Miss Nude Pageant

Miss Nude Pageant


Miss Nude Pageant
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INDIANAPOLIS -- The Miss and Mr. Nude Indiana Pageant, scheduled for Sunday at a West Side baseball park, should be stopped, Marion County Sheriff James L. Wells says.
Wells said Thursday his department will seek a temporary restraining order to stop the event.

He said the request will be based on a 1970 city ordinance that requires operators of an outdoor concert hall or theater which features 'performers' to obtain a city license.
'I don't like the idea that it's (the pageant) outside where there's a chance that children could see it,' Wells said.
Wells said he was concerned there will be traffic problems in the area.
The promoter of the event, Indianapolis businessman Harry W. Creely, immediately notified the City Controller's Office that he intends to apply for the $250 license.
The city's license administrator, however, said applications usually take two weeks to process.
Plans called for the contestants to wear 'pasties and panties' since public nudity is not permitted in Indiana.
About 60 women, selected in preliminary competition at night clubs, were expected to take part in the Miss Nude Indiana contest.
Creely, who expects more than 1,000 spectators at the event, said he was surprised at Wells' sudden intentions to stop a pageant that has been planned for months.

'Why we're being hit with this I don't know,' he said. 'I certainly would have no objection to paying a license fee if I had had some indication it was necessary.'
Creely said he was willing to construct an 8-foot-high wooden fence around the ballpark to prevent passersby from observing the competition.

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