Mission Statements

Mission Statements


Primitive Pentecostal Gnostics is a group that is interested in finding and pursuing non-apostate churches in all denominations. This may be difficult for some, as many churches have veered from orthodox Christianity in recent years. However, the search may be worth it for those who feel called to this task.

One benefit of pursuing non-apostate churches is that it allows for a fuller and more authentic experience of Christianity. When churches stray from orthodox teachings, they often do so in ways that are not in keeping with the core of the Christian faith. This can lead to a shallower and less meaningful faith experience.

Another benefit of pursuing non-apostate churches is that it allows for a more unity within the body of Christ. When churches are allowed to stray from orthodox teachings, it can create division and conflict within the church. However, when everyone is striving for the same goal – to follow Christ and his teachings – it can create a more unified body of believers.

The search for non-apostate churches can be a difficult and daunting task. However, it is a worthwhile endeavor for those who feel called to it. By pursuing this task, we can experience a fuller and more authentic faith, and can create more unity within the body of Christ.


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