Mission to the moon

Mission to the moon

Edward Morra

Hello everyone!

I have discovered new coin, absolute gem - "Spacechain" (SPC), let me take 5 minutes of your time and will be amazed of its potential.

"Who" is Spacechain?

I believe the most exciting part about this gem is their team. Just look at them:

Jeff Garzik (Co-founder&CTO of Spacechain)

Probably one of the most important person in the bitcoin community. Key Bitcoin Core Developer who worked directly under Satoshi Nakamoto for 2 years. His work can be found in every bitcoin and miner. He is a Key Linux Kernel Engineer,on the Linux Foundation Board of Directors, and worked directly under Linus Torvalds for over 15 years. His code can be found in every Android phone, and every data center. He is also the Leader of the Ethernet networking subsystem, and Co-Founder&CEO of Bloq.

Tim Draper (Core Business advisor)

Co-funder of DFJ venture capital, and renowned VC capitalist from Silicon Valley. He invested in numerous popular companies including SpaceX, Tesla, Theranos, Thumbtack. Prior to these, he also invested in Baidu, Hotmail, and Skype. He founded Draper Univer-sity in Silicon Valley to cultivate entrepreneurship talents

Jeffrey Manber (Core Space Advisor)

CEO of NanoRacks, from 2009, Manber has steered the growth of the first company to own and market its own hardware and services on board the International Space Station. Manber has been involved in several key breakthrough commercial space projects, principally those around the commercialization of space assets as well as the integration of the Russian space industry into major space programs, including the International Space Station

Patrick Dai (Core Technical advisor)

Founder and CEO of China′s largest blockchain open source platform Qtum quantum chain, valued at 1 billion US dollars and already attracting hundreds of developers around the world. Since 2012, Patrick has been engaging in encryption and R&D of its underlying technology, and actively promoting of blockchain technology as well as its application. He studied at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and worked at Alibaba. He is in the 2017 Forbes 30 Under 30 

And the rest of the team. Now you tell if they aren't starts!

By the way, join their telegram chat. Sometimes Jeff himself shows up and you have a chance to say "Hi!" to one of the godfathers of bitcoin.


What is Spacechain?

My analysis

There is a Reddit AMA (ask me anything) with Jeff Garzik available and I recommend you to read it. Link

Highlights from interview:

Token metrics:

There was NO ICO for Spacechain, only private sale for accredited investors and funds. Therefore there is no available information about sale details. However, I found out that token sale price was somewhere between $0,30 - $0,60 So, let's take $0,45 for each token as our base price. Coinmarketcap shows that there is 1 billion tokens in Total supply. But circulating supply (what matters) is missing. From what I could find - there are 510 millions tokens in circulating supply and the rest of the tokens are locked. Let's sum it up:

Total supply: 1 000 000 000 SPC

Circulating supply: 510 000 000 SPC

Token base price: ~$0,45/SPC

Price right now: $0,40/SPC


EXX exchange (ref link) (non ref)

Coinegg exchange (ref link) (non ref)

Coinnest (non ref)

As you can see, SPC is not listed on any major exchange and you have a chance to get in really early. Both exchanges support english language interface (kind of) and pretty easy and intuitive to use. I tested EXX and it works well, my BTC deposit went through within 1 hour.

Note that their green candle is our red, and our red is their green (EXX).

Don't be confused. Green = red, red = green

Price analysis

Due to low volume and low liquidity, price is going mostly sideways with very well expressed price spikes. I can literally see how you guys buying it on the chart 😄

With current price of about $0,40 it has a market cap of about $204 millions. (510m x 0,40 = 204m) which puts SPC among these coins from coinmarketcap:

To be honest, I never heard of DEW. I never had BitcoinDark (I can guess this is another privacy fork of BTC), and BridgeCoin is a native coin of another promising exchange (copycat of kucoin). So, to sum it up: I see no problem for SPC to go x2 at least, which puts it here:

I hope it can go a lot higher than this, but x2 is just a conservative estimation. We will see.

However, I want to you to know that Jeff Garzik said that Spacechain is non-profit organisation:

So, this trade simply might not be designed to pump. Looks like Spacechain team is focusing more on product and technology. Maybe this is why they decided not to do public ICO but go with professional investors who won't annoy them with constant "When moon, sir? When Lambo, sir?". From the other hand - I think that focusing on product and doing a great job pays off in a long term and projects like these will stay in this industry for a long time. Most of the altcoins we know now will not make during the next 2-3 years. Market will sort good projects with genuine technology out.

Token distribution

It is very important to always check who holding the most to know what to expect.

Spacechain blockchain explorer

What I found interesting is that coin name is actually "SpaceCash" (so i expect the team to announce new name soon).

Also, the biggest holder of coins is address that most likely belongs to Jeff Garzik: link , he has 400m of all total tokens (40%). This might look scary to you as you probably are afraid he can dump it on market, but I think that he as a co-founder holds these as a locked fund that will be slowly released on a scheduled basis to the investors according to the vesting plan. I also think that Jeff is not going to dump any coins since he is scientist and not a trader or speculator. He has only God knows how many BTC, so I don't think he really needs extra money. He is very wealthy already.

Just to give an example, let's take a look at NEO. Out of 100m total supply, there is 35m of NEO being held by one address (NEO foundation). LINK So, out of 100m total supply this is 35% which is very close to Jeff's balance. Nobody really panicking about NEO though.

So, what are the targets?

First of all, I must warn you that this is very high-risk high-return trade. We might have a fantastic returns out of this coin, but we also have a big risk because we are entering very early. There is not much data about this coin and we don't know what are the exchanges coming. However, with greater risk comes greater profits. People who believed in BTC when it was couple of $ were taking a big risk cause back then it was very unclear if it really going anywhere. So, invest only what you are comfortable to lose. Here, I would also talk about the size of your investment. I believe you do understand the potential of this project and investing very few money won't make you millions. You have to balance between risk and potential reward. So, you should decide yourself how much are you willing to risk here. Don't put too much, but don't put a little too. Find a balance. I believe this is not a short term investment. This investment worth a hold for a while. One thing you can do is to invest in it, withdraw it to the wallet (note that this is QRC20 token meaning you have to install QTUM wallet to store it) and forget about it for couple of months (years). Who knows, maybe Elon Musk will use this currency (SpaceCash) on it's colony on Mars in the future. =)

Price entry:

💎 0.00003000 - 0.00003500 BTC

💎 Possible dip below 3000-2800 is a buy too (it can happen due to illiquid market)

New article:

First Satellite in Spacechain’s Blockchain Network is set for Launch

Beijing Time 2018/02/02 15:50 (5 hours from now) SpaceChain and QTUM will launch a satellite with its first space node!


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Edward Morra

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