Mistress 2 Slaves

Mistress 2 Slaves


Mistress 2 Slaves
Copyright © 2022 The Ethical Dom Privacy Policy | Signify Dark by WEN Themes
24/7 Master/slave. With added ethics.
Control and no compromise: that’s my m.o. I am the Boss, they are my slaves. Sound unfair? Don’t care. It’s who I am. But, and it’s a big but: I am an ethical dom. 
Control is intrinsic in all aspects of my daily life. The 24/7 master/slave dynamic is a lifestyle I wouldn’t trade for anything. What’s point in turning it off and on at a whim? That wouldn’t be true to the needs of myself or my bois. When I am in control I expect to be so for life. 
I’m not here to control those who don’t wish for it. I own two slaves (one in containment) and have three in training, each committed to a life of submission. All have dedicated themselves to serving my wants, my needs, my whims; pledging to love, honour and obey. For life.
My slaves entered into this relationship under full negotiation and consent. I respect their limits and they respect mine. Compromise may test my patience – it’s a waste of time. But it’s a necessary evil, when developing new relationships with potential slaves. If I have to compromise too much with a prospective slave, it is not for me. A little bit of compromise goes a long way. My bois know that once they submit to ownership, the compromise ends and their work begins. Limits, strengths, weaknesses, the inner workings of its submissive self: these are all known to me before I accept a slave as property. It is then branded, collared and accepted at my feet. 
In return, I see the human being behind each of my slaves – this is where my ethics kick in. I don’t treat any one of my bois the same. They are all submissive, yes. They are all here for the same thing, yet each of them got here through singular means and not one of them are the same. You could say that through adaption comes compromise, but I am willing to adapt my style when it comes to my bois. That is my job, to know them inside out. It doesn’t mean they get much of a say. They get downtime, they are free to live the lives they wish outside of my house, as long as they fulfil my needs first.
We are a family. We function as a single unit with me at the top. I control everything: appearance, finances, social interaction, what they eat, et al. I’d like to think, on an unconscious level, that I choose what they think and believe.
 This blog is here to document the inner workings of our lifestyle. Making connections within the wider BDSM community is another plus.
I have some exciting plans for the site, which we will reveal in the coming weeks and months. The bois have instructions to introduce themselves in due course. Hope you enjoy the experience.
You can reach out to us at theboss@theethicaldom.com and find our social media here .
as a Sub/slave ,living this lifestyle, It does work, BUT you gotta be serious about it, and NOT take it as a joke. Some smirk at the drag queens , but they smirk at the Master/slave relationship. , take it serious.
This is terrific.
Many of us want to be slaves 24/7 . It is a very enjoyable life for me, of course depending on getting a good MASTER, “A Virtuous Man” as Aristotle.
“Slavery gets Shit Done”, so I think it is a very Virtuous thing, if done well.
May I ask where is this house located Sir?
Sir thank you for the insight to your lives and the Master/slave dynamics that obviously work so well.
Sir this slave wishes it was part of your stable Sir.
Sir this is a excellent site, wish I was Your slave
Thank you, lad. If you ever wish to offer your services, visit the contact page.
This is amazing, I wish this could be the standard of social norm. I can’t wait to see you and your family grow Sir
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Ethan's palms started to perspire as he drove onto the beautiful campus.
Hardwood Academy Prep School had a reputation for helping troubled young men
straighten the direction of their lives and become productive members of
society. The school was as expensive as an ivy league college. The wealthiest
families sent their high school age sons to the school because of its high
success rate. Hardwood Prep School was unique because of it's discipline policy.
Strict corporal punishment was used to correct any inappropriate behavior. The
school was run by Head Mistress Dee.
Ethan was one of the Head Mistress's many success stories. He had been sent
to the school as a devilish ninth grader. His parents had all but given up on
their son before sending him to Hardwood. The Head Mistress had spent a great
deal of time pointing him in the right direction. The four years he spent at the
school had been painful but even he had to admit that the experience had been
worthwhile. He had just graduated from an Ivy League Law School and was working
for one of the most prestigious law firms in the country.
It was a coincidence that Head Mistress Dee was named as the only beneficiary
in a will being probated by his firm. Attorneys normally called beneficiaries
and had them come to the office to discuss their inheritance. Ethan attempted to
call the Head Mistress on several occasions. When she came to the phone, he
would become flustered and hang up. He decided to tell the Head Mistress about
her good fortune in person. He thought that the unusual nature of the will could
best be explained in the private confines of the Head Mistress's office.
Ethan pulled into the visitor parking lot and looked at his watch. He noticed
that it was 3:45 PM. He felt an immediate chill run down his spine as he
realized that the Head Mistress would be in the middle of ministering her daily
discipline to the unlucky boys that had been chosen for punishment. As he walked
up the stairs to the building containing the Head Mistress's office and private
quarters he felt a knot in his stomach begin to form. He remembered his weekly
walks to the Head Mistress's office and the agonizing sessions laying across her
punishment bench.
Ethan could barely speak when he told the receptionist that he needed to see
the Head Mistress. He was directed to the all too familiar waiting room. We was
relieved to take a seat. He noticed three boys awaiting their inescapable doom.
They all looked like they were about to cry. Ethan knew from first hand
experience they would be in tears when they were finally dismissed by the Head
Mistress. A sharp thwapp sound followed by a blood curdling scream left no doubt
about the current victim's fate.
Ethan told himself that his nervousness was silly. He was not a student. He
was not in line for punishment. He had come to see the Head Mistress for a
legitimate business purpose. He knew that there was no rational explanation for
the fear he felt. Every time Ethan started to regain his composure, a victim
would emerge from the Head Mistress's chambers and announce that the Head
Mistress requested the immediate presence of the next student.
As the room emptied, Ethan's apprehension continued to grow. When he found
himself alone in the waiting room, his anxiety was almost unbearable. Ethan told
himself that he was a grown man. He might still look young but the women he
dated found that attractive. He had short blond hair and blue eyes. His skin had
a golden tan. His workouts had kept him trim but muscular. He tried to convince
himself that the Head Mistress would be proud of his success at college and his
professional appearance. He told himself to concentrate on what he had to tell
the Head Mistress.
Ethan's heart started pounding when the last student came to the room and
told him the Head Mistress requested his immediate presence in her chambers.
Ethan stumbled into her office and immediately saw the razor strop laying on her
desk. He saw the punishment bench which the Head Mistress had specially designed
to provide the best access to a students bottom. The bench was designed to have
the victim lie across it on his stomach. It was shaped like a chase lounge with
a hump in the middle.
The students had been taught by the Head Mistress to immediately remove their
trousers and underwear upon entering the room and to mount the bench. When Ethan
entered the room, he noticed that the head mistress had her back to the door and
was working on her computer. He attempted to announce his presence but when he
opened his mouth no sound came out. He suddenly heard Head Mistress Dee say in
an authoritative tone, "If you do not want to double your punishment, I
suggest that you immediately get undressed and assume the proper position on my
Ethan's high school experience had left him unable to resist a direct order
from the Head Mistress. As if under hypnosis, he unexplainably dropped his
trousers and underwear and mounted the bench. When he was finally in position,
the Head Mistress arose and picked up the strop. The Head Mistress used many
tools to administer discipline. She had paddles, leather straps, and canes.
After ten years at the school, she had become proficient with each tool. She
could administer an equally effective beating with each tool. She simply kept a
variety to scare the students and keep herself from becoming bored.
The Head Mistress believed that any transgression warranted severe
punishment. She had come to enjoy the sight of a young mans backside properly
bruised and welted. She rationalized that the pleasure she derived from welting
bottoms was simply an added benefit to the generous compensation package she
received from Hardwood Academy. Her professionalism kept her from ravishing the
older young men after a particularly hot session.
The mistress understood that she would have to continue satisfying her own
lustful urges until she found the right man. She was quite beautiful and had
received many proposals for marriage. Mistress Dee had refused them all waiting
for the right man. She knew that the man she chose to live her life with would
have to understand that he would be subject to domestic discipline. Until she
found that man, she would continue to take out her frustrations on the backsides
of her students.
The Head Mistress walked up to Ethan and examined his bottom. She notice that
it was pale and unmarked. She also noticed that it was peculiarly attractive.
The cheeks were full, tight and round. She had learned that talking to a student
during punishment was not the best way to teach a lesson. Her practice was to
administer the beating and then review the students mistake with him while he
stood at attention and could concentrate on her lecture.
She began Ethan's beating without warning. She liked to start by getting a
students attention. She let the razor strop fly with great force catching
Ethan's lower buttocks with a loud stinging TWAPP. Ethan felt the stinging blow
from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head. An uncontrollable shriek
confirmed that the Head Mistress had Ethan's complete attention. The nervousness
that Ethan had felt was a distant memory. His only thought was to survive the
ordeal. The strop flew again and again the sound echoing off the walls followed
by the familiar screams that told the Head Mistress she was accomplishing the
desired affect.
Ethan's apologies had no effect on the number or severity of her strokes. His
promises to be good were ignored, Mistress Dee knew that a student would promise
anything to end a stropping. Ethan begged for forgiveness and cried
uncontrollably but the beating continued. The once unmarked backside was a
glowing mass of maroon and purple bruises when the twenty-fifth and final stroke
was applied. Then the beating stopped as abruptly as it had begun. The Head
Mistress always made her students compose themselves before she allowed them to
get up from the bench. It gave her a chance to admire her handiwork and in
Ethan's case a particularly sexy but very sore backside.
After a few minutes, Ethan was able to stop crying. The Head Mistress finally
ordered Ethan to stand up but not put on his trousers. Mistress Dee felt that
lecturing a student while they were exposed in front of her added an element of
humiliation to their punishment. Ethan obediently followed the Head Mistress's
instructions as she walked to her chair and sat down behind her desk. Head
Mistress Dee looked at Ethan's face for the first time. She immediately realized
he was not a student and asked, "Ethan? Is that you?"
Ethan was standing directly in front of the Head Mistress. Ethan was
embarrassed but responded, "Yes Mistress Dee." "Why didn't you
announce your presence? Why did you allow me to administer the strop to your
bottom?" Ethan was still unable to explain his unusual behavior. Mistress
Dee enjoyed looking at the half naked attractive man. When she looked at his
groin area she noticed that Ethan was unable to control an apparently full
erection. His member was the largest the Mistress had ever seen about ten inches
long. The Head Mistress felt a sudden rush of warm liquid in the depths of her
groin as she realized she had found the sole mate she would spend the rest of
her life training to become the perfect husband.
Ethan was finally able to tell the Head Mistress that he was an attorney and
that he had come on business. After taking one last look at Ethan, Mistress Dee
said, "From the looks of you, I am sure that your behavior since I last saw
you warranted that punishment but I do not usually make it a practice to spank
grown men in my office. For appearance sake, I think you should put on your
trousers and then sit down and we can talk."
Ethan explained that his client, Sherri Loving, had died and left her
entire estate to Head Mistress Dee. The Head Mistress and Sherri had been
best friends. They had met at finishing school and were roommates in
college. They had drifted apart over the years but had kept in touch through
letters and phone calls. Unlike the Head Mistress, Sherri had married a rich
aristocrat and gave him six sons. Sherri was responsible for raising the
boys while her husband's investments turned into a fortune. Before her
husband died in an unfortunate plane crash, he built her a grand estate in a
beautiful wooded area in the upper part of the state.
Her sons now ranged in age from 18 to 25 and all of them were
irresponsible troublemakers. After their father died they had become more
and more unruly. They all had refused any type of formal education past high
school. Not a single one of them had ever held a job. They all seemed
content to live off of their fathers money. They spent their time before her
tragic death drinking, gambling and womanizing. Sherri had confided to Dee
on several occasions that she hated what her sons had become and that she
had no idea what she could do about it.
Head Mistress Dee had advised her that she had spared the rod and spoiled
her children. The Head Mistress had begged Sherri to send her children to
Hardwood and allow her to work with them. Sherri had foolishly refused
believing that her love could turn them around. When Sherri suddenly became
ill with a life threatening disease, she did take one precaution. She had
her will written in a way that would prevent her boys from stupidly wasting
her fortune.
Sherri left her entire estate to Head Mistress Dee. The only condition of
the will was that the Head Mistress had to live at the estate with her six
sons. During that time, The Head Mistress was to use any and all methods she
felt necessary to make her sons become productive members of society. When
each son turned 30 years old, Mistress Dee was to decide if each son had
developed to a point where he could responsibly manage a substantial trust
fund. The son's would be forced to leave on their 30 th

birthday whether or not they received their trust fund. Mistress Dee also
was given full discretion to kick out any son that did not cooperate.
When Ethan explained the enormity of the fortune that Mistress Dee was to
inherit, she jumped at the opportunity. She realized that the job of training
Sherri's sons would require her full attention. Ethan's assistance would be
required to manage the fortune. Ethan apprehensively accepted Dee's offer to
move into the estate with her and to manage the estate's business, when she
explained that any mistakes he made would subject him to corporal discipline.
As they drove up the long winding drive of the Head Mistresses' new
estate, Ethan assured her that all of her instructions had been carried out to
the letter. Ethan had met with all six sons and discussed the will. The sons
realized they had no choice but to subject themselves to the rigorous and
painful training Head Mistress Dee planned. The servants had been dismissed and
told to leave the estate. The basement had been converted into a modern day
dungeon. It was fully stocked with bondage devices and implements of torture.
Seven small metal cages had been purchased and placed throughout the dungeon.
The Head Mistress swung open the large oak wooden double doors and
observed six young men kneeling naked in the foyer with their heads to the
ground as they had been instructed by Ethan. The Head Mistress was pleased. The
Head Mistress realized that she had to demonstrate her complete control over the
estate and its worthless inhabitants immediately upon her arrival. She truly
wanted to be successful in her efforts to reform her best friends misguided
She ordered the six sons to crawl on their knees and follow her to the
dungeon. She planned to immediately clarify the rules under which they would be
aloud to remain at the estate when she had their complete attention in the
dungeon. After they entered the dungeon, the sons were told to line up by age
and kneel in a semi circle in front of The Head Mistresses' throne. The Head
Mistress then sat down and looked out upon her charges. Ethan respectfully
approached her with his head down and handed her the symbol of her authority. A
vicious leather riding crop which the Mistress planned to use expertly to assert
her will over the miscreants that knelt before her.
The silence in the room was deafening. The powerful presence of the Dominant
Mistress who held complete control over their future terrified the young men.
Even Ethan was apprehensive about what was going to take place. The Head
Mistress finally decided it time to start the boys behavior modification ordeal
and began to speak. "Before her tragic death, my friend and your mother
painfully came to the realization that her six sons were a bunch of drunks,
gamblers and womanizers. She decided that none of you were responsible enough to
inherit her estate so she left it to me. She asked me to try and reform you. If
at my discretion, you demonstrate that you have become responsible by the age of
thirty you will receive a substantial trust fund. If you displease me during
your training, you will be sent away without a penny."
"Your mother was aware of the expert methods I use to modify the
behavior of misguided young men. I plan to do everything in my power to make
each of you into a person that would make your mother proud. The methods I plan
to use will seem unconventional to you. If you ever resist anything I decide to
do to you, you will be immediately dismissed never to return. Do you
understand?" All six boys and Ethan responded in unison. "Yes Mistress
"You are not aloud to ever leave the estate. You are required to be
naked a
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