MinovoSB Changelog

MinovoSB Changelog


* Fixed ram lag crash in previous version!!! (Smooth as miui 9 :P )

-Now all mod settings apply instantly!

-Improve the translation again.

- Vietnameseization 96.69%.

-Added mods:

Status bar:
+ Clock options and clock size.
+ Notification icon size.
+ 2 line network speed.
+Hide/Show some items on the status bar.
+Color and font of items on control center
+ Notification color on light and dark mode.
+ Customize the border size and notification level.
+ Border color and notification background.
+Color all status bar items light and dark mode.
+Option to show 2g(E)/3g/H+/4g(LTE).
Miui home:
+ Grid options up to 7x8.
+ Swipe up and double tap gestures.
+ Blur when opening folder.
+ Endless scrolling screen.
+Hide the app name.
+Optional icon name: 1 line, 2 lines, run text.
+Color and size of the app name.
+Color all items when calling.

+Increase the number of notification items on the lock screen to 7.
+ Fingerprint unlock after reboot.
+ Vibration when unlocking.
+Lock screen clock color.
+Optional new interface old sound bar and boot menu.
+ Replace the kernel for smoother games and tasks.
+ More zram (4gb).
+ Unlock 60fps screen recording.
+Add Mixporler, Youtube vanced, Pufinweb premium v999...
+Add masik sound pack.
+ Fix icon, font, camera...
+And many more...

- All mods default color is black, please go to settings to adjust all!!!
-Rom does not have root available if you want to root flash add magisk 20.4 or higher.
-Format data for the smoothest experience!!!

➤ Themes - @Redmi_Themes
➤ Group - @RN7MiuiSupport
➤ Channel - @RN7Miui

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