Miss Good Bar

Miss Good Bar


Miss Good Bar

In the 1977 film “Looking for Mr. Goodbar,” Theresa Dunn is “a
young woman living in New York City [who] leads something of a
double life: by day she’s a devoted schoolteacher, but by night
she cruises singles bars” (IMDB). The movie was a cautionary tale
for single women coming of age in the Swinging 70s, when
recreational sex was no longer taboo, or for men only.
“Goodbar” is based on one of New York City’s most notorious
murders, that of 28-year-old Roseann Quinn. Quinn taught
hearing-impaired kids at St. Joseph’s School for Deaf Children in
the Bronx. She was a single woman living on New York's
still-sketchy Upper West Side. Shy and bookish by nature, she’d
spend many nights in the corner of a local bar, sipping wine and
reading books. Other times, she was more social, talking with
regulars and sometimes inviting men back to her apartment.
Neighbors said those assignations weren't always quiet, and some
speculated that she liked "rough sex."
Quinn grew up in a conservative, religious home in suburban New
Jersey. She moved to the Bronx in New York in 1966, and to a
studio apartment at 253 West 72nd St. in 1972. She spent a lot of
her spare time outside her cramped quarters, usually at
neighborhood bars.
On Monday, January 1st, 1973, no one could get her on the phone,
nor did she show up for work for the next two days, out of
character for the responsible teacher.
Her colleagues at St. Joseph’s became worried. On Wednesday,
January 3rd, the principal sent a teacher to Quinn’s apartment. He
knocked on the door, but got no response. After asking the
building’s superintendent to unlock the door, they found Quinn’s
body lying across her fold-out bed. She had been stabbed 18 times,
6 in the neck and 12 in the stomach. A red candle had been thrust
into her vagina, and a statue lay across her face. A blue
bathrobe, which had to be placed there by the killer, covered her
The cops had little to work with. They found no fingerprints in
the apartment or elevator, and building residents said they didn't
see or hear anything unusual. DNA analysis was decades away. That
left the cops canvassing the neighborhood. One stop was the Copper
Hatch, a bar next to Quinn’s building. The staff said that Quinn
was a regular there, coming in two or more nights a week. They
said she came in early on the morning of Tuesday, January 2nd,
with several people from a bar across the street, W.M. Tweed’s.
Over at Tweed's the bar's owner, Steve Resnick, said that Quinn
was well-known there, too. In fact, he and Quinn had become
friends over the 7 years he’d known her. Resnick said that Quinn
always carried a book with her, and sometimes she’d order a glass
of wine and read in a corner. Other nights, she'd order a Johnny
Walker Red and mingle with other patrons.
Resnick said that Quinn had come into the bar at 9 or 10 the
night of January 1st, and left with a group of people about 1 a.m.
to go to the Copper Hatch. He also said that, despite Tweed’s
being full of its usual customers, “there was one guy I didn’t
know.” Resnick said that he saw Quinn talking to the stranger at
the bar, and suggested the cops talk to the bartender.
The bartender reported that there were actually two unfamiliar
guys in the bar that night, “nice guys, normal. Regular. Quiet,”
he said. One of them left soon after the pair arrived. The other
told the bartender that his name was Charlie Smith, and that he
was in New York from Chicago, looking for work. When the cops
asked the bartender to describe Smith, he said he was blond, big,
and good-looking.
The police interviewed another Tweed regular who got into
conversation with Smith, a barfly who earned money drawing
caricatures. He said that Smith had an accent, “like out west,”
and that he drew two pictures for Smith, one of Mickey Mouse, the
other of Donald Duck. That was the break the cops had been looking
for—both drawings had been found in Quinn’s apartment. Either
Smith had given the drawings to Quinn, or he’d been in her
apartment and left them there. Either way, the two had gotten to
know each other during the course of the night.
Over time, the cops would learn that the two strangers were Geary
Guest and John Wayne Wilson, a.k.a. Charlie Smith. Guest was a gay
42-year-old executive in charge of finance at an advertising
agency, and Wilson was a 23-year-old drifter and hustler from
Illinois, in New York to escape a minor rap in Florida. The two
men met in 1970 in Times Square, where they cruised each other,
had a drink, and then headed to Guest’s apartment on 69th St.,
three blocks south of Tweed’s. By the time of Quinn’s murder three
years later, their relationship had morphed into one of
simple friendship.
The night of the murder, Guest and Wilson ate dinner a few blocks
from Tweed’s and, as they passed the bar on the way home, decided
to go in for a drink. Not long after, Guest grew bored and left,
while Wilson stayed behind.
As Wilson later told Guest, they smoked some weed, made out, and
started having sex. But Wilson was too drunk to perform, and Quinn
insulted him. Wilson became enraged and killed her.
Afterward, he took a shower, put his clothes back on, and wiped
the apartment down using Quinn’s white nylon slip. He even wiped
down the elevator as he left the building.
Wilson then went to Guest’s apartment and told him what happened,
Guest was shocked, but didn’t call the police, and Wilson went to
bed. The next afternoon, Guest gave Wilson money to leave town.
Over the next few days, Guest and Wilson kept in touch by phone.
Wilson’s first stop was Miami, to see his pregnant wife, and then
he flew to his brother’s house in Springfield, IL.
Meanwhile, the cops couldn’t get a bead on “Charlie Smith.” In
desperation, they released a sketch to the newspapers that
appeared on Sunday, January 6th, four days after the murder. Guest
saw the sketch and started to worry that it resembled him and that
he might be implicated in the murder. He called his lawyer and
told him everything. The lawyer advised Guest to go to the
The next day, Guest's lawyer cut a deal for immunity with the
Manhattan Assistant District Attorney. Later that day, Guest met
with the case detectives to tell them what he knew. Afterward, the
detectives tapped Guest’s phone. The next time Wilson called,
Guest got him to confirm that he was at his brother’s house. The
following morning, detectives knocked on the brother’s door.
Wilson looked up from the couch and said, simply, “Let me put on
my shoes.”
The detectives flew Wilson back to NY to face charges. On May
5th, while being held for trial, Wilson hung himself in his cell
using bed sheets.


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