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todayy was boring and nothing happened.
new myspace - www.myspace.com/miss_miss
its the day after vacation and im grounded.. wooo . now i cant do anything with bri jill and dan and i wont be able to do anything with people tomorrow. this suckssssss

today i went down to the venice beach boardwalk . i bought stuff and got my hair braided . i was gonna go surfing but it was too cold for me lol. maybe later . todaay is my last day in santa monica . tomorrow im staying in basically hollywood so that should be fun . < 3
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yeaaa im obsessed with him <333 . mikey way is my hero, i love him andddd i plan on marrying him. annddd hopefully i'll be going to the my chemical romance concert in octoberrrr!!

went to kyla's show tonight.. it was awsome and kyla is amazing at dancing!! and i saw 3 three people i recognized.. one being the LOVE OF MY LIFE from a competition in rhode island.. wow that kid is awsome

umm yea.. murph's was amazinggg hahaha. dukes of hazard, family guy, computer, same everything haha this girll is too cool andd i love her. go to her and my myspacesss mine andd murph's

umm lets see.. nothing happened today - no wait, i got school shoes hah

went to the mall today .. shopped and stuff. then went to town with people and saw alicia for the first time in like foreverrrr and then it stormed on us. haha it was so scary

went to the yard sale at jills and slept haha. then babysat for a little while = funnn

intensiveee = funn and mel's .. awsome

today's my birthdayy .. and it was he first day of intensive - good stufff

tonight was funn. mary jo was here with ryan and then kyla came so we had pizza and then just talked lol. then mary jo left and me ryan and kyla went swimmingg . that was a lot of fun and then we played ddr haha we're cool. kyla just left so now im doing nothingg wooo <3

today i went to six flags in cali . it was pretty boring bec i didnt feel well but at least i got tan . thats all i really did today so hopefully something better will happen tomorrow < 3

up late with nothing to do . pretty bored .

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Champion Suggestion Bot: Tell me your summoner name and I'll suggest some champions you may want to play!
Saturday Megathread 12/20/14 | Ask Your Game-Related Questions Here!
Hey I have Ninetales, Magmar, and Pyroar!
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Update: For affected players, please send us a ticket and let us know that you are missing the Heart of Azeroth through this channel . Ty!
Indeed - it is auto-equipped. We've seen another report where a player didn't appear to have it, so we're checking that out.
Adding on that I don't have it as well. Have the shoulders, cannot pick any trait on them though. Javazi - Wyrmrest Accord US
If you're going to be spinning up a new character regardless, I assume you should be free to just do it on a different server instead if lockout is an issue? Not really sure what's being asked.
I doubt SE is going to do anything with the expansion that will "punish" people for having played the game prior to that. Or to make them feel like they wasted their time, etc.
It will probably be more annoying to get the shiny new expansion and have to wait on getting to most of the new stuff until you finish the 2.0-2.5 story, so I'd advise going ahead and getting started sooner rather than later :)
Sorry about that, I had mentioned Gilgamesh cause my intention was to simply stay on the server. I'm not sure if my friends I'm bringing along are going to be doing what I'm doing. I suppose if we were to all just create anew, we would maybe end up even going to a higher pop server, but obviously we would be locked out just like we are on Gilgamesh.
To be clear, I want to know if I can make a new character on Gilgamesh whenever I want, because I and my friends would like to probably stay on Gilgamesh. We all already have characters and play on Gilgamesh.
Thank you for your answer though! The four of us are ending up leaning towards starting up again sooner :).
Having a character in the server does not allow you to bypass the lock. It's pretty frustrating.
Hey guys, I had grabbed myself the highway man bag that gives you the set from beta. I had 4 pieces. I also got my cybernetic eyepatch, and just equipped it since I had no helm anyway. Once I got to Thayd, however, I noticed my outfit was gone from my inventory. Upon further inspection, my eyepatch disappeared as well. Rebinding the bag to my character and using it does not give me the items, however i am able to retrieve another eyepatch. Any help :(?
Would love some poison/fighting and a clefary though :P. Will add anyone as long as they post!
Got everyone so far again :3 Edit: and again!



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