Mirena Falling Out

Mirena Falling Out


Mirena Falling Out

May 5, 2020 April 23, 2020 by Forrest Webber
Cassy says: November 3, 2009 at 11:59 am I had Mirena removed 10/15/09, and I have not stopped bleeding and get heavy gushes and clotting daily and I’ve contemplated on going to the hospital several times. I’m relieved to hear that there are others experiencing this but can someone tell me how long this will last? I can’t take it anymore, I’m scared to leave my house knowing that I could gush at any moment. Luckily the cramping has stopped, it was really bad the first week but the bleeding is INSANE!!!
Sola says: October 12, 2010 at 11:39 am Three months later, I almost recovered from my Mirena removal. After the removal, I bled 13 days straight, with clots like the baseball ball, used night pads, adult diaper, and mostly stayed home. Three weeks later, I ended up in an emergency room. I told the doctor there, that I must be going crazy. I was very cold, shaky (no fever), had a migraine for five days after bleeding stopped, at night suffered from leg cramps and restless leg syndrome. Also, I was awakened many times from numb hands, and like I was shocked in my chest area. It was scary! My anemia was near the point that required a blood transfusion. After three days of iron pills and multivitamins, my migraine was gone. Since I could not tolerate iron pills and refused to have an ablation or hysterectomy, I found a holistic medicine doctor, who takes care of the body as a whole (not just symptoms) and monitors me closely. My hemoglobin lever is almost normal, three months later. Heaving IUD and post-removal time was the most frustrating and terrifying time of my life. I will be very cautious with everything that goes into my body. Ladies, be your own health advocate and do as much research about medicine or devices as you have access on !!!!
Shannon says: November 9, 2011 at 12:19 pm I had mine out October 19th and started my period on the 22nd and bled for 10 days straight. My hubby and I are also trying to conceive. Started my period again on the 6th (only had a few days rest in between) and right now as we speak I feel like I need to go to the hospital. This is the worst pain I have ever experienced in my entire life. I have gushes of blood and it comes on so unexpected and my left ovary feels like it’s going to burst. Tylenol IB profen, Midol, nothing works. This pain will not go away. I have blood clots the size of quarters every time I go to the restroom. I don’t know what to do I can’t take this anymore it’s so painful!
Morgan says: January 18, 2012 at 2:05 pm I had mine removed January 10th, I had my period right before so I have bled for 15 days. Of course, after it was removed I bled the most. No one told me about a Mirena Crash, but I decided to look it up because I have had a huge overwhelming feeling of blah! I feel nothing and everything. I want to cry but I don’t cry. I want to do things with my family and go places then I just sit in the same spot in my robe and do nothing. I have never felt so lifeless. It sucks! My doctor told me that I should take prenatal pills for 3 months and I should feel better. Level out the hormones. Some moments are better than others. We shall see.
Kirsty says: January 22, 2012 at 9:03 pm There’s actually a pill your gyno can give you that can make your regular period come back. My doctor recommended I come back and see him in his office if I had that problem 🙂 Good luck trying to conceive that’s so exciting!
Janis says: December 26, 2011 at 12:56 pm Hi, I have been searching online for answers to try and calm my anxiety. I had the Mirena removed last week and feeling very anxious. The reason I had my Mirena removed is that I started losing my hair which has been devastating. Everyone has been telling me it is stress and premenopausal but then I put two and two together and thought it could be the Mirena. Thinking back I started asking the hairdresser about the hair thinning maybe 2 months after I put it in. I know there is no hard evidence this is what the problem is but I’m taking a chance by taking it out. My question is, did you see any hair growth after taking it out?
Chtistina says: January 26, 2012 at 8:12 am Wow, this is all so horrifying. I am at that 5-year mark myself and getting more scared by the day. All of these stories are helpful, as far as preparation, but it doesn’t help my mental state much. I too have been losing my hair for the last five years, and reading this is what just made me realize it could be Mirena. I have not had a great 5 years with this thing in me, but it did do its job, I can say that much. I have had really bad cramps, some times even to the point of incapacitation. I can’t move or do anything, just lay on the couch for 2 hours till the pain goes away. Sometimes my period is really heavy and goes for a week, and sometimes it’s very light, and only lasts 2-3 days. I even went one month without, that was scary because I thought I might have an ectopic pregnancy. Turned out to be nothing. I am worried about how my body’s gonna take the removal now. I also can’t help but notice how many of us Mirena users suffer from Anemia… coincidence?
Kirsty says: January 22, 2012 at 9:25 pm My doctor said it can take up to 3-4 months to get my regular period back, but he also said that within that time frame if I didn’t get it back to normal to go and see him in his office and he would give me a pill that would get it back to normal. He said it was something similar to birth control. Hope my answer helped
ebony says: January 28, 2012 at 11:36 am I had my Mirena removed two weeks ago. I having experience horrible migraines appetite loss and extreme fatigue. In Sept 2009 out Jan 2012
Kaya says: June 18, 2011 at 4:40 am I had the Mirena for a year and four months. I honestly can say I have been unsure if it was a help to me or just a headache because though you all are experiencing similar Things as in hair loss and things I Juss spot from time to time I’m very moody. I gain weight but not as much and I want to gain a little of something because I’m very small. I get margins and sever sharp pain in my stomach. However, when I spoke to my physician she told me its normal. I’m confused about what to do. Leave it in or remove it.
Foluke says: November 18, 2010 at 3:25 am I fixed my Mirena in June 2009. Prior to this I always had fantastic skin. Exactly 6 months after insertion, I stopped getting my periods, and I started to get one acne a day. I really didn’t take too much notice of this because each of these acne disappeared only to be replaced by another. As of July, I started to realize this was no ordinary acne I was dealing with, this was something way serious. Bottomline, my face is horrific! I finally realized what the problem was and confirmed my worst fear! It was Mirena!!! Well, I finally took it out after I started getting yeast infections that never went away (the infection would disappear or 2 days and come back with full force!) This went on for 2 full months. Finally, I took it out exactly one month ago October 16, 2010. I am yet to recover from the acne, in fact, it’s gotten much worse! I am unable to find info on the internet about how long it took for peoples’ acne to disappear after acne removal. Can anyone please supply this info. My doctor mentioned that it does take a while for the hormones to be dispelled, but how long are we talking about? 6 months? 1 year? It’s unbearable, and I struggle to put up a bold face as it doesn’t affect me, but it does. I have these big pimples all over both cheeks, even my 5-year-old son, said “Mum, why do you have all these strange things on your face?” Could I answer him? Not really. Someone, please help, I need some kind of time-line to look forward to. Thanks, everyone.
Shannon says: November 29, 2010 at 12:45 pm My experiences with Mirena have been somewhat similar to a lot of the testimonies I’ve read so far. Unfortunately I too have gone through the hair loss, the unstable emotional roller coaster, weight gain of about 10 to 15 lbs, very low libido and lack of energy. I’ve not had mine removed yet, but I’m scheduled to go this week. I realize it will be a while before my body gets back to normal, but the outcome of removing this IUD has to be better than keeping it at this point. For me I can say the only upside from getting the Mirena was lighter periods and less cramping.
tasha says: December 21, 2010 at 12:44 am I’m, not the only one going through this. I got my Mirena two months ago and the last month I’ve been having mood swings like nobody’s business, first I was irritable to just depressed. And I’ve also been sooo tired where I don’t even want to get out of bed.But has anybody had any chest pains from it? they’re starting to come on more frequently.(at least once a day to two days apart) I’m going to talk to my doctor about it when I go in for my suns nine-month visit.
jjdesiere says: November 30, 2010 at 3:45 pm I am in the same exact boat. I had the Mirena put in exactly 6 months ago and the last 3 months my acne has gotten much worse. I just went to the dermatologist after realizing it was from the Mirena to see if I could still have it in and take care of the acne. He prescribed me a blood pressure med that makes me feel sick and drowsy so I talked to a doc today and they said the male hormone is causing acne and you will never get better if you don’t resolve the problem not just cover it up with another drug. So I called today to get the Mirena taken OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I never would have done this if they told me it could cause acne one of the most painful ugly acne, not just a pimple and PLEASE I am 30 should not be dealing with acne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! n @ more days the Mirena is gone I pray for my body to go back to normal QUICK!!!!
Raquel LV says: December 19, 2010 at 11:52 pm The acne may also be coming from unstable hormones altogether. You need to do a total detox. The best way to do this is to get some Kangen Water. It has a very alkaline 8.0 to 9.5 ph. Drinking it makes your body less acidic. Also get the other waters. 2.5 and 5.5 beauty water. Do a google search and try to find someone near you who has it. Otherwise contact me at cheerio7458@yahoo and ” mailto: cheerio7458@yahoo and”> cheerio7458@yahoo and”> cheerio7458@yahoo and I can help. This has helped my skin greatly. I also removed the Mirena because of pain REALLY REALLY bad pain and went to ER and everything. I am hoping not to crash but am also having my hair fall out. Try the water it really helps!!!!
Crystal says: August 23, 2011 at 3:39 pm Can anyone tell me if the acne, mood swings, and WEIGHT GAIN went away after removal? I want mine out, I am starting to feel like a complete nut case (a fat bumpy faced nutcase). Please someone post if these things went away.
Paulie says: October 24, 2011 at 8:58 am Crystal It all goes away almost instantly. Then it will kinda come back but not near as bad. I simply feel lighter and way more normal. However yesterday my breasts got extremely sore, almost like I am pregnant, but that is not likely. I got my IUD removed 1 month ago. The acne is most definitely better
Tiffany says: November 12, 2011 at 10:48 am I had my Mirena taken out 11/8/11 after 3 1/2 years. These postings made me a bit nervous. I’m sorry that so many women have had problems with the Mirena. Ths only problem I had with the Mirena was low libido and possible weight gain (might be lack of exercise). I decided to take if out b/c I didn’t want to not have a period. The Mirena crash is so real for 3 days I was every negative emotion in the book. My libido is up already after the crash and I have light bleeding. It has only been 4 days but so far all is well.
Heather says: June 6, 2011 at 9:33 am Hey. I just had my Mirena removed on Wed. It was a quick lil pain.. and then over.. I blinked and it was over.. don’t be afraid to get it removed- call ur Dr… Do it now.. before it causes more problems… Goodluck!
gayle says: June 15, 2011 at 2:56 am I only lasted 3 months with Mirena. I had it removed today, Anxiety, unbearable monthly cramps that went on forever, and recently I’ve been developing wicked bruises all over my body. I feel so relieved to have it gone.
Ashley says: December 2, 2010 at 12:01 pm I have had the IUD in place for a little over a year. I am so miserable most days that I could just cry. Not to mention ruining my life. The emotional roller coaster for me is taking a toll on my son and the rest of my family. They wonder if I’m going crazy. I feel bad every day because I treat my son and boyfriend like crap. I’m sorry that all of you have to go through it too, but I’m sure glad I’m not the only one. Sharing your stories has helped me make up my mind to get this stupid IUD out. I hope one day I will feel better and my family will be able to forgive me. Other symptoms include Cramping, bad acne, extremely low libido to the point where I don’t want to be touched at all…..but really I want to have the libido back!! I get my IUD taken out 12/17.2010. And I can’t wait.
Jeanne says: December 3, 2010 at 1:15 pm Last night I had a moment of clarity! I had/have reached the bottom of the psychological barrel. After six months of PURE emotional craziness, I was going to declare that I needed to be admitted into the hospital. My kids have witnessed me having a meltdown, my husband a couple of times, and I had one at work and feel as if my job is now at risk. Six months ago I was hit with a terrible case of depression. I took a week off of work and sought daily help so that I could function. After a day-long test, it was determined that I have major depression (bipolar), ADD, and an anxiety disorder that morphs itself into OCD (I am fixated on negative thoughts and cannot control or stop them). Antidepressants don’t help, they just make me feel worse! I’ve never had this happen and I’ve been living a nightmare and could not foresee a way out. That is until I decided to do research on possible side effects of Mirena. HOLY COW!!! I haven’t felt this happy in months! SO MANY WOMEN FEEL THE SAME WAY!! All of the symptoms many describe are exactly the same ones that led the shrinks to believe I have each of the disorders listed above – feelings of pure emptiness, trouble concentrating, anxiety attacks, and continuous negative thoughts that I cannot stop or control. It has been just over a year since I got Mirena – and now I am making an appt to get this out of me. I was a fun-loving easy-going woman a year ago and I’ve turned into this lunatic that feels like she’s in a box with no way out! Thank you, ladies, for saving my life! I don’t care about the “crash” – can’t be any worse than what I’ve been going through!
Gina says: December 10, 2010 at 8:22 am Thank you! I can’t say much more than that right now. I’m sitting here, reading all this, and just crying. I’m so happy that I’m not crazy. I AM sorry that it took me so long to make the connection. Since my daughter was born six years ago I’ve been depressed, figured it was postpartum, and have been on just about every antidepressant out there (all of which did a great job at numbing me for a while, but the long term never really helped). I never made the connection – I had my IUD put in a few months after my daughter was born, and that’s when the nightmare began. I don’t want to look back, I just want this thing out. My husband has been saying for years how “he wants me back” all the time thinking it was the antidepressants causing the changes in me. I weaned myself off the anti-depressants over the last month and I think I’m finally experiencing the true side effects of the Mirena (I’m ready to have myself committed). I’m calling my doctor this morning and look forward to a happier life without Mirena. Thank you soooooo much for sharing your story!
M says: February 8, 2011 at 4:13 pm Holy crap! You just described me in a nutshell in this sentence: I was a fun-loving easy-going woman a year ago and I’ve turned into this lunatic that feels like she’s in a box with no way out! That’s me. I thought I could ride this out and honestly don’t have some of the symptoms others do but I have started to get migraine-type headaches, much more emotional but the worst part is how moody I have been. I can’t afford to have another kid and hated to be on the pill but I will go back to that so that I don’t have to deal with these headaches, the mood swings, and the crazy emotional wreck I feel like I have been lately. Thanks, everyone. I have an appointment for Friday to, I hope, get it out OR get a referral to an OB to get it out.
Elizabeth says: August 16, 2011 at 8:32 pm I had a Mirena in 2004, primarily to control my periods which at the time were lasting for up to a month and extremely heavy. I was not happy to control them with the pill as it sent my moods CRAZY. My doctor explained to me that because the Mirena is delivering hormones directly to the uterus the hormones would not have to pass through my whole system and would therefore not affect my moods as the pill did. In my case she was right, it was a dream once it was in, with my periods reduced to virtually nothing for 7 years. Looking back I did lose a lot of hair some years ago which confused me at the time but now I see that it was probably Mirena. However, the hair loss stopped and all grew back whilst the Mirena was still in! I had no weight gain or acne problems with it either. I had the Mirena taken out 4 weeks ago, and experienced moderate bleeding for about 10 days. No mood problems at all. I am still experiencing mild headaches, which is what brought me to this site, as I now realize its probably a side effect of ‘the crash’. While I had it in I was happy to recommend it to others, and in fact, I still would.
Sarah says: November 22, 2011 at 8:47 am My experience was much like yours, I loved the Mirena, didn’t have huge problems with it, my libido was great, etc. However, I was on antidepressants before I even had the Mirena in. The only negative side effect I had, which I didn’t realize was due to the Mirena until much later is FACIAL HAIR. I started getting coarse, dark hairs on and under my chin, on my neck and sideburns…which I’d pluck daily, at least 30 a day. Ugh. I had the Mirena out about 2 wks ago and am still plucking, but hoping that it’ll go away once the hormones are completely out of my system. Today I was a bit freaked out though…I had a leep procedure done the same time I had my Mirena removed, and this morn when I woke up I had to run to the toilet because of the gush of blood, and then I passed a large clot. After reading online it could be from either the leep or Mirena removal, not sure, but I’m going to monitor closely to make sure I’m ok. I haven’t had any other issues though, no headaches or anything.
Lisa says: November 3, 2009 at 7:03 pm Shocked at reading all of these reports & afraid to say I have suffered most of the above too.. I’m sure it may work for some, as yes we are all different, but listen to your body… it does tell you something after all. Can’t believe I’ve had the Mirena twice now (having the 1st removed as was having pain in my hip area & wanted to remove all possible causes..) Again the first few months have been pretty good.. but yes have had day after day of feeling somehow just -anyhow- almost hard to put my finger on just what is wrong…. I’ve gone from a gym loving energetic woman to a sluggish heavy mumsy looking middle-aged blob.. I could stay in bed almost every day, can’t be bothered with anything, nothing really excites me, it’s terrible. Booking to have mine removed first thing tomo, bring on the crash! As when you hit bottom the good news is… there is only one way left to go! UP!! sick of big sore boil like spots on my face, back & chest.. fed up with severe headaches & no energy. Thanks to all on here that have left
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