Mischievous Daughter Gets Muff Munched By Mommy

Mischievous Daughter Gets Muff Munched By Mommy


Mischievous Daughter Gets Muff Munched By Mommy
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THINK you are close to your mum? A mother and daughter duo have revealed they regularly give each other full Brazilian waxes in their very tight-knit relationship. 
Karla and Rykia, from Alabama, are one of six sets of mums and daughters starring in the third series of TLC reality series sMothered, airing on May 31.
The new line-up has six new members, as well as six returning stars from previous seasons.
The trailer has been released and looks as over-the-top as ever, with one mum revealing she artificially inseminates her daughter and another saying she shares underwear with hers.
But is there such a thing as being too close?!
Here are the mums and daughters who claim their bond has no boundaries….
It doesn’t get much closer than giving each other Brazilian waxes, like Karla and her daughter Rykia.
In the new clip, Rykia says: “My mother and I have been waxing each other for quite some time now.”
In one scene, Karla can be seen on all fours, while her dedicated daughter waxes her behind until it is as “smooth as a baby.”
Karla says of her daughter: “She's the first person I see when I wake up and the person I see when I lay down.”
Mum and daughter duo Amy and Carina, from Hawaii, have joint showers, sleep in the same bed and even swap underwear.
In the trailer, a producer can be heard asking: “Can you tell whose underwear it is by a sniff test?” to which Carina says “no”, but Amy replies “yes”.
The pair are so close they think they knew each other in a past life, and are bonded over their love of animals, having 11 pets, including two Great Danes and eight ducks.  
Amy says: “My life without my daughter would be like taking all of the colors out of a rainbow.”
Lisa and Lauren are so close they FaceTime when they take baths, have sleepovers and wax each other moustaches. 
In fact, they act more like sisters than mother and daughter. 
Lauren says of mum Lisa: “I was put on this Earth for her, and she was put on this Earth for me.”
Lauren is married to Laura Leigh, who even jokes that she is “married into a polygamous relationship. I'm married to you and your mother.”
Lauren and Laura have been trying to conceive for two years, and Lauren reveals that she wants her mum to artificially inseminate her at home - to the frustration of Laura.
Lisa says: “I gave her life, so now I get to put it inside of her.”
Lauren later admits to Laura: “I laid on the bed and mum inseminated me,” to which her wife hits back: “That's freaking weird! I feel like a third wheel in our marriage.”
One of the returning pairs is Sunhe and her daughter Angelica - who say they are closer than ever. 
Angelica admits that her mum has put a strain on her relationship with fiance Jason, but says: “No one means more to me than my mum.”
Tensions rise as Sunhe is invited to live with the couple when they are engaged and expecting a baby, but she refuses to move out.
A frustrated Jason says: “I invited Sunhe to move in with us for a little while. I didn't mean forever.”
When Jason asks Angelica if she is getting cold feet about their upcoming wedding, Sunhe answers for her saying: “We'll have a discussion and let you know.”
Fans of the show may recall Dawn and Cher who look and dress alike.
In the new trailer, Cher gushes: “My mom's my twin, like we're the same.”
The pandemic separated Dawn from her beloved daughter and granddaughter Bella, but they were later able to reunite in Florida and are closer than ever.
Dawn even tries a “breast milk facial”, courtesy of her lactating daughter. 
When Cher plans to relocate permanently to Florida with husband Jared, Cher comes up with a plan to convince them to stay. 
Another returning pair are Italian duo Kathy and Cristina from Chicago who do “literally everything together” to the annoyance of Cristina’s husband Carlo.
In this series mum Kathy is unhappy at Cristina pulling away with the opening of her and Carlo’s new family pizzeria. 
In one scene, Kathy yells at her daughter: “Everything I try to do, nothing ever makes you happy!”
Previously, a mum and daughter, 19, still shower together because it’s the ‘best way’ to start their day – and they share a bed too.
In other parenting news, this mum, 64, say people can't tell her apart from her daughter, 35.
And 27-year-old mum-of-six announces she's pregnant with twins – after having tubes tied then reversed because she was desperate for more kids.
I’m a Hooters girl - I’m so upset about the new uniform shorts change
I have big boobs & love the corset trend - but designers need to do better
I’m a cleaning fanatic and have an easy way to banish dust completely
You've been using your Air Fryer wrong & it's why it's such a nightmare to clean

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I walked into my son’s school a few weeks ago to pick him up. He was sitting with all his friends waiting for me by the door and immediately got up when he saw me coming. Clearly, he didn’t want me coming anywhere near his friends. I got the feeling he didn’t want anyone to know he was with me. I was right.
As he got closer, he whispered, “Mom, why do you have to dress like that? Everyone stares at you.”
“No they don’t. They are probably staring at you because you are so handsome,” I told him.
“I blend in. They aren’t staring at me. They are looking at you. Why do you have to wear dresses and high heels?” For the record, I was wearing the outfit below. The nerve, right?
I decided I wanted to try something with my teenage son that day. I asked him if he wanted to dress me for a little while. I told him he could pick out my outfits and I would wear whatever he wanted me to wear as long as he had an open mind and would listen to a few things I had to say about people and the way they choose to dress, so that’s what we did.
I wanted to talk to him more about the subject and why he was feeling the way he was. And by having him choose my clothes for a while I would better understand why he wanted me to wear certain things, and maybe he would understand why I like to dress the way I do and that, really, it shouldn’t affect him as much as it does.
This was his choice for the first day. He picked out a very casual, sporty outfit, and I loved it.
While I dress like this about half the time and like this look, it doesn’t always suit me. Sometimes I feel like dressing up more, so I do. When I asked my son why he picked this out, he said because I “blended in and didn’t look out of place.” In his mind, when I dress up, I look like I don’t belong. If he only knew how many women I saw throughout the day wearing suits and heels maybe he would have a different opinion.
Regardless, I told him nobody should be judged based on how they dress — not even your very embarrassing mother . Most people wear what they are comfortable in, what makes them feel good. It doesn’t matter where it came from because this isn’t how we judge others. We focus on how they make us feel, if they are kind, how they treat people. I told him judging people for what they wear is very transparent, and he will be missing out on a lot in life if he is going to focus on making friends because of what they wear, what they have, or what they look like.
If he is comfortable dressing in a way that makes him feel like he blends in, I think that is great. However, I want him to have the inner confidence to step out of the box if he wants. If he feels like wearing something, even though none of his peers are, I want him to feel like he can.
I also let him know what someone puts on their body isn’t an invitation, for him or anyone else, ever. And he should always take heed on how he looks at people, especially women. There is a way to look at a woman without staring or gawking. No matter how you see her, she deserves respect. I don’t care what she’s wearing.
I also want my son to realize just because I am a mother it doesn’t mean I have to dress a certain way. I loved the outfits he picked for me, and dress like that on my own accord often. But I also love wearing dresses, heels, skinny jeans, and trying out new trends because that is who I am, and who I was long before I became his mother. It’s not my intention to embarrass him. It is my intention to be myself, and him making comments or telling me he doesn’t want to go anywhere with me because of the way I dress is hurtful (as normal as it is).
A few days ago, I discussed these “lessons” I was trying to teach him with a friend and she told me he would “take all these lessons and bake them into a gentleman pie.” I really hope she is right.

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Lots of parents have rules about when their kids can start dating and how those same kids are allowed to use or not use social media . And of course, kids do anything in their power to break those rules.
Breaking rules has consequences if you're caught and one father in Louisville, Kentucky, got creative with punishment when he caught his 5th grader posing on social media as a teenager and with a boyfriend.
Jones' daughter was forced to age herself with a t-shirt that says she's just 10, a cartoon backpack, pink sneakers and little girl barrettes.
In the caption of the photos which were posted on Facebook, Jones explains that his daughter created several social media accounts pretending to be years older than she is and was dating an older boy -- two things her father says are clearly against the rules.
So far, over 250,000 people have liked the post and it's been shared almost 90,000 times. Many people are commenting on the photos in support of the father, but some are concerned it might be too embarrassing for a young girl to handle. More on AOL: Halloween light show back on after police shut it down Star player baffles coach, makes teammate's dream come true Teresa Giudice reportedly spends $10K on 13-year-old daughter's music video

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