Misshelena Call Girl Files

Misshelena Call Girl Files


Misshelena Call Girl Files


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The Good Wife (TV) The Good Fight (TV)


Diane Lockhart/Kurt McVeigh


Diane Lockhart Kurt McVeigh Will Gardner Kalinda Sharma Alicia Florrick

Additional Tags:

Lockner - Friendship McHart Own Character Hurt/Comfort Angst and Romance Lies True Love Family Drama Diane mom AU Romance Flashbacks Mentions of miscarriage




Published: 2019-05-26 Completed: 2020-02-14 Words: 116419 Chapters: 42/42 Comments: 368 Kudos: 600 Bookmarks: 4 Hits: 13773


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25 years did not extinguish his love forever. But are they able to relive that love? Will the past finally allow them to be happy? There are moments when love is not all that is necessary to be together...
Hello!! I am finally publishing this. It's my first fanfic so I beg you to have me a little patience. I started to write this many months ago, I do not remember how many, at first I did not think I had success, but now I have written several chapters and I am reaching the end. So I promise not to leave this unfinished!
I must clarify that I am not a native speaker of English, I speak Spanish since I am from Argentina. This is why there may be some errors, although I have reviewed everything with a translator, something may be wrong.
I just hope you enjoy it as much as I am enjoying writing it. My happiness is already enormous because I can share my writing with all of you.
All the comments and criticisms are very well received and feel free to tell me what you like. Thanks for giving me a chance, I will try not to disappoint you!
(See the end of the work for more notes .)
Clearly, this could be a day that could turn everyone crazy. All the staff were running around the office trying to avoid colliding with each other, Diane and Will had taken a very important case, there was a very large class action suit at stake and, if they won it, it would imply an incredible prestige for the firm, apart from several millions of dollars. From her office, by the large transparent glass that surrounded her, Diane saw the situation outside her office and could not help but smiling as she finished her third coffee of the day and, although she knew that so much caffeine would have consequences, it did not matter to her that much, being able to keep up to date her work was more important. She remembered silently when she had to run to please Stern and earn a better salary or a promotion , when she was just a young advocate, but those moments had been left behind in her memories as she was a founding partner of Lockhart - Gardner. That firm was the dream of her entire life, since she left the university, with excellent degrees, she swore to herself that she would have her own law firm, no matter what that implied. Will knocked softly on the door and interrupted her flashbacks of the past. He was her best friend, her partner, she could not imagine what would have been of her life if that young egocentric lawyer had not shown up for a junior associate position in which, at the time, it was Stern and associates. As soon as she saw him she thought she would not fit in that place, Will had too much pride to lower himself to Stern's demands. Diane could see him when he took the interview, but something in him made her hired him, now she could see what it was. Diane smiled at his angry face, and at what time was Diane's office. "I think you're getting the role of the evil boss in the head" Will said sharply but at the same time amused as he entered the office of Diane, closing the glass door behind him. "That's why I wanted to become a boss, I already mentioned that to you," Diane said, throwing her particular laugh. "I would recommend that you go to work if you do not want the junior lawyers to boycott you and burn you alive..." Will said laughing, while looking through the windows. "They look a little desperate..." Will added as he sat on one of the two large sofas Diane had in front of her desk. Diane gave one of her classic laughs as she moved her head from side to side. "Sure, because I was probably the one who filled their heads with the idea that their careers depended on the role they could play tomorrow at the trial..." Diane replied ironically, leaning on the back of her chair. "You have to push them to get good results." Will defended with a shrug. Actually she also believed that, when they put a little pressure on them they worked as if it was a life or death situation, that's how they evaluated which were those that could be useful for the law firm and which ones not. "Oh, by the way, I need you to interview the new ballistics expert, I do not remember his name, but now I'll ask my secretary to get you the folder with his data." "Remind me why we needed a new ballistics expert..." she asked curiously. Pretending not to remember what it was about, she knew it, but she liked to bother Will. "If you were not so busy drinking your twentieth coffee, you would know that in the case of Douglas we need the expert to determine that our client was not at the scene when the gun was fired..." Will replied with an accusatory air in his voice, he hated to repeat things more than twice and to Diane this was funny. Although his voice faded when he saw Diane smile enormously, this made him even more angry, she was bothering him. "Right, that's true... Excuse me, sir, annoying, it will not happen again ..." she replied clearly making a funny face. "Oh God, you're impossible Diane..." Will expressed, sighing in surrender mode, as he stopped and left the office leaving Diane laughing alone. Even if she fought him, she knew that without Will she would not have gotten where she was. They made a good team, although when she met him she thought he was a selfcentered young man who would only bring her problems. Eventually she confirmed that he was a self-centered young man but with a huge heart, when one of the two had a problem the other was always there to help. Apart from their good business relationship, they were good friends and trusted the other one things that they might not tell anyone else. After several minutes, Will's secretary knocked on her door, frightening her and moving her away from her thoughts for the second time. She left the data from the ballistics expert he had mentioned and left the office closing the door. It was common for favors to be given to each other, although she did not personally take care of the Douglas case since this man was a former client of Will, she tried to help whenever she could and had time to do it. When Diane was about to open the folder that Will's secretary had brought her, her phone started ringing, Diane took it and, seeing the name that appeared on the screen, could not help but smiling... "Hi, honey!" Diane exclaimed with a smile as she answered the phone. It was her daughter Martha, practically her reason to live together with the law firm. "Hi Mom! I was calling to remind you that this weekend I'm going to Chicago..." Martha mentioned as if Diane were able to forget that her daughter was coming back to the city after spending months in New York studying. Martha was a couple of subjects away from graduate as a designer and her mother could not be more proud of her. Despite what many people believed, Diane never wanted her to study law, she knew well that it was a very committed career and that she had to give up many things to be someone outstanding in the field, just as she had done throughout of the years… "How could I forget that my only daughter remembered that she has a mother and is finally coming to visit her?" Diane sai jokingly, she really knew that Martha was building her life in New York and did not have time to spend a few days in Chicago, she had not been able to visit her either. Diane did not want to interfere in her life, she simply wanted her to be happy in the way that Martha considered it to be... "I've already released my schedule so I can spend all my time with you, I’ve missed you so much these months..." "I know mom, I missed you too much this time... You schedule the activities, we have the whole weekend for the two of us" Martha loved her mother. For her, her mother was amazing, she was her role model, she had always taken care that she did not lack anything despite being a single mother and not having anyone to help her since Diane's parents were not satisfied with their daughter's choice not to marry the father of the child and be a single mother. Martha did not know who her father was, and she did not care too much. When she was little, whenever she had wanted to bring up the subject of her father, simply out of curiosity, Diane had been firm in the decision that it was better that she knew nothing, after all they did not need a father present. They talked for a few minutes about how things were going in New York until they heard that they were calling Martha. "I must hang up mom, I'll see you at home on Friday night. I love you." "Goodbye honey, I love you too" and hung up with a smile plastered on her face. Martha was the only person who managed to get that smile even with a call of just a few minutes. She loved her more than anything in her life and was very happy to have her a few days just for her. ------------------------- The days went by really quickly since Martha’s news, Diane was very anxious with the arrival of her daughter, she couldn’t wait to see her and embrace her. Diane would not have been able to go to New York either, the lawsuit was tied to the firm all week, including weekends, for months. But it had always been like that, she was very demanding with her work, she would not leave an important case or a client to go on vacation for a weekend, that is why she no longer remembered the last time she could take more than three days to get some rest from work and much less be able to visit her daughter. On Thursday morning, Diane entered her office with her classic coffee in one hand, her handbag hanging delicately in the same arm and in the other hand the writing that had been presented to her by one of the associates who worked in the class action lawsuit. Will and she had to present several of those the following Monday and they had decided to evaluate the young people with that task. When she reaches her desk, Diane placed her bag in one of the armchairs and the writing on the desk. The letter was really excellent, she reminded herself that she should congratulate the young lawyer for it. Diane sat down in her chair, stretching her skirt delicately so that it did not wrinkle, adjusted her glasses and took the next writing from the pile next to her and began to read it concentrated. Several minutes passed when her assistant knocked softly on the door forcing Diane to raise her head from the writing and look at Marissa with a frown. "Marissa, come in. What's wrong?" Diane asked in a neutral voice. "Diane, I'm sorry to bother you, but Mr. McVeigh is at the reception. Do I make him come inside? " her assistant said, just poking her head through the door. "Mr. McVeigh? I do not remember any appointment with that last name” Diane says, trying to remember if she had made an appointment with a client. Although it was a name she did not remember, at least not about someone who had a relationship with her office... "The ballistics expert, Diane. Will asked me to make an appointment for today in the early hours, it seemed important, although I did not know that you would not know anything about the appointment..." Marissa said apologizing for not telling her boss of the meeting. "Ah... Sure..." Diane murmured, still a bit confused. "Do not worry, Marissa, tell Mr. McVeigh that i will see him in a few minutes..." Diane said hesitantly, Marissa nodded and left her office closing the door softly. Diane had not even remembered to read the file about the supposed expert who she had to interview, her daughter's trip had taken her out of reality and now she could not remember where she had left the folder with the data that Will had presented, she just had a couple of minutes to find it without rummaging through her entire office and having to admit that she completely forgot the interview with this man. She was looking for the folder in the drawers with her back to the door when she heard that they hit. "Just a seco-" Diane said, without turning to look. When she finally found the damn folder, she smiled to herself and she turned on her high heels to face the man who was still standing at the door. Seeing him, Diane felt her legs go slack. She would never have imagined that the person she was supposed to interview was him, of course that name reminded her of him, but she could not believe having him standing inside her office. They had not seen each other for 25 years and now she had him in front of her with the same cowboy look she remembered. At least all the guilt she felt for not having read the folder that Will had sent her was gone. Because, even if she had not managed to relate this man to the happy expert, she knew perfectly well who that man was... "Hello, Diane. After all this time... "Kurt McVeigh, the happy expert in ballistics, managed to pronounce...
First of all, I want to thank all those who took a few seconds of their time to leave their comments and thanks. They made me very happy.
Here is the second chapter and I hope you enjoy it, little by little the story will take shape, a little patience.
I will try to upload two chapters per week, although sometimes I may not be able to do it due to my university schedules.
But, anyway, enjoy the chapter and I'll be waiting for you anxiously with comments :)
Diane's mind was filled with beautiful memories after just a few seconds, it was amazing for her to have the man she had been so happy with 25 years ago in front of her face, right inside her own office and at the law firm that she was driving. What was he doing there? Had he been looking for her all those years? In those seconds that passed, she watched him from head to toe. It was obvious that the years had passed for both of them, this could easily be seen in their bodies, and they were no longer those young people of almost thirty years. But he was exactly as she had remembered him, in his eyes she could see what she had seen before: simplicity, tranquility, and even the same tenderness that had enchanted her so many years ago. His hair was covered with gray hair, and some wrinkles marked his face, but it was still him, it was always him. After several seconds of silence, Diane realized that he had already greeted her and had stared at her with a funny expression while she had simply stared at him with astonishment as she continued lost in her thoughts. "Kurt..." her voice was practically a low whisper. "I can not believe this is you... I mean... It's been many years since you and I..." she said stammering though it was something unusual in her and he had noticed that she was nervous. "Yes, it's true, it's been several years..." Kurt replied in a higher tone, while looking at her amused. "But, from the expression in your face, you're surprised to see me here..." he was smiling, practically expecting that reaction from her when she saw him there. He knew he was going to meet her, Will had clarified it on the phone when they made the appointment and, although he would never admit it, he accepted the interview to see her again. "No, well..." she replied almost embarrassed. "I had a lot of things in my head and I completely forgot to read the folder that contained your file, I really did not know you were the ballistics expert who Will had hired" Diane was stupefied, she kept looking at him and thinking about the strange plot twist that fate had prepared to her which she had to face. "Please, sit down," she said pointing to the sofa that was in front of her desk as she sat in her place behind the desk. Kurt obeyed right away, still smiling for a second. "How have you been? It's been too long since we've seen each other... 20 years?" he asked, lying, since he remembered exactly the day he saw her for the last time. "25 years to be exact" Diane said trying to sound carefree. "And it's amazing that you're the same... I mean, we're not those young people anymore..." Diane mentioned trying to smile, although her face did not reflect anything but amazement. "Let me say that you are just like 25 years ago Diane, it's amazing how you don’t reflect the passing of time..." Kurt added, looking at her straight in the eye. And there she blushed, looking down at the papers she had on her desk in front of her. It had been so many years and so many things, good and bad, but that man was still the only one who managed to make her blush like that. She had forced herself not to remember her years with him because they hurt her badly. She tried to put a barrier to her past with him, it was a life changing thing in her life, although it is a moment she always remembered with great affection. After a long awkward silence between them, she was the one who, together with the courage necessary to talk about the topic they were supposed to talk about, explained the Douglas case to him with all the details that she had, although she had not read all the investigation about the case yet. She had listened to Will when he explained it to her when deciding whether to take it or reject it. She handed him a copy of the investigation and the files to him, and he simply thanked her, promising that he would read them as soon as possible. She did not
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