Miss Teen Colorado

Miss Teen Colorado


Miss Teen Colorado
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Hilaryā€…Cruz , Miss Colorado Teen USA 2007 and Colorado's only Missā€…Teenā€…USA
Danielle Scimeca, Miss Colorado Teen USA 2008
Miss Colorado & Miss Teen Colorado discuss 2012 Prom with students at Flo Crit High School - 2/16/12

 Declared as Winner
 Ended as runner-up
 Ended as one of the finalists or semifinalists

^ a b "Willā€…Missā€…Coloradoā€…Teenā€…USAā€…hailā€…fromā€…Eagleā€…County?" . 2007-10-24.

^ "Greeleyā€…toā€…holdā€…theā€…Missā€…Coloradoā€…USAā€…andā€…Teenā€…pageants" . The Tribune . 2009-06-10. Archived from theā€…original on 2011-07-18 . Retrieved 2020-04-05 .

^ "Sydneyā€…Boehlerā€…Missā€…Coloradoā€…Teenā€…USAā€…2019" . Miss Colorado USA & Miss Colorado Teen USA Pageants . Retrieved 2018-10-31 .

^ "On the side / Q & A - Blair Griffith". Denver Post. 2006-09-12. p. B.05.

^ "USC: Cross Country Team Features Dynamic Duo From Colorado". The Official College Sports Network. 2005-10-03.

^ Husted, Bill (2003-09-18). "Broncos cheerleader runs for crown". Denver Post. p. F.02.

^ "Contactā€…Us" . Archived from theā€…original on June 10, 2010 . Retrieved July 10, 2010 .

^ Lechman, William (1991-11-26). "Brandi Bryant wins Pageant". Rocky Mountain News.

^ "2010ā€…Mrsā€…America" . Archived from theā€…original on January 20, 2011 . Retrieved July 9, 2010 .

^ "Mrsā€…Americaā€…2010ā€…Results" . Mrs. America Pageant. Archived from theā€…original on September 14, 2010 . Retrieved September 10, 2010 .

^ Turner, Steve. "Coloradoā€…Missā€…Teenā€…hopefulā€…clearsā€…ageā€…hurdle" . Lakeland Ledger.

This page was last edited on 25 December 2020, at 22:34

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The Miss ColĀ­orado Teen USA comĀ­peĀ­tiĀ­tion is the pageant that seĀ­lects the repĀ­reĀ­senĀ­taĀ­tive for the state of ColĀ­orado in the Missā€…Teenā€…USA pageant. From 1993 to 2006, the Miss ColĀ­orado Teen USA state pageant was diĀ­rected by Carol HiĀ­rata and the CarlĀ­ton Group, based in BelĀ­lvue,ā€…ColĀ­orado . In 2007, it was taken over by FuĀ­ture ProĀ­ducĀ­tions, based in SavĀ­age,ā€…MinĀ­nesota , which also diĀ­rects pageants in Iowa , MinĀ­nesota , Northā€…Dakota , Southā€…Dakota , WisĀ­conĀ­sin and Wyoming . [1] The pageant have been held in LoveĀ­land , GreeĀ­ley and other cities. [1] [2]

One of ColĀ­orado's semi-fiĀ­nalĀ­ists was Katee Doland, a Triple Crown winĀ­ner. She is one of three Miss ColĀ­orado Teen USA tiĀ­tleĀ­holdĀ­ers to win the Missā€…ColĀ­oradoā€…USA crown. MorĀ­gan O'MurĀ­ray, Miss ColĀ­orado Teen USA 1999, also won the Miss ColĀ­orado state title for the Missā€…AmerĀ­ica pageant in 2000.

Yasaswini UpĀ­palaĀ­pĀ­ati of DenĀ­ver was crowned Miss ColĀ­orado Teen USA 2020 on OcĀ­toĀ­ber 27, 2019 at Unionā€…Colonyā€…Civicā€…CenĀ­ter in GreeĀ­ley. She repĀ­reĀ­sented ColĀ­orado for the title of Miss Teen USA 2020.

ColĀ­orado holds a record of 7 placeĀ­ments at Miss Teen USA.

1 Age at the time of the Miss Teen USA pageant

National Junior Olympic champion in inlineā€…speedā€…skating , [5] 1st runner up in Miss Teen America 2002

Later Missā€…Colorado 2002. Former Denver Broncos cheerleader.

Triple Crown winner, Later Missā€…Coloradoā€…USA 2001 and Missā€…Colorado 2003; [6] Former Denverā€…Broncos cheerleader; Current publicist for the Missā€…Colorado pageant and director of the Missā€…Colorado'sā€…Outstandingā€…Teen pageant under her married name, Katee Mink [7]

Later Mrs. Colorado America 2010 and Top 6 at Mrs.ā€…America 2011 under her married name, Shalon Polson. [9] [10]

Later Missā€…Coloradoā€…USA 1989 and top 10 at Miss USA 1989; winner of Miss Oktoberfest 1989

Came close to disqualification for being five days older than eligibility rules allowed but was allowed to compete. [11]

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Miss Teen Colorado Runner-Up
Crowning of Miss Colorado Teen USA 2019 - YouTube
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