Mistress Canning

Mistress Canning


Mistress Canning
Mum becomes a dominatrix to beat her PMT and now earns £600 a week
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EXCLUSIVE: Amber Pattison, 45, from Gravesend, Kent, reveals how spanking and caning strangers has helped her cope with her monthly anguish - and quelled her rage
Fiery mum Amber Pattison found a belting way of coping with her PMT... she became a dominatrix.
Her monthly woes had left her depressed, pent-up and struggling to hold down a full-time job in a sunbed salon.
But then 45-year-old Amber literally hit on a way of unleashing her anger.
She turned to mistressing as Lady Amber and now earns up to £600 a week from spanking and caning clients – mainly men in their 50s and 60s.
And even though she stands just under 5ft, she admits: “I like inflicting pain. And I’m very good at it.”
Amber, of Gravesend, Kent, has been mistressing for 15 years, offering strictly non-sexual services and refusing to remove her leather outfit.
She often works seven days a week, loves every minute and adds: “I’m a bit of a fire rocket, I’ve always been quite angry.
“One of the main reasons I became a disciplinarian was because I suffered bouts of depression and really bad PMT.
“I was missing work because of it and I realised I needed a job that would work around me.
“You can’t help womanly problems so I thought what job can I do where I can be that angry person, work through my PMT and get paid for it?
“I had some friends who were in similar lines of work so I started to think ‘Hmm, what about mistressing’?”
Amber uses pretty hefty whips and sticks to administer her beatings.
Dressed head-to-toe in leather, she thrashes clients and shares the footage on social media – while not revealing her victims’ ID.
She goes on: “I think for a lot of them, visiting me is therapeutic. When you’re most frightened you’re also at your most excited because of the amount of adrenaline in your body.
"Sheer fear and sheer pain are remarkably similar in the way they get your ­endorphins going.”
Amber has worked in Berlin and Barcelona and next year is off to the US for dominatrix conventions.
Her loving partner of 11 years and her sons, aged 23 and 25, have no problem with her line of work – and nor do her parents.
She explains: “All of my ­family know what I do and they’re completely fine.
“I started mistressing when my boys were younger and I didn’t tell them until they were adults – though I think they had their suspicions.
“My dad was initially concerned but he soon realised my clients were more scared of me than I was of them!”
Outside of work, she prefers to be submissive and appreciates that her partner is a “strong character” who keeps her in line.
Amber adds: “So many clients think they’re God’s gift and that I’ll automatically want to be with them.
“But I’m happy with what I’ve got. I see men every day, I spank their bare bottoms and still have no sexual desire or fancy for them.
“Besides, I need a partner who is more dominant. It’s like working in a sweet shop. I don’t want to go home and eat more sweets.”
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My name is Georgia Cane and I am a mature, professional, no-nonsense, Spanking Disciplinarian. At 6 feet tall, I am a strong, physically fit and slender, Black Woman who knows that real discipline begins with your head.
It’s said that, if a woman is truly dominant, it will show up in her 50s. I believe that’s true. I may have delivered my first spanking decades ago, but it’s more intriguing to me now than then.
My specialty is strict, traditional, verbal (scolding) and corporal punishment. I believe the primary feel of hand to bottom, skin to skin spanking is important, but I also wield my belt, paddle, ruler, hairbrush, tawse, and cane.
This is not BDSM. I have no particular interest in sadomasochism.
I was disciplined in Catholic school and spanked as a child (but not TOO much) so I know precisely what a spanking is for, and how it’s to be done.
Discipline, Maintenence, Judicial or Punishment spankings are all primal, forceful forms of communication and Roleplay is just another reality we slip into for a while.
You really are a teen-aged girl who broke her mother’s curfew. You’re the woman being trained to walk properly in heels (“Shoulders back. Chin up”) perhaps while lightly caned. You are that ten-year-old boy testing his babysitter; the fourteen-year-old vexing his aunt; or the hapless employee either getting spanked, pants down, across the boss’s desk- or fired.
Finally, some of us need the tears and catharsis which come only from a well-spanked bottom; one that is nicely burning and warm to the touch for at least a day – or three.
And oh, by the way:
no “Safe” words.
Over my knee you will shiver.
My strong arms will deliver.
You’ll move past your fears,
While you shed real tears.
As I finish, your backside will quiver.

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