain, how lucky I am! There were lots of talks over months! It was really hard to convince her to just even try one of her sister's cbs for a minute! She is very strong-willed (which is generally positive) and she seems to be recognized that her older sisters have also weak times with their cbs. Well, mostly, they are ok with it and they got well used to it. (One of my girls even told me some weeks ago, that despite of occasional hard times, she generally feels proud of being well protected.) I trust them, that they don't say any negative about it, but somehow, she feels that there are times where it is different for them.
Finally, I was able to convince her to give it a try! As a deliberate decision from the beginning, I was always excluding her consequently from our common cleaning breaks, which made her a little jealous (exactly my intention). I offered her to join us for only one time, if she agrees to try her sister's cb for a moment. Well, the cb was a little too wide for her, but at least, it gave her an impression. She learned that it is not feeling cold or sharp (two of her concerns) and with all of us in the bathroom, we had fun and the atmosphere was great. All in all, she agreed to order a cb for her to give it a try! This all was already some weeks ago. Her cb arrived and we are now in her third week. We started with occasional wearing times for short periods (until she asks for opening). As I expected, it started sluggishly (I always had to initiate to take it on and she wore it between 30 mins to 2 hours until she gave up). Well, since there are some parties of her friends in the next weeks and months, the time is on my side. Then I remembered the agreement of Camille with her mom (actually the reason, why I remembered to have a look here). Last week, we started with 4 hours a day until I release her, increasing 15 minutes each day. Now, we reached 6 hours. When we will reach 8 hours next week, we are going to include step-by-step nights and times out of the house. It is still the case that she can't wait to get out of it, but I told her that it will be easier with getting used to it. Toilet is still an issue and she complains about itching in the crotch area, which is possibly just in her mind because the area down there is covered, now (for me, it was similar in the beginning). I still fear that she could decide to quit, so I don't want to push too far, yet.
Now to my news. Major topic of last weeks was acclimatization for my youngest daughter. As I said, we agreed to increase wearing times step-by-step. We came relatively fast to a point, where she wore it 12-16 hours a day, but then we stayed with that for about two weeks. I asked her several times if she ready to start wearing it permanently, but she always said that she needed more time. In my opinion, she was well prepared, but I let her. In between, we had discussions about belt fit and things. Finally, she started permanent wearing 2 weeks ago. It was a little celebratory and she was welcomed to us three. I am very glad! Since then, she is very proud, but I can see that she has a hard time these days. I guess, this is normal in the first weeks. Was similar for all of us in the beginning.
What do you think about the impact of being in couple or not,for having to wear a chastity belt,especially by convincing?
I remember Catherine's parents started to talk about it while she was single(and she thought it has affected their decision to start the talk),and I had to wear it permanently right after a forced break-up with a man my parent's didn't appreciate...
Vanessa What do you think about the impact of being in couple or not,for having to wear a chastity belt,especially by convincing?
When a girl starts dating, parents should have her belt ready, because dates end up with sex quickly. So she must be convinced in advance.
If she's in a steady relationship(virgin or not),do you think her parents should make her wear it(if they discover it after she started dating her boyfriend/girlfriend,for example),even if it'll change a lot her relationship or wait until,she,maybe,be single again?
In my opinion it's too late, unless they want her to break up with that guy.
That why she should wear a belt regardless if she is in known date or not.
I think too making her starting to wear a belt during a relationship could easily make her boyfriend/girlfriend break up with her;except if it is for a set duration,like it was for me when it was used as a punishment.
Maybe it was the reason some of us(at least Catherine and me)had to start wearing it permanently when we were single.
Vanessa Maybe it was the reason some of us(at least Catherine and me)had to start wearing it permanently when we were single.
Or she can be just informed she can get a belt anytime once she is about to have sex.
Vanessa I think too making her starting to wear a belt during a relationship could easily make her boyfriend/girlfriend break up with her;except if it is for a set duration,like it was for me when it was used as a punishment.
I think starting it in a relationship is cruel. For me it was clear that I'm not allowed to have a relationship until I wear my belt. A girl should now as early as possible that a belt is coming for her and what it means for her.
For me it was very helpful that my mother could explain everything to me while she was already belted. It still felt unfair but at least I was not alone. It's so much easier when the knowledge how to make a good fit of the belt is already in the family and it's so much easier when you're mom can show you how to prevent skin irritation and things like that from her own knowledge and experience.
I think the fact that I can't remember my mom without her belt made it a bit easier to accept, too. It was not completely new to me. It was in my mind my whole life. I still hate it with all that background 🙂
As far as I know my mom will stay belted until one of them passed away or a medical reasons prevent the wearing.
Laura Or she can be just informed she can get a belt anytime once she is about to have sex.
It can still damage the relationship if we have to wear a belt while in couple,right before we start having sex...
Sara2001 think starting it in a relationship is cruel.
I think too.However,it was a bit different for me than for you.And I sometimes had to wear it when I've a boyfriend/girlfriend and we're sexually active,but punished this way.I hated it so much too when I got this punishment(even if it is worse now)...
I think it can be easier if you know someone who have some experience with it,yes.
Sara2001 I still hate it with all that background 🙂
Sara2001 For me it was clear that I'm not allowed to have a relationship until I wear my belt.
Same for me. And I was checked if I was still virgin before I started wearing the belt.
Vanessa It can still damage the relationship if we have to wear a belt while in couple,right before we start having sex...
In this case she should inform her parents about the relationship in advance.
Laura and then the parents will put a belt on her immediately
Renita That's the goal. She must be in a belt when she leaves with her boyfriend alone.
On one hand,it would be pleasant to have sex with him as long as she can,on the other hand,it will impact the relationship more badly if they're used to have sex and she's prevented of it suddenly...
By "in advance",do you mean as soon as she started to date him,before she leaves for the first date?
Vanessa On one hand,it would be pleasant to have sex with him as long as she can
So, you suggest another rebelling by telling parents she is not doing it and not going to.
Vanessa By "in advance",do you mean as soon as she started to date him,before she leaves for the first date?
As soon as a potential BF is around.
Laura It seems to me that it’s not your parents who put a belt on you, and you asked them about it. Can we name a topic "How I convince my parents to wear me a chastity belt"
Laura So, you suggest another rebelling by telling parents she is not doing it and not going to.
If she's not virgin anymore,and they take care to protect them,it isn't a big misbehaving,especially knowing they won't be able to do it again soon,and want to feel a bit each other...And better to know if they match well sexually before getting married;if not,they can work on it and enjoy more their wedding night.
Laura As soon as a potential BF is around.
Even before the first date or first kiss?
Renita That's your misinterpretation. Here I'm talking the way if I was a parent and it's addressed to parents of potentially belted girls. We have the topic you are talking about already.
Vanessa If she's not virgin anymore,and they take care to protect them,it isn't a big misbehaving,especially knowing they won't be able to do it again soon,and want to feel a bit each other...
Renita Not so rudely, but pretty much yes. Doesn't matter if she is not virgin anymore.
Vanessa Even before the first date or first kiss?
It will avoid more problems in future, if a girl starts kissing wearing a belt already
Laura It will avoid more problems in future, if a girl starts kissing wearing a belt already
Right,even if it means no chance to feel a bit each other,at least it is very clear for both they can date but won't have sex until married,even if they both want it.

 The desire to curb human passions and the approval for power over the most deep-seated motivations, lead to the creation of some of the most sophisticated and intricate devices of torture known to man. So there now exist anti-masturbatory rings and chastity belts.
The earliest instance of the female chastity belt was discovered in Austria by the famous archaeologist Anthony Pechindzerom and belongs to the XVI century. These tools were very popular among knights, those going into campaigns and too conscious of the loyalty of their spouses. They chained wives up and took the key away with them. Although one is able to defecate in them, they make hygiene almost impossible. Over time, the model’s measurements were improved, and the creation of locks was engaged in by jewelers. Keys were produced as a single copy, and picks to them could not be created. In addition, anyone returning from distant lands could see how many times his missus tried to escape from her ‘captivity’ which a device modified to “pinch off” a piece of the material it was protecting, every time someone tried to open it without the key.
A century later in Victorian England, a similar device with rings was invented for males which were worn to wean young boys away from masturbating. In those days it was customary to assume that masturbating lead to blindness, insanity, sudden death, and other dire consequences. However, loss of men especially the young, to sex or masturbation – this is a real torture for such behavior. These devices were made of metal, sometimes supplied with studs, and most were just very tight and prevented full erections.
But among the intimate forms there existed even more terrible devices. For example, pears and wooden phalluses. They were often used in conjunction with the interrogation of witches and heretics. Both instruments were designed to break the most sensitive of organs. Using the pear as punishment was considered more severe, since before it is applied it is heated, then injected into the mouth, anus, or vagina. When the screw tightened, the pear segments were released to allow for maximum carnage. Victims of this device could very quickly die from blood loss and painful shock.
An interesting fact: The chastity belt was considered to be leather straps, which in Ancient Rome, were used by slaves in trying to prevent pregnancy. Later, their purpose and type were transformed into their iron counterpart.
One of the main factors that drives a human being — that is the instinct to procreate, and the pleasures involved. The people who first realized this simple truth began utilizing it for the complete manipulation others. For this, many sophisticated devices have been contrived.
The husband of one beautiful girl, leaving for the far reaches of the land, safeguards his relationship from adultery. He’s asked a blacksmith to forge for her innovative underwear made from strong iron. For these next few months she won’t be able to sit nor move normally. The “chastity belt” rubs against her hips and crotch, limiting not only her sexual instinct, but also her unwashed body’s access to water.
Young boys born into religious families often suffer nightly from pain derived from the pressure applied to their sexual organs by protective caps made from metal rings, or splints.
The second type of device is used to mock actions of sexual nature, and for the aggravation of said mockery into truly monstrous forms.
A woman suspected of witchcraft is tightly bound, stripped of all her clothes, and stretched across and torture table in an obscene position. Executors take hold of wooden, oblong objects, not always anatomical in shape, and mimic sexual penetration. They do this in such a rough a manner that the unlucky sufferer experiences horrible pain and burning sensations. Gradually, the torturers gets her to bleed, as well as recognize all her sins upon this Earth.
A separate example of cruelty and inhumanity takes the form of a mechanical “pear”. It’s introduced into the natural cavities, the same way in both men and women. Already in and of itself it causes terrible torment. Then the executioner turns a screw, and “petals” unfold, tearing off bodily tissue inside the subject. After such torture, mercy means a quick death, as the victim will no longer be able to walk, nor adequately perceive their reality.
Torture Museum
© 2015 Torture Museum. All rights reserved.

The following represents my experiences with both chastity and pain. Sometimes things get started
and get out of hand. I hope you appreciate it.

I thought your readers might want to hear of a real life experience with a chastity belt that is still going on.

My wife and I have been married for 21 years and for the last 15 years I have been locked in a chastity belt
with her holding the only keys. This began when I gave my wife a locking cage so she would not worry
when I was out of town (which was often). We upgraded the gage to a stainless steal, full-fledged belt,
twelve years ago. At that time it cost $300 and I have heard they are considerably more expensive today.

Until about seven years ago I was allowed some escape from my confinement when she was in the mood.
Those times became fewer and fewer over the next couple of years. Then, on my 50th birthday, almost six
years ago, she told me she was going to give me a retirement present I would never forget. I told her I still
had 15+ years to go before I retired and she was a little early.

She answered my by saying, "You won't get unlocked until that party and I'm sure you will feel it the
greatest present in the world by then".

With my birthday coming up soon, it will be six years since I have been released and have nine more to go.
The funny thing is that although I get quite horny servicing her with my hands and mouth, I love her as
much today as when we were married. I guess I am submissive and don't mind her being in charge of my
private parts.

One thing does come from wearing a foolproof chastity belt, many embarrassing moments.

For those who want to explore a life of chastity, be prepared for the following.

And just to add a few more, in the name of "good natured fun".

Finally, some of the one liners I now get consistently.

The only saving grace comes next month when her belt arrives. We have decided that what's good for the
gander is also good for the goose, after much argument. What she doesn't know is that I have planned a
"locking on" ceremony in our family room and have invited everyone who knows about my belt. Should
be 10-12 people attending. I also plan on taking a vote as to whether I should have hairbrush application
rights also and if a demonstration is in order.

For all of this we have a good marriage, even if it does appear kinky to some, and I wouldn't change it for
the world. For those who haven't tried forced chastity, you will never know how close two people can
become in ways other than sex.

If it were up to me, I would pass a law that made all people getting married exchange keys as well as rings
at the marriage ceremony.

My wife's belt arrived and fit like a glove. Form the outside it appears exactly like the one I wear; a steel
waistband with a shield that drops from the front and is attached to the back of the belt with two strong
steel chains. Like mine the lock is on the front and constructed so that it cannot even be cut off. The
locking pins on the belt prevent any lateral movement of the shield insuring that the ability to play with or
insert anything into her private parts is impossib
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