Mistress Bobbi

Mistress Bobbi


Mistress Bobbi
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By Raquel Hecker and Cleopatra Andreadis
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Military men speak out on woman they call a domestic terrorist.
Sept. 24, 2010— -- They are a unique band of brothers. Nine military men bonded together to fight, in their words, a domestic terrorist. Bobbi Ann Finley is reportedly known as the military mistress and the bigamist bride but these men simply call her the devil. The men say she preyed upon them, allegedly stealing not just their money, but also their hearts.
Over the span of nearly two decades, Finley reportedly traveled across the country marrying at least fourteen times and, according to her ex-husbands and former fiances, draining bank accounts in nine states. Finley is also believed to have at least nine children with almost as many men, fathers who say they are left in the dark and want to know the truth.
In June, Finley finally surfaced in New Orleans, where she was arrested and later extradited to Alabama on 2 counts of theft by deception and a misdemeanor charge of writing a bad check.
"I don't think it will ever stop," said Formal Lance Corporal Cory Wynne, one of Finley's reputed victims.
Wynne said he met Finley six years ago, when he was just 21 years old, at a Denny's Restaurant near his Marine base in Southern California and was impressed by her apparent trademark seductive story.
According to Wynne, Finley claimed to come from a wealthy military family. He said she told him her father was a four-star general, and she was due to collect a $750,000 inheritance. But, Wynne added, there was a catch. He said Finley told him she had to be married in a matter of months to be eligible for the windfall.
Wynne said Finley also claimed she was pregnant, from a rape, and wanted to keep the child. Wynne said he believed she was sincere and needed his protection. "I really started to care for her. You know, deeply," Wynne told 20/20, "I was the rescuer. I was trying to help somebody in a really bad situation. She played on that really well."
Within two weeks, Wynne said, they were married. He said Finley went on a spending spree right away and checks she wrote on the newlywed's joint bank account started bouncing. Wynne said Finley promised her inheritance would cover it, and again, and he said he trusted her.
CLICK HERE to see a map of Finley's alleged victims across the country.
"Okay, you know," said Wynne, "We're going to have a family, we're going to have a nice place and stuff like that because she's supposed to get some money."
Little did Wynne know that he was not the only serviceman allegedly conned by Finley's tall tales. Just five months earlier, and 1,300 miles away in Texas, Former Army Reservist, Rodney Wegg, said he had also fallen for a charming woman with a compelling story of money and misfortune. Wegg was a medic stationed at Fort Sam Houston, when one night, at a San Antonio karaoke bar, he said he was introduced to a big-voiced Bobbi Ann Finley.
Wegg said he too fell for her hard luck story. According to Wegg, Finley told him she was a divorced mother who was in the military herself and that her ex-husband had kidnapped her children. On top of all that, she made Wegg feel as if he was the man of her dreams, he said.
Wegg said he thought he found the "perfect little Good Housekeeping housewife." He said she was an excellent cook, kept a clean house, and had a lovely singing voice that had captured his attention at the karaoke bar. Wegg said that two weeks after they met, Finley announced she was pregnant and they started planning a wedding.
Wegg's mother, Katie Wegg, said she was not thrilled with her future daughter-in-law.
"I just didn't trust her," she said, "I don't know what it was. I have to say, my son trusted — believed her, my ex-husband believed her. They both thought I was being, you know, I guess paranoid."
Katie Wegg said her instincts as a mother proved to be right. According to the Weggs, Finley started writing checks from her fiancé's bank account and soon drained him of all of his finances. The marriage was off. Instead Wegg and his mother filed a police report accusing Finley of forging dozens of bad checks worth thousands of dollars.
It would take three years before Finley was arrested on forgery and fraud charges. Yet even after she was convicted, she spent only eight months in jail for stealing $1,500. Katie Wegg was still not satisfied and she spent the next six years unraveling Finley's history.
A mom on a mission to find Finley's victims, Wegg said she realized that it wasn't only military men who were fleeced. Wegg said she found at least 40 victims across the country who said they too fell for Finley's lies and betrayal. One of them, Wegg said, was Fay Neigut, a former teacher. Wegg said that Neigut told her that in 2007 she took out loans to help Finley, losing close to $20,000. Wegg said she also discovered that Finley attempted to buy a $2.5 million house in San Antonio and $200,000 worth of custom made furniture with money that Wegg says Finley did not have.
When Katie Wegg managed to track down 11 of Finley's ex-husbands, she said she made a shocking discovery: while Cory Wynne was still married to Finley, Finley was apparently also legally married to two other men, Jeff Dietiker, and Ben Giles. If true, it would make Finley a serial bigamist. Bigamy is a felony in the U.S.
"In talking to all the guys," said Wegg, "I started realizing, because I started getting the dates they married her, the dates they divorced. Some of them hadn't gotten divorced."
The men say it would have been easier to get over the emotional and financial havoc if there wasn't a special bond that they say will always tie them to Finley. At least four of the men, including Rodney Wegg, now believe that they share a child with Finley. The men believe the children range in ages from 4 to 16 years and are scattered around the country, living with Finley's friends and relatives. The men claim that they did not learn about the children for years and, despite their desire to meet them, have been unsuccessful in getting the information they need to see their kids in person.
Rodney Wegg believes he has a 5-year-old son with Finley. "I always get a little emotional about it. You know, I mean cause that's a piece of me she stole," said Wegg, "She didn't just steal my finances, you know, she stole a piece of my life."
Will Bobbi Ann Finley ever get the long prison sentence the men believe she deserves?
Currently, Finley is in jail in Alabama, but only faces a prison sentence if she is convicted of two felony counts of theft by deception and another misdemeanor charge. While other states hold warrants for her on similar charges, authorities say they have no plans to extradite her.
As for Finley, she acknowledged in an interview with 20/20 that she ruined a lot of people's lives, and that she may have been married to two men at once, but she denies many of the men's allegations, including that she's a thief.
"I may be the most hated person in America," said Finley, "But I'm not a con woman."
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By John Stevens for the Daily Mail Updated: 22:16 BST, 8 July 2011
A woman dubbed the 'Military Mistress' after she married at least 14 men and allegedly drained thousands from their bank accounts has claimed that she was just bad at being in love.
Bobbi Ann Finley is accused of stalking, conning and stealing up to $100,000 each from American soldiers for almost two decades.
But the 35-year-old, who is currently in jail after pleading guilty to theft by deception, has said that her marriages to the servicemen were not a con.
Unlucky in love? Bobbi Ann Finley claimed in a jailhouse interview that her marriages were not scams
Finley, who had nine children with as many men, became infamous for targeting military personnel before allegedly taking their money and leaving them in financial ruin.
In a jailhouse interview, the woman admitted that she may have destroyed lives, but she claims she is a victim who has had a hard upbringing.
'I wasn't running a con,' Finley said. 'I wanted protection, the protection that I should have had growing up... I married these guys I couldn't love.'
'I was looking for love. I was looking for understanding, I was looking for someone to say, "You know, it is going to be OK",' Finley told ABC's 20/20.
'In many of the cases, you look and you started out and you get married and you're thinking, 'Oh, I'm going to live happily ever after." And then you realise as soon it's done... it was a mistake,' she said.
Solidarity: Some of Finley's at least 14 husbands told 20/20 how they were seduced by her charm and good housekeeping skills
Blame game: Finley said that she found it hard staying in love with people because of her difficult childhood
For nearly 20 year, Finley allegedly preyed on military bases where she lied to servicemen claiming to be a wealthy heiress, the daughter of a general or an injured veteran about to get a large pay-out.
'She was smart, funny, witty, beautiful,' Jacob Anderson, one of Finley's ex-husbands, told ABC News.
'I mean, you'd come home... you didn't need to ask one... it was clean.
'Our food was cooked, and the food was excellent. Dishes were done, house was immaculate. You were going like, "Wow, I couldn't ask for anybody better".'
But things soon changed when the men married Finley and money allegedly started disappearing from their accounts.
United: 'Military Mistress' Finley married at least 14 men over two decades
Offspring: Finley had nine children with the same number of men
Discovery: Finley's life as a serial wife was revealed when one of her mother-in-laws decided to seek the truth
'The devil himself is a pot of gold compared to her,' said Shane Cheesman, one of Finley's ex-husbands whose marriage was annulled after a week.
'She has no heart. She has no feelings, no remorse,' he told ABC News.
But Finley's alleged scam began to unravel in 2004 when she got on the wrong side of one of her many mother-in-laws.
Katie Wegg, whose son Rodney had fallen for Finley when he was a reservist stationed in Texas, began a six-year-crusade to bring her to justice after her son went away for the weekend and came home to find money gone from his checking account.
She found that Finley had a history of fraud and bigamy, and had given birth to children and never told the fathers.
Thief: Finley is accused of taking up to $100,000 from her husband's accounts. She is wanted in several states
Locked up: Finley is currently serving three years in an Alabama jail
'[Rodney] had a child out there and he wanted to know where this child was. And he wanted his child,' Mrs Wegg told ABC News. 'These guys didn't know they had children.'
Finley served an eight-month sentence for forging cheques from Mr Wegg's account in 2007.
She was arrested again in June 2010 and extradited to Alabama was jailed in February after pleading guilty to theft by deception and ordered to pay $5,300 in restitution. She is wanted on further charges in other states.
'I mean, I'm angry. I'm sad. I'm lonely... because of what Bobbi did,' said Jeffrey Dietiker, one of Finley's ex-husbands.
'And now I'm paying for it, with every relationship I get in... Trust was everything I had, and now I don't.'
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