



Все языки Английский Русский Китайский Немецкий Французский Испанский Шведский Итальянский Латинский Финский Казахский Греческий Узбекский Валлийский Арабский Белорусский Суахили Иврит Норвежский Португальский Венгерский Турецкий Индонезийский Польский Коми Эстонский Латышский Нидерландский Датский Албанский Хорватский Науатль Армянский Украинский Японский Санскрит Тайский Ирландский Татарский Словацкий Словенский Тувинский Урду Фарерский Идиш Македонский Каталанский Башкирский Чешский Корейский Грузинский Румынский, Молдавский Якутский Киргизский Тибетский Исландский Болгарский Сербский Вьетнамский Азербайджанский Баскский Хинди Маори Кечуа Акан Аймара Гаитянский Монгольский Пали Майя Литовский Шорский Крымскотатарский Эсперанто Ингушский Северносаамский Верхнелужицкий Чеченский Шумерский Гэльский Осетинский Черкесский Адыгейский Персидский Айнский язык Кхмерский Древнерусский язык Церковнославянский (Старославянский) Микенский Квенья Юпийский Африкаанс Папьяменто Пенджабский Тагальский Мокшанский Кри Варайский Курдский Эльзасский Абхазский Арагонский Арумынский Астурийский Эрзянский Коми Марийский Чувашский Сефардский Удмурдский Вепсский Алтайский Долганский Карачаевский Кумыкский Ногайский Османский Тофаларский Туркменский Уйгурский Урумский Маньчжурский Бурятский Орокский Эвенкийский Гуарани Таджикский Инупиак Малайский Тви Лингала Багобо Йоруба Силезский Люксембургский Чероки Шайенского Клингонский

Все языки Английский Татарский Казахский Украинский Венгерский Таджикский Немецкий Иврит Норвежский Китайский Французский Итальянский Португальский Турецкий Польский Арабский Датский Испанский Латинский Греческий Словенский Латышский Финский Персидский Нидерландский Шведский Японский Эстонский Чеченский Карачаевский Словацкий Белорусский Чешский Армянский Азербайджанский Узбекский Шорский Русский Эсперанто Крымскотатарский Суахили Литовский Тайский Осетинский Адыгейский Якутский Айнский язык Церковнославянский (Старославянский) Исландский Индонезийский Аварский Монгольский Идиш Ингушский Эрзянский Корейский Ижорский Марийский Мокшанский Удмурдский Водский Вепсский Алтайский Чувашский Кумыкский Туркменский Уйгурский Урумский Эвенкийский Башкирский Баскский

с русского на английский

с английского на русский

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• Like mistress , like maid - Каков хозяин , таков и слуга ( K )


Mistress of the Empire , Raymond E . Feist , Janny Wurts . The Empire Trilogy: Book 3 . Welcome to the final play of the game . Now revered as ; the Empire , Mara of the Acoma is in more danger than ever before . Not only does she face threats from the … Подробнее   Купить за 1466 грн ( только Украина )
Mistress of Spices , Divakaruni Chitra Banerjee . The store has been here for only one year , but many people think that it has always been here . Above the door are faded brown letters which say: spice bazaar . I , too , look as if I have always … Подробнее   Купить за 1095 руб
Mistress , James Patterson , David Ellis . How well can you ever really know someone ? As Ben Casper watches his best friend plummet from her sixth - floor apartment balcony , he realises his life is about to change . Diana had no reason … Подробнее   Купить за 449 руб

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Mistress — may refer to: Mistress ( lover ), a woman , other than the spouse , with whom a married individual has a continuing sexual relationship Schoolmistress , or female school teacher ( also called a schoolmarm ). The term is now obsolete in the UK ; see … …   Wikipedia
mistress — ⇒ MISTRESS , subst . fém . A . [ Dans les pays anglo saxons ou d expression anglaise ou anglo américaine , précédant immédiatement le nom de famille , équivalent du français « Madame » ( v . ce mot A 2 ) sauf pour les épouses des pairs britanniques , v . Lady ]… …   Encyclopédie Universelle
Mistress — Mis tress , n . [ OE . maistress , OF . maistresse , F . ma [^ i ] tresse , LL . magistrissa , for L . magistra , fem . of magister . See { Master }, { Mister }, and cf . { Miss } a young woman .] 1 . A woman having power , authority , or ownership ; a woman who exercises … …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mistress — se puede referir a: Mistress , un grupo de música originario de Birmingham , Inglaterra . Mistress , película de 1992 , conocida en español como Gente de Sunset Boulevard . Mistress , telefilme de 1987 . Esta página de desambiguación cataloga artículos … …   Wikipedia Español
mistress — MÍSTRESS s . f . ( Prescurtat Mrs . înaintea numelui unei femei căsătorite ) Doamnă . [ pron . misiz . / < engl . mistress ]. Trimis de LauraGellner , 13 . 06 . 2005 . Sursa: DN  MISTRESS [ MÍSIS ] s . f . ( înaintea numelui unei femei căsătorite ) doamnă . (<… …   Dicționar Român
Mistress — Mis tress , v . i . To wait upon a mistress ; to be courting . [ Obs .] Donne . [ 1913 Webster ] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mistress — ( engl ., spr . missis , » Herrin , Gebieterin «), Prädikat verheirateter Frauen , die nicht den Titel Lady ( s . d .) führen . Heiratet eine Lady einen titellosen Herrn ( Mister ), so verbleibt ihr für ihre Person der Titel Lady . In der förmlichen Sprache ,… …   Meyers Großes Konversations - Lexikon
mistress — ( n .) early 14c ., female teacher , governess , from O . Fr . maistresse mistress ( lover ); housekeeper ; governess , female teacher ( Mod . Fr . maîtresse ), fem . of maistre master ( see MASTER ( Cf . master ) ( n .)). Sense of a woman who employs others or has … …   Etymology dictionary
mistress — ► NOUN 1 ) a woman in a position of authority , control , or ownership . 2 ) a woman skilled in a particular subject or activity . 3 ) a woman ( other than a wife ) having a sexual relationship with a married man . 4 ) chiefly Brit . a female schoolteacher .… …   English terms dictionary
mistress — [ mis ′ tris ] n . [ ME maistresse < OFr , fem . of maistre , MASTER ] 1 . a woman who rules others or has control , authority , or power over something ; specif ., a ) a woman who is head of a household or institution b ) Chiefly Brit . a female schoolteacher 2 …   English World dictionary
mistress — [[ t ] mɪ̱strəs [/ t ]] mistresses 1 ) N COUNT: usu with poss A married man s mistress is a woman who is not his wife and with whom he is having a sexual relationship . [ OLD FASHIONED ] She was his mistress for three years ... He has a wife and a mistress …   English dictionary
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Mistress по Русский - Английский-Русский Словарь - Glosbe
mistress - Russian translation – Linguee
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And this dog recognised that this was not his mistress .
А чутье показывало, что перед ней не ее хозяйка .
Mary traveled back in time to Paris and became the mistress of Napoleon III.
Мэри совершила путешествие назад во времени в Париж и стала любовницей Наполеона III.
Their mistress is Emily: she has many maids.
Их госпожа - Эмилия, у неё много рабынь.
Among the many Egyptian gods, Isis was described as the “ mistress of life, ruler of fate and destiny.”
Одним из многочисленных египетских божеств была Исида — « владычица жизни и судьбы».
He who lives by rules will get on very well with a school mistress .
Он любит жить по правилам, поэтому ему будет очень хорошо с учительницей .
There is a rumour that you have taken a real patient as a mistress .
Ходят слухи что ты взял настоящую пациентку в домохозяйки
JMdict (Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary)

noun существительное мужского рода

JMdict (Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary)

noun существительное pluralia tantum

I did not summon you, Hag, and you will not ride your own mistress .
Я не звала тебя, карга, тебе не взять верх над госпожой.
JMdict (Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary)
JMdict (Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary)
Mrs Duchemin is already my husband's mistress .
У моего мужа уже есть любовница, миссис Дюшаман.

noun существительное женского рода

What do you mean become your mistress ?
Что вы имеете в виду: стать вашей метрессой ?
I don't think Big Teddy's mistress lied to us.
Я не думаю, что хозяйка дома Большого Тедди соврала нам
And you, being such a master of the subconscious... or is that mistress ?
А ты, будучи повелительницей подсознательного... или правильнее сказать госпожой?
He doesn't deserve her, mistress , a rake what he is...
Не стоит, барыня -матушка, где уж ему, беспутному...
A generous mistress Whom many loved much.
Она была щедра и мастерица . Любовных и плотских наук.
female who is in a sexual relationship, where the other or both parties to the relationship are also in another committed relationship (usually marriage)
April is in my mistress ’ face, and July in her eyes hath place; Within her bosom is September, but in her heart a cold December.
В лице моей возлюбленной апрель, в её глазах — июля акварель, в груди её приют для сентября, но в сердце только холод декабря.
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data

noun существительное женского рода

Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data
Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data
a woman, specifically one with control, authority or ownership

noun существительное женского рода

I never looked for better at his hands after he once fell in with Mistress Shore.
Я от него добра уже не ждал с тех пор, как он связался с миссис Шор.
(archaic) Used as the title of a married woman before her name. Now used only in the abbreviated form Mrs .
Used as the title of a married woman before her name. Now used only in the abbreviated form Mrs .
royal mistress Официальная фаворитка
en The mistress's scent, blood, tissue type and alpha wave pattern are all recorded in my databanks,
en Nay, Mistress Poldark, we come at the behest of Mr Trencrom.
en Her mother was Clementina Walkinshaw, who was mistress to the Prince from 1752 until 1760.
en NURSE Well, sir; my mistress is the sweetest lady. -- Lord, Lord! when'twas a little prating thing, -- O, there's a nobleman in town, one Paris, that would fain lay knife aboard; but she, good soul, had as lief see a toad, a very toad, as see him.
en And at 30, the ex- mistress of Gaston d'Orléans is not a threat.
en Just a little tale about a president going to war for his mistress .
en But soon he started suggesting that Anna’s husband had merely taken up with a mistress , or was on a drinking binge, and then he told Anna, “I’m pretty sure you killed him yourself!
en It was obvious that it was the wife and mistress .
en If I had the command of millions, if I were mistress ofthe whole world..... your brother would still be my only choice.
en Berdymuhamedov has never been seen with either his wife or supposed mistress during nearly eight years in power, just as his predecessor, the infamous Sapurmurat Niyazov, was almost never sighted with his wife Muza Niyazova.
en In the first volume, Swann's Way, the series of books, Swann, one of the main characters, is thinking very fondly of his mistress and how great she is in bed, and suddenly, in the course of a few sentences, and these are Proustian sentences, so they're long as rivers, but in the course of a few sentences, he suddenly recoils and he realizes, "Hang on, everything I love about this woman, somebody else would love about this woman.
en I won't allow you to displease my mistress .
en 'Cause she is my... you know, she's my soul mate, my confidante, my mistress , and I want her to learn, to be happy.
en However, he could not remain faithful even to his mistress , and in 1906 he grew weary of the woman he had gradually introduced in the high society.
en Sergey's wife thought he had a mistress , and wanted to make a love spell so that her husband would lose interest in women.
en Mistress Hastings, I know you were his common-law wife.
en Unplagu'd with corns will have a bout with you. -- Ah ha, my mistresses ! which of you all
en And uses his mistress to set us up.
en Meanwhile, in Venice, George's former mistress , Giulietta, ponders the meaning of stable, long-lasting love versus romantic infatuation.
en These included pornographic cartoons of the head of state and unverified rumours claiming he was illegitimate and linking him to various mistresses .
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